def train_renderV2(model, train_dataloader, test_dataloader, n_epochs, loss_function, date4File, cubeSetName, batch_size, fileExtension, device, obj_name, noise, number_train_im): # monitor loss functions as the training progresses loop = n_epochs Step_Val_losses = [] current_step_loss = [] current_step_Test_loss = [] Test_losses = [] Epoch_Val_losses = [] Epoch_Test_losses = [] count = 0 testcount = 0 Im2ShowGT = [] Im2ShowGCP = [] LastEpochTestCPparam = [] LastEpochTestGTparam = [] numbOfImageDataset = number_train_im renderCount = 0 regressionCount = 0 renderbar = [] regressionbar = [] lr = 0.0001 #best at 0.0001 with translation only with span model.t[2] > 4 and model.t[2] < 8 and torch.abs(model.t[0]) < 2 and torch.abs(model.t[1]) < 2): output_dir_model = 'models/render/{}'.format(fileExtension) mkdir_p(output_dir_model) output_dir_results = 'results/render/{}'.format(fileExtension) mkdir_p(output_dir_results) for epoch in range(n_epochs): ## Training phase model.train() print('train phase epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, n_epochs)) t = tqdm(iter(train_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(train_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: image = parameter = params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] numbOfImage = image.size()[0] # loss = nn.MSELoss()(params, parameter).to(device) for i in range(0, numbOfImage): #create and store silhouette model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radian current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type( torch.FloatTensor).to(device) if (model.t[2] > 4 and model.t[2] < 8 and torch.abs(model.t[0]) < 2 and torch.abs(model.t[1]) < 2): # if (epoch > 0): # optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) optimizer.zero_grad() if (i == 0): loss = nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) renderCount += 1 else: # optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) optimizer.zero_grad() if (i == 0): loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i, 3:6], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) # loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()( params[i, 3:6], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) # loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) regressionCount += 1 loss.backward() optimizer.step() Step_Val_losses.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy() ) # contain all step value for all epoch current_step_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy( )) # contain only this epoch loss, will be reset after each epoch count = count + 1 # if (epoch % 5 == 0 and epoch > 2): # if (lr > 0.000001): # lr = lr / 10 # print('update lr, is now {}'.format(lr)) epochValloss = np.mean(current_step_loss) current_step_loss = [] Epoch_Val_losses.append( epochValloss) # most significant value to store # print(epochValloss) print(Epoch_Val_losses) # print(renderCount, regressionCount) renderbar.append(renderCount) regressionbar.append(regressionCount) renderCount = 0 regressionCount = 0 model.state_dict(), '{}/{}_{}epoch_{}_Temp_train_{}_{}batchs_{}epochs_Render.pth'. format( output_dir_model, fileExtension, epoch, date4File, cubeSetName, str(batch_size), str(n_epochs), )) # validation phase print('test phase epoch epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, n_epochs)) model.eval() t = tqdm(iter(test_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(test_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: Test_Step_loss = [] numbOfImage = image.size()[0] image = parameter = params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # print(np.shape(params)) for i in range(0, numbOfImage): #create and store silhouette model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radian current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type( torch.FloatTensor).to(device) if (i == 0): loss = nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) Test_Step_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) if (epoch == n_epochs - 1 ): # if we are at the last epoch, save param to plot result LastEpochTestCPparam.extend(params.detach().cpu().numpy()) LastEpochTestGTparam.extend(parameter.detach().cpu().numpy()) Test_losses.