コード例 #1
def loadData(args):
  __SequenceDataset = data.CharSequence if args.chars else data.TokenSequence
  index = Index(initwords = ['<unk>'], unkindex = 0)
  train_ = __SequenceDataset(args.data, subset='train.txt', index = index, seqlen = args.bptt, skip = args.bptt).to(args.device)
  index.freeze(silent = True).tofile(os.path.join(args.data, 'vocab_chars.txt' if args.chars else 'vocab_tokens.txt'))
  test_ = __SequenceDataset(args.data, subset='test.txt', index = index, seqlen = args.bptt, skip = args.bptt).to(args.device)
  valid_ = __SequenceDataset(args.data, subset='valid.txt', index = index, seqlen = args.bptt, skip = args.bptt).to(args.device)
  # load pre embedding
  if args.init_weights:
    # determine type of embedding by checking it's suffix
    if args.init_weights.endswith('bin'):
      preemb = FastTextEmbedding(args.init_weights, normalize = True).load()
      if args.emsize != preemb.dim():
        raise ValueError('emsize must match embedding size. Expected %d but got %d)' % (args.emsize, preemb.dim()))
    elif args.init_weights.endswith('txt'):
      preemb = TextEmbedding(args.init_weights, vectordim = args.emsize).load(normalize = True)
    elif args.init_weights.endswith('rand'):
      preemb = RandomEmbedding(vectordim = args.emsize)
      raise ValueError('Type of embedding cannot be inferred.')
    preemb = Embedding.filteredEmbedding(index.vocabulary(), preemb, fillmissing = True)
    preemb_weights = torch.Tensor(preemb.weights)
    preemb_weights = None
  eval_batch_size = 10
  __ItemSampler = RandomSampler if args.shuffle_samples else SequentialSampler
  __BatchSampler = BatchSampler if args.sequential_sampling else EvenlyDistributingSampler  
  train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_, batch_sampler = ShufflingBatchSampler(__BatchSampler(__ItemSampler(train_), batch_size=args.batch_size, drop_last = True), shuffle = args.shuffle_batches, seed = args.seed), num_workers = 0)
  test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_, batch_sampler = __BatchSampler(__ItemSampler(test_), batch_size=eval_batch_size, drop_last = True), num_workers = 0)
  valid_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(valid_, batch_sampler = __BatchSampler(__ItemSampler(valid_), batch_size=eval_batch_size, drop_last = True), num_workers = 0)
  print('Shuffle training batches: ', args.shuffle_batches)

  setattr(args, 'index', index)
  setattr(args, 'ntokens', len(index))
  setattr(args, 'trainloader', train_loader)
  setattr(args, 'testloader', test_loader)
  setattr(args, 'validloader', valid_loader)
  setattr(args, 'preembweights', preemb_weights)
  setattr(args, 'eval_batch_size', eval_batch_size)

  return args
コード例 #2
ファイル: embedding.py プロジェクト: uhh-lt/lttc
class TextEmbedding(Embedding):

  def __init__(self, txtfile, sep = ' ', vectordim = 300):
    self.file = txtfile
    self.vdim = vectordim
    self.separator = sep

  def load(self, skipheader = True, nlines = sys.maxsize, normalize = False):
    self.index = Index()
    print('Loading embedding from %s' % self.file)
    data_ = []
    with open(self.file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
      if skipheader:
      for i, line in enumerate(f):
        if i >= nlines:
          line = line.strip()
          splits = line.split(self.separator)
          word = splits[0]
          if self.index.hasWord(word):
          coefs = np.array(splits[1:self.vdim+1], dtype=np.float32)
          if normalize:
            length = np.linalg.norm(coefs)
            if length == 0:
              length += 1e-6
            coefs = coefs / length
          if coefs.shape != (self.vdim,):
          idx = self.index.add(word)
          assert idx == len(data_)
        except Exception as err:
          print('Error in line %d' % i, sys.exc_info()[0], file = sys.stderr)
          print(' ', err, file = sys.stderr)
    self.data = np.array(data_, dtype = np.float32)
    del data_
    return self

  def getVector(self, word):
    if not self.containsWord(word):
      print("'%s' is unknown." % word, file = sys.stderr)
      v = np.zeros(self.vdim)
      v[0] = 1
      return v
    idx = self.index.getId(word)
    return self.data[idx]

  def search(self, q, topk = 4):
    if len(q.shape) == 1:
      q = np.matrix(q)
    if q.shape[1] != self.vdim:
      print('Wrong shape, expected %d dimensions but got %d.' % (self.vdim, q.shape[1]), file = sys.stderr )
    D, I = self.invindex.search(q, topk) # D = distances, I = indices
    return ( I, D )

  def wordForVec(self, v):
    idx, dist = self.search(v, topk=1)
    idx = idx[0,0]
    dist = dist[0,0]
    sim = 1. - dist
    word = self.index.getWord(idx)
    return word, sim

  def containsWord(self, word):
    return self.index.hasWord(word)

  def vocabulary(self):
    return self.index.vocabulary()

  def dim(self):
    return self.vdim