コード例 #1
    def visualize(self):
        Publish various visualization messages.
        if not self.DO_VIZ:

        if self.pose_pub.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance(self.inferred_pose, np.ndarray):
            # Publish the inferred pose for visualization
            ps = PoseStamped()
            ps.header = Utils.make_header('map')
            ps.pose.position.x = self.inferred_pose[0]
            ps.pose.position.y = self.inferred_pose[1]
            ps.pose.orientation = Utils.yaw_to_quaternion(self.inferred_pose[2])

        if self.particle_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            # publish a downsampled version of the particle distribution to avoid a lot of latency
            if self.MAX_PARTICLES > self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES:
                # randomly downsample particles
                proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES, p=self.weights)
                # proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES)

        if self.pub_fake_scan.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance(self.ranges, np.ndarray):
            # generate the scan from the point of view of the inferred position for visualization
            self.viz_queries[:,0] = self.inferred_pose[0]
            self.viz_queries[:,1] = self.inferred_pose[1]
            self.viz_queries[:,2] = self.downsampled_angles + self.inferred_pose[2]
            self.range_method.calc_range_many(self.viz_queries, self.viz_ranges)
            self.publish_scan(self.downsampled_angles, self.viz_ranges)
コード例 #2
    def publish_tf(self, pose, stamp=None):
        """ Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. """
        if stamp == None:
            stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        # this may cause issues with the TF tree. If so, see the below code.
        # self.pub_tf.sendTransform((pose[0],pose[1],0),tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]),
        #        stamp , "/laser", "/map")

        # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose
        if self.PUBLISH_ODOM:
            odom = Odometry()
            odom.header = Utils.make_header("/map", stamp)
            odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0]
            odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1]
            odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.yaw_to_quaternion(pose[2])

        # return # below this line is disabled
        Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame
        since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus,
        We want to publish a "map" -> "laser" transform.

        However, the car's position is measured with respect to the "base_link"
        frame (it is the root of the TF tree). And "odom" to "base_link" transform is published
        by vesc_to_odom node. Thus, we should actually define
        a "map" -> "odom" transform as to not break the TF tree.

        # Get map -> laser transform.
        # map_laser_pos = np.array( (pose[0],pose[1],0) )
        # map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]) )

        # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform
        # This gives a map -> base_link transform
        # laser_base_link_offset = (0.06, 0, 0)
        # map_laser_pos -= np.dot(tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(tf.transformations.unit_vector(map_laser_rotation))[:3,:3], laser_base_link_offset).T

        # Publish transform
        # self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation, stamp , "/base_link", "/map")

        # Assuming only translational offset, no rotation
        base_link_laser_delta = 0.06
        map_base_link_pos_x = pose[0] - base_link_laser_delta * math.cos(
        map_base_link_pos_y = pose[1] - base_link_laser_delta * math.sin(

        # This assumes the map and odom frames are initially aligned
        map_odom_delta = np.array(
            (map_base_link_pos_x, map_base_link_pos_y, 0))
        map_odom_orientation = np.array(
            tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]))

        self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_odom_delta, map_odom_orientation, stamp,
                                  "/base_link", "/map")
コード例 #3
    def publish_tf(self,pose, stamp=None):
        ''' Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. '''
        if stamp == None:
            stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        # this may cause issues with the TF tree. If so, see the below code.
        # self.pub_tf.sendTransform((pose[0],pose[1],0),tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]),
        #        stamp , '/laser', '/map')

        # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose
        if self.PUBLISH_ODOM:
            odom = Odometry()
            odom.header = Utils.make_header('/map', stamp)
            odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0]
            odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1]
            odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.yaw_to_quaternion(pose[2])

        # return # below this line is disabled

        Our particle filter provides estimates for the 'laser' frame
        since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus,
        We want to publish a 'map' -> 'laser' transform.

        However, the car's position is measured with respect to the 'base_link'
        frame (it is the root of the TF tree). Thus, we should actually define
        a 'map' -> 'base_link' transform as to not break the TF tree.

