def covers(self, this, that): """Return true if the given quadrants does intersects each other.""" # Convert quadrants ((x,y),w) as box ((a,b),(c,d)). this_box = as_box(this) that_box = as_box(that) # Convert boxes as list of edges. this_segments = tuple(utils.tour(as_rect(this))) that_segments = tuple(utils.tour(as_rect(that))) # If at least one of the segment of "this" intersects with "that". intersects = any( geometry.segment_intersection(s0, s1) for s0 in this_segments for s1 in that_segments) # Transform nested list of segments in flat list of points without any duplicates. this_points = as_rect(this) that_points = as_rect(that) # If all the points of "this" are inside "that". # Note: what we would want to test here is if ALL the points are comprised, # as the case where at least one is already tested by the "intersects" stage. # But we use an "any" anyway, because it is sufficient in this case and # that testing all the points takes more time. this_in = any(geometry.in_box(p, this_box) for p in that_points) that_in = any(geometry.in_box(p, that_box) for p in this_points) return intersects or this_in or that_in
def covers( self, this, that ): """Return true if the given quadrants does intersects each other.""" # Convert quadrants ((x,y),w) as box ((a,b),(c,d)). this_box = as_box(this) that_box = as_box(that) # Convert boxes as list of edges. this_segments = tuple(utils.tour(as_rect(this))) that_segments = tuple(utils.tour(as_rect(that))) # If at least one of the segment of "this" intersects with "that". intersects = any( geometry.segment_intersection(s0,s1) for s0 in this_segments for s1 in that_segments ) # Transform nested list of segments in flat list of points without any duplicates. this_points = as_rect(this) that_points = as_rect(that) # If all the points of "this" are inside "that". # Note: what we would want to test here is if ALL the points are comprised, # as the case where at least one is already tested by the "intersects" stage. # But we use an "any" anyway, because it is sufficient in this case and # that testing all the points takes more time. this_in = any( geometry.in_box(p,this_box) for p in that_points ) that_in = any( geometry.in_box(p,that_box) for p in this_points ) return intersects or this_in or that_in
def edges_of(triangulation): """Return a list containing the edges of the given list of 3-tuples of points""" edges = [] for t in triangulation: for e in tour(list(t)): edges.append(e) return edges
def update_local_neighbors( pheromones, candidate, graph, w_pheromone, init_pheromone ): for ci,cj in tour(candidate["permutation"]): p,c = path.astar( graph, ci, cj ) for i,j in zip(p,p[1:]): value = ((1.0 - w_pheromone) * pheromones[i][j]) + (w_pheromone * init_pheromone) pheromones[i][j] = value pheromones[j][i] = value
def edges_of( triangulation ): """Return a list containing the edges of the given list of 3-tuples of points""" edges = [] for t in triangulation: for e in tour(list(t)): edges.append( e ) return edges
def update_global_neighbors( pheromones, candidate, graph, decay ): for ci,cj in tour(candidate["permutation"]): # subpath between ci and cj p,c = path.astar( graph, ci, cj ) # deposit pheromones on each edges of the subpath for i,j in zip(p,p[1:]): value = ((1.0 - decay) * pheromones[i][j]) + (decay * (1.0/candidate["cost"])) pheromones[i][j] = value pheromones[j][i] = value
def edges_neighbours(candidate, polygons): """Returns the set of candidates in polygons that have an edge in common with the given candidate.""" for polygon in polygons: if polygon == candidate: continue # Convert list of points to list of edges, because we want to find EDGE neighbours. edges_poly = list(tour(list(polygon))) assert (len(list(edges_poly)) > 0) edges_can = list(tour(list(candidate))) assert (len(list(edges_can)) > 0) # If at least one of the edge that are in availables polygons are also in the given candidate. # Beware the symetric edges. for edge in edges_poly: # We use yield within the loop, because we want to test all the candidate edges and # return all the matching ones. if edge_in(edge, edges_can): yield polygon break
