コード例 #1
    def reqService(self, offset, eventName, data, rx=None, rxId=None):
        #Purpose: Send an event if Simian is running.
        engine = self.engine  #Get the engine for this entity

        if rx != None and offset < engine.minDelay:
            if not engine.running:
                raise SimianError("Sending event when Simian is idle!")
            #If sending to self, then do not check against min-delay
            raise SimianError(self.name + "[" + str(self.num) + "]" +
                              " attempted to send with too little delay")

        time = engine.now + offset
        if time > engine.endTime:  #No need to send this event

        if rx == None: rx = self.name
        if rxId == None: rxId = self.num
        e = {
            "tx": self.name,  #String
            "txId": self.num,  #Number
            "rx": rx,  #String
            "rxId": rxId,  #Number
            "name": eventName,  #String
            "data": data,  #Object
            "time": time,  #Number

        recvRank = engine.getOffsetRank(rx, rxId)

        if recvRank == engine.rank:  #Send to self
            heapq.heappush(engine.eventQueue, (time, e))
            if time < engine.minSent: engine.minSent = time
            #engine.MPI.isend(e, recvRank) #Send to others (Problem with MPI buffers getting filled too fast)
            engine.MPI.send(e, recvRank)  #Send to others
コード例 #2
ファイル: gpu_scheduler.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def __init__(self, engine):
     self.engine = weakref.ref(engine)
     self.event_queue = []
     self.current_gpu = None
     self.current_stream = (0, 0)
     self.process_list = []
     #Initialize CUDA
         import pycuda.driver as cuda
         from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
         self.driver = cuda
         raise SimianError(
             "Please install pyCuda before using Simian for CUDA based simulation"
     self.num_devices = cuda.Device.count()
     print "Found ", self.num_devices, " cuda devices on this node"
     if self.num_devices == 0:
         raise SimianError("No cuda capable device found on this node")
     self.device_queues = []
     self.contexts = []
     for gpu in range(self.num_devices):
         streams = []
         num_mp = cuda.Device(gpu).get_attribute(
         for mp in range(num_mp):
         print "Device ", gpu, " contains ", num_mp, " multiprocessors"
     self.current_gpu = 0
コード例 #3
    def reqService(self, offset, eventName, data, rx=None, rxId=None):
        #Purpose: Send an event if Simian is running.
        engine = self.engine  #Get the engine for this entity

        if rx != None and offset < engine.minDelay:
            if not engine.running:
                raise SimianError("Sending event when Simian is idle!")
            #If sending to self, then do not check against min-delay
            raise SimianError(self.name + "[" + str(self.num) + "]" +
                              " attempted to send with too little delay")

        time = engine.now + offset
        if time > engine.endTime:  #No need to send this event

        if rx == None: rx = self.name
        if rxId == None: rxId = self.num
        e = {
            "tx": self.name,  #String
            "txId": self.num,  #Number
            "rx": rx,  #String
            "rxId": rxId,  #Number
            "name": eventName,  #String
            "data": data,  #Object
            "time": time,  #Number

        # this is a particular mechanism added by Jason Liu for
        # allowing different mappings from LPs to ranks
        recvRank = engine.getOffsetRank(rx, rxId)

        if recvRank == engine.rank:  #Send to self
            heapq.heappush(engine.eventQueue, (time, e))
            engine.MPI.sendAndCount(e, recvRank)
コード例 #4
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: annonch/simian
 def createProcess(self, name, fun, kind=None): #Creates a named process
     global Process
     if not Process:
         from process import Process
     if name == "*":
         raise SimianError("Reserved name to represent all child processes: " + name)
     proc = Process(name, fun, self, None) #No parent means, entity is parent
     if not proc:
         raise SimianError("Could not create a valid process named: " + name)
     self._procList[name] = proc
     if kind != None:
         self.categorizeProcess(kind, name) #Categorize
コード例 #5
    def addEntity(self, name, entityClass, num, *args):
        #Purpose: Add an entity to the entity-list if Simian is idle
        #This function takes a pointer to a class from which the entities can
        #be constructed, a name, and a number for the instance.
        if self.running:
            raise SimianError("Adding entity when Simian is running!")

