コード例 #1
ファイル: getStocks.py プロジェクト: aminnj/makers
def getStock(ticker, d1, d2, verbose=False):
    if not iterable(d1): d1 = (d1, 1, 1)
    if not iterable(d2): d2 = (d2, 1, 1)

    saveStock(ticker, d1, d2)

    pickleFile = "%s/%s.pklz" % (storageDir, ticker)

    d = { }
    d["days"] = { }
        fh = gzip.open(pickleFile, "rb")
        dOld = pickle.load(fh)
        if(verbose): print "[MM] Error: file (%s/%s.pklz) does not exist" % (storageDir, ticker)
        return d

    dt1, dt2 = datetime.datetime(*d1), datetime.datetime(*d2)
    day1, day2 = u.tuple2inum(d1), u.tuple2inum(d2)

    for day in dOld["days"].keys():
        if( day1 <= day <= day2 ):
            d["days"][day] = dOld["days"][day]

    return d
コード例 #2
def getStock(ticker, d1, d2, verbose=False):
    if not iterable(d1): d1 = (d1, 1, 1)
    if not iterable(d2): d2 = (d2, 1, 1)

    saveStock(ticker, d1, d2)

    pickleFile = "%s/%s.pklz" % (storageDir, ticker)

    d = {}
    d["days"] = {}
        fh = gzip.open(pickleFile, "rb")
        dOld = pickle.load(fh)
        if (verbose):
            print "[MM] Error: file (%s/%s.pklz) does not exist" % (storageDir,
        return d

    dt1, dt2 = datetime.datetime(*d1), datetime.datetime(*d2)
    day1, day2 = u.tuple2inum(d1), u.tuple2inum(d2)

    for day in dOld["days"].keys():
        if (day1 <= day <= day2):
            d["days"][day] = dOld["days"][day]

    return d
コード例 #3
def crossover(quotes, d1, d2, params={}):
    # define a function that takes a quotes object, so it is an array with elements [day,o,h,l,c]
    # and returns a dictionary with keys of buy and sell times
    # values are not used (1 here), so that gives us room to pack in more information with this function
    print d1, d2

    timesclose = quotes[:,[0,4]]
    p1, p2 = params["p1"], params["p2"]
    p1, p2 = min(p1,p2), max(p1,p2)
    if(p2 - p1 <= 1): return { }, { }

    emas = [ ind.ematimes(timesclose,i) for i in [p1, p2] ]
    crossovertimes = ind.crossovertimes(emas)
    for t in crossovertimes:
        print u.inum2tuple(t[0])
    dCrossovers = {} # turn into dict for fast lookup
    for time,rising in crossovertimes: dCrossovers[time] = rising
    dBuy = { }
    dSell = { }

    hasBought = False
    boughtPrice = -1.0
    for i,day in enumerate(quotes[:,0]):
        # only trade within specified window
        if( day > u.tuple2inum(d2) or day < u.tuple2inum(d1) ): continue

        if(day in dCrossovers): 
            rising = dCrossovers[day]
                dBuy[day] = 1
                hasBought = True
                boughtPrice = quotes[i][4]
                if(hasBought): # don't sell if we already sold
                    dSell[day] = 1
                    hasBought = False

        # if price is x% lower than what we bought for, get the hell out and sell a certain %
        if( hasBought and (0.0 < quotes[i][4] / boughtPrice < 0.90) ):
            dSell[day] = 1
            hasBought = False

    return dBuy, dSell
コード例 #4
            rising = dCrossovers[day]
                dBuy[day] = 1
                hasBought = True
                boughtPrice = quotes[i][4]

    return dBuy

symbols = [line.strip() for line in open("../data/nasdaqlisted.txt").readlines()][:1000]

today = datetime.datetime.today()
dtuple = (today.year,today.month,today.day-3)

goodsymbols = []
for symbol in symbols:
    stock = gs.getStock(symbol, (2015, 8, 1), dtuple)
    quotes = u.dictToList(stock) # [day,o,h,l,c]
    array_quotes = np.array(quotes)
    print symbol
    if(len(quotes) < 25): continue
    if np.mean(quotes[:,4]) > 20: continue
    if np.mean(quotes[:,4]) < 0.25: continue
    buys = crossover(quotes)
    if u.tuple2inum(dtuple) in buys:
        print symbol, "#"*40

print "-"*40
print " ".join(goodsymbols)
print "-"*40