def __init__(self, parent=None, htmlFile='', txtFile=''): super(FileViewTab, self).__init__(parent) self.main = parent self.waiting = True if htmlFile != '': # un QWebView pour afficher si c'est un fichier html : self.bigTruc = QtWebKit.QWebView(self) QtWebKit.QWebPage.DelegateAllLinks) self.bigTruc.linkClicked.connect(self.link_clicked) cssFile = utils.u('{0}/{1}/{2}').format(parent.beginDir, 'libs', 'base.css') url = QtCore.QUrl().fromLocalFile(cssFile) self.bigTruc.settings().setUserStyleSheetUrl(url) else: # ou un QTextEdit pour un fichier texte : self.bigTruc = QtGui.QTextEdit() self.bigTruc.setReadOnly(True) mainLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() mainLayout.addWidget(self.bigTruc) self.setLayout(mainLayout) # on ouvre le fichier : if htmlFile != '': htmlFile = utils.u('{0}/{1}').format(parent.beginDir, htmlFile) url = QtCore.QUrl().fromLocalFile(htmlFile) self.bigTruc.load(url) else: inFile = QtCore.QFile(txtFile) if | QtCore.QFile.Text): stream = QtCore.QTextStream(inFile) stream.setCodec('UTF-8') self.bigTruc.setPlainText(stream.readAll()) inFile.close() self.waiting = False
def __init__(self, parent=None, htmlFile='', txtFile=''): super(FileViewTab, self).__init__(parent) self.main = parent self.waiting = True if htmlFile != '': # un QWebView pour afficher si c'est un fichier html : self.bigTruc = QtWebKit.QWebView(self) self.bigTruc.linkClicked.connect(self.link_clicked) cssFile = utils.u('{0}/{1}/{2}').format(parent.beginDir, 'libs', 'base.css') url = QtCore.QUrl().fromLocalFile(cssFile) self.bigTruc.settings().setUserStyleSheetUrl(url) else: # ou un QTextEdit pour un fichier texte : self.bigTruc = QtGui.QTextEdit() self.bigTruc.setReadOnly(True) mainLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() mainLayout.addWidget(self.bigTruc) self.setLayout(mainLayout) # on ouvre le fichier : if htmlFile != '': htmlFile = utils.u('{0}/{1}').format(parent.beginDir, htmlFile) url = QtCore.QUrl().fromLocalFile(htmlFile) self.bigTruc.load(url) else: inFile = QtCore.QFile(txtFile) if | QtCore.QFile.Text): stream = QtCore.QTextStream(inFile) stream.setCodec('UTF-8') self.bigTruc.setPlainText(stream.readAll()) inFile.close() self.waiting = False
def parse_mesh(data, mesh_id): position = 0 shader, position = utils.parse_string_nul(data, position) texture, position = utils.parse_string_nul(data, position) mesh_info, position = u('IffII', data, position) flags, min_scale, max_scale, vertices_count, indices_count = mesh_info vertices = [] uvs = [] for vertex_id in range(vertices_count): vertex_data, position = u('5f', data, position) position_x, position_y, position_z, uv_x, uv_y = vertex_data vertices.append((position_x, position_z, position_y)) uvs.append((uv_x, 1 - uv_y)) triangles = [] for index_id in range(indices_count // 3): triangle_data, position = u('3H', data, position) index_1, index_2, index_3 = triangle_data triangles.append((index_1, index_3, index_2)) import_utils.crete_mesh(vertices, triangles, uvs=uvs, image='details\\build_details')
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ScreenPage, self).__init__(parent) self.main = parent.main # configuration de la variable globale SCREEN_MODE : groupBoxScreenMode = QtGui.QGroupBox('') title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'ScreenMode') titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(utils.u('<p align="center"><b>{0}</b></p>').format(title)) radio1 = QtGui.QRadioButton(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'FullSpace')) self.radioScreenMode = QtGui.QRadioButton(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'FullScreen')) if utils.SCREEN_MODE == 'FULL_SCREEN': self.radioScreenMode.setChecked(True) else: radio1.setChecked(True) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(titleLabel) vLayout.addWidget(radio1) vLayout.addWidget(self.radioScreenMode) vLayout.addStretch(1) groupBoxScreenMode.setLayout(vLayout) bigEditorScreenMode = QtGui.QTextEdit() bigEditorScreenMode.setReadOnly(True) bigEditorScreenMode.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', '' '<p align=left><b>FullSpace: </b>' 'the application use all the free space on desktop.</p>' '<p></p>' '<p align=left><b>FullScreen: </b>' 'choose this if you ave problems with FullSpace mode.</p>' '<p></p>' '<p align=center><b>If you change this, you need to restart application.</b></p>')) # configuration de la variable globale SCREEN_NUMBER : groupBoxScreenNumber = QtGui.QGroupBox('') title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'ScreenNumber') titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(utils.u('<p align="center"><b>{0}</b></p>').format(title)) self.comboBoxScreenNumber = QtGui.QComboBox() total = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().screenCount() if utils.SCREEN_NUMBER >= total: total = utils.SCREEN_NUMBER + 1 for i in range(total): self.comboBoxScreenNumber.addItem(utils.u('{0} {1}').format(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'Screen'), i), i) self.comboBoxScreenNumber.setCurrentIndex(utils.SCREEN_NUMBER) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(titleLabel) vLayout.addWidget(self.comboBoxScreenNumber) vLayout.addStretch(1) groupBoxScreenNumber.setLayout(vLayout) bigEditorScreenNumber = QtGui.QTextEdit() bigEditorScreenNumber.setReadOnly(True) bigEditorScreenNumber.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', '<P></P>' '<P ALIGN=LEFT>Here you can select on which screen you will to work.</P>')) # mise en place : layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(groupBoxScreenMode, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(bigEditorScreenMode, 0, 1) layout.addWidget(groupBoxScreenNumber, 1, 0) layout.addWidget(bigEditorScreenNumber, 1, 1) self.setLayout(layout)