        if not (name in self.entities):
            self.entities[name] = {}  #To hold entities of this "name"
        entity = self.entities[name]

        self.baseRanks[name] = self.getBaseRank(name)  #Register base-ranks
        computedRank = self.getOffsetRank(name, num)

        if computedRank == self.rank:  #This entity resides on this engine
            #Output log file for this Entity
            self.out.write(name + "[" + str(num) + "]: Running on rank " +
                           str(computedRank) + "\n")

            entity[num] = entityClass(
                    "name": name,
                    "out": self.out,
                    "engine": self,
                    "num": num,
                }, *args)  #Entity is instantiated
コード例 #6
ファイル: simian.py プロジェクト: annonch/simian
    def optimisticRollback(self, time, LP):
        backup = False
        numRolls = 0
        if time < self.optimistic_GVT:
            raise SimianError(
                "rollback before GVT!!!! GVT: %s , Event Queue Dump : %s" %
                (self.optimistic_GVT, self.eventQueue))
        if len(LP.processedEvents):
            while LP.processedEvents[len(LP.processedEvents) -
                                     1][0]["time"] >= time:
                if self.statistics:
                    numRolls += 1
                (event, state) = LP.processedEvents.pop(-1)
                heap.push(self.eventQueue, (event["time"], dict(event)))
                backup = dict(state)
                LP.recoverAntimessages(state, time)
                self.optimisticNumEventsRolledBack += 1
                if not len(LP.processedEvents): break

        if self.statistics:

        if backup:
        LP.VT = time
コード例 #7
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def iprobe(self, src=None, tag=None):  #Non-blocking asynch
     src = src or mpi.MPI_ANY_SOURCE
     tag = tag or mpi.MPI_ANY_TAG
     if mpi.MPI_Iprobe(src, tag, self.comm, C.byref(self.itemp),
                       C.byref(self.status)) == mpi.MPI_SUCCESS:
         return (self.itemp.value != 0)
     raise SimianError("Could not Iprobe in MPI")
コード例 #8
 def wakeProcess(self, name, *args):  #Wake a named process with arguments
     if not (name in self._procList):
         raise SimianError("Attempted to wake a non existant process: " +
     else:  #If existing and not been killed asynchronously
         proc = self._procList[name]
コード例 #9
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
    def __init__(self, libName):
        global mpi
        mpi = loadMPI(libName)

        if mpi.MPI_Init(None, None) != mpi.MPI_SUCCESS:
            raise SimianError("Could not initialize MPI")

        self.CBUF_LEN = 32 * 1024  #32kB

        self.comm = mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD
        self.BYTE = mpi.MPI_BYTE
        self.DOUBLE = mpi.MPI_DOUBLE
        self.LONG = mpi.MPI_LONG
        self.MIN = mpi.MPI_MIN
        self.SUM = mpi.MPI_SUM

        self.request = mpi.MPI_Request()
        self.status = mpi.MPI_Status()
        self.itemp = C.c_int()
        self.dtemp0 = C.c_double()
        self.dtemp1 = C.c_double()
        self.ctemp = C.create_string_buffer(self.CBUF_LEN)  #Preallocate

