コード例 #1
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        # 空列表 return
        if head is None:
            return None
        # 单节点 return
        if head.next is None:
            return TreeNode(head.val)
        # 2个节点 return
        if head.next and head.next.next is None:
            root = TreeNode(head.next.val)
            root.left = TreeNode(head.val)
            return root
        # 快慢指针,快指针到终点时,慢指针正好是中点
        prev = fast = slow = head

        while True:
            if fast.next:
                fast = fast.next
            if fast.next:
                fast = fast.next
            if slow.next:
                prev = slow
                slow = slow.next
        # 断开链接到中点的link
        prev.next = None
        root = TreeNode(slow.val)
        # 递归生成子树
        root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        root.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)
        return root
コード例 #2
def test_findTilt():
    t1 = TreeNode(1)
    t2 = TreeNode(2)
    t3 = TreeNode(3)
    t1.left = t2
    t1.right = t3
    assert findTilt(t1) == 1, findTilt(t1)

    t4 = TreeNode(4)
    t5 = TreeNode(5)
    t2.left = t4
    t3.left = t5
    assert findTilt(t1) == 11, findTilt(t1)
コード例 #3
    def deserialize(self, data):
        """Decodes your encoded data to tree.

        :type data: str
        :rtype: TreeNode
        if not data:
            return None
            left_bound = data.index('(')
        except ValueError:
            return TreeNode(int(data))

        right_bound = 0
        counter = 0
        while right_bound < len(data):
            if data[right_bound] == '(':
                counter += 1
            elif data[right_bound] == ')':
                counter -= 1
                if counter == 0:
                    right_bound += 1
            right_bound += 1
        val = int(data[:left_bound])
        left_data = data[left_bound+1:right_bound-1]
        right_data = data[right_bound+1:-1]
        node = TreeNode(val)
        node.left = self.deserialize(left_data)
        node.right = self.deserialize(right_data)
        return node
コード例 #4
        def node_from_preorder(p_i: int, p_j: int) -> TreeNode:
            p_i and p_j is left and right bounds for preorder list
            If bounds not valid (list not empty) -> return null
            Create node from left element in preorder
            With binary search search for first element which index in inorder is greater than node's
            Link node created with bounds p_i + 1 (miss first element) and left as left child
            Link node created with bound left and p_j as right child
            Return node
            if p_i >= p_j:
                return None

            node = TreeNode(preorder[p_i])

            left, right = p_i + 1, p_j - 1

            while left <= right:
                mid = (left + right) // 2

                if indices[preorder[mid]][1] > indices[node.val][1]:
                    right = mid - 1
                    left = mid + 1

            node.left = node_from_preorder(p_i + 1, left)
            node.right = node_from_preorder(left, p_j)

            return node
コード例 #5
 def build(stop):
     if inorder and inorder[-1] != stop:
         root = TreeNode(preorder.pop())
         root.left = build(root.val)
         root.right = build(stop)
         return root
コード例 #6
def buildTree(preorder: 'list[int]', inorder: 'list[int]') -> TreeNode:
    if inorder:
        ind = inorder.index(preorder.pop(0))
        root = TreeNode(inorder[ind])
        root.left = buildTree(preorder, inorder[0:ind])
        root.right = buildTree(preorder, inorder[ind + 1:])
        return root
コード例 #7
    def deleteNode(self, root: TreeNode, key: int) -> TreeNode:
        如果 node.val == key,分三种情况
        1. 如果 node 是叶子节点, 直接令 node = None
        2. 如果 node 只有一个子节点,则把子节点移动到当前节点替换
        3. 如果 node 有两个子节点,则用 right 的最小节点替换当前节点
        if not root:
            return None

