def mirror_from_sources_list(self, uri, default_uri):
      try to figure what the mirror is from current sources.list

      do this by looing for matching DEFAULT_COMPONENT, current dist
      in sources.list and then doing a http HEAD/ftp size request
      to see if the uri is available on this server
      self._debug("mirror_from_sources_list: %s" % self.current_dist_name)
      sources = SourcesList(withMatcher=False)
      seen = set()
      for e in sources.list:
        if e.disabled or e.invalid or not e.type == "deb":
        # check if we probed this mirror already
        if e.uri in seen:
        # we are using the main mirror already, so we are fine
        if (e.uri.startswith(default_uri) and 
            e.dist == self.current_dist_name and
            self.DEFAULT_COMPONENT in e.comps):
          return uri
        elif (e.dist == self.current_dist_name and
              "main" in e.comps):
          mirror_uri = e.uri+uri[len(default_uri):]
          if url_downloadable(mirror_uri, self._debug):
            return mirror_uri
      self._debug("no mirror found")
      return ""
 def _expandUri(self, uri):
     expand the uri so that it uses a mirror if the url starts
     with a well know string (like
     # try to guess the mirror from the sources.list
     if uri.startswith(self.DEFAULT_MIRROR):
       self._debug("trying to find suitable mirror")
       new_uri = self.mirror_from_sources_list(uri, self.DEFAULT_MIRROR)
       if new_uri:
         return new_uri
     # if that fails, use old method
     uri_template = Template(uri)
     m = country_mirror()
     new_uri = uri_template.safe_substitute(countrymirror=m)
     # be paranoid and check if the given uri is really downloadable
         if not url_downloadable(new_uri, self._debug):
           raise Exception("failed to download %s" % new_uri)
     except Exception,e:
         self._debug("url '%s' could not be downloaded" % e)
         # else fallback to main server
         new_uri = uri_template.safe_substitute(countrymirror='')