        self.numRanks = self.size()
        self.sndCounts = (C.c_long * self.numRanks)()
        for i in range(len(self.sndCounts)):
            self.sndCounts[i] = 0
        self.rcvCounts = (C.c_long * self.numRanks)()
コード例 #10
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def sendAndCount(self, x, dst, tag=None):  #Blocking
     m = Pack(x)
     tag = tag or len(m)  #Set to message length if None
     if mpi.MPI_Send(m, len(m), self.BYTE, dst, tag,
                     self.comm) != mpi.MPI_SUCCESS:
         raise SimianError("Could not Send in MPI")
     self.sndCounts[dst] += 1
コード例 #11
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: annonch/simian
 def killProcessKind(self, kind): #Kills all @kind processes on entity
     if not (kind in self._category):
         raise SimianError("killProcessKind: No category of processes on this entity called " + str(kind))
         nameSet = self._category[kind]
         for name,_ in nameSet.items(): #So we can delete while iterating
             proc = self._procList[name]
             proc.kill() #Kill itself and all subprocesses
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self, simName, startTime, endTime, minDelay=1, useMPI=False, mpiLibName=defaultMpichLibName):
        self.Entity = Entity #Include in the top Simian namespace

        self.name = simName
        self.startTime = startTime
        self.endTime = endTime
        self.minDelay = minDelay
        self.now = startTime

        #If simulation is running
        self.running = False

        #Stores the entities available on this LP
        self.entities = {}

        #Events are stored in a priority-queue or heap, in increasing
        #order of time field. Heap top can be accessed using self.eventQueue[0]
        #event = {time, name, data, tx, txId, rx, rxId}.
        self.eventQueue = []

        #Stores the minimum time of any event sent by this process,
        #which is used in the global reduce to ensure global time is set to
        #the correct minimum.
        self.infTime = endTime + 2*minDelay
        self.minSent = self.infTime

        #[[Base rank is an integer hash of entity's name]]
        self.baseRanks = {}

        #Make things work correctly with and without MPI
        if useMPI:
            #Initialize MPI
                global MPI
                from MPILib import MPI
                self.useMPI = True
                self.MPI = MPI(mpiLibName)
                self.rank = self.MPI.rank()
                self.size = self.MPI.size()
                raise SimianError("Please ensure libmpich is available to ctypes before using Simian for MPI based simulations.\nTry passing absolute path to libmpich.[dylib/so/dll] to Simian.")
            self.useMPI = False
            self.MPI = None
            self.rank = 0
            self.size = 1

        #One output file per rank
        self.out = open(self.name + "." + str(self.rank) + ".out", "w")