        if key < root.val:
            # 递归左侧
            root.left = self.deleteNode(root.left, key)
        elif key > root.val:
            # 递归右侧
            root.right = self.deleteNode(root.right, key)
            # 当 node.val == key
            # 本身就包含了 root.left == root.right == None 的情况
            if root.left is None:
                return root.right
            elif root.right is None:
                return root.left
                min_node = self.findMin(root.right)
                root.val = min_node.val
                root.right = self.deleteNode(root.right, min_node.val)
        return root
コード例 #8
 def helper(s):
     cur = next(s)
     if cur == "#": return
     node = TreeNode(cur)
     node.left = helper(s)
     node.right = helper(s)
     return node
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        :param nums: 从小到大排好序了
        if not head:
            return None

        if not head.next:
            return TreeNode(head.val)

        slow = head
        fast = head.next.next
        while fast and fast.next:
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next.next

        mid = slow

        # 从 mid 开始截断,这样后面再传 head 就相当于只传前半段
        tmp = mid.next
        mid.next = None

        root = TreeNode(tmp.val)
        root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        root.right = self.sortedListToBST(tmp.next)

        return root
コード例 #10
    def invertTree(self, root: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
        Time O(n)
        Space O(n)
        if root is None:
            return root

        if root.left is None and root.right is None:
            return root

        root.left, root.right = root.right, root.left
        root.left = self.invertTree(root.left)
        root.right = self.invertTree(root.right)
        return root
コード例 #11
ファイル: 108.py プロジェクト: flyfatty/PythonTutorial
 def sortedArrayToBST(self, nums: List[int]):
     if not nums:
     mid = len(nums) // 2
     root = TreeNode(nums[mid])
     root.left = self.sortedArrayToBST(nums[:mid])
     root.right = self.sortedArrayToBST(nums[mid + 1:])
     return root
コード例 #12
def addToTree(arr, start, end):
    if end < start:
        return None
    mid = (start + end) // 2
    n = TreeNode(arr[mid])
    n.left = addToTree(arr, start, mid - 1)
    n.right = addToTree(arr, mid + 1, end)
    return n
コード例 #13
 def buildTree(self, preorder: List[int], inorder: List[int]) -> TreeNode:
     if len(preorder) == 0:
         return None
     mid = inorder.index(preorder[0])
     t = TreeNode(preorder[0])
     t.left = self.buildTree(preorder[1:mid + 1], inorder[:mid])
     t.right = self.buildTree(preorder[mid + 1:], inorder[mid + 1:])
     return t
コード例 #14
ファイル: 108.py プロジェクト: stdrickforce/leetcode
 def generate(self, l, r):
     if l > r:
         return None
     mid = (l + r) / 2
     node = TreeNode(self.nums[mid])
     node.left = self.generate(l, mid - 1)
     node.right = self.generate(mid + 1, r)
     return node
 def sortedArrayToBST(self, nums: List[int]) -> TreeNode:
     if len(nums) == 0:
         return None
     i = (len(nums) - 1) // 2
     root = TreeNode(nums[i])
     root.left = self.sortedArrayToBST(nums[:i])
     root.right = self.sortedArrayToBST(nums[i + 1:])
     return root
コード例 #16
 def help(nums, l, h):
     m = (l + h) // 2
     node = TreeNode(nums[m])
     if l <= m - 1:
         node.left = help(nums, l, m - 1)
     if m + 1 <= h:
         node.right = help(nums, m + 1, h)
     return node
コード例 #17
def sorted_array2bst(nums):
    if not nums:
        return None
    mid = len(nums) // 2
    root = TreeNode(nums[mid])
    root.left = sorted_array2bst(nums[:mid])
    root.right = sorted_array2bst(nums[mid+1:])
    return root
コード例 #18
def min_height_bst_from_sorted_array(A):
    if not A:
        return None
    mid = len(A) / 2
    root = TreeNode(A[mid])
    root.left = min_height_bst_from_sorted_array(A[:mid])
    root.right = min_height_bst_from_sorted_array(A[mid + 1:])
    return root
コード例 #19
def deserialize_tree_util(nodes):
    val = nodes.pop()
    if val == '$':
        return None
    root = TreeNode(int(val))
    root.left = deserialize_tree_util(nodes)
    root.right = deserialize_tree_util(nodes)
    return root
コード例 #20
    def sortedArrayToBST_1(self, nums, l, h):
        if h < l:
            return None