        # Get map -> laser transform.
        map_laser_pos = np.array( (pose[0],pose[1],0) )
        map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]) )
        # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform
        # This gives a map -> base_link transform
        laser_base_link_offset = (0.15, 0.0, 0.0)
        map_laser_pos -= np.dot(tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(tf.transformations.unit_vector(map_laser_rotation))[:3,:3], laser_base_link_offset).T

        # Publish transform
        self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation, stamp , '/{}_base_link'.format(car_name), '/map')
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self):
        # parameters
        self.ANGLE_STEP = int(rospy.get_param("~angle_step"))
        self.MAX_PARTICLES = int(rospy.get_param("~max_particles"))
        self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES = int(rospy.get_param("~max_viz_particles"))
        self.INV_SQUASH_FACTOR = 1.0 / float(rospy.get_param("~squash_factor"))
        self.MAX_RANGE_METERS = float(rospy.get_param("~max_range"))
        self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION = int(
        self.WHICH_RM = rospy.get_param("~range_method", "cddt").lower()
        self.RANGELIB_VAR = int(rospy.get_param("~rangelib_variant", "3"))
        self.SHOW_FINE_TIMING = bool(rospy.get_param("~fine_timing", "0"))
        self.PUBLISH_ODOM = bool(rospy.get_param("~publish_odom", "1"))
        self.DO_VIZ = bool(rospy.get_param("~viz"))

        # sensor model constants
        self.Z_SHORT = float(rospy.get_param("~z_short", 0.01))
        self.Z_MAX = float(rospy.get_param("~z_max", 0.07))
        self.Z_RAND = float(rospy.get_param("~z_rand", 0.12))
        self.Z_HIT = float(rospy.get_param("~z_hit", 0.75))
        self.SIGMA_HIT = float(rospy.get_param("~sigma_hit", 8.0))

        # motion model constants
        self.MOTION_DISPERSION_X = float(
            rospy.get_param("~motion_dispersion_x", 0.05))
        self.MOTION_DISPERSION_Y = float(
            rospy.get_param("~motion_dispersion_y", 0.025))
        self.MOTION_DISPERSION_THETA = float(
            rospy.get_param("~motion_dispersion_theta", 0.25))

        # various data containers used in the MCL algorithm
        self.MAX_RANGE_PX = None
        self.odometry_data = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.laser = None
        self.iters = 0
        self.map_info = None
        self.map_initialized = False
        self.lidar_initialized = False
        self.odom_initialized = False
        self.last_pose = None
        self.laser_angles = None
        self.downsampled_angles = None
        self.range_method = None
        self.last_time = None
        self.last_stamp = None
        self.first_sensor_update = True
        self.state_lock = Lock()

        # cache this to avoid memory allocation in motion model
        self.local_deltas = np.zeros((self.MAX_PARTICLES, 3))

        # cache this for the sensor model computation
        self.queries = None
        self.ranges = None
        self.tiled_angles = None
        self.sensor_model_table = None

        # particle poses and weights
        self.inferred_pose = None
        self.particle_indices = np.arange(self.MAX_PARTICLES)
        self.particles = np.zeros((self.MAX_PARTICLES, 3))
        self.weights = np.ones(self.MAX_PARTICLES) / float(self.MAX_PARTICLES)

        # initialize the state
        self.smoothing = Utils.CircularArray(10)
        self.timer = Utils.Timer(10)
        # self.initialize_global()

        # these topics are for visualization
        self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pf/viz/inferred_pose",
        self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pf/viz/particles",
        self.pub_fake_scan = rospy.Publisher("/pf/viz/fake_scan",
        self.rect_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pf/viz/poly1",

        if self.PUBLISH_ODOM:
            self.odom_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pf/pose/odom",

        # these topics are for coordinate space things
        self.pub_tf = tf.TransformBroadcaster()

        # these topics are to receive data from the racecar
        self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_param(
            "~scan_topic", "/scan"),
        self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_param(
            "~odometry_topic", "/odom"),
        # self.pose_sub  = rospy.Subscriber("/initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.clicked_pose, queue_size=1)
        # self.click_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/clicked_point", PointStamped, self.clicked_pose, queue_size=1)

        initial_pose_x = float(rospy.get_param("~initial_pose_x", "0.0"))
        initial_pose_y = float(rospy.get_param("~initial_pose_y", "0.0"))
        initial_pose_a = float(rospy.get_param("~initial_pose_a", "0.0"))

        initial_pose = Pose()
        initial_pose.position.x = initial_pose_x
        initial_pose.position.y = initial_pose_y

        initial_pose.orientation = Utils.yaw_to_quaternion(initial_pose_a)


        print "Finished initializing, waiting on messages..."