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(KidWindowPage, self).__init__(parent) self.main = parent.main # configuration de la variable iconSize : groupBoxIconSize = QtGui.QGroupBox('') title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'IconSize') titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(utils.u('<p align="center"><b>{0}</b></p>').format(title)) integerLabel = QtGui.QLabel(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'Enter a value between {0} and {1}:').format(8, 128)) self.integerSpinBoxIconSize = QtGui.QSpinBox() self.integerSpinBoxIconSize.setRange(8, 128) self.integerSpinBoxIconSize.setSingleStep(1) self.integerSpinBoxIconSize.setValue(self.main.iconSizeKid.width()) hLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hLayout.addWidget(integerLabel) hLayout.addWidget(self.integerSpinBoxIconSize) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(titleLabel) vLayout.addLayout(hLayout) groupBoxIconSize.setLayout(vLayout) # configuration des actions visibles dans les toolBars : groupBoxVisibleActions = QtGui.QGroupBox('') title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'VisibleActions') titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(utils.u('<p align="center"><b>{0}</b></p>').format(title)) self.toolbarActionsList = QtGui.QListWidget() boldFont = QtGui.QFont() boldFont.setBold(True) for toolBar in self.main.toolsWindow.toolBarsList: item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(utils.u('{0} :').format(toolBar.windowTitle())) item.setFont(boldFont) self.toolbarActionsList.addItem(item) for action in self.main.toolsWindow.toolBars[toolBar]: if action in self.main.toolsWindow.actionsState: actionName = self.main.toolsWindow.actionsState[action][0] if isinstance(action, QtGui.QWidgetAction): item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(action.defaultWidget().itemIcon(0), actionName) elif isinstance(action, QtGui.QAction): item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(action.icon(), actionName) if self.main.toolsWindow.actionsState[action][2]: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) else: item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) item.setData(QtCore.Qt.UserRole, action) self.toolbarActionsList.addItem(item) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(titleLabel) vLayout.addWidget(self.toolbarActionsList) groupBoxVisibleActions.setLayout(vLayout) # mise en place : layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(groupBoxIconSize) layout.addWidget(groupBoxVisibleActions) self.setLayout(layout)
def parse_cform(s): I, H, B, f, p, verts, faces = 'I', 'H', 'B', 'f', 0, [], [] version, p = u(I, s, p) vertex_count, p = u(I, s, p) face_count, p = u(I, s, p) bbox_diagonal, p = u(6*f, s, p) for i in range(vertex_count): vertex, p = u(3*f, s, p) verts.append((vertex[0], vertex[2], vertex[1])) material_indices = [] materials = {} for i in range(face_count): face, p = u(3*I, s, p) ''' material_id = face_data & 0x3fff suppress_shadows = face_data & 0x4000 suppress_wallmark = face_data & 0x8000 sector_id = face_data >> 16 & 0xffff ''' material_id, p = u(B, s, p) flags, p = u(B, s, p) sector_id, p = u(H, s, p) faces.append((face[0], face[2], face[1])) material_indices.append(material_id) materials[material_id] = True materials = list(materials.keys()) return verts, faces, material_indices, materials
def save_record(metric_name, ts, val): global cnt dir = prepare_dirs(metric_name) hour_ts = math.floor(ts / 3600) * 3600 fname = os.path.join(u(dir), u(hour_ts)) fname = '{}.csv'.format(u(fname)) fhandle = get_fhandle(fname) fhandle.write(','.join(u([ts, val]))) fhandle.write('\n') rds.lpush('metrics_queue', ','.join(u([metric_name, ts, val])))
def update(self, people_entry): """ 更新用户档案 """ url, image_url, blog_url = parse_urls(people_entry) self.user_name = u(people_entry.uid.text) self.screen_name = u(people_entry.title.text) self.location = u(people_entry.location.text) self.content = u(people_entry.content.text) self.url = url self.image_url = image_url self.blog_url = blog_url self.put()
def save_record(tenant, metric_name, ts, val, metric_props): dir = prepare_dirs(metric_name) hour_ts = math.floor(ts/3600)*3600 fname = os.path.join(u(dir), u(hour_ts)) fname = '{}.csv'.format(u(fname)) fhandle = get_fhandle(fname) fhandle.write(','.join(u([ts, val]))) fhandle.write('\n') # if not metric_props: metric_props = {} update_db_index(tenant, metric_name, ts, val, fname, metric_props)
def insert(cls, people_entry): """ 新建用户档案 """ url, image_url, blog_url = parse_urls(people_entry) new_profile = DoubanProfile(douban_id=parse_id(people_entry), \ user_name=u(people_entry.uid.text), \ screen_name=u(people_entry.title.text), \ location=u(people_entry.location.text), \ content=u(people_entry.content.text), \ url=url, \ image_url=image_url, \ blog_url=blog_url) new_profile.put() return new_profile