        mid = (l+h) / 2
        node = TreeNode(nums[mid])
        node.left = self.sortedArrayToBST_1(nums, l, mid-1)
        node.right = self.sortedArrayToBST_1(nums, mid+1, h)
        return node
コード例 #21
 def reConstructBinaryTree(self, pre, tin):
     # assert(len(pre) == len(tin))
     if len(pre) == 0:
         return None
     treeNode = TreeNode(pre[0])
     mid = tin.index(pre[0])
     treeNode.left = self.reConstructBinaryTree(pre[1:mid + 1], tin[0:mid])
     treeNode.right = self.reConstructBinaryTree(pre[mid + 1:len(pre)], tin[mid + 1:len(tin)])
     return treeNode
コード例 #22
 def des():
     if not data: return None
     val = data.pop(0)
     if val == '#':
         return None
     node = TreeNode(val)
     node.left = des()
     node.right = des()
     return node
コード例 #23
ファイル: 105.py プロジェクト: flyfatty/PythonTutorial
 def buildTree(self, preorder: List[int], inorder: List[int]):
     if not preorder or not inorder:
     root_val = preorder.pop(0)
     root = TreeNode(root_val)
     idx = inorder.index(root_val)
     root.left = self.buildTree(preorder, inorder[:idx])
     root.right = self.buildTree(preorder, inorder[idx + 1:])
     return root
コード例 #24
def buildTree(postorder, inorder):
    if not postorder or not inorder:
        return None
    tree_val = postorder[-1]
    root = TreeNode(tree_val)
    left_index = inorder.index(tree_val)
    root.left = buildTree(postorder[:left_index], inorder[:left_index])
    root.right = buildTree(postorder[left_index:-1], inorder[left_index + 1:])
    return root
コード例 #25
        def dfs(node: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
            if node is None:


            node.left, node.right = node.right, node.left

            return node
コード例 #26
ファイル: chapter4.py プロジェクト: gopar/ctci
    def create_binary_search_tree(array, start, end):
        if end < start:
            return None
        middle = (start + end) // 2
        root = TreeNode(array[middle])

        root.left = create_binary_search_tree(array, start, middle - 1)
        root.right = create_binary_search_tree(array, middle + 1, end)

        return root
コード例 #27
 def deserialize(nodes):
     if len(nodes) < 1:
         return None
     if nodes[-1] == "$":
         return None
     root = TreeNode(int(nodes.pop()))
     root.left = deserialize(nodes)
     root.right = deserialize(nodes)
     return root
コード例 #28
        def helper():
            val = vals.pop()
            if val == '':
                return None

            node = TreeNode(int(val))
            node.left = helper()
            node.right = helper()

            return node
コード例 #29
        def dfs(first: TreeNode, second: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
            If both node not null -> update first node values with second node
            If only first not null -> stay first
            If only second not null -> init first with values of second
            Otherwise -> return null
            Return (updated) first
            if first:
                if second:
                    first.val += second.left
                    first.left = dfs(first.left, second.left)
                    first.right = dfs(first.right, second.right)
                if second:
                    first = TreeNode(second.val)
                    first.left = dfs(None, second.left)
                    first.right = dfs(None, second.right)

            return first
コード例 #30
    def pruneTree(self, root: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not root:
            return None

        root.left = self.pruneTree(root.left)
        root.right = self.pruneTree(root.right)

        if root.val == 0 and not root.right and not root.left:
            return None

        return root
    def flatten(self, root: TreeNode) -> None:
        if not root:

