コード例 #1
print("== TALLY COMPLETE")
print("The winners are, in order of election:")

for candidate in provisionallyElected:
	print("     {}".format(candidate.name))

print("---- Exhausted: {}".format(toNum(exhausted)))

if args.countback:
	candidate = next(x for x in candidates if x.name == args.countback[0])
	print("== STORING COUNTBACK DATA FOR {}".format(candidate.name))
	# Sanity check
	ctvv = 0
	for ballot in candidate.ballots:
		ctvv += ballot.value
	assert ctvv == candidate.ctvv
	candidatesToExclude = []
	for peCandidate in provisionallyElected:
	with open(args.countback[1], 'w') as countbackFile:
		# use --noround to determine whether to use standard BLT format or rational BLT format
		stringify = str if args.noround else float
		utils.writeBLT(candidate.ballots, candidates, 1, candidatesToExclude, countbackFile, stringify)
コード例 #2
import argparse, itertools, json, sys

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert a Helios election result to an OpenSTV blt file.')

parser.add_argument('election', help='Helios-style election.json specifying candidates')
parser.add_argument('result', help='Helios-style gamma encoded result.json specifying ballots')
parser.add_argument('seats', type=int, help='The number of candidates to elect')
parser.add_argument('question', type=int, help='The question number to tally', nargs='?', default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()

candidates = []
with open(args.election, 'r') as electionFile:
	election = json.load(electionFile)
	candidates = []
	for candidate in election["questions"][args.question]["answers"]:
		candidates.append(utils.Candidate(candidate.split("/")[0])) # Just want the name

with open(args.result, 'r') as resultFile:
	results = json.load(resultFile)
	result_squashed = [x[0] if isinstance(x, list) else x for x in results[args.question]]
	ballots = []
	# Preprocess groups
	for result, group in itertools.groupby(sorted(result_squashed)):
		preferences = utils.to_absolute_answers(utils.gamma_decode(result, len(candidates)), len(candidates))
		ballots.append(utils.Ballot([candidates[x] for x in preferences], None, len(list(group))))

utils.writeBLT(ballots, candidates, args.seats)