def raw(self): r = self.__dict__["data"] if isinstance(r, list): ret = [] for x in r: ret += [x.raw() if isinstance(x, JSONObject) else x] return ret else: ret = {} for x in r: ret[str(x)] = r[x].raw() if isinstance(r[x], JSONObject) else u(r[x]) if isinstance(ret[x], unicode): ret[str(x)] = u(str(ret[x])) return ret
def summarize_metric_files(metric_name, ts_start_ts, ts_end_ts): mdir, flist = files_for_metrics(metric_name, ts_start_ts, ts_end_ts) dfs = [] for f in u(flist): if '-' in f: continue f = os.path.join(u(mdir), u(f)) df = pd.read_csv(f, header=None, parse_dates=[0], index_col=0, date_parser=date_parser) print(">>>", f, df.index[0], df.index[-1], len(df)) dfs.append(df) return dfs
def parse_slots(data): position = 0 coord_y = [] for slot in range(len(data) // 16): slot_data, position = u('IIHHHH', data, position) y_base = slot_data[0] & 0x3ff y_height = (slot_data[0] >> 12) & 0xff id0 = (slot_data[0] >> 20) & 0x3f id1 = (slot_data[0] >> 26) & 0x3f id2 = (slot_data[1]) & 0x3f id3 = (slot_data[1] >> 6) & 0x3f c_dir = (slot_data[1] >> 12) & 0xf c_hemi = (slot_data[1] >> 16) & 0xf c_r = (slot_data[1] >> 20) & 0xf c_g = (slot_data[1] >> 24) & 0xf c_b = (slot_data[1] >> 28) & 0xf position_y = (y_base * 0.2 - 200) + (y_height * 0.1) coord_y.append(position_y) for i in range(2, 6): a0 = (slot_data[i] >> 0) & 0xf a1 = (slot_data[i] >> 4) & 0xf a2 = (slot_data[i] >> 8) & 0xf a3 = (slot_data[i] >> 12) & 0xf return coord_y
def decode_dataset(): Xlist = [] ylist = [] N = SEG_SIDE_LENGTH BS = 8 PAD = BS - (N * N % BS) CS = math.ceil(N * N / BS) print("decode dataset ...") with, "rb") as fp: while True: X = y = if X == b'' or y == b'': break X = [ (ck >> ofs) & 0b1 for ck in X for ofs in range(BS-1, -1, -1) ][:-PAD] X = np.array(X).reshape(N, N).astype(np.uint8) y = u(y) Xlist.append(X) ylist.append(y) X = np.array(Xlist) y = np.array(ylist) return X, y
def init(self): geoinputbase.init(self) #self.log("geoinput") self.mainCapturer = None #main caputurer self.switcherCapturer = None self.switcherFirstClickCapturer = None self.switcherFirsKeyLastClickAt = 0 self.mod = 0 self.keymap = { EKey0 : [" ", "0", "\r"], EKey1 : [".", ",", "?", "!", "@", "'", "-", "1"], EKey2 : ["ა", "ბ", "ც", "ჩ", "2"], EKey3 : ["დ", "ე", "ფ", "3"], EKey4 : ["გ", "ჰ", "ი", "4"], EKey5 : ["ჯ", "კ", "ლ", "ჟ", "5"], EKey6 : ["მ", "ნ", "ო", "6"], EKey7 : ["პ","ქ","რ","ს","ღ","შ","7"], EKey8 : ["ტ","უ","ვ","თ","8"], EKey9 : ["წ","ხ","ყ","ზ","ჭ","ძ","9"] } for value in self.keymap.values(): for i in range(len(value)): value[i]=ord(u(value[i]))
def parse_meshes(data): position = 0 while position < len(data): mesh_info, position = u('2I', data, position) mesh_id, mesh_size = mesh_info parse_mesh(data[position:position + mesh_size], mesh_id) position += mesh_size
def __init__(self, use_cache=True): super().__init__() dataset_file = DATASET_CUSTOM_FILE if os.path.exists(DATASET_CUSTOM_FILE) else DATASET_FILE print("Use dataset %s" % dataset_file) with, "rb") as fp: raw = hs = md5(raw) cache_file = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "%s.captcha.gz" % hs) if os.path.exists(cache_file) and use_cache: print("Use dataset cache %s" % cache_file) X, y, labels = joblib.load(cache_file) self.labels = labels self.X = X self.y = y return Xlist = [] ylist = [] N = SEG_SIDE_LENGTH BS = 8 PAD = BS - (N * N % BS) CS = math.ceil(N * N / BS) with BytesIO(raw) as fp: t = tqdm(desc="decode dataset", total=fp.getbuffer().nbytes) while True: X = y = if X == b'' or y == b'': break t.update(CS + 1) X = np.array([ (ck >> ofs) & 0b1 for ck in X for ofs in range(BS-1, -1, -1) ][:-PAD]) X = 1 - X y = u(y) Xlist.append(X) ylist.append(y) t.close() labels = list(sorted(set(ylist))) assert len(labels) == LABELS_NUM ixs = np.empty(128, dtype=np.uint8) for ix, c in enumerate(labels): ixs[ord(c)] = ix X = np.array(Xlist, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 1, N, N) y = np.array([ ixs[ord(c)] for c in ylist ], dtype=np.long) self.labels = labels self.X = X self.y = y joblib.dump((X, y, labels), cache_file, compress=9)
def parse_main(s): p = 0 block_id, p = u(I, s, p) block_size, p = u(I, s, p) wallmarks_count, p = u(I, s, p) for i in range(wallmarks_count): set_count, p = u(I, s, p) shader, p = utils.parse_string_nul(s, p) texture, p = utils.parse_string_nul(s, p) for i in range(set_count): bounds, p = u(f * 4, s, p) vertex_count, p = u(I, s, p) vertices = [] uvs = [] for i in range(vertex_count): vertex, p = u(f * 3 + I + f * 2, s, p) vertices.append((vertex[0], vertex[2], vertex[1])) uvs.append((vertex[4], 1 - vertex[5])) # generate faces triangles = [] index = 0 for i in range(vertex_count // 3): triangles.append((index, index + 2, index + 1)) index += 3 import_utils.crete_mesh(vertices, triangles, None, None, uvs, texture)