def edges_neighbours( candidate, polygons ): """Returns the set of candidates in polygons that have an edge in common with the given candidate.""" for polygon in polygons: if polygon == candidate: continue # Convert list of points to list of edges, because we want to find EDGE neighbours. edges_poly = list(tour(list(polygon))) assert( len(list(edges_poly)) > 0 ) edges_can = list(tour(list(candidate))) assert( len(list(edges_can)) > 0 ) # If at least one of the edge that are in availables polygons are also in the given candidate. # Beware the symetric edges. for edge in edges_poly: # We use yield within the loop, because we want to test all the candidate edges and # return all the matching ones. if edge_in( edge, edges_can ): yield polygon break
def plot_base(ax,vi = len(vertices), vertex = None): ax.set_aspect('equal') # regular points scatter_x = [ p[0] for p in vertices[:vi]] scatter_y = [ p[1] for p in vertices[:vi]] ax.scatter( scatter_x,scatter_y, s=30, marker='o', facecolor="black") # super-triangle vertices scatter_x = [ p[0] for p in list(supertri)] scatter_y = [ p[1] for p in list(supertri)] ax.scatter( scatter_x,scatter_y, s=30, marker='o', facecolor="lightgrey", edgecolor="lightgrey") # current vertex if vertex: ax.scatter( vertex[0],vertex[1], s=30, marker='o', facecolor="red", edgecolor="red") # current triangulation uberplot.plot_segments( ax, edges_of(triangles), edgecolor = "blue", alpha=0.5, linestyle='solid' ) # bounding box (xmin,ymin),(xmax,ymax) = bounds(vertices) uberplot.plot_segments( ax, tour([(xmin,ymin),(xmin,ymax),(xmax,ymax),(xmax,ymin)]), edgecolor = "magenta", alpha=0.2, linestyle='dotted' )
def plot_base(ax, vi=len(vertices), vertex=None): ax.set_aspect('equal') # regular points scatter_x = [p[0] for p in vertices[:vi]] scatter_y = [p[1] for p in vertices[:vi]] ax.scatter(scatter_x, scatter_y, s=30, marker='o', facecolor="black") # super-triangle vertices scatter_x = [p[0] for p in list(supertri)] scatter_y = [p[1] for p in list(supertri)] ax.scatter(scatter_x, scatter_y, s=30, marker='o', facecolor="lightgrey", edgecolor="lightgrey") # current vertex if vertex: ax.scatter(vertex[0], vertex[1], s=30, marker='o', facecolor="red", edgecolor="red") # current triangulation uberplot.plot_segments(ax, edges_of(triangles), edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.5, linestyle='solid') # bounding box (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax) = bounds(vertices) uberplot.plot_segments(ax, tour([(xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin)]), edgecolor="magenta", alpha=0.2, linestyle='dotted')
import random import utils import uberplot import matplotlib.pyplot as plot if len(sys.argv) > 1: scale = 100 nb = int(sys.argv[1]) points = [(scale * random.random(), scale * random.random()) for i in range(nb)] else: points = [ (0, 40), (100, 60), (40, 0), (50, 100), (90, 10), (50, 50), ] fig = plot.figure() hull = convex_hull(points) edges = list(utils.tour(hull)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.scatter([i[0] for i in points], [i[1] for i in points], facecolor="red") uberplot.plot_segments(ax, edges, edgecolor="blue")
