コード例 #1
ファイル: test_two_spins.py プロジェクト: hyatt03/LaSSi
    def test_exchange_frequence_as_deviation_angle(self):
        deviation_angles = np.array(list(range(30, 45, 5))) * np.pi / 180

        for idx, d_angle in enumerate(deviation_angles):
            # Start by setting the initial position of the spins
            r, theta1, phi1 = to_sph([np.cos(d_angle), np.sin(d_angle), 0])
            r, theta2, phi2 = to_sph([-np.cos(d_angle), np.sin(d_angle), 0])

            self.sim.particles.atoms[0].set_position(theta1, phi1)
            self.sim.particles.atoms[1].set_position(theta2, phi2)

            # Next run the simulation

            # Run the transformation
            self.sim.run_transformations(np.array([0, 0, 0]))

            # max_value_xx = max(self.sim.transformtables['[0 0 0]'].cols.I_xx)
            # max_value_yy = max(self.sim.transformtables['[0 0 0]'].cols.I_yy)
            # max_value_zz = max(self.sim.transformtables['[0 0 0]'].cols.I_zz)
            # for row in self.sim.transformtables['[0 0 0]'].where('I_xx == {}'.format(max_value_xx)):
            #     print('I_xx', max_value_xx, ', d_theta =', d_angle, ', E = ', row['energy'])
            # for row in self.sim.transformtables['[0 0 0]'].where('I_yy == {}'.format(max_value_yy)):
            #     print('I_yy', max_value_yy, ', d_theta =', d_angle, ', E = ', row['energy'])
            # for row in self.sim.transformtables['[0 0 0]'].where('I_zz == {}'.format(max_value_zz)):
            #     print('I_zz', max_value_yy, ', d_theta =', d_angle, ', E = ', row['energy'])

            self.sim.plot_energies('data/two_spins_test/t_two_spin_E_{}_' +
                                   str(d_angle) + '.png')
            # self.sim.plot_spins_xyz('data/two_spins_test/two_spins_xyz_{}.png'.format(d_angle))

            # Reset the simulation for the next angle
            self.sim.datafile = None
            self.sim.transformfile = None
            self.sim.transformtables = {}

            # If were not just debugging we want to delete the datafile
            if not self.sim.options['debug']:

        # Plot the expected along with the actual energies
        if self.sim.options['debug']:
            plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4), tight_layout=True)
            plt.plot(deviation_angles, expected_energies, label='Expected')
            plt.plot(deviation_angles, top_energies_z1, '.', label='Numerical')
            plt.xlabel('Angle [Degrees]', fontsize=10)
            plt.ylabel('Resonance energy [meV]', fontsize=10)
            plt.legend(prop={'size': 10})
            plt.savefig('resonance_of_angle_two_spins.png', dpi=300)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_three_spin.py プロジェクト: hyatt03/LaSSi
    def setUp(self):
        # Create temporary folder for data files
        self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
        self.tmpdir = 'data/three_spins_test'

        dt, n = calculate_dt_and_n(0.01, 10)
        n = int(n)
        J = - 172

        print(dt, n)

        # Initialize a simulation
        self.sim = BaseSimulation()
        # Configure the simulation
        self.sim.options['simulation_name'] = 'TestThreeSpins'
        self.sim.options['input_file'] = 'tests/molecules/three_spins_triangle.pdb'
        self.sim.options['spin'] = 7 / 2
        self.sim.options['l'] = l = 5e-4
        self.sim.options['dt'] = dt = 1e-14
        self.sim.options['J'] = J * self.sim.constants['k_b']
        self.sim.options['T'] = T = .05
        self.sim.options['B'] = [0., 0., 0.]
        self.sim.options['debug'] = True
        self.sim.options['data_file'] = self.tmpdir + f'/data_ad_bs_ks5_B0.1_dt{dt}_T{T}_l{l}_J{J}_60_deg.h5'
        self.sim.options['data_file'] = self.tmpdir + f'/data_dt4.1356673300000004e-16_T0.05_l5e-05_n999999.95_J-710.h5'
        self.sim.options['data_file'] = self.tmpdir + f'/data_dt1e-15_T0.05.h5'
        self.sim.options['transform_file'] = self.tmpdir + f'/transforms_final2.h5'
        self.sim.options['integrator'] = 'ad_bs'


        # Start by setting the initial position of the spins
        d_angle = 12 * np.pi / 180
        r, theta1, phi1 = to_sph([np.sin(d_angle), np.cos(d_angle), np.cos(d_angle)])
        r, theta2, phi2 = to_sph([np.sin(-d_angle), np.cos(d_angle), np.cos(d_angle)])
        r, theta3, phi3 = to_sph([np.sin(d_angle), np.cos(-d_angle), np.cos(-d_angle)])
        self.sim.particles.atoms[0].set_position(theta1, phi1)
        self.sim.particles.atoms[1].set_position(theta2, phi2)
        self.sim.particles.atoms[2].set_position(theta3, phi3)

        print([-np.sin(d_angle), np.cos(d_angle), np.cos(d_angle)])
        print([np.sin(-d_angle), -np.cos(d_angle), -np.cos(d_angle)])
        print([np.sin(d_angle), np.cos(-d_angle), np.cos(-d_angle)])