def __init__(self, parent=None, lang='', icon='./images/logo.png'): super(AboutDlg, self).__init__(parent) readmefile = utils.do_locale(lang, 'README', '.html') self.beginDir = parent.beginDir # En-tête de la fenêtre : taille = 128 logoLabel = QtGui.QLabel() logoLabel.setMaximumSize(taille, taille) logoLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) logoLabel.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(icon).scaled(taille, taille, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)) title = utils.u('<h1>{0}</h1><h3>{1}</h3>').format( QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate( 'AboutDlg', 'About {0}').format(utils.PROGLABEL), QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate( 'AboutDlg', 'version {0}___{1}').format(utils.PROGVERSION, utils.PROGDATE)) titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(title) titleLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) titleGroupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox() titleLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() titleLayout.addWidget(logoLabel) titleLayout.addWidget(titleLabel) titleGroupBox.setLayout(titleLayout) # Zone d'affichage : tabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget() htmlFile = utils.do_locale(lang, 'translations/README', '.html') tabWidget.addTab( FileViewTab(parent=self, htmlFile=htmlFile), QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('AboutDlg', 'ReadMe')) tabWidget.addTab( FileViewTab(parent=self, txtFile='COPYING'), QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('AboutDlg', 'License')) htmlFile = utils.do_locale(lang, 'translations/CREDITS', '.html') tabWidget.addTab( FileViewTab(parent=self, htmlFile=htmlFile), QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('AboutDlg', 'Credits')) # Les boutons : okButton = QtGui.QPushButton( QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('AboutDlg', '&Close')) okButton.clicked.connect(self.accept) buttonLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() buttonLayout.addStretch(1) buttonLayout.addWidget(okButton) # Mise en place : mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() mainLayout.addWidget(titleGroupBox) mainLayout.addWidget(tabWidget) mainLayout.addLayout(buttonLayout) self.setLayout(mainLayout) self.setWindowTitle( QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('AboutDlg', 'About {0}').format(utils.PROGLABEL))
def queue_record(tenant, metric_name, ts, val, props=None): p = '' if props: prop_str = [] for k, v in props.items(): prop_str.append('='.join([k, v])) p = ','.join(prop_str) rds.lpush('metrics_queue', ','.join(u([tenant, metric_name, ts, val, p])))
def relative_or_absolute_ts(ts): from app import u ts_end = time.time() if isinstance(ts, str) or isinstance(ts, bytes): ts_start = u(ts) if ts_start[0] == '-': last = ts_start[-1] # -1d, -2h, -1m etc. r = secs_for[last](int(ts_start[1:-1])) ts = ts_end - r return ts
def toggle(self): simulate_key(8, 8) if self.currentLang == u'ka': self.currentLang = u'default' self.stop() if self.c('noteSwitch') == 0: return True conf(u("default")) e32.ao_sleep(0.2) #simulate_key(EKeyHash, EScancodeHash) else: self.start() self.currentLang = u'ka' if self.c('noteSwitch') == 0: return True conf(u('ქართული')) e32.ao_sleep(0.2) #simulate_key(EKeyHash, EScancodeHash) return True
def toggle(self): simulate_key(8,8) if self.currentLang == u'ka': self.currentLang = u'default' self.stop() if self.c('noteSwitch') == 0: return True conf(u("default")) e32.ao_sleep(0.2) #simulate_key(EKeyHash, EScancodeHash) else: self.start() self.currentLang = u'ka' if self.c('noteSwitch') == 0: return True conf(u('ქართული')) e32.ao_sleep(0.2) #simulate_key(EKeyHash, EScancodeHash) return True
def print_dict(_dict, title=None, key=None, value=None, sep=' ' * 4, key_sep=' ', sort=False, cmp_key=None, cmp=None, limit=0): """ print dict """ if not _dict: return _dict = dict((key(k), v) for k, v in _dict.iteritems()) if key else _dict _dict = dict( (k, value(v)) for k, v in _dict.iteritems()) if value else _dict if not sort and not cmp_key and not cmp: keys, values = _dict.keys(), _dict.values() else: _dict = sorted(_dict.iteritems(), key=cmp_key, reverse=True if sort < 0 else False, cmp=cmp) if limit > 0: _dict = _dict[:limit] keys, values = [x for x, _ in _dict], [x for _, x in _dict] keys = [utils.u(x) if type(x) is str else unicode(x) for x in keys] key_len = max([utils.chinese_count(x) + len(x) for x in keys]) values = [utils.u(x) if type(x) is str else unicode(x) for x in values] value_len = max([utils.chinese_count(x) + len(x) for x in values]) tpl = u'{:<%d}' + key_sep + '{:<%d}' tpl_format = lambda i, x: (tpl % (key_len - utils.chinese_count(x[0][ i]), value_len - utils.chinese_count(x[1][i]))).format( x[0][i], x[1][i]) step = max(120 / (key_len + value_len + 2 + len(sep)), 1) lines = [[keys[i:i + step], values[i:i + step]] for i in range(0, len(keys), step)] print('=' * 120 + '\n' + title + '\n' + '-' * 120 if title else '=' * 120).encode('utf-8') print('\n'.join( sep.join([tpl_format(i, x) for i in range(len(x[0]))]) for x in lines)).encode('utf-8')
def append(self, dest, value): intvalue = None if type(value) is unicode: intvalue = ord(value) if type(value) is str: intvalue = ord(u(value)) elif type(value) is int: intvalue = value else: return if intvalue not in dest: dest.append(intvalue)
def parse_main(dm_data): position = 0 shader_name, position = utils.parse_string_nul(dm_data, position) texture_name, position = utils.parse_string_nul(dm_data, position) dm_info, position = u('IffII', dm_data, position) flags, min_scale, max_scale, vertex_count, index_count = dm_info vertices = [] uvs = [] for vertex_id in range(vertex_count): vertex, position = u('5f', dm_data, position) loc_x, loc_y, loc_z, uv_x, uv_y = vertex vertices.append((loc_x, loc_z, loc_y)) uvs.append((uv_x, 1 - uv_y)) triangles = [] for index_id in range(index_count // 3): face, position = u('3H', dm_data, position) index_1, index_2, index_3 = face triangles.append((index_1, index_3, index_2)) return vertices, uvs, triangles, texture_name