best, phero =, max_it, num_ants, decay, w_heur, w_local_phero, w_history, c_greed, cost_func=ants.graph_distance) LOGN( "\tTransform the resulting nodes permutation into a path on the graph") # by finding the shortest path between two cities. traj = [] for start, end in utils.tour(best["permutation"]): p, c = shortpath.astar(G, start, end) traj += p trajs.append(traj) with open("d%i_tour.points" % depth, "w") as fd: utils.write_points(traj, fd) with open("d%i_pheromones.mat" % depth, "w") as fd: utils.write_matrix(phero, fd) ######################################################################## # TRIANGULATION ######################################################################## triangulated = []
# forced collinear t = [ [scale*random.random(),scale*random.random()] for i in range(2)] triangles.append( [t[0],t[1],t[0]] ) else: triangles = [ [(-60.45085, -24.898983), (-68.54102, -30.776835), (-58.54102, -30.776835)], [(-68.54102, -0.0), (-65.45085, -9.510565), (-58.54102, -0.0)], [(-65.45085, 9.510565), (-68.54102, -0.0), (-58.54102, -0.0)], [(-68.54102, 30.776835), (-60.45085, 24.898983), (-58.54102, 30.776835)], [(-58.54102, -0.0), (-65.45085, -9.510565), (-55.45085, -9.510565)], [(-65.45085, -9.510565), (-57.36068, -15.388418), (-55.45085, -9.510565)], [(-65.45085, 9.510565), (-58.54102, -0.0), (-55.45085, 9.510565)], [(-65.45085, 9.510565), (-65.45085, 9.510565), (-55.45085, 9.510565)], # is collinear ] ax = fig.add_subplot(122) for triangle in triangles: status="green" if collinear(*triangle): status="red" uberplot.plot_segments( ax, utils.tour(triangle), edgecolor = status ) # ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.axis('auto')
else: triangles = [ [(-60.45085, -24.898983), (-68.54102, -30.776835), (-58.54102, -30.776835)], [(-68.54102, -0.0), (-65.45085, -9.510565), (-58.54102, -0.0)], [(-65.45085, 9.510565), (-68.54102, -0.0), (-58.54102, -0.0)], [(-68.54102, 30.776835), (-60.45085, 24.898983), (-58.54102, 30.776835)], [(-58.54102, -0.0), (-65.45085, -9.510565), (-55.45085, -9.510565)], [(-65.45085, -9.510565), (-57.36068, -15.388418), (-55.45085, -9.510565)], [(-65.45085, 9.510565), (-58.54102, -0.0), (-55.45085, 9.510565)], [(-65.45085, 9.510565), (-65.45085, 9.510565), (-55.45085, 9.510565)], # is collinear ] ax = fig.add_subplot(122) for triangle in triangles: status = "green" if collinear(*triangle): status = "red" uberplot.plot_segments(ax, utils.tour(triangle), edgecolor=status) # ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.axis('auto')
def delaunay_bowyer_watson(points, supertri=None, superdelta=0.1, epsilon=sys.float_info.epsilon, do_plot=None, plot_filename="Bowyer-Watson_%i.png"): """Return the Delaunay triangulation of the given points epsilon: used for floating point comparisons, two points are considered equals if their distance is < epsilon. do_plot: if not None, plot intermediate steps on this matplotlib object and save them as images named: plot_filename % i """ if do_plot and len(points) > 10: print "WARNING it is a bad idea to plot each steps of a triangulation of many points" # Sort points first on the x-axis, then on the y-axis. vertices = sorted(points) # LOGN( "super-triangle",supertri ) if not supertri: supertri = supertriangle(vertices, superdelta) # It is the first triangle of the list. triangles = [supertri] completed = {supertri: False} # The predicate returns true if at least one of the vertices # is also found in the supertriangle. def match_supertriangle(tri): if tri[0] in supertri or \ tri[1] in supertri or \ tri[2] in supertri: return True # Returns the base of each plots, with points, current triangulation, super-triangle and bounding box. def plot_base(ax, vi=len(vertices), vertex=None): ax.set_aspect('equal') # regular points scatter_x = [p[0] for p in vertices[:vi]] scatter_y = [p[1] for p in vertices[:vi]] ax.scatter(scatter_x, scatter_y, s=30, marker='o', facecolor="black") # super-triangle vertices scatter_x = [p[0] for p in list(supertri)] scatter_y = [p[1] for p in list(supertri)] ax.scatter(scatter_x, scatter_y, s=30, marker='o', facecolor="lightgrey", edgecolor="lightgrey") # current