def data_generator(images_list, labels_list, batch_size, Transforms): f = open(images_list, 'r') images = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(labels_list, 'r') labels = f.readlines() f.close() c = 0 while True: mapIndexPosition = list(zip(images, labels)) # shuffle order list random.shuffle(mapIndexPosition) images, labels = zip(*mapIndexPosition) for i in range(c, c + batch_size): TrainDataset = NiftiDataset.NiftiDataset(image_filename=images[i], label_filename=labels[i], transforms=Transforms, train=True) trainDataset = TrainDataset.get_dataset() # trainDataset = trainDataset.batch(batch_size) c += batch_size if c + batch_size >= len(images): c = 0 yield (trainDataset)
def image_evaluate(model, image_path, result_path, resample, resolution, crop_background, patch_size_x, patch_size_y, patch_size_z, stride_inplane, stride_layer, batch_size=1): # create transformations to image and labels transforms = [ NiftiDataset.Resample(resolution, resample), NiftiDataset.Padding((patch_size_x, patch_size_y, patch_size_z)) ] # read image file reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() reader.SetFileName(image_path) image = reader.Execute() # normalize the image normalizeFilter = sitk.NormalizeImageFilter() resacleFilter = sitk.RescaleIntensityImageFilter() resacleFilter.SetOutputMaximum(255) resacleFilter.SetOutputMinimum(0) image = normalizeFilter.Execute(image) # set mean and std deviation image = resacleFilter.Execute(image) # create empty label in pair with transformed image label_tfm = sitk.Image(image.GetSize(), sitk.sitkUInt8) label_tfm.SetOrigin(image.GetOrigin()) label_tfm.SetDirection(image.GetDirection()) label_tfm.SetSpacing(image.GetSpacing()) sample = {'image': image, 'label': label_tfm} for transform in transforms: sample = transform(sample) image_tfm, label_tfm = sample['image'], sample['label'] # ----------------- Padding the image if the z dimension is not even ---------------------- image_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image_tfm) image_np = np.transpose(image_np, (2, 1, 0)) if (image_np.shape[2] % 2) == 0: image_tfm = image_tfm label_tfm = label_tfm Padding = False else: image_np = np.pad(image_np, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)), 'constant') image_tfm = from_numpy_to_itk(image_np, image_tfm) # create empty label in pair with transformed image label_tfm = sitk.Image(image_tfm.GetSize(), sitk.sitkUInt8) label_tfm.SetOrigin(image_tfm.GetOrigin()) label_tfm.SetDirection(image_tfm.GetDirection()) label_tfm.SetSpacing(image_tfm.GetSpacing()) Padding = True # ----------------- Computing centroid of the image to crop the background ------------------- threshold = sitk.BinaryThresholdImageFilter() threshold.SetLowerThreshold(1) threshold.SetUpperThreshold(255) threshold.SetInsideValue(1) threshold.SetOutsideValue(0) roiFilter = sitk.RegionOfInterestImageFilter() roiFilter.SetSize( [crop_background[0], crop_background[1], crop_background[2]]) if patch_size_x > crop_background[0]: print('patch size x bigger than image dimension x') quit() if patch_size_y > crop_background[1]: print('patch size y bigger than image dimension y') quit() if patch_size_z > crop_background[2]: print('patch size y bigger than image dimension y') quit() image_mask = threshold.Execute(image_tfm) image_mask = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image_mask) image_mask = np.transpose(image_mask, (2, 1, 0)) # centroid of the brain input for the inference centroid = scipy.ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(image_mask) x_centroid =[0]) y_centroid =[1]) roiFilter.SetIndex([ int(x_centroid - (crop_background[0]) / 2), int(y_centroid - (crop_background[1]) / 2), 0 ]) start_x_cropping = (int(x_centroid - (crop_background[0]) / 2)) start_y_cropping = (int(y_centroid - (crop_background[1]) / 2)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # cropping the background image_tfm = roiFilter.Execute(image_tfm) label_tfm = roiFilter.Execute(label_tfm) # convert image to numpy array image_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image_tfm).astype(np.uint8) label_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label_tfm).astype(np.uint8) label_np = np.asarray(label_np, np.float32) # unify numpy and sitk orientation image_np = np.transpose(image_np, (2, 1, 0)) label_np = np.transpose(label_np, (2, 1, 0)) # a weighting matrix will be used for averaging the overlapped region weight_np = np.zeros(label_np.shape) # prepare image batch indices inum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[0] - patch_size_x) / float(stride_inplane))) + 1 jnum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[1] - patch_size_y) / float(stride_inplane))) + 1 knum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[2] - patch_size_z) / float(stride_layer))) + 1 patch_total = 0 ijk_patch_indices = [] ijk_patch_indicies_tmp = [] for i in range(inum): for j in range(jnum): for k in range(knum): if patch_total % batch_size == 0: ijk_patch_indicies_tmp = [] istart = i * stride_inplane if istart + patch_size_x > image_np.shape[0]: # for last patch istart = image_np.shape[0] - patch_size_x iend = istart + patch_size_x jstart = j * stride_inplane if jstart + patch_size_y > image_np.shape[1]: # for last patch jstart = image_np.shape[1] - patch_size_y jend = jstart + patch_size_y kstart = k * stride_layer if kstart + patch_size_z > image_np.shape[2]: # for last patch kstart = image_np.shape[2] - patch_size_z kend = kstart + patch_size_z ijk_patch_indicies_tmp.append( [istart, iend, jstart, jend, kstart, kend]) if patch_total % batch_size == 0: ijk_patch_indices.append(ijk_patch_indicies_tmp) patch_total += 1 batches = prepare_batch(image_np, ijk_patch_indices) for i in tqdm(range(len(batches))): batch = batches[i] pred = model.predict(batch, verbose=2, batch_size=1) # predict segmentation pred = np.squeeze(pred, axis=4) istart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][0] iend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][1] jstart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][2] jend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][3] kstart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][4] kend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][5] label_np[istart:iend, jstart:jend, kstart:kend] += pred[0, :, :, :] weight_np[istart:iend, jstart:jend, kstart:kend] += 1.0 print("{}: Evaluation complete".format( # eliminate overlapping region using the weighted value label_np = np.rint(np.float32(label_np) / np.float32(weight_np) + 0.01) # --------------- Coming back to (344,344,127) dimension ---------------------------------------- if Padding is True: label_np = label_np[:, :, 0:(label_np.shape[2] - 1)] label = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) label = np.transpose(label, (2, 1, 0)) label[start_x_cropping:start_x_cropping + crop_background[0], start_y_cropping:start_y_cropping + crop_background[1], :] = label_np # convert back to sitk space label = from_numpy_to_itk(label, image) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save segmented label writer = sitk.ImageFileWriter() if resample is True: label = resample_sitk_image(label, spacing=image.GetSpacing(), interpolator='linear') label = resize(label, (sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image)).shape[::-1], sitk.sitkLinear) label.SetDirection(image.GetDirection()) label.SetOrigin(image.GetOrigin()) label.SetSpacing(image.GetSpacing()) else: label = label print("{}: Resampling label back to original image space...".format( writer.SetFileName(result_path) writer.Execute(label) print("{}: Save evaluate label at {} success".format(, result_path))
) parser.add_argument( "--min_pixel", type=int, nargs=1, default=20, help="Percentage of minimum non-zero pixels in the cropped label") args = parser.parse_args() min_pixel = int( args.min_pixel * ((args.patch_size[0] * args.patch_size[1] * args.patch_size[2]) / 100)) trainTransforms = [ NiftiDataset.Resample(args.new_resolution, args.resample), NiftiDataset.Augmentation(), NiftiDataset.Padding( (args.patch_size[0], args.patch_size[1], args.patch_size[2])), NiftiDataset.RandomCrop( (args.patch_size[0], args.patch_size[1], args.patch_size[2]), args.drop_ratio, min_pixel) ] train_gen = data_generator(images_list=args.save_dir + '/' + 'train.txt', labels_list=args.save_dir + '/' + 'train_labels.txt', batch_size=args.batch_size, Transforms=trainTransforms)
def inference(write_image, model, image_path, result_path, resample, resolution, patch_size_x, patch_size_y, patch_size_z, stride_inplane, stride_layer, batch_size=1): # create transformations to image and labels transforms1 = [NiftiDataset.Resample(resolution, resample)] transforms2 = [ NiftiDataset.Padding((patch_size_x, patch_size_y, patch_size_z)) ] # read image file reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() reader.SetFileName(image_path) image = reader.Execute() # normalize the image normalizeFilter = sitk.NormalizeImageFilter() resacleFilter = sitk.RescaleIntensityImageFilter() resacleFilter.SetOutputMaximum(255) resacleFilter.SetOutputMinimum(0) image = normalizeFilter.Execute(image) # set mean and std deviation image = resacleFilter.Execute(image) # create empty label in pair with transformed image label_tfm = sitk.Image(image.GetSize(), sitk.sitkFloat32) label_tfm.SetOrigin(image.GetOrigin()) label_tfm.SetDirection(image.GetDirection()) label_tfm.SetSpacing(image.GetSpacing()) sample = {'image': image, 'label': label_tfm} for transform in transforms1: sample = transform(sample) # keeping track on how much padding will be performed before the inference image_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sample['image']) pad_x = patch_size_x - (patch_size_x - image_array.shape[2]) pad_y = patch_size_x - (patch_size_y - image_array.shape[1]) pad_z = patch_size_z - (patch_size_z - image_array.shape[0]) image_pre_pad = sample['image'] for transform in transforms2: sample = transform(sample) image_tfm, label_tfm = sample['image'], sample['label'] # convert image to numpy array image_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image_tfm) label_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label_tfm) label_np = np.asarray(label_np, np.float32) # unify numpy and sitk orientation image_np = np.transpose(image_np, (2, 1, 0)) label_np = np.transpose(label_np, (2, 1, 0)) # ----------------- Padding the image if the z dimension still is not even ---------------------- if (image_np.shape[2] % 2) == 0: Padding = False else: image_np = np.pad(image_np, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)), 'constant') label_np = np.pad(label_np, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)), 'constant') Padding = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # a weighting matrix will be used for averaging the overlapped region weight_np = np.zeros(label_np.shape) # prepare image batch indices inum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[0] - patch_size_x) / float(stride_inplane))) + 1 jnum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[1] - patch_size_y) / float(stride_inplane))) + 1 knum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[2] - patch_size_z) / float(stride_layer))) + 1 patch_total = 0 ijk_patch_indices = [] ijk_patch_indicies_tmp = [] for i in range(inum): for j in range(jnum): for k in range(knum): if patch_total % batch_size == 0: ijk_patch_indicies_tmp = [] istart = i * stride_inplane if istart + patch_size_x > image_np.shape[0]: # for last patch istart = image_np.shape[0] - patch_size_x iend = istart + patch_size_x jstart = j * stride_inplane if jstart + patch_size_y > image_np.shape[1]: # for last patch jstart = image_np.shape[1] - patch_size_y jend = jstart + patch_size_y kstart = k * stride_layer if kstart + patch_size_z > image_np.shape[2]: # for last patch kstart = image_np.shape[2] - patch_size_z kend = kstart + patch_size_z ijk_patch_indicies_tmp.append( [istart, iend, jstart, jend, kstart, kend]) if patch_total % batch_size == 0: ijk_patch_indices.append(ijk_patch_indicies_tmp) patch_total += 1 batches = prepare_batch(image_np, ijk_patch_indices) for i in tqdm(range(len(batches))): batch = batches[i] pred = model.predict(batch, verbose=2, batch_size=1) # predict segmentation pred = np.squeeze(pred, axis=4) istart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][0] iend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][1] jstart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][2] jend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][3] kstart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][4] kend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][5] label_np[istart:iend, jstart:jend, kstart:kend] += pred[0, :, :, :] weight_np[istart:iend, jstart:jend, kstart:kend] += 1.0 print("{}: Evaluation complete".format( # eliminate overlapping region using the weighted value label_np = (np.float32(label_np) / np.float32(weight_np) + 0.01) # removed the 1 pad on z if Padding is True: label_np = label_np[:, :, 0:(label_np.shape[2] - 1)] # removed all the padding label_np = label_np[:pad_x, :pad_y, :pad_z] # convert back to sitk space label = from_numpy_to_itk(label_np, image_pre_pad) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save label writer = sitk.ImageFileWriter() if resample is True: print("{}: Resampling label back to original image space...".format( # label = resample_sitk_image(label, spacing=image.GetSpacing(), interpolator='bspline') # keep this commented label = resize(label, (sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image)).shape[::-1], sitk.sitkBSpline) label.SetDirection(image.GetDirection()) label.SetOrigin(image.GetOrigin()) label.SetSpacing(image.GetSpacing()) else: label = label writer.SetFileName(result_path) if write_image is True: writer.Execute(label) print("{}: Save evaluate label at {} success".format(, result_path)) return label
if args.Do_you_wanna_train is True: f = open(args.save_dir + '/' + 'train_labels.txt', 'r') n_samples_train = len(f.readlines()) f.close() f = open(args.save_dir + '/' + 'val.txt', 'r') n_samples_val = len(f.readlines()) f.close() print('Number of training samples:', n_samples_train, ' Number of validation samples:', n_samples_val) trainTransforms = [ NiftiDataset.Padding( (344, 344, 128)), # add one padded row to the original PET output NiftiDataset.CropBackground( (args.crop_background_size[0], args.crop_background_size[1], args.crop_background_size[2])), NiftiDataset.Resample(args.new_resolution, args.resample), NiftiDataset.Augmentation(), NiftiDataset.Padding( (args.patch_size[0], args.patch_size[1], args.patch_size[2])), NiftiDataset.RandomCrop( (args.patch_size[0], args.patch_size[1], args.patch_size[2]), args.drop_ratio, min_pixel) ] # data generator training_generator = data_generator(
def plot_generated_batch(image, label, model, resample, resolution, crop_background, patch_size_x, patch_size_y, patch_size_z, stride_inplane, stride_layer, batch_size, epoch): # --------------- reading the images from the validation list txt -------------- f = open(image, 'r') images = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(label, 'r') labels = f.readlines() f.close() image = images[0].rstrip( ) # taking the first in the list to monitor during the training label = labels[0].rstrip() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ transforms = [ NiftiDataset.Resample(resolution, resample), NiftiDataset.Padding((patch_size_x, patch_size_y, patch_size_z)) ] # normalize the images normalizeFilter = sitk.NormalizeImageFilter() resacleFilter = sitk.RescaleIntensityImageFilter() resacleFilter.SetOutputMaximum(255) resacleFilter.SetOutputMinimum(0) reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() reader.SetFileName(image) image = reader.Execute() image = normalizeFilter.Execute( image) # set low dose mean and std deviation image = resacleFilter.Execute(image) reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() reader.SetFileName(label) label = reader.Execute() label = normalizeFilter.Execute( label) # set high dose mean and std deviation label = resacleFilter.Execute(label) # create empty label in pair with transformed image image_tfm = image label_tfm = sitk.Image(image_tfm.GetSize(), sitk.sitkUInt8) label_tfm.SetOrigin(image_tfm.GetOrigin()) label_tfm.SetDirection(image.GetDirection()) label_tfm.SetSpacing(image_tfm.GetSpacing()) original = {'image': image_tfm, 'label': label} sample = {'image': image_tfm, 'label': label_tfm} for transform in transforms: sample = transform(sample) image_tfm, label_tfm = sample['image'], sample['label'] label_true = original['label'] # ---------------------- Padding the image if the z dimension is not even ---------------------- image_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image_tfm) image_np = np.transpose(image_np, (2, 1, 0)) if (image_np.shape[2] % 2) == 0: image_tfm = image_tfm label_tfm = label_tfm label_true = label_true else: # pad low dose image image_np = np.pad(image_np, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)), 'constant') image_tfm = from_numpy_to_itk(image_np, image_tfm) # pad high dose image label_true_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label_true) label_true_np = np.transpose(label_true_np, (2, 1, 0)) label_true_np = np.pad(label_true_np, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)), 'constant') label_true = from_numpy_to_itk(label_true_np, image_tfm) # create empty label in pair with transformed image label_tfm = sitk.Image(image_tfm.GetSize(), sitk.sitkUInt8) label_tfm.SetOrigin(image_tfm.GetOrigin()) label_tfm.SetDirection(image_tfm.GetDirection()) label_tfm.SetSpacing(image_tfm.GetSpacing()) # ----------------- Computing centroid of the image to crop the background ------------------- threshold = sitk.BinaryThresholdImageFilter() threshold.SetLowerThreshold(1) threshold.SetUpperThreshold(255) threshold.SetInsideValue(1) threshold.SetOutsideValue(0) roiFilter = sitk.RegionOfInterestImageFilter() roiFilter.SetSize( [crop_background[0], crop_background[1], crop_background[2]]) if patch_size_x > crop_background[0]: print('patch size x bigger than image dimension x') quit() if patch_size_y > crop_background[1]: print('patch size y bigger than image dimension y') quit() if patch_size_z > crop_background[2]: print('patch size y bigger than image dimension z') quit() image_mask = threshold.Execute(label_true) image_mask = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image_mask) image_mask = np.transpose(image_mask, (2, 1, 0)) # centroid of the brain input for the inference centroid = scipy.ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(image_mask) x_centroid =[0]) y_centroid =[1]) roiFilter.SetIndex([ int(x_centroid - (crop_background[0]) / 2), int(y_centroid - (crop_background[1]) / 2), 0 ]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # cropping the background from low dose, high dose and gan image image_tfm = roiFilter.Execute(image_tfm) label_tfm = roiFilter.Execute(label_tfm) label_true = roiFilter.Execute(label_true) # **************************** low = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image_tfm) # values to plot on the histograms high = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label_true) # **************************** # convert image to numpy array image_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image_tfm) label_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label_tfm) label_np = np.asarray(label_np, np.float32) slice_volume_20 = image_np[20] slice_volume_40 = image_np[40] slice_volume_63 = image_np[63] slice_volume_80 = image_np[80] x = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label_true) slice_label_20 = x[20] slice_label_40 = x[40] slice_label_63 = x[63] slice_label_80 = x[80] # unify numpy and sitk orientation image_np = np.transpose(image_np, (2, 1, 0)) label_np = np.transpose(label_np, (2, 1, 0)) # a weighting matrix will be used for averaging the overlapped region weight_np = np.zeros(label_np.shape) # ---------------------- Prepare image batch indices--------------------------------- inum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[0] - patch_size_x) / float(stride_inplane))) + 1 jnum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[1] - patch_size_y) / float(stride_inplane))) + 1 knum = int( math.ceil( (image_np.shape[2] - patch_size_z) / float(stride_layer))) + 1 patch_total = 0 ijk_patch_indices = [] ijk_patch_indicies_tmp = [] for i in range(inum): for j in range(jnum): for k in range(knum): if patch_total % batch_size == 0: ijk_patch_indicies_tmp = [] istart = i * stride_inplane if istart + patch_size_x > image_np.shape[0]: # for last patch istart = image_np.shape[0] - patch_size_x iend = istart + patch_size_x jstart = j * stride_inplane if jstart + patch_size_y > image_np.shape[1]: # for last patch jstart = image_np.shape[1] - patch_size_y jend = jstart + patch_size_y kstart = k * stride_layer if kstart + patch_size_z > image_np.shape[2]: # for last patch kstart = image_np.shape[2] - patch_size_z kend = kstart + patch_size_z ijk_patch_indicies_tmp.append( [istart, iend, jstart, jend, kstart, kend]) if patch_total % batch_size == 0: ijk_patch_indices.append(ijk_patch_indicies_tmp) patch_total += 1 batches = prepare_batch(image_np, ijk_patch_indices) # ------------------------ Inference GAN --------------------------------------- for i in range(len(batches)): batch = batches[i] pred = model.predict(batch, verbose=2, batch_size=1) # prediction GAN pred = np.squeeze(pred, axis=4) istart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][0] iend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][1] jstart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][2] jend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][3] kstart = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][4] kend = ijk_patch_indices[i][0][5] label_np[istart:iend, jstart:jend, kstart:kend] += pred[0, :, :, :] weight_np[istart:iend, jstart:jend, kstart:kend] += 1.0 print("{}: Evaluation complete".format( # eliminate overlapping region using the weighted value label_np = np.rint(np.float32(label_np) / np.float32(weight_np) + 0.01) # convert back to sitk space label_np = np.transpose(label_np, (2, 1, 0)) # convert label numpy back to sitk image label_tfm = sitk.GetImageFromArray(label_np) label_tfm.SetOrigin(image_tfm.GetOrigin()) label_tfm.SetDirection(image.GetDirection()) label_tfm.SetSpacing(image_tfm.GetSpacing()) # save segmented label writer = sitk.ImageFileWriter() if resample is True: label = resample_sitk_image(label_tfm, spacing=image.GetSpacing(), interpolator='linear') label = resize(label, (sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image)).shape, sitk.sitkLinear) label_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label) label.SetDirection(image.GetDirection()) label.SetOrigin(image.GetOrigin()) label.SetSpacing(image.GetSpacing()) else: label = label_tfm label_directory = 'History/Epochs_training/epoch_%s' % epoch if not os.path.exists(label_directory): os.makedirs(label_directory) label_directory = os.path.join(label_directory, 'epoch_prediction.nii.gz') writer.SetFileName(label_directory) writer.Execute(label) # --------------------------- Plotting samples during training --------------------------------- slice_predicted_20 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label)[20] slice_predicted_40 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label)[40] slice_predicted_63 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label)[63] slice_predicted_80 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(label)[80] fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(12, 12) plt.subplot(5, 3, 1), plt.imshow(slice_volume_20, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('Low dose') plt.subplot(5, 3, 2), plt.imshow(slice_predicted_20, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('GAN') plt.subplot(5, 3, 3), plt.imshow(slice_label_20, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('High dose') plt.subplot(5, 3, 4), plt.imshow(slice_volume_40, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('Low dose') plt.subplot(5, 3, 5), plt.imshow(slice_predicted_40, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('GAN') plt.subplot(5, 3, 6), plt.imshow(slice_label_40, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('High dose') plt.subplot(5, 3, 7), plt.imshow(slice_volume_63, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('Low dose') plt.subplot(5, 3, 8), plt.imshow(slice_predicted_63, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('GAN') plt.subplot(5, 3, 9), plt.imshow(slice_label_63, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('High dose') plt.subplot(5, 3, 10), plt.imshow(slice_volume_80, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('Low dose') plt.subplot(5, 3, 11), plt.imshow(slice_predicted_80, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('GAN') plt.subplot(5, 3, 12), plt.imshow( slice_label_80, 'gray'), plt.axis('off'), plt.title('High dose') plt.subplot(5, 3, 13, autoscale_on=True), plt.hist( low.flatten(), bins=256, range=(3, (low.flatten()).max()), density=0, facecolor='red', align='right', alpha=0.75, histtype='stepfilled'), plt.title('Low dose histogram') plt.subplot(5, 3, 14, autoscale_on=True), plt.hist( label_np.flatten(), bins=256, range=(3, (label_np.flatten()).max()), density=0, facecolor='red', align='right', alpha=0.75, histtype='stepfilled'), plt.title('GAN histogram') plt.subplot(5, 3, 15, autoscale_on=True), plt.hist( high.flatten(), bins=256, range=(3, (high.flatten()).max()), density=0, facecolor='red', align='right', alpha=0.75, histtype='stepfilled'), plt.title('High dose histogram') plt.savefig('History/Epochs_training/epoch_%s.png' % epoch) plt.close()