        if root.right and root.left:
            traverse_to_next(root.left).right = root.right
        if root.left:
            root.right = root.left
            root.left = None
        if root.right:
コード例 #32
 def go(node: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
     if node is None:
         return None
     if node.val < L:
         return go(node.right)
     elif node.val > R:
         return go(node.left)
         node.left = go(node.left)
         node.right = go(node.right)
     return node
コード例 #33
 def trim(node: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
     if not node:
         return None
     elif node.val > R:
         # 右子树的值都大于 node.val,当 node.val 都大于 R,则直接抛弃右子树
         return trim(node.left)
     elif node.val < L:
         return trim(node.right)
         node.left = trim(node.left)
         node.right = trim(node.right)
         return node
コード例 #34
def test():
    root = TreeNode(1)
    root.left = TreeNode(2)
    root.right = TreeNode(3)
    root.left.left = TreeNode(4)
    root.left.right = TreeNode(5)
    root.right.left = TreeNode(6)
    root.right.right = TreeNode(7)
    print("LCA(4, 5) = ", LCA(root, 4, 5).val)
    print("LCA(4, 6) = ", LCA(root, 4, 6).val)
    print("LCA(3, 4) = ", LCA(root, 3, 4).val)
    print("LCA(2, 4) = ", LCA(root, 2, 4).val)
コード例 #35
def create_tree_by_preorder(pre_list, mid_list):
    if not pre_list:
        return None
    if not mid_list:
        return None
    tree_val = pre_list[0]
    root = TreeNode(tree_val)
    left_index = mid_list.index(tree_val)
    root.left = create_tree_by_preorder(pre_list[1:left_index + 1],
    root.right = create_tree_by_preorder(pre_list[left_index + 1:],
                                         mid_list[left_index + 1:])
    return root
 def op(start, end):
     if start == end:
         return TreeNode(nums[start])
     elif end - start == 1:
         root = TreeNode(nums[start])
         root.right = TreeNode(nums[end])
         return root
         pivot = (start + end)/2
         root = TreeNode(nums[pivot])
         root.left = op(start, pivot-1)
         root.right = op(pivot+1, end)
         return root
コード例 #37
ファイル: 95.py プロジェクト: stdrickforce/leetcode
    def generate(self, l, r):
        if l > r:
            return [None]

        res = []
        for i in range(l, r + 1):
            for left in self.generate(l, i - 1):
                for right in self.generate(i + 1, r):
                    node = TreeNode(i)
                    node.left = left
                    node.right = right
        return res
 def magic(pre, post):
     if not pre:
         return None
     elif len(pre) == 1:
         return TreeNode(pre[0])
         pv = pre[0]
         ll = post.index(pre[1]) + 1
         l = magic(pre[1 : 1 + ll], post[:ll])
         r = magic(pre[ll + 1 :], post[ll:-1])
         p = TreeNode(pv)
         p.left = l
         p.right = r
         return p
コード例 #39
def constructBT(s):
  if not s: return None
  # print(f"s: {s}")
  paren = s.find("(")
  val = int(s) if paren == -1 else int(s[:paren])
  node = TreeNode(val)
  if paren == -1: return node # if no parentheses found, then return
  start, count = paren, 0
  for i in range(start, len(s)):
    if s[i] == "(": count += 1
    elif s[i] == ")": count -= 1
    if count == 0 and start == paren: # build the left child
      node.left = constructBT(s[start+1:i])
      start = i+1 # start process the right child's string
    elif count == 0: # build the right child
      node.right = constructBT(s[start+1:i])
  return node
コード例 #40
 def sortedListToBST(self, head):
     :type head: ListNode
     :rtype: TreeNode
     if head is None:
         return None
     fast, prev, slow = head, None, head
     while fast and fast.next:
         fast = fast.next.next
         prev, slow = slow, slow.next
     root = TreeNode(slow.val)
     if prev:
         prev.next = None
         return root
     root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
     root.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)
     return root
コード例 #41
  while node or st:
    if node:
      if not node.left and not node.right:
      node = node.left
      node = st.pop()
      node = node.right
  # get the right boundary
  rights = []
  while right and (right.left or right.right):
    if right.right:
      right = right.right
      right = right.left
  return nodes