        #Write some header information for each output file
        self.out.write("----------SIMIAN-PIE PDES ENGINE-----------\n")
        if self.useMPI:
            self.out.write("MPI: ON\n\n")
            self.out.write("MPI: OFF\n\n")
コード例 #13
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: annonch/simian
 def categorizeProcess(self, kind, name): #Check for existing process and then categorize
     if name in self._procList:
         proc = self._procList[name]
         #Categorize both ways for easy lookup
         proc._kindSet[kind] = True #Indicate to proc that it is of this kind to its entity
         #Indicate to entity that proc is of this kind
         if not kind in self._category: self._category[kind] = {name: True} #New kind
         else: self._category[kind][name] = True #Existing kind
     else: raise SimianError("categorize: Expects a proper child to categorize")
コード例 #14
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def alltoallSum(self):
     if (mpi.MPI_Alltoall(self.sndCounts, 1, self.LONG, self.rcvCounts, 1,
                          self.LONG, self.comm) != mpi.MPI_SUCCESS):
         raise SimianError("Could not AllToAll in MPI")
     toRcv = 0
     for i in range(self.numRanks):
         toRcv = toRcv + self.rcvCounts[i]
         self.sndCounts[i] = 0
     return toRcv
コード例 #15
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: annonch/simian
 def startProcess(self, name, *args): #Starts a named process
     if name in self._procList:
         proc = self._procList[name]
         if not proc.started:
             proc.started = True
             #When starting, pass process instance as first arg, which can be accessed inside the "fun"
             return proc.wake(proc, *args)
             raise SimianError("Starting an already started process: " + proc.name)
コード例 #16
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: annonch/simian
 def unCategorizeProcess(self, kind, name):
     #Check for existing process and then unCategorize
     if name in self._procList:
         proc = self._procList[name]
         #unCategorize both ways for easy lookup
         proc._kindSet.pop(kind) #Indicate to proc that it is not of this kind to its entity
         #Indicate to entity that proc is not of this kind
         if kind in self._category:
             self._category[kind].pop(name) #Existing kind deleted
     else: raise SimianError("unCategorize: Expects a proper child to un-categorize")
コード例 #17
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def allreduce(self, partial, op):
     self.dtemp0 = C.c_double(partial)
     if (mpi.MPI_Allreduce(
             self.DOUBLE,  #Single double operand
             self.comm) != mpi.MPI_SUCCESS):
         raise SimianError("Could not Allreduce in MPI")
     return self.dtemp1.value
コード例 #18
 def wake(thisProcess, *args):
     #Arguments "*args" to __call => function-body
     #Arguments "*args" to wake => LHS of hibernate
     co = thisProcess.co
     if co != None and not co.dead:
         thisProcess.main = greenlet.getcurrent()
         thisProcess.suspended = False
         return co.switch(*args)
         raise SimianError("Attempted to wake a process: " +
                           thisProcess.name + " failed")
コード例 #19
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def recv(self, maxSize, src=None, tag=None):  #Blocking
     src = src or mpi.MPI_ANY_SOURCE
     tag = tag or mpi.MPI_ANY_TAG
     m = self.ctemp
     if maxSize > self.CBUF_LEN:  #Temporary buffer is too small
         m = C.create_string_buffer(maxSize)
     if mpi.MPI_Recv(m, maxSize, self.BYTE, src, tag, self.comm,
                     C.byref(self.status)) == mpi.MPI_SUCCESS:
         #return Unpack(m.raw)
         return Unpack(m[:maxSize])
     raise SimianError("Could not Recv in MPI")
コード例 #20
    def sleep(thisProcess, x, *args):
        #Processes which are to implicitly wake at set timeouts
        #All return values are passed to __call/wake
        if (not isinstance(x, (int, long, float))) or (x < 0):
            raise SimianError("Sleep not given non-negative number argument!" +

        entity = thisProcess.entity
        #Schedule a local alarm event after x timesteps to wakeup
        entity.engine.schedService(entity.engine.now + x, "_wakeProcess",
                                   thisProcess.name, entity.name, entity.num)
        thisProcess.suspended = True
        return thisProcess.main.switch(*args)
コード例 #21
ファイル: simian.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
    def __init__(self, simName, startTime, endTime, minDelay=1, useMPI=False):
        self.Entity = Entity  #Include in the top Simian namespace

        self.name = simName
        self.startTime = startTime
        self.endTime = endTime
        self.minDelay = minDelay
        self.now = startTime

        #If simulation is running
        self.running = False

        #Stores the entities available on this LP
        self.entities = {}

        #Events are stored in a priority-queue or heap, in increasing
        #order of time field. Heap top can be accessed using self.eventQueue[0]
        #event = {time, name, data, tx, txId, rx, rxId}.
        self.eventQueue = []

        #Stores the minimum time of any event sent by this process,
        #which is used in the global reduce to ensure global time is set to
        #the correct minimum.
        self.infTime = endTime + 2 * minDelay
        self.minSent = self.infTime

        #[[Base rank is an integer hash of entity's name]]
        self.baseRanks = {}

        #Make things work correctly with and without MPI
        if useMPI:
            #Initialize MPI
            global MPI
                from mpi4py import MPI
                self.useMPI = True
                self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
                self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
                self.size = self.comm.Get_size()
                raise SimianError(
                    "Please install mpi4py before using Simian for MPI based simulations"
            self.useMPI = False
            self.comm = None
            self.rank = 0
            self.size = 1