def __repr__(self): if isinstance(, list): return else: r = [] for d in _d =[d] if isinstance(_d, str) or isinstance(_d, unicode): r.append(u": ".join([d, u(_d)])) else: r.append(u": ".join([d, unicode(_d)])) return self.__class__.__name__ + u"<" + u", ".join(r) + u">"
def concat_metric_files(metric_name): chunk_size = 64 * 1024 # 64 kbs mdir, flist = files_for_metrics(metric_name, 0, 0) flist = sorted([f for f in u(flist) if '-' not in f]) flist = flist[0:-1] # pop the last file total = 0 chunk_files = [] for f in u(flist): if '-' in f: continue f = os.path.join(u(mdir), u(f)) fsize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(f)) total += fsize if total >= chunk_size: concat_files(metric_name, mdir, chunk_files) total = fsize chunk_files = [] chunk_files.append(f)
def concat_files(metric_name, mdir, files): dfs = [] for f in u(files): df = pd.read_csv(f, header=None, parse_dates=[0], index_col=0, date_parser=date_parser) print(">>>", f, df.index[0], df.index[-1], len(df)) dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs) df = df.sort_index() df.index = df.index.astype(np.int64) / 10**9 path = os.path.join( u(mdir), '{}-{}.csv'.format(int(df.index[0]), int(df.index[-1]))) df.to_csv(path, header=False) # now we can delete files. for f in u(files): os.unlink(f) return df
def handle(self, index, task): try: index, task = task[0], task[1] url = task['_id'] html = get(u(url)) html = clean_doc(html2doc(html, url=url), return_html=True) if index == 'cate':[task['domain']].parse_cate(task, {'html':html}) elif index == 'album': pass elif index == 'page':[task['domain']].parse_album(task, {'html':html}) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit()
def handle(self, index, task): try: index, task = task[0], task[1] url = task['_id'] html = get(u(url)) html = clean_doc(html2doc(html, url=url), return_html=True) if index == 'cate':[task['domain']].parse_cate(task, {'html': html}) elif index == 'album': pass elif index == 'page':[task['domain']].parse_album(task, {'html': html}) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit()
def start_element(name, attrs): self._path.append(u(name)) self.actObj = MetadataItem(self._path[-1], self._path, "", attrs) if self.obj == None: self.obj = self.actObj else: found = False item = getParent(self.obj, self.actObj.path) if item: item.addChild(self.actObj) else: raise "syntax error"
def unpack_dataset(): N = SEG_SIDE_LENGTH BS = 8 PAD = BS - (N * N % BS) CS = math.ceil(N * N / BS) rgb_white = np.array([255, 255, 255], dtype=np.uint8) rgb_black = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.uint8) cnts = np.zeros(128, ignored = get_trash_segs_md5() with, "rb") as fp: raw = with BytesIO(raw) as fp: t = tqdm(desc="unpack dataset", total=fp.getbuffer().nbytes) while True: X = y = if X == b'' or y == b'': break t.update(CS + 1) X = np.array([(ck >> ofs) & 0b1 for ck in X for ofs in range(BS - 1, -1, -1)][:-PAD]) im = np.array([rgb_white if b else rgb_black for b in X], dtype=np.uint8).reshape(N, N, 3) y = u(y) k = ord(y) cnts[k] += 1 hs = md5(im.tobytes()) if hs in ignored: continue y = y + "_" if y.islower() else y folder = os.path.join(DECODED_DATASET_DIR, y) filename = "%s_%06d.png" % (y, cnts[k]) path = os.path.join(folder, filename) mkdir(folder) cv2.imwrite(path, im) t.close()
def extend(self, key_p, value): if type(key_p) is str: key = ord(u(key_p)) elif type(key_p) is int: key = key_p else: return if key not in self.keymapkbd: self.keymapkbd[key] = tuple([]) tmp = list(self.keymapkbd[key]) if type(value) is list: for v in value: self.append(tmp, v) else: self.append(tmp, value) self.keymapkbd[key] = tuple(tmp)
def parse_header(data, coord_y): position = 0 header_data, position = u('IIiiII', data, position) version, object_count, offset_x, offset_z, size_x, size_z = header_data slots_coords = [] slots_count = size_x * size_z column = 0 - offset_x + size_x row = 1 - offset_z for slot in range(slots_count): if slot % size_x != 1: column += 1 slots_coords.append((2 * (column), 2 * (row), coord_y[slot])) else: column += 1 - size_x row += 1 slots_coords.append((2 * (column), 2 * (row), coord_y[slot])) return slots_coords
def get(self): if "query" not in request.args: abort(404, message="parameter `query` doestn't exist") query = u(request.args["query"]) # logging.debug("new query '%s'" % (query)) liststr = ClearAndSegment(query) # print liststr liststr = [word.encode("UTF-8") for word in liststr if word not in stops] score = f.singlejudge(liststr) # print score body = {} if score > threshold: body = {"spam": "True"} else: body = {"spam": "False"} resp = make_response(jsonify(body)) return resp
def query_range(tenant): metric_names, start, end, step = parse_query_args(tenant) result = [] for metric_name in metric_names: vals = load_metrics(metric_name, start, end, step) result.append({ "metric": { "__name__": u(metric_name), }, "values": vals }) return jsonify({ "status" : "success", "data" : { "resultType" : "matrix", "result" : result } })
def process_line(valln): val = u(valln) values = val.split(',') tenant, metric_name, ts, val = values[0:4] if len(values) == 4: metric_props = {} else: mp = values[4:] metric_props = {} for m in mp: if m: k, v = m.split('=') metric_props[k] = v ts = str_int_or_float_value(ts) val = str_int_or_float_value(val) save_record(tenant, metric_name, ts, val, metric_props)