# testing
from utils import TreeNode
n1 = TreeNode(1)
n2 = TreeNode(2)
n3 = TreeNode(3)
n4 = TreeNode(4)
n1.right = n2
n2.left = n3
n2.right = n4
nodes = boundaryOfBinaryTree_2(n1)
print(f"{[n.val for n in nodes]}")
コード例 #42
		if not root:
		if interval.left <= root.val <= interval.right:
		elif interval.left > root.val:
	res = []
	return res

root = TreeNode(19)
root.left = TreeNode(7)
root.left.left = TreeNode(3)
root.left.left.left = TreeNode(2)
root.left.left.right = TreeNode(5)

root.left.right = TreeNode(11)
root.left.right.right = TreeNode(17)
root.left.right.right.left = TreeNode(13)

root.right = TreeNode(43)
root.right.left = TreeNode(23)
root.right.left.right = TreeNode(37)
root.right.left.right.left = TreeNode(29)
root.right.left.right.left.right = TreeNode(31)
root.right.left.right.right = TreeNode(41)
コード例 #43
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right
previous = []
res = maxsize

def minDiffBT(root):
  if not root: return
  global res, previous
  if previous:
    floor = bisect_left(previous, root.val) # find the insert position
    print(f"val: {root.val}, floor: {floor}, previous: {previous}")
    if floor != len(previous): # if the insert position is within the index range
      res = min(res, abs(root.val - previous[floor]))
    else: # if the insert position pass the index range
      res = min(res, abs(root.val - previous[floor-1]))
    if floor + 1 < len(previous): # also check the potential bigger elements
      res = min(res, abs(previous[floor+1] - root.val))
    previous = previous[:floor] + [root.val] + previous[floor:] # insert the current element
  print(f"min res: {res}")

# testing
t1 = TreeNode(1)
t2 = TreeNode(3)
t3 = TreeNode(6)
t2.left = t3
t2.right = t1
print(f"min diff in BT: {res}")
コード例 #44
            if not node:
                return None, None
            left_min, left_max = dfs(node.left)
            right_min, right_max = dfs(node.right)

            node.left = None
            node.right = left_min or right_min
            if left_max:
                left_max.right = right_min

            return node, right_max or left_max or node


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from utils import TreeNode
    n1 = TreeNode(1)
    n2 = TreeNode(2)
    n3 = TreeNode(3)
    n1.left = n2
    n1.right = n3


    assert n1.right is n2
    assert n1.left is None
    assert n2.left is None
    assert n2.right is n3
    assert n3.left is None and n3.right is None
コード例 #45
538 convert bst to greater tree
from utils import TreeNode

sum = 0
def convertBST(root):
  # traverse from right node -> current node -> left node
  if not root: return
  global sum
  sum += root.val
  print(f"{root.val} -> {sum}")
  root.val = sum

t1 = TreeNode(5)
t2 = TreeNode(2)
t3 = TreeNode(13)
t4 = TreeNode(10)
t1.left = t2
t1.right = t3
t3.left = t4
コード例 #46
ファイル: test_chapter_4.py プロジェクト: gopar/ctci
def test_chapter4_8(root, left, right, parent):
    tree = TreeNode(root, TreeNode(left), TreeNode(right))
    root = TreeNode(parent)
    root.left = tree

    assert chapter4.prob4_8(root, tree) is True
コード例 #47
ファイル: chapter4.py プロジェクト: gopar/ctci
    if T2 is a sub-tree of T1.
    def is_subtree(T1, T2):
        # Empty tree is *always* subset of another tree
        if T2 is None:
            return True

        # We've gone through both trees and ended at same time, means it's same
        if T1 is None and T2 is None:
            return True

        # If either one finishes first, then it's not the same
        if T1 is None or T2 is None:
            return False

        return is_subtree(T1.left, T2.left) and is_subtree(T1.right, T2.right)

    subtree = find_node(T1, T2.data)
    # We couldn't find the node
    if not subtree:
        return False
    return is_subtree(subtree, T2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = TreeNode(5, TreeNode(1), TreeNode(10))
    root = TreeNode(100)
    root.left = tree
    another = TreeNode(5, TreeNode(1), TreeNode(10))

    print(find_node(root, 5))