vertex if vertex: ax.scatter(vertex[0], vertex[1], s=30, marker='o', facecolor="red", edgecolor="red") # current triangulation uberplot.plot_segments(ax, edges_of(triangles), edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.5, linestyle='solid') # bounding box (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax) = bounds(vertices) uberplot.plot_segments(ax, tour([(xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin)]), edgecolor="magenta", alpha=0.2, linestyle='dotted') # Insert vertices one by one. LOG("Insert vertices: ") if do_plot: it = 0 for vi, vertex in enumerate(vertices): # LOGN( "\tvertex",vertex ) assert (len(vertex) == 2) if do_plot: ax = do_plot.add_subplot(111) plot_base(ax, vi, vertex) # All the triangles whose circumcircle encloses the point to be added are identified, # the outside edges of those triangles form an enclosing polygon. # Forget previous candidate polygon's edges. enclosing = [] removed = [] for triangle in triangles: # LOGN( "\t\ttriangle",triangle ) assert (len(triangle) == 3) # Do not consider triangles already tested. # If completed has a key, test it, else return False. if completed.get(triangle, False): # LOGN( "\t\t\tAlready completed" ) # if do_plot: # uberplot.plot_segments( ax, tour(list(triangle)), edgecolor = "magenta", alpha=1, lw=1, linestyle='dotted' ) continue # LOGN( "\t\t\tCircumcircle" ) assert (triangle[0] != triangle[1] and triangle[1] != triangle[2] and triangle[2] != triangle[0]) center, radius = circumcircle(triangle, epsilon) # If it match Delaunay's conditions. if x(center) < x(vertex) and math.sqrt( (x(vertex) - x(center))**2) > radius: # LOGN( "\t\t\tMatch Delaunay, mark as completed" ) completed[triangle] = True # If the current vertex is inside the circumscribe circle of the current triangle, # add the current triangle's edges to the candidate polygon. if in_circle(vertex, center, radius, epsilon): # LOGN( "\t\t\tIn circumcircle, add to enclosing polygon",triangle ) if do_plot: circ = plot.Circle(center, radius, facecolor='yellow', edgecolor="orange", alpha=0.2, clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(circ) for p0, p1 in tour(list(triangle)): # Then add this edge to the polygon enclosing the vertex, enclosing.append((p0, p1)) # and remove the corresponding triangle from the current triangulation. removed.append(triangle) completed.pop(triangle, None) elif do_plot: circ = plot.Circle(center, radius, facecolor='lightgrey', edgecolor="grey", alpha=0.2, clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(circ) # end for triangle in triangles # The triangles in the enclosing polygon are deleted and # new triangles are formed between the point to be added and # each outside edge of the enclosing polygon. # Actually remove triangles. for triangle in removed: triangles.remove(triangle) # Remove duplicated edges. # This leaves the edges of the enclosing polygon only, # because enclosing edges are only in a single triangle, # but edges inside the polygon are at least in two triangles. hull = [] for i, (p0, p1) in enumerate(enclosing): # Clockwise edges can only be in the remaining part of the list. # Search for counter-clockwise edges as well. if (p0, p1) not in enclosing[i + 1:] and (p1, p0) not in enclosing: hull.append((p0, p1)) elif do_plot: uberplot.plot_segments(ax, [(p0, p1)], edgecolor="white", alpha=1, lw=1, linestyle='dotted') if do_plot: uberplot.plot_segments(ax, hull, edgecolor="red", alpha=1, lw=1, linestyle='solid') # Create new triangles using the current vertex and the enclosing hull. # LOGN( "\t\tCreate new triangles" ) for p0, p1 in hull: assert (p0 != p1) triangle = tuple([p0, p1, vertex]) # LOGN("\t\t\tNew triangle",triangle) triangles.append(triangle) completed[triangle] = False