        #One output file per rank
        self.out = open(self.name + "." + str(self.rank) + ".out", "w")
コード例 #22
    def spawn(thisProcess, name, fun, kind=None):
        #Create a new named processes as child or @kind
        entity = thisProcess.entity
        if name in entity._procList:
            raise SimianError("spawn: Process by name '" + name +
                              "' already exists in entity " + entity.name +
                              "[" + str(entity.num) + "]")

        entity.createProcess(name, fun,
                             kind)  #Creates a named process of kind type
        #Make this a child of thisProcess
        #NOTE: This is the difference between process.spawn and entity.createProcess
        entity._procList[name].parent = thisProcess
        thisProcess._childList[name] = True
コード例 #23
#Author: Nandakishore Santhi
#Date: 23 November, 2014
#Copyright: Open source, must acknowledge original author
#Purpose: PDES Engine in Python, mirroring a subset of the Simian JIT-PDES
#  Named process class
from utils import SimianError
from greenlet import greenlet
    from greenlet import greenlet
    raise SimianError(
        "Please install greenlets before using SimianPie to run simulations")

#Making this pythonic - this is a base class that all derived Processes will inherit from
class Process(object):
    #ent.createProcess/proc.hibernate <=> proc.wake/ent.wakeProcess
    #proc.sleep/proc.compute <=> ent.wakeProcess
    def __init__(self, name, fun, thisEntity, thisParent):
        self.name = name
        self.co = greenlet(run=fun)
        self.started = False
        self.suspended = False
        self.main = greenlet.getcurrent(
        )  #To hold the main process for to/from context-switching within sleep/wake/hibernate

        self.entity = thisEntity
        self.parent = thisParent  #Parent is None if created by entity

        self._kindSet = {}  #Set of kinds that it belongs to on its entity
        self._childList = {}
コード例 #24
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def finalize(self):
     if mpi.MPI_Finalize() == mpi.MPI_SUCCESS:
         return False
     raise SimianError("Could not finalize MPI")
コード例 #25
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: annonch/simian
    def reqService(self, offset, eventName, data, rx=None, rxId=None):
        #Purpose: Send an event if Simian is running.
        engine = self.engine #Get the engine for this entity
        if not engine.optimistic:
            if rx != None and offset < engine.minDelay:
                if not engine.running: raise SimianError("Sending event when Simian is idle!")
                #If sending to self, then do not check against min-delay
                raise SimianError(self.name + "[" + str(self.num) + "]"
                                  + " attempted to send with too little delay")

        time = engine.now + offset
        if engine.optimistic:
            if offset == 0 :
                offset = 0.000000001 # add 1 nano unit
                #event can not create an event for the same time ( this resolution is debatable)
            time = self.VT + offset
        #print time
        if time > engine.endTime: 
        if engine.optimistic_color == 'white':
            color = 'white'
            color = 'red'
        if rx == None: rx = self.name
        if rxId == None: rxId = self.num
        e = {
            "tx": self.name, #String
            "txId": self.num, #Number
            "rx": rx, #String
            "rxId": rxId, #Number
            "name": eventName, #String
            "data": data, #Object
            "time": time, #Number
            "antimessage" : False,
            "GVT" : False,
            "color" : color,
        if engine.optimistic:
            ae = {
                "tx": self.name, #String
                "txId": self.num, #Number
                "rx": rx, #String
                "rxId": rxId, #Number
                "name": eventName, #String
                "data": data, #Object
                "time": time, #Number
                "antimessage" : True,
                "GVT" : False,
                "color" : color,
        # this is a particular mechanism added by Jason Liu for
        # allowing different mappings from LPs to ranks
        if engine.partfct:
            recvRank = engine.partfct(rx, rxId, engine.size, engine.partarg)
            recvRank = engine.getOffsetRank(rx, rxId)