        # Get the data loaded

        # restore to last position
        for p in range(0, 3):
            r, theta, phi = to_sph([
            self.sim.particles.atoms[p].set_position(theta, phi)

        # self.sim.run_anneal(2**18)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Particle.py プロジェクト: hyatt03/LaSSi
    def __init__(self, id, atom, N, neighbours, options, constants):
        self.id = id
        self.N = N
        self.B_eff = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype='float')
        self.B_eff_sph = 0., 0., 0.
        self.options = options
        self.constants = constants
        self.neighbours = neighbours
        self.lattice_position = atom.position

        r, theta, phi = to_sph(self.lattice_position)

        # Find initial position (just start with the lattice position)
        # Set r = 1 as we work with a unit vector representing the spin
        self.r = 1
        self.theta = theta
        self.phi = phi

        # We use cartesian when calculating the effective B-field
        self.pos = to_cart([self.r, self.theta, self.phi])

        # We calculate a constant once, so we don't have to do it for each iteration
        self.b_eff_p = -2 * options['J'] * options['spin'] / (
            constants['g'] * constants['mu_b'])

        # We set the previous steps for use with Adams Bashforth integration
        self.sphi4, self.sphi3, self.sphi2, self.sphi1 = None, None, None, None
        self.stheta4, self.stheta3, self.stheta2, self.stheta1 = None, None, None, None
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_q_transforms.py プロジェクト: hyatt03/LaSSi
def map_function(params):
    sim = BaseSimulation()
    sim.options = params["sim"].options

    # Calculate positions of atoms
    positions = []
    for i in range(params['n']):
        positions.append([params['d'] + i * params['d'], 0.0001, 0.0001])

    # Create the atoms and load them into the simulation
    chain = Atoms('Gd' + str(params['n']), positions=positions)

    # Grab parameters from the dictionary
    q_m = params['q_m']
    c, o = params['c'], params['o']

    # Calculate the scattering vector
    q = q_m * 2 * np.pi / params['n']
    q_vec = np.array([q, 0., 0.])

    # Calculate dt and N from expected energy
    max_expected_energy = 4. * params['J'] * k_b_meV * o['spin']

    dt, N = calculate_dt_and_n(max_expected_energy * 0.01, max_expected_energy)
    print(max_expected_energy, dt, N)

    # Set relevant parameters on the sim
    params["N"] = N = N
    sim.options['dt'] = dt = dt
    sim.options['data_file'] = params[
        "tmpdir"] + f'/datam_q{q}_n{params["n"]}_J{params["J"]}_T{params["T"]}_dt{dt}_S{params["S"]}_dt{dt}_d{params["d"]}_BZ{o["B"][2]}.h5'
    sim.options['transform_file'] = params[
        "tmpdir"] + f'/transformsm_q{q}_n{params["n"]}_J{params["J"]}_T{params["T"]}_N{N}_dt{dt}_S{params["S"]}_dt{dt}_d{params["d"]}_BZ{o["B"][2]}.h5'

    # Set the initial positions of the spin to mirror a spin wave state
    for i in range(params["n"]):
        r, theta, phi = to_sph([np.cos(q * i), np.sin(q * i), 0.8])
        sim.particles.atoms[i].set_position(theta, phi)

    # Run the sim and transforms

    # Close everything down so we can open it in the main thread.

    # Return the options and q_vector used
    return sim.options, q_vec, q_m
コード例 #5
    def setUp(self):
        # Create temporary folder for data files
        self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
        self.tmpdir = 'data/ten_spins_test'

        # Initialize a simulation
        self.sim = BaseSimulation()

        # Some parameters
        n = 22  # Number of atoms
        d = 0.9  # One Aangstroem between each atom
        J = -126.0
        T = 0.0
        S = 7/2
        self.q = q = 2 * np.pi / (n * d)

        # Calculate dt and N from expected energy
        expected_energy = np.abs(8 * S * J * k_b_meV)

        dt, N = calculate_dt_and_n(expected_energy * 0.5, expected_energy * 2)
        self.N = N = int(N / 8)
        dt = 68 * dt
        # N = 2000

        BZ = 0.

        # Configure the simulation
        self.sim.options['simulation_name'] = 'TestSpinChain'
        self.sim.options['l'] = 0
        self.sim.options['dt'] = dt
        self.sim.options['J'] = J * self.sim.constants['k_b']
        self.sim.options['T'] = T
        self.sim.options['B'] = [0., 0., BZ]
        self.sim.options['spin'] = S
        self.sim.options['pbc'] = (True, False, False)
        self.sim.options['debug'] = True
        self.sim.options['data_file'] = self.tmpdir + f'/data_n{n}_J{J}_T{T}_N{N}_S{S}_dt{dt}_d{d}_B{BZ}.h5'
        self.sim.options['transform_file'] = self.tmpdir + f'/transforms_n{n}_J{J}_T{T}_N{N}_S{S}_dt{dt}_d{d}.h5'