if do_plot: uberplot.plot_segments(ax, [(p0, vertex), (p1, vertex)], edgecolor="green", alpha=1, linestyle='solid') if do_plot: plot.savefig(plot_filename % it, dpi=150) plot.clf() it += 1 LOG(".") # end for vertex in vertices LOGN(" done") # Remove triangles that have at least one of the supertriangle vertices. # LOGN( "\tRemove super-triangles" ) # Filter out elements for which the predicate is False, # here: *keep* elements that *do not* have a common vertex. # The filter is a generator, so we must make a list with it to actually get the data. triangulation = list(filter_if_not(match_supertriangle, triangles)) if do_plot: ax = do_plot.add_subplot(111) plot_base(ax) uberplot.plot_segments(ax, edges_of(triangles), edgecolor="red", alpha=0.5, linestyle='solid') uberplot.plot_segments(ax, edges_of(triangulation), edgecolor="blue", alpha=1, linestyle='solid') plot.savefig(plot_filename % it, dpi=150) plot.clf() return triangulation
def delaunay_bowyer_watson( points, supertri = None, superdelta = 0.1, epsilon = sys.float_info.epsilon, do_plot = None, plot_filename = "Bowyer-Watson_%i.png" ): """Return the Delaunay triangulation of the given points epsilon: used for floating point comparisons, two points are considered equals if their distance is < epsilon. do_plot: if not None, plot intermediate steps on this matplotlib object and save them as images named: plot_filename % i """ if do_plot and len(points) > 10: print "WARNING it is a bad idea to plot each steps of a triangulation of many points" # Sort points first on the x-axis, then on the y-axis. vertices = sorted( points ) # LOGN( "super-triangle",supertri ) if not supertri: supertri = supertriangle( vertices, superdelta ) # It is the first triangle of the list. triangles = [ supertri ] completed = { supertri: False } # The predicate returns true if at least one of the vertices # is also found in the supertriangle. def match_supertriangle( tri ): if tri[0] in supertri or \ tri[1] in supertri or \ tri[2] in supertri: return True # Returns the base of each plots, with points, current triangulation, super-triangle and bounding box. def plot_base(ax,vi = len(vertices), vertex = None): ax.set_aspect('equal') # regular points scatter_x = [ p[0] for p in vertices[:vi]] scatter_y = [ p[1] for p in vertices[:vi]] ax.scatter( scatter_x,scatter_y, s=30, marker='o', facecolor="black") # super-triangle vertices scatter_x = [ p[0] for p in list(supertri)] scatter_y = [ p[1] for p in list(supertri)] ax.scatter( scatter_x,scatter_y, s=30, marker='o', facecolor="lightgrey", edgecolor="lightgrey") # current vertex if vertex: ax.scatter( vertex[0],vertex[1], s=30, marker='o', facecolor="red", edgecolor="red") # current triangulation uberplot.plot_segments( ax, edges_of(triangles), edgecolor = "blue", alpha=0.5, linestyle='solid' ) # bounding box (xmin,ymin),(xmax,ymax) = bounds(vertices) uberplot.plot_segments( ax, tour([(xmin,ymin),(xmin,ymax),(xmax,ymax),(xmax,ymin)]), edgecolor = "magenta", alpha=0.2, linestyle='dotted' ) # Insert vertices one by one. LOG("Insert vertices: ") if do_plot: it=0 for vi,vertex in enumerate(vertices): # LOGN( "\tvertex",vertex ) assert( len(vertex) == 2 ) if do_plot: ax = do_plot.add_subplot(111) plot_base(ax,vi,vertex) # All the triangles whose circumcircle encloses the point to be added are identified, # the outside edges of those triangles form an enclosing polygon. # Forget previous candidate polygon's edges. enclosing = [] removed = [] for triangle in triangles: # LOGN( "\t\ttriangle",triangle ) assert( len(triangle) == 3 ) # Do not consider triangles already tested. # If completed has a key, test it, else return False. if completed.get( triangle, False ): # LOGN( "\t\t\tAlready completed" ) # if do_plot: # uberplot.plot_segments( ax, tour(list(triangle)), edgecolor = "magenta", alpha=1, lw=1, linestyle='dotted' ) continue # LOGN( "\t\t\tCircumcircle" ) assert( triangle[0] != triangle[1] and triangle[1] != triangle [2] and triangle[2] != triangle[0] ) center,radius = circumcircle( triangle, epsilon ) # If it match Delaunay's conditions. if x(center) < x(vertex) and math.sqrt((x(vertex)-x(center))**2) > radius: # LOGN( "\t\t\tMatch Delaunay, mark as completed" ) completed[triangle] = True # If the current vertex is inside the circumscribe circle of the current triangle, # add the current triangle's edges to the candidate polygon. if in_circle( vertex, center, radius, epsilon ): # LOGN( "\t\t\tIn circumcircle, add to enclosing polygon",triangle ) if do_plot: circ = plot.Circle(center, radius, facecolor='yellow', edgecolor="orange", alpha=0.2, clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(circ) for p0,p1 in tour(list(triangle)): # Then add this edge to the polygon enclosing the vertex, enclosing.append( (p0,p1) ) # and remove the corresponding triangle from the current triangulation. removed.append( triangle ) completed.pop(triangle,None) elif do_plot: circ = plot.Circle(center, radius, facecolor='lightgrey', edgecolor="grey", alpha=0.2, clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(circ) # end for triangle in triangles # The triangles in the enclosing polygon are deleted and # new triangles are formed between the point to be added and # each outside edge of the enclosing polygon. # Actually remove triangles. for triangle in removed: triangles.remove(triangle) # Remove duplicated edges. # This leaves the edges of the enclosing polygon only, # because enclosing edges are only in a single triangle, # but edges inside the polygon are at least in two triangles. hull = [] for i,(p0,p1) in enumerate(enclosing): # Clockwise edges can only be in the remaining part of the list. # Search for counter-clockwise edges as well. if (p0,p1) not in enclosing[i+1:] and (p1,p0) not in enclosing: hull.append((p0,p1)) elif do_plot: uberplot.plot_segments( ax, [(p0,p1)], edgecolor = "white", alpha=1, lw=1, linestyle='dotted' ) if do_plot: uberplot.plot_segments( ax, hull, edgecolor = "red", alpha=1, lw=1, linestyle='solid' ) # Create new triangles using the current vertex and the enclosing hull. # LOGN( "\t\tCreate new triangles" ) for p0,p1 in hull: assert( p0 != p1 ) triangle = tuple([p0,p1,vertex]) # LOGN("\t\t\tNew triangle",triangle) triangles.append( triangle ) completed[triangle] = False if do_plot: uberplot.plot_segments( ax, [(p0,vertex),(p1,vertex)], edgecolor = "green", alpha=1, linestyle='solid' ) if do_plot: plot.savefig( plot_filename % it, dpi=150) plot.clf() it+=1 LOG(".") # end for vertex in vertices LOGN(" done") # Remove triangles that have at least one of the supertriangle vertices. # LOGN( "\tRemove super-triangles" ) # Filter out elements for which the predicate is False, # here: *keep* elements that *do not* have a common vertex. # The filter is a generator, so we must make a list with it to actually get the data. triangulation = list(filter_if_not( match_supertriangle, triangles )) if do_plot: ax = do_plot.add_subplot(111) plot_base(ax) uberplot.plot_segments( ax, edges_of(triangles), edgecolor = "red", alpha=0.5, linestyle='solid' ) uberplot.plot_segments( ax, edges_of(triangulation), edgecolor = "blue", alpha=1, linestyle='solid' ) plot.savefig( plot_filename % it, dpi=150) plot.clf() return triangulation
def update_local_whole( pheromones, candidate, graph, w_pheromone, init_pheromone ): for i,j in tour(candidate["permutation"]): value = ((1.0 - w_pheromone) * pheromones[i][j]) + (w_pheromone * init_pheromone) pheromones[i][j] = value pheromones[j][i] = value
