コード例 #1
ファイル: backup.py プロジェクト: nemo9955/aer
def influxdb_restore_points(restore_root, compressed=True):
    dat = EasyDict()
    com = RecursiveFormatter(dat, BACKUP_INFO)

    dat.restore_root = restore_root
    dat.cont_name = "influxdb"
    dat.extension = "gz" if compressed else "txt"
    dat.compressed = "-compressed" if compressed else ""
    dat.import_influxdb = "{dexec} {cont_name} influx -import -pps {influx_PPS} " + \
        " -path={container_file_path} {compressed} "

    files_list = filter_backup_files(restore_root, print_info=True)

    if not confirm("Do you want to continue ?"):

    run(com.raw_("mkdir -p {influx_bk_target} "))
    run(com.raw_("{dexec} {cont_name}  mkdir -p {influx_bk_container} "))

    for file_ in files_list:
        local_file_path = pjoin(restore_root, file_)
        dat.file_name = file_
        dat.target_file_path = com.raw_("{influx_bk_target}/{file_name}")
        dat.container_file_path = "{influx_bk_container}/{file_name}"
        # if not texists(dat.target_file_path):
        l_to_t = put(local_file_path, dat.target_file_path)
        # if l_to_t.failed:
        #     continue

        t_to_c = run(
                "docker cp {target_file_path} {cont_name}:{influx_bk_container}/."
        # if t_to_c.failed:
        #     continue
        # TODO if there are failed points , retry the precedure
        try_again = run(com.import_influxdb).failed
        if try_again:
            dat.influx_PPS = "3000"
            dat.influx_PPS = "7000"

コード例 #2
ファイル: backup.py プロジェクト: nemo9955/aer
def influxdb_export_points(database, backup_root, compress=True):
    dat = EasyDict()
    com = RecursiveFormatter(dat, BACKUP_INFO)
    dat.database = database
    dat.cont_name = "influxdb"
    dat.extension = "gz" if compress == True else "txt"
    dat.compress = "-compress" if compress == True else ""
    dat.root_data = "/data"
    with quiet():
        if run(com.raw_(
                "{dexec} {cont_name} test -d {root_data}/data")).failed:
            dat.root_data = "/var/lib/influxdb"
        if run(com.raw_(
                "{dexec} {cont_name} test -d {root_data}/data")).failed:
                red("Did not find root folder for influxdb ./data and ./wal"))
            return  # TODO Maybe something to improve
    dat.export_influx = "{dexec} {cont_name} influx_inspect export " + \
                        " -database {database} -datadir {root_data}/data -waldir {root_data}/wal {compress} " + \
                        " -start {start_date_iso} -end {end_date_iso} -out  {influx_bk_container}/{influx_export_file} "

    strategy = "last_two" if odb.arg.last_two else "full_range"
    sections_info = influx_section_database_time(database, strategy)

    # for seq_ in sections_info:
    #     print()
    #     print( seq_.start)
    #     print( seq_.end)

    # return

    run(com.raw_("mkdir -p {influx_bk_target}"))
    run(com.raw_("{dexec} {cont_name} mkdir -p {influx_bk_container}  "))

    # show("stdout")
    for seq_ in sections_info:
        dat.start_date_iso = seq_.start.isoformat() + "Z"
        dat.end_date_iso = seq_.end.isoformat() + "Z"
        dat.backup_status = seq_.status if "status" in seq_ else "full"
        dat.file_month = seq_.start.month
        dat.file_year = seq_.start.year

        influxdb_handle_exported(com, backup_root)