def get(self): if 'query' not in request.args: abort(404, message="parameter `query` doestn't exist") query = u(request.args['query']) #logging.debug("new query '%s'" % (query)) liststr = ClearAndSegment(query) #print liststr liststr = [ word.encode('UTF-8') for word in liststr if word not in stops ] score = f.singlejudge(liststr) #print score body = {} if score > threshold: body = {'spam': 'True'} else: body = {'spam': 'False'} resp = make_response(jsonify(body)) return resp
def getXMLMetaString(self, obj=None, indent=0, ret=""): if not obj: obj = self.obj ret += '\r\n' + (' ' * indent) + '<' + u(obj.path[-1]) if len(obj.attr) > 0: for item in obj.attr: ret += ' ' + u(item) + '="' + u(obj.attr[item]) + '"' ret += '>' if len(obj.children) > 0: for item in obj.children: ret += self.getXMLMetaString(item, indent + 1) ret += '\r\n' + (' ' * indent) + '</' + u(obj.path[-1]) + '>' else: ret += u(obj.value) ret += '</' + u(obj.path[-1]) + '>' return ret
def chinese_count(text): """ count chinese char """ return len(RE_CHINESE_CHAR.findall(utils.u(text)))
def english_word_count(text): """ count english word """ return len(RE_ENGLISH_WORD.findall(utils.u(text)))
def word_count(text): """ count word """ return len(RE_WORD.findall(utils.u(text)))
def get_chinese(text): return RE_CHINESE_CHAR.findall(utils.u(text))
############################## f.test(threshold) print "tar = %f" % (f.tar) print "trr = %f" % (f.trr) print "accuracy = %f" % (f.accuracy) ############################## # 3.single judge ############################## stopwords_file = configs['stopwords_file'] fstop = open(stopwords_file) totalStop = fstop.readlines() fstop.close() stops = [] for s in totalStop: s = s.strip() stops.append(s) query = '赚钱test宝妈tes日赚学生兼职*.@打字员' query = u(query) print query listquery = ClearAndSegment(query) #print listquery listquery = [word.encode('UTF-8') for word in listquery if word not in stops] if f.singlejudge(listquery) > threshold: print 'WARNING: this is a spam message' else: print 'this message is harmless'
def extract_token(token, value): #~ print "extrayendo %s - %s"%(token, value) try: xp = xpath.get_xpath(u(token)) except UnicodeDecodeError: #~ print "unicode" return False if xp is None: #~ print "xp" return False #~ print "XP", xp extract = xpath.extract(xp) if not extract: #~ print "no extract", token, xp return False #~ print ".." #~ print element_2_str(extract) #~ print "TOKEN-EXTRACT", token.strip(), extract.strip() if len(extract) > 0 or not token.strip() == extract.strip(): #~ print "[%s][%s]"%(token, extract[0]) ok = True if xpath.last_expansive: ok = False try: if token.strip() in element_2_str(extract): #es correcto, probablemente la descripcion ok = True else: #~ self.logger.warning("else last_expansive") return False except: return False if not ok: if not token.strip() in extract.strip(): print("No coincide %s[%s] para %s"%(xp, extract, token)) self.logger.error("No coincide %s[%s] para %s"%(xp, extract, token)) raise Exception("Incoherencia xpath") #~ self.logger.warning("No se puede extrar el xpath de %s en %s"%(token, url) ) return False id_m = m if m == "tags": tg = is_tag(value) if tg: id_m = tg.split("_")[0] if id_m in _metadata and _metadata[id_m]['xpath'] != xp and id_m != "category": duplicated.append(id_m) #Para el metadata "language" no se guardan xpath de enlaces ya que suelen ser selectores de idioma de la página if id_m == "language" and "/a/" in xp: return False #h1 solo para el title if id_m != "title" and "/h1" in xp: return False if "'tab-main'" in xp and id_m == "subcategory": print print print print url print id_m print _metadata print value print xp exit() #No se guarda nada que cuelgue de comentarios, script o style invalid = ["comment", "script", "style", "select"] if not any([w in xp for w in invalid]) : _metadata[id_m] = {"value" : value, "xpath" : xp}
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(OtherPage, self).__init__(parent) self.main = parent.main # configuration de la variable screenShotDelay : groupBoxScreenShotDelay = QtGui.QGroupBox('') title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'ScreenShotDelay') title2 = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'in milliseconds') titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(utils.u('<p align="center"><b>{0}</b> ({1})</p>').format(title, title2)) integerLabel = QtGui.QLabel(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'Enter a value between {0} and {1}:').format(10, 10000)) self.integerSpinBoxScreenShotDelay = QtGui.QSpinBox() self.integerSpinBoxScreenShotDelay.setRange(10, 10000) self.integerSpinBoxScreenShotDelay.setSingleStep(100) self.integerSpinBoxScreenShotDelay.setValue(self.main.screenShotDelay) hLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hLayout.addWidget(integerLabel) hLayout.addWidget(self.integerSpinBoxScreenShotDelay) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(titleLabel) vLayout.addLayout(hLayout) vLayout.addStretch() groupBoxScreenShotDelay.setLayout(vLayout) # configuration de la variable attachDistance : groupBoxAttachDistance = QtGui.QGroupBox('') title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'AttachDistance') title2 = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'between lines or points and ruler or square') titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(utils.u('<p align="center"><b>{0}</b> ({1})</p>').format(title, title2)) integerLabel = QtGui.QLabel(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'Enter a value between {0} and {1}:').format(0, 100)) self.integerSpinBoxAttachDistance = QtGui.QSpinBox() self.integerSpinBoxAttachDistance.setRange(0, 100) self.integerSpinBoxAttachDistance.setSingleStep(1) self.integerSpinBoxAttachDistance.setValue(self.main.attachDistance) hLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hLayout.addWidget(integerLabel) hLayout.addWidget(self.integerSpinBoxAttachDistance) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(titleLabel) vLayout.addLayout(hLayout) vLayout.addStretch() groupBoxAttachDistance.setLayout(vLayout) # configuration de l'impression : groupBoxPrintConfig = QtGui.QGroupBox('') title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'PrintConfig') titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(utils.u('<p align="center"><b>{0}</b></p>').format(title)) # le mode d'impression (FullPage ou TrueSize) : title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'PrintMode') groupBoxPrintMode = QtGui.QGroupBox(title) self.radioPrintFullPage = QtGui.QRadioButton(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'FullPage')) self.radioPrintTrueSize = QtGui.QRadioButton(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'TrueSize')) if self.main.printMode == 'FullPage': self.radioPrintFullPage.setChecked(True) else: self.radioPrintTrueSize.setChecked(True) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(self.radioPrintFullPage) vLayout.addWidget(self.radioPrintTrueSize) groupBoxPrintMode.setLayout(vLayout) # orientation (Portrait ou Landscape) : title = QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'Orientation') groupBoxPrintOrientation = QtGui.QGroupBox(title) self.radioPrintPortrait = QtGui.QRadioButton(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'Portrait')) self.radioPrintLandscape = QtGui.QRadioButton(QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', 'Landscape')) if self.main.printOrientation == 'Portrait': self.radioPrintPortrait.setChecked(True) else: self.radioPrintLandscape.setChecked(True) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(self.radioPrintPortrait) vLayout.addWidget(self.radioPrintLandscape) groupBoxPrintOrientation.setLayout(vLayout) # on agence tout ça : hLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hLayout.addWidget(groupBoxPrintMode) hLayout.addWidget(groupBoxPrintOrientation) vLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vLayout.addWidget(titleLabel) vLayout.addLayout(hLayout) # les explications : bigEditorPrintMode = QtGui.QTextEdit() bigEditorPrintMode.setReadOnly(True) bigEditorPrintMode.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate('main', '' '<p align=left><b>FullPage: </b>' 'printing will be adapted to the dimensions of the page.</p>' '<p></p>' '<p align=left><b>TrueSize: </b>' 'the printed document comply with the dimensions of your figures.</p>' '<p></p>')) vLayout.addWidget(bigEditorPrintMode) vLayout.addStretch(1) groupBoxPrintConfig.setLayout(vLayout) # mise en place : layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(groupBoxScreenShotDelay) layout.addWidget(groupBoxAttachDistance) layout.addWidget(groupBoxPrintConfig) self.setLayout(layout)
def createToolBars(self): # la barre de base (quitter, aide, ...) self.toolBarBase = QtGui.QToolBar(QtGui.QApplication.translate("main", "Base Bar")) self.toolBarBase.setObjectName("toolBarBase") self.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.toolBarBase) # la barre des screenshots et autres fonds self.toolBarBackground = QtGui.QToolBar(QtGui.QApplication.translate("main", "Background Bar")) self.toolBarBackground.setObjectName("toolBarBackground") self.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.toolBarBackground) # la barre des instruments self.toolBarInstruments = QtGui.QToolBar(QtGui.QApplication.translate("main", "Tools Bar")) self.toolBarInstruments.setObjectName("toolBarInstruments") self.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.toolBarInstruments) # la barre des outils de dessin (et son comboboxPens) self.toolBarDraw = QtGui.QToolBar(QtGui.QApplication.translate("main", "Draw Bar")) self.toolBarDraw.setObjectName("toolBarDraw") self.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.toolBarDraw) # la barre de réglage des dessins self.toolBarDrawConfig = QtGui.QToolBar(QtGui.QApplication.translate("main", "Draw Config Bar")) self.toolBarDrawConfig.setObjectName("toolBarDrawConfig") self.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.toolBarDrawConfig) # la barre des couleurs et tailles persos self.toolBarColorsSizes = QtGui.QToolBar(QtGui.QApplication.translate("main", "Custom colors and sizes Bar")) self.toolBarColorsSizes.setObjectName("toolBarColorsSizes") self.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.toolBarColorsSizes) self.toolBarsList = ( self.toolBarBase, self.toolBarBackground, self.toolBarInstruments, self.toolBarDraw, self.toolBarDrawConfig, self.toolBarColorsSizes, ) self.toolBars = { # la barre de base (quitter, aide, ...) self.toolBarBase: ( self.actionQuit, "SEPARATOR", self.actionFileOpen, self.actionFileReload, self.actionFileGoPrevious, self.actionFileGoNext, "SEPARATOR", self.actionFileSave, self.actionFileSaveAs, self.actionPrint, self.actionPrintDirect, self.actionExportPdf, self.actionExportSvg, "SEPARATOR", self.actionConfigure, self.actionMinimize, self.actionCreateDesktopFileLinux, "SEPARATOR", self.actionHelp, self.actionAbout, ), # la barre des screenshots et autres fonds self.toolBarBackground: ( self.actionNewScreenshot, self.actionWhitePage, self.actionPointsPage, self.actionGridPage, self.actionBackGround, ), # la barre des instruments self.toolBarInstruments: ( self.actionShowRuler, self.actionShowSquare, self.actionShowSquareNotGraduated, self.actionShowProtractor, self.actionShowCompass, "SEPARATOR", self.actionUnitsLock, self.actionUnitsSave, self.actionUnitsRestore, self.actionUnitsInit, self.actionLockInstruments, self.actionShowFalseCursor, ), # self.toolBarDraw: ( self.actionSelect, "SEPARATOR", self.actionPens, self.actionDrawLine, self.actionDrawCurve, self.actionYellowHighlighterPen, self.actionGreenHighlighterPen, self.actionPinkHighlighterPen, self.actionBlueHighlighterPen, "SEPARATOR", self.actionAddText, self.actionAddPoint, self.actionAddPixmap, self.actionPaste, ), # la barre de réglage des dessins self.toolBarDrawConfig: ( self.actionPenColor, self.actionPenWidth, self.actionPenStyle, self.actionChooseFont, "SEPARATOR", self.actionEditText, "SEPARATOR", self.actionUndo, self.actionRedo, "SEPARATOR", self.actionRemoveSelected, self.actionRemoveLast, self.actionEraseAll, ), # la barre des couleurs et tailles persos self.toolBarColorsSizes: ( self.actionEditCustomColors, self.actionCustomColor1, self.actionCustomColor2, self.actionCustomColor3, self.actionCustomColor4, self.actionCustomColor5, self.actionCustomColor6, self.actionCustomColor7, self.actionCustomColor8, self.actionCustomColor9, "SEPARATOR", self.actionEditCustomSizes, self.actionCustomSize1, self.actionCustomSize2, self.actionCustomSize3, self.actionCustomSize4, self.actionCustomSize5, ), } self.allwaysActions = (self.actionQuit, self.actionConfigure, self.actionHelp, self.actionAbout) settings = QtCore.QSettings(utils.PROGNAME, "config") defaultSettings = QtCore.QSettings("libs/config.conf", QtCore.QSettings.IniFormat) for toolBar in self.toolBarsList: for action in self.toolBars[toolBar]: if isinstance(action, QtGui.QWidgetAction): actionName = action.defaultWidget().toolTip() actionText = action.defaultWidget().toolTip() elif isinstance(action, QtGui.QAction): actionName = action.objectName() actionText = action.text() else: actionName = "" if action in self.actionCustomColors: actionText = utils.u("{0} {1}").format( QtGui.QApplication.translate("main", "CustomColor"), self.actionCustomColors.index(action) + 1 ) if action in self.actionCustomSizes: actionText = utils.u("{0} {1}").format( QtGui.QApplication.translate("main", "CustomSize"), self.actionCustomSizes.index(action) + 1 ) if (action not in self.allwaysActions) and (actionName != ""): visible = settings.value(utils.u("{0}/{1}").format(toolBar.objectName(), actionName), 1) if int(visible) == 0: action.setVisible(False) kidVisible = settings.value( utils.u("toolBarKid/{0}").format(actionName), defaultSettings.value(utils.u("toolBarKid/{0}").format(actionName)), ) if kidVisible == None: kidVisible = 0 if int(kidVisible) == 0: kidVisible = False else: kidVisible = True self.actionsState[action] = [actionText, action.isVisible(), kidVisible] self.reloadToolBars()
def createTrainAndTestData(strpos, strneg, trainRate, stopWords): fpos = open(strpos) totalPos = fpos.readlines() fneg = open(strneg) totalNeg = fneg.readlines() #trainRate = 0.9999 trainPosNum = int(trainRate * len(totalPos)) trainNegNum = int(trainRate * len(totalNeg)) trainPosIndex = random.sample(range(len(totalPos)),trainPosNum) trainNegIndex = random.sample(range(len(totalNeg)),trainNegNum) trainPosArray = [] testPosArray = [] trainNegArray = [] testNegArray = [] fstop = open(stopWords) totalStop = fstop.readlines() stops = [] for s in totalStop: s = s.strip() s = u(s) stops.append(s) index = 0 for i in range(len(totalPos)): str = totalPos[i] str = str.strip() if str == '': continue #print str str = u(str) str = ClearAndSegment(str) str = [word for word in str if word not in stops] str = '/'.join(str) str = str + '\n' if not str.strip(): continue index +=1 if index%1000 == 0: print 'Adding positive data: %d' % (index) if i in trainPosIndex: trainPosArray.append(str) else: testPosArray.append(str) print '\n' index = 0 for i in range(len(totalNeg)): str = totalNeg[i] str = str.strip() if str == '': continue str = u(str) str = ClearAndSegment(str) str = [word for word in str if word not in stops] str = '/'.join(str) str = str + '\n' if not str.strip(): continue index +=1 if index%1000 == 0: print 'Adding negative data: %d' % (index) if i in trainNegIndex: trainNegArray.append(str) else: testNegArray.append(str) print '\n' print "len of trainPos is %d\n" % (len(trainPosArray)) print "len of trainNeg is %d\n" % (len(trainNegArray)) print "len of testPos is %d\n" % (len(testPosArray)) print "len of testNeg is %d\n" % (len(testNegArray)) ftrainPos = open(trainPos, "w") ftrainNeg = open(trainNeg, "w") ftestPos = open(testPos, "w") ftestNeg = open(testNeg, "w") #for ele in trainPosArray: # ftrainPos.write(ele) ftrainPos.writelines(trainPosArray) ftrainNeg.writelines(trainNegArray) ftestPos.writelines(testPosArray) ftestNeg.writelines(testNegArray) fpos.close() fneg.close() ftrainPos.close() ftestPos.close() ftrainNeg.close() ftestNeg.close() fstop.close()
def english_count(text): """ count english char """ return len(RE_ENGLISH_CHAR.findall(utils.u(text)))