def update_global_whole( pheromones, candidate, graph, decay ): for i,j in tour(candidate["permutation"]): value = ((1.0 - decay) * pheromones[i][j]) + (decay * (1.0/candidate["cost"])) pheromones[i][j] = value pheromones[j][i] = value
def cost( permutation, cost_func, cities ): dist = 0 for ci,cj in tour(permutation): dist += cost_func( ci, cj, cities ) return dist
# sys.stderr.write( "%i points in the quadtree / %i points\n" % (len(quad), len(points)) ) fig = plot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect('equal') # Plot the whole quad tree and its points. # Iterating over the quadtree will generate points, thus list(quad) is equivalent to quad.points() uberplot.scatter_points(ax, list(quad), facecolor="green", edgecolor="None") for q in quad.quadrants: edges = list(utils.tour(as_rect(q))) uberplot.plot_segments(ax, edges, edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.1, linewidth=2) # Plot a random query on the quad tree. # Remember a quadrant is ( (orig_y,orig_y), width ) minp = (round(random.uniform(-n, n), 2), round(random.uniform(-n, n), 2)) rand_quad = (minp, round(random.uniform(0, n), 2)) # Asking for a quadrant will query the quad tree and return the corresponding points. uberplot.scatter_points(ax, quad[rand_quad], facecolor="None", edgecolor="red",
# max_it = 10 max_it = 2 # num_ants = 10 #* depth num_ants = 2 #* depth decay = 0.1 w_heur = 2.5 w_local_phero = 0.1 c_greed = 0.9 w_history = 1.0 best,phero = G, max_it, num_ants, decay, w_heur, w_local_phero, w_history, c_greed, cost_func = ants.graph_distance ) LOGN( "\tTransform the resulting nodes permutation into a path on the graph" ) # by finding the shortest path between two cities. traj = [] for start,end in utils.tour(best["permutation"]): p,c = shortpath.astar( G, start, end ) traj += p trajs.append(traj) with open("d%i_tour.points" % depth, "w") as fd: utils.write_points( traj, fd ) with open("d%i_pheromones.mat" % depth, "w") as fd: utils.write_matrix( phero, fd ) ######################################################################## # TRIANGULATION ########################################################################
quad = QuadTree( points ) # print(quad) # sys.stderr.write( "%i points in the quadtree / %i points\n" % (len(quad), len(points)) ) fig = plot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect('equal') # Plot the whole quad tree and its points. # Iterating over the quadtree will generate points, thus list(quad) is equivalent to quad.points() uberplot.scatter_points( ax, list(quad), facecolor="green", edgecolor="None") for q in quad.quadrants: edges = list( utils.tour(as_rect(q)) ) uberplot.plot_segments( ax, edges, edgecolor = "blue", alpha = 0.1, linewidth = 2 ) # Plot a random query on the quad tree. # Remember a quadrant is ( (orig_y,orig_y), width ) minp = ( round(random.uniform(-n,n),2), round(random.uniform(-n,n),2) ) rand_quad = ( minp, round(random.uniform(0,n),2) ) # Asking for a quadrant will query the quad tree and return the corresponding points. uberplot.scatter_points( ax, quad[rand_quad], facecolor="None", edgecolor="red", alpha=0.5, linewidth = 2 ) edges = list( utils.tour(as_rect(rand_quad)) ) uberplot.plot_segments( ax, edges, edgecolor = "red", alpha = 0.5, linewidth = 2 ) assert(len(points) == len(quad))
import random import utils import uberplot import matplotlib.pyplot as plot if len(sys.argv) > 1: scale = 100 nb = int(sys.argv[1]) points = [ (scale*random.random(),scale*random.random()) for i in range(nb)] else: points = [ (0,40), (100,60), (40,0), (50,100), (90,10), (50,50), ] fig = plot.figure() hull = convex_hull( points ) edges = list(utils.tour(hull)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.scatter( [i[0] for i in points],[i[1] for i in points], facecolor="red") uberplot.plot_segments( ax, edges, edgecolor = "blue" )