        # Calculate positions of atoms
        positions = []
        for i in range(n):
            positions.append([d + i * d, 0.0001, 0.0001])

        # Create the atoms and load them into the simulation
        chain = Atoms('Gd' + str(n), positions = positions)

        # Set the initial positions of the spin to mirror a spin wave state
        for q_m in range(1, 14):
            q = q_m * np.pi / 22

            realspace = []
            for i in range(n):
                x, y, z = np.cos(q * i), np.sin(q * i), 0.1

                # Perturb the system
                if i == 100 and False:
                    x += 0.1
                    y += 0.1

                r, theta, phi = to_sph([x, y, z])
                self.sim.particles.atoms[i].set_position(theta, phi)

                realspace.append([x, y, z])

            self.sim.run_simulation((q_m) * N)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_two_spins.py プロジェクト: hyatt03/LaSSi
    def test_dampening(self):
        # Set initial conditions
        d_angle_degrees = 45
        d_angle = d_angle_degrees * np.pi / 180

        r, theta1, phi1 = np.round(
                    np.cos(d_angle)]), 3)
        r, theta2, phi2 = np.round(
            to_sph([np.sin(d_angle), -np.cos(d_angle), -np.cos(d_angle)]), 3)

        self.sim.particles.atoms[0].set_position(theta1, phi1)
        self.sim.particles.atoms[1].set_position(theta2, phi2)

        # Figure out what the effective B-field is
        B_eff = self.sim.particles.atoms[0].B_eff

        # Figure out what our expected energy is
        expected_energy = (
            (self.sim.constants['Hz_to_meV'] /
             (2 * np.pi)) * self.sim.constants['gamma'] *
            (B_eff[0] * np.cos(d_angle) - B_eff[2] * np.sin(d_angle)) /

        # calculate and set dt and N
        dt, N = calculate_dt_and_n(expected_energy * 0.5, expected_energy * 2)
        N = 4 * int(np.ceil(N))
        self.sim.options['dt'] = 2 * dt

        # Next run the simulation
            'data_file'] = self.tmpdir + '/data_without_dampening.h5'

        # Setup the baseline comparison
        x = self.sim.datatables['p0'].cols.pos_x
        y = self.sim.datatables['p0'].cols.pos_y
        z = self.sim.datatables['p0'].cols.pos_z

        t = np.asarray(range(len(x))) * self.sim.options['dt']

        fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, constrained_layout=True)
        ax = axs.flat[0]

        ax.plot(t, x, label='x')
        ax.plot(t, y, label='y')
        ax.plot(t, z, label='z')

        ax.set_title('a', fontsize=10)
        ax.set_xlabel('t [s]', fontsize=10)
        ax.set_ylabel('s(t) [A.U.]', fontsize=10)
        ax.legend(prop={'size': 10})

        ax = axs.flat[1]

        ax.plot(t[-2000:], x[-2000:], label='x')
        ax.plot(t[-2000:], y[-2000:], label='y')
        ax.plot(t[-2000:], z[-2000:], label='z')

        ax.set_title('b', fontsize=10)
        ax.set_xlabel('t [s]', fontsize=10)
        ax.set_ylabel('s(t) [A.U.]', fontsize=10)
        ax.legend(prop={'size': 10})

        # plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4), tight_layout=True)
        # plt.plot(t, x, label='x')
        # plt.plot(t, y, label='y')
        # plt.plot(t, z, label='z')
        # plt.xlabel('t [s]', fontsize=10)
        # plt.ylabel('s(t) [A.U.]', fontsize=10)
        # plt.legend(prop={'size': 10})
        # plt.yticks(fontsize=9)
        # plt.xticks(fontsize=9)

        # plt.show()

        # Reset the simulation so we can compare with dampening enabled
        self.sim.datafile = None
        self.sim.transformfile = None
        self.sim.transformtables = {}

        # Set dampening
        self.sim.options['l'] = 1e-3

        # Run the second simulation
        self.sim.options['data_file'] = self.tmpdir + '/data_with_dampening.h5'

        # And plot again so we can compare
        x = self.sim.datatables['p0'].cols.pos_x
        y = self.sim.datatables['p0'].cols.pos_y
        z = self.sim.datatables['p0'].cols.pos_z

        t = np.asarray(range(len(x))) * self.sim.options['dt']

        # plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4), tight_layout=True)

        ax = axs.flat[2]

        ax.plot(t, x, label='x')
        ax.plot(t, y, label='y')
        ax.plot(t, z, label='z')

        ax.set_title('c', fontsize=10)
        ax.set_xlabel('t [s]', fontsize=10)
        ax.set_ylabel('s(t) [A.U.]', fontsize=10)
        ax.legend(prop={'size': 10})

        ax = axs.flat[3]

        ax.plot(t[-2000:], x[-2000:], label='x')
        ax.plot(t[-2000:], y[-2000:], label='y')
        ax.plot(t[-2000:], z[-2000:], label='z')

        ax.set_title('d', fontsize=10)
        ax.set_xlabel('t [s]', fontsize=10)
        ax.set_ylabel('s(t) [A.U.]', fontsize=10)
        ax.legend(prop={'size': 10})