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) current_step_Test_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) testcount = testcount + 1 epochTestloss = np.mean(current_step_Test_loss) current_step_Test_loss = [] Epoch_Test_losses.append( epochTestloss) # most significant value to store # ----------- plot some result from the last epoch computation ------------------------ # print(np.shape(LastEpochTestCPparam)[0]) nim = 4 for i in range(0, nim): print('saving image to show') pickim = int(uniform(0, np.shape(LastEpochTestCPparam)[0] - 1)) # print(pickim) model.t = torch.from_numpy( LastEpochTestCPparam[pickim][3:6]).to(device) R = torch.from_numpy(LastEpochTestCPparam[pickim][0:3]).to(device) model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radia imgCP, _, _ = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, torch.tanh(model.textures), R=model.R, t=model.t) model.t = torch.from_numpy( LastEpochTestGTparam[pickim][3:6]).to(device) R = torch.from_numpy(LastEpochTestGTparam[pickim][0:3]).to(device) model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radia imgGT, _, _ = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, torch.tanh(model.textures), R=model.R, t=model.t) imgCP = imgCP.squeeze() # float32 from 0-1 imgCP = imgCP.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) imgCP = (imgCP * 255).astype( np.uint8) # cast from float32 255.0 to 255 uint8 imgGT = imgGT.squeeze() # float32 from 0-1 imgGT = imgGT.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) imgGT = (imgGT * 255).astype( np.uint8) # cast from float32 255.0 to 255 uint8 Im2ShowGT.append(imgCP) Im2ShowGCP.append(imgGT) a = plt.subplot(2, nim, i + 1) plt.imshow(imgGT) a.set_title('GT {}'.format(i)) plt.xticks([0, 512]) plt.yticks([]) a = plt.subplot(2, nim, i + 1 + nim) plt.imshow(imgCP) a.set_title('Rdr {}'.format(i)) plt.xticks([0, 512]) plt.yticks([]) plt.savefig('{}/image_render_{}batch_{}epochs_{}.png'.format( output_dir_results, batch_size, n_epochs, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) #-----------plot and save section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fig, (p1, p2, p3, p4) = plt.subplots(4, figsize=(15, 10)) # largeur hauteur fig.suptitle("Render, training {} epochs with {} images, lr={} ".format( n_epochs, numbOfImageDataset, lr), fontsize=14) moving_aves = RolAv(Step_Val_losses, window=50) ind = np.arange(n_epochs) # index p1.plot(np.arange(np.shape(moving_aves)[0]), moving_aves, label="step Loss rolling average") p1.set(ylabel='BCE Step Loss') p1.set_yscale('log') p1.set(xlabel='Steps') p1.set_ylim([0, 20]) p1.legend() # Place a legend to the right of this smaller subplot. # subplot 2 p2.plot(np.arange(n_epochs), Epoch_Val_losses, label="Render epoch Loss") p2.set(ylabel=' Mean of BCE training step loss') p2.set(xlabel='Epochs') p2.set_ylim([0, 20]) p2.set_xticks(ind) p2.legend() # subplot 3 width = 0.35, renderbar, width, color='#d62728', label="render") height_cumulative = renderbar, regressionbar, width, bottom=height_cumulative, label="regression") p3.set(ylabel='render/regression call') p3.set(xlabel='Epochs') p3.set_ylim([0, numbOfImageDataset]) p3.set_xticks(ind) p3.legend() # subplot 4 p4.plot(np.arange(n_epochs), Epoch_Test_losses, label="Render Test Loss") p4.set(ylabel='Mean of BCE test step loss') p4.set(xlabel='Epochs') p4.set_ylim([0, 10]) p4.legend() fig.savefig('{}/render_{}batch_{}epochs_{}.png'.format( output_dir_results, batch_size, n_epochs, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05)"{}/render_{}batch_{}epochs_{}.tex".format( output_dir_results, batch_size, n_epochs, fileExtension), figureheight='5.5cm', figurewidth='15cm') model.state_dict(), '{}/{}_{}_FinalModel_train_{}_{}batchs_{}epochs_Render.pth'.format( output_dir_model, fileExtension, date4File, cubeSetName, str(batch_size), str(n_epochs), )) print('parameters saved')
def Val_V1(model, val_dataloader, n_epochs, fileExtension, device, traintype, lr, validation, useofFK, ResnetOutput, SettingString, useOwnPretrainedModel): output_result_dir = 'results/Validation_{}{}/{}'.format( traintype, ResnetOutput, fileExtension) mkdir_p(output_result_dir) current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sil_dir = os.path.join(output_result_dir) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-or', '--filename_output', type=str, default=os.path.join( sil_dir, 'ValidationGif_{}.gif'.format('LongShaft_2'))) parser.add_argument('-mr', '--make_reference_image', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('-g', '--gpu', type=int, default=0) args = parser.parse_args() # validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print('validation phase') Valcount = 0 processcount = 0 step_Val_loss = [] Epoch_Val_losses = [] model.eval() from PIL import ImageTk, Image, ImageDraw paramList = open("./{}/paramList.txt".format(output_result_dir), "w+") t = tqdm(iter(val_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(val_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: i = 0 Test_Step_loss = [] numbOfImage = image.size()[0] # image1 = torch.flip(image,[0, 3]) #flip vertical # image = torch.roll(image, 100, 3) #shift down from 100 px image1 = shiftPixel(image, 50, 'y') image1 = shiftPixel(image1, 50, 'x') # image1 = torch.flip(image1, [0, 3]) # image1 = image Origimagesave = image1 # Origimagesave = image1 = #torch.Size([1, 3, 1024, 1280]) parameter = #parameter estimation through trained model if ResnetOutput == 't': # resnet predict only translation parameter print('own model used is t') t_params = model(image1) model.t = t_params[i] R = parameter[ i, 0:3] # give the ground truth parameter for the rotation values model.R = R2Rmat(R) paramList.write('step:{} params:{} \r\n'.format( processcount, t_params.detach().cpu().numpy())) loss = nn.MSELoss()(t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) if ResnetOutput == 'Rt': # resnet predict rotation and translation params = model(image1) print('own model used is Rt') model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radian paramList.write('step:{} params:{} \r\n'.format( processcount, params.detach().cpu().numpy())) loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) i = 0 current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_sil = current_sil[0:1024, 0:1280] sil2plot = np.squeeze( (current_sil.detach().cpu().numpy() * 255)).astype(np.uint8) image2show = np.squeeze((Origimagesave[i].detach().cpu().numpy())) image2show = (image2show * 0.5 + 0.5).transpose(1, 2, 0) # image2show = np.flip(image2show,1) # fig = plt.figure() # fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) # plt.imshow(sil2plot, cmap='gray') # # fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) # plt.imshow(image2show) # #creation of the blender image sil3d = sil2plot[:, :, np.newaxis] renderim = np.concatenate((sil3d, sil3d, sil3d), axis=2) toolIm = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(renderim)) # print(type(image2show)) backgroundIm = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image2show * 255)) # # alpha = 0.2 out = Image.blend(backgroundIm, toolIm, alpha) # #make gif imsave('/tmp/_tmp_%04d.png' % processcount, np.array(out)) processcount = processcount + 1 step_Val_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) # print(processcount) print('making the gif') make_gif(args.filename_output) print(step_Val_loss) print(np.mean(step_Val_loss)) paramList.close()
t = tqdm(iter(test_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(test_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: Test_Step_loss = [] numbOfImage = image.size()[0] image = parameter = params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # print(np.shape(params)) for i in range(0, numbOfImage): #create and store silhouette model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radian current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type( torch.FloatTensor).to(device) imgCP, _, _ = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, torch.tanh(model.textures), R=model.R, t=model.t) imgGT = image[i]
def training(model, train_dataloader, test_dataloader, val_dataloader, n_epochs, fileExtension, device, traintype, lr, validation, number_test_im, useofFK, ResnetOutput, SettingString, useOwnPretrainedModel): # monitor loss functions as the training progresses current_step_Train_loss = [] current_step_Train_MSEloss = [] Epoch_Train_losses = [] Epoch_Train_MSElosses = [] count = 0 epoch_count = 1 lr = lr print('training {}'.format(traintype)) print('lr used is: {}'.format(lr)) output_result_dir = 'results/{}{}/{}_lr{}'.format(traintype, ResnetOutput, fileExtension, lr) mkdir_p(output_result_dir) epochsTrainLoss = open( "{}/epochsTrainLoss_{}.txt".format(output_result_dir, fileExtension), "w+") epochsTrainMSELoss = open( "{}/epochsTrainMSELoss_{}.txt".format(output_result_dir, fileExtension), "w+") TestParamLoss = open( "{}/TestParamLoss_{}.txt".format(output_result_dir, fileExtension), "w+") ExperimentSettings = open( "{}/expSettings_{}.txt".format(output_result_dir, fileExtension), "w+") ExperimentSettings.write(SettingString) ExperimentSettings.close() x = np.arange(n_epochs) div = 0.8 slope = 0.5 y = sigmoid(x, 1, 0, n_epochs / div, slope) plt.plot(x, y) # plt.title('div:{} slope:{}'.format(div,slope)) plt.xlabel('epochs') plt.ylabel('\u03B1') plt.savefig('{}/ReverseSigmoid_{}.png'.format(output_result_dir, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) #usefull for the loss plot of each parameter epoch_test_loss = [] epoch_test_alpha_loss = [] epoch_test_beta_loss = [] epoch_test_gamma_loss = [] epoch_test_x_loss = [] epoch_test_y_loss = [] epoch_test_z_loss = [] Epoch_Test_losses = [] for epoch in range(n_epochs): ## training phase -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- model.train() print('train phase epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, n_epochs)) if useofFK: alpha = -1 #y[epoch] #combination of the ground truth with the computed values else: if useOwnPretrainedModel: alpha = 0 #if we continue to train a existing model, we want to train it for pure renderer else: alpha = y[epoch] print('alpha is {}'.format(alpha)) t = tqdm(iter(train_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(train_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: image = if useofFK: FKparameters = FKBuild( parameter, np.radians(2), 0.001 ) #add noise to the ground truth parameter, degree and cm FKparameters = params = model(image, FKparameters, useofFK) # should be size [batchsize, 6] else: if ResnetOutput == 'Rt': params = model(image) #call the 6 parameters model if ResnetOutput == 't': t_params = model(image) #call the 3 parameters model # print(t_params.size()) parameter = #ground truth parameter optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) optimizer.zero_grad() numbOfImage = image.size()[0] mseLoss = 0 #store the mse loss for i in range(0, numbOfImage): if ResnetOutput == 'Rt': print('Renset output 6 values') model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_sil = current_sil[0:1024, 0:1280] current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type( torch.FloatTensor).to(device) if (traintype == 'render'): if useofFK: #use of the mlp print('render with FK for Rt') if (i == 0): loss = nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) else: loss += nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) else: #use sigmoid curve if (i == 0): print('render with sigmoid for Rt') loss = (nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) ) * (1 - alpha) + (nn.MSELoss()( params[i], parameter[i]).to(device)) * (alpha) else: loss += (nn.BCELoss()( current_sil, current_GT_sil).to( device)) * (1 - alpha) + (nn.MSELoss()( params[i], parameter[i]).to(device)) * (alpha) if (traintype == 'regression'): print('regression for Rt') if (i == 0): loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) print(loss) if ResnetOutput == 't': print('Resnet output 3 values') # t_params[i][0]= parameter[i, 4] #overrride x and y # t_params[i][1] = parameter[i, 5] model.t = t_params[i] print(model.t) R = parameter[ i, 0: 3] #give the ground truth parameter for the rotation values model.R = R2Rmat(R) current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_sil = current_sil[0:1024, 0:1280] current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type( torch.FloatTensor).to(device) if (traintype == 'render'): print('t_param is {}'.format(t_params[i])) print('Gt_param is {}'.format(parameter[i, 3:6])) if useofFK: # use of the mlp print('render with FK for t') if (i == 0): loss = nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) else: loss += nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) else: # use sigmoid curve print('render with sigmoid for t') if (i == 0): loss = (nn.BCELoss()( current_sil, current_GT_sil ).to(device)) * (1 - alpha) + (nn.MSELoss()( t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device)) * (alpha) mseLoss = nn.MSELoss()( t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) else: loss += (nn.BCELoss()( current_sil, current_GT_sil ).to(device)) * (1 - alpha) + (nn.MSELoss()( t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device)) * (alpha) mseLoss += nn.MSELoss()( t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) if (traintype == 'regression'): print('regression for t') if (i == 0): print('t_param is {}'.format(t_params[i])) print('Gt_param is {}'.format(parameter[i, 3:6])) loss = nn.MSELoss()(t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()( t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) loss = loss / numbOfImage mseLoss = mseLoss / numbOfImage print('number of image is {}'.format(numbOfImage)) print('step {} loss is {}'.format(count, loss)) print('step {} MSE loss is {}'.format(count, mseLoss)) loss.backward() optimizer.step() current_step_Train_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy( )) # contain only this epoch loss, will be reset after each epoch current_step_Train_MSEloss.append(mseLoss.detach().cpu().numpy()) count = count + 1 epochTrainloss = np.mean(current_step_Train_loss) epochTrainMSELoss = np.mean(current_step_Train_MSEloss) epochsTrainLoss.write( 'step: {}/{} current step loss: {:.4f}\r\n'.format( epoch, n_epochs, epochTrainloss)) epochsTrainMSELoss.write( 'step: {}/{} current step MSE loss: {:.4f}\r\n'.format( epoch, n_epochs, epochTrainMSELoss)) print('loss of epoch {} is {}'.format(epoch, epochTrainloss)) print('MSE loss of epoch {} is {}'.format(epoch, epochTrainMSELoss)) # save the model output_model_dir = '{}/modelTemp'.format(output_result_dir) mkdir_p(output_model_dir) model.state_dict(), '{}/TempModel_train_{}{}.pth'.format(output_model_dir, fileExtension, count)) current_step_Train_loss = [] #reset value current_step_Train_MSEloss = [] Epoch_Train_losses.append( epochTrainloss) # most significant value to store Epoch_Train_MSElosses.append(epochTrainMSELoss) ## test phase -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0 testcount = 0 model.eval() current_step_Test_loss = [] steps_losses = [] # reset the list after each epoch steps_alpha_loss = [] steps_beta_loss = [] steps_gamma_loss = [] steps_x_loss = [] steps_y_loss = [] steps_z_loss = [] for i in range(number_test_im): output_test_image_dir = '{}/images/testIm{}'.format( output_result_dir, i) mkdir_p(output_test_image_dir) t = tqdm(iter(test_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(test_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: Test_Step_loss = [] numbOfImage = image.size()[0] image = parameter = if ResnetOutput == 'Rt': params = model(image) if ResnetOutput == 't': t_params = model(image) # should be # print(t_params.size()) # params = model(image, 0, False) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # print(np.shape(params)) for i in range(0, numbOfImage): if ResnetOutput == 'Rt': print('test for Rt') print('image tested: {}'.format(testcount)) print('estimated {}'.format(params[i])) print('Ground Truth {}'.format(parameter[i])) if (i == 0): loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) # one value each for the step, compute mse loss for all parameters separately alpha_loss = nn.MSELoss()( params[:, 0], parameter[:, 0]).detach().cpu().numpy() beta_loss = nn.MSELoss()( params[:, 1], parameter[:, 1]).detach().cpu().numpy() gamma_loss = nn.MSELoss()( params[:, 2], parameter[:, 2]).detach().cpu().numpy() x_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 3], parameter[:, 3]).detach().cpu().numpy() y_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 4], parameter[:, 4]).detach().cpu().numpy() z_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 5], parameter[:, 5]).detach().cpu().numpy() steps_losses.append( loss.item()) # only one loss value is add each step steps_alpha_loss.append(alpha_loss.item()) steps_beta_loss.append(beta_loss.item()) steps_gamma_loss.append(gamma_loss.item()) steps_x_loss.append(x_loss.item()) steps_y_loss.append(y_loss.item()) steps_z_loss.append(z_loss.item()) model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radian if ResnetOutput == 't': print('test for t') print('image tested: {}'.format(testcount)) print('estimated {}'.format(t_params[i])) print('Ground Truth {}'.format(parameter[i, 3:6])) if (i == 0): loss = nn.MSELoss()(t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()( t_params[i], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) # one value each for the step, compute mse loss for all parameters separately alpha_loss = 0 beta_loss = 0 gamma_loss = 0 x_loss = nn.MSELoss()(t_params[:, 0], parameter[:, 3]).detach().cpu().numpy() y_loss = nn.MSELoss()(t_params[:, 1], parameter[:, 4]).detach().cpu().numpy() z_loss = nn.MSELoss()(t_params[:, 2], parameter[:, 5]).detach().cpu().numpy() steps_losses.append( loss.item()) # only one loss value is add each step steps_alpha_loss.append(0) steps_beta_loss.append(0) steps_gamma_loss.append(0) steps_x_loss.append(x_loss.item()) steps_y_loss.append(y_loss.item()) steps_z_loss.append(z_loss.item()) model.t = t_params[i] R = parameter[ i, 0: 3] #give the ground truth parameter for the rotation values model.R = R2Rmat(R) print('Rt test GTparameter are {}'.format(parameter)) print('Rt test parameter are {}{}'.format(R, model.t)) current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_sil = current_sil[0:1024, 0:1280] sil2plot = np.squeeze( (current_sil.detach().cpu().numpy() * 255)).astype(np.uint8) current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type( torch.FloatTensor).to(device) fig = plt.figure() fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.imshow(sil2plot, cmap='gray') fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.imshow(silