def writeConfig(data): if mutex.acquire(timeout=1) == False: log.error('mutex timeout') return utils.writeJsonFile(filepath, data, log) mutex.release()
def run(self): packets = [] ignored = [] bucket_names = getJsonFile(bucketListPath) for bucket_name in bucket_names: if regMatch(r"^[1-9]\d{28}$", bucket_name): packets.append(bucket_name) else: ignored.append(bucket_name) writeJsonFile(packetListPath, packets) writeJsonFile(ignoredBucketListPath, ignored) myPrint("Total " + str(len(packets)) + " packets found") myPrint("Total " + str(len(ignored)) + " ignored buckets found")
def main(): args, parser = args_parse() initLogger(logPath) start_time = getTimeInSec() myPrint(conf.minio_endpoint) try: prev_time = start_time if args.action == 'get_buckets' or args.action == 'all': myPrint("Action: get_buckets", 1) GetBuckets().run() prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(prev_time) myPrint("Time taken by Action get_buckets: " + prstr, 11) if args.action == 'find_packets' or args.action == 'all': myPrint("Action: find_packets", 1) FindPackets().run() prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(prev_time) myPrint("Time taken by Action find_packets: " + prstr, 11) if args.action == 'migrate' or args.action == 'all': myPrint("Action: migrate", 1) Migration().run() prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(prev_time) myPrint("Time taken by Action migrate: " + prstr, 11) if args.action == 'get_records' or args.action == 'all': myPrint("Action: get_records", 1) m = MinioWrapper() objs = m.listObjects(conf.new_bucket_name, False) new_objs = [] for ob in objs: new_objs.append(ob.replace("/", "")) writeJsonFile(migratedPackets, new_objs) myPrint("Total objects level 1 " + str(len(new_objs))) prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(prev_time) myPrint("Time taken by Action get_records: " + prstr, 11) except: prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(start_time) myPrint("Total time taken by the script: " + prstr, 11) formatted_lines = traceback.format_exc() myPrint(formatted_lines, 13) sys.exit(1) prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(start_time) myPrint("Total time taken by the script: " + prstr, 11) return sys.exit(0)
def run(self): bucket_names = self.m.listBucketNames() writeJsonFile(bucketListPath, bucket_names) myPrint("Total " + str(len(bucket_names)) + " buckets found")
def saveData(data): writeJsonFile(filepath, data, log)
def main(): args, parser = args_parse() initLogger(logPath) start_time = getTimeInSec() db = DatabaseSession(conf.db_host, conf.db_port, conf.db_user, conf.db_pass) try: prev_time = start_time if args.action == 'get_vids' or args.action == 'all': myPrint("Action: get_vids", 1) vids = [] vid_dicts = db.getVids() for vid_dict in vid_dicts: vids.append(vid_dict['vid']) writeJsonFile(vidListPath, vids) prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(prev_time) myPrint("Time taken by Action get_vids: " + prstr, 11) if args.action == 'fetch_info' or args.action == 'all': output = [] myPrint("Action: fetch_info", 1) ms = MosipSession(conf.server, conf.regproc_client_id, conf.regproc_secret_key, conf.regproc_app_id) vids = getJsonFile(vidListPath) for vid in vids: myPrint("Operating on VID " + vid, 3) res = ms.getUin(vid) uin = res['identity']['UIN'] if conf.debug: myPrint("UIN: " + uin) modulo = int(uin) % conf.idrepo_modulo myPrint("Modulo: " + str(modulo)) salt_row = db.getHash(modulo) if salt_row is not None: salt = salt_row['salt'] if conf.debug: myPrint("Salt: " + salt) uin_hash = hashlib.sha256(bytes(uin + salt, 'utf-8')).hexdigest() mod_uin_hash = str(modulo) + "_" + uin_hash.upper() rid_row = db.getRid(mod_uin_hash) if rid_row is not None: rid = rid_row['rid'] myPrint("RID found") if conf.debug: myPrint("RID: " + rid) center_id, timestamp = ridToCenterTimestamp(rid) output.append({ 'vid': vid, 'uin': uin, 'mod_uin_hash': mod_uin_hash, 'salt': salt, 'rid': rid, 'center_id': center_id, 'timestamp': timestamp }) else: raise RuntimeError( "RID not found for for mod_uin_hash: " + mod_uin_hash) else: raise RuntimeError("salt not found for for modulo: " + str(modulo)) writeJsonFile(credentialPreparedDataPath, output) prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(prev_time) myPrint("Time taken by Action fetch_info: " + prstr, 11) if args.action == 'reprint' or args.action == 'all': myPrint("Action: reprint", 1) output = [] vids = getJsonFile(credentialPreparedDataPath) ms = MosipSession(conf.server, conf.ida_client_id, conf.ida_secret_key, conf.ida_app_id) for vidInfo in vids: myPrint("VID: " + vidInfo['vid'], 3) data = { "id": vidInfo['vid'], "credentialType": conf.credential_type, "issuer": conf.partner_id, "recepiant": "", "user": "******", "encrypt": False, "encryptionKey": "", "sharableAttributes": [], "additionalData": { 'centerId': vidInfo['center_id'], 'creationDate': vidInfo['timestamp'], 'registrationId': vidInfo['rid'] } } json_data = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':')) myPrint(json_data) if db.checkRequestInCredentialTransaction(json_data) is None: resp = ms.credentialRequest(data) output.append(resp) else: myPrint("Skipping credential request", 11) writeJsonFile(vidRequestId, output) myPrint('Input VIDs: ' + str(len(vids)), 12) myPrint('Output RequestIds: ' + str(len(output)), 12) prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(prev_time) myPrint("Time taken by Action reprint: " + prstr, 11) db.closeAll() except: db.closeAll() prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(start_time) myPrint("Total time taken by the script: " + prstr, 11) formatted_lines = traceback.format_exc() myPrint(formatted_lines, 13) sys.exit(1) prev_time, prstr = timeDiff(start_time) myPrint("Total time taken by the script: " + prstr, 11) return sys.exit(0)