        if engine.statistics:
                self.statisticsWhoSendLP[(rx,rxId)] += 1
                self.statisticsWhoSendRank[recvRank] += 1
            except KeyError:
                self.statisticsWhoSendLP[(rx,rxId)] = 1
                self.statisticsWhoSendRank[recvRank] = 1
        if recvRank == engine.rank: #Send to self
            engine.heap.push(engine.eventQueue, (time, e))
            if engine.optimistic:
                if engine.optimistic_color == 'white':
                    engine.optimistic_white += 1 # GVT approx algo
                    engine.optimistic_t_min = min(engine.optimistic_t_min, time)
                engine.MPI.send(e, recvRank)
                engine.MPI.sendAndCount(e, recvRank)
コード例 #26
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def rank(self):
     if mpi.MPI_Comm_rank(self.comm,
                          C.byref(self.itemp)) == mpi.MPI_SUCCESS:
         return self.itemp.value
     raise SimianError("Could not get rank in MPI")
コード例 #27
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def size(self):
     #size = (C.c_int * 1)()
     if mpi.MPI_Comm_size(self.comm,
                          C.byref(self.itemp)) == mpi.MPI_SUCCESS:
         return self.itemp.value
     raise SimianError("Could not get size in MPI")
コード例 #28
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def isend(self, x, dst, tag=None):  #Non-Blocking
     m = Pack(x)
     tag = tag or len(m)  #Set to message length if None
     if mpi.MPI_Isend(m, len(m), self.BYTE, dst, tag, self.comm,
                      C.byref(self.request)) != mpi.MPI_SUCCESS:
         raise SimianError("Could not Isend in MPI")
コード例 #29
    def run(self):  #Run the simulation
        startTime = timeLib.clock()
        if self.rank == 0:
            print("----------SIMIAN-PIE PDES ENGINE-----------")
            if self.useMPI:
                print("MPI: ON")
                print("MPI: OFF")
        numEvents = 0

        self.running = True
        globalMinLeft = self.startTime
        while globalMinLeft <= self.endTime:
            epoch = globalMinLeft + self.minDelay

            self.minSent = self.infTime
            while len(self.eventQueue) > 0 and self.eventQueue[0][0] < epoch:
                (time, event) = heapq.heappop(self.eventQueue)  #Next event
                if self.now > time:
                    raise SimianError(
                        "Out of order event: now=%f, evt=%f" % self.now, time)
                self.now = time  #Advance time

                #Simulate event
                entity = self.entities[event["rx"]][event["rxId"]]
                service = getattr(entity, event["name"])
                service(event["data"], event["tx"], event["txId"])  #Receive

                numEvents = numEvents + 1

            if self.size > 1:
                toRcvCount = self.MPI.alltoallSum()
                while toRcvCount > 0:
                    remoteEvent = self.MPI.recvAnySize()
                                   (remoteEvent["time"], remoteEvent))
                    toRcvCount -= 1

                minLeft = self.infTime
                if len(self.eventQueue) > 0: minLeft = self.eventQueue[0][0]
                globalMinLeft = self.MPI.allreduce(
                    minLeft, self.MPI.MIN)  #Synchronize minLeft
                globalMinLeft = self.infTime
                if len(self.eventQueue) > 0:
                    globalMinLeft = self.eventQueue[0][0]

        self.running = False

        if self.size > 1:
            totalEvents = self.MPI.allreduce(numEvents, self.MPI.SUM)
            totalEvents = numEvents

        if self.rank == 0:
            elapsedTime = timeLib.clock() - startTime
            print "SIMULATION COMPLETED IN: " + str(elapsedTime) + " SECONDS"
            print "SIMULATED EVENTS: " + str(totalEvents)
            print "EVENTS PER SECOND: " + str(totalEvents / elapsedTime)
            print "==========================================="
コード例 #30
ファイル: MPILib.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/PPT-1
 def barrier(self):
     if (mpi.MPI_Barrier(self.comm) != mpi.MPI_SUCCESS):
         raise SimianError("Could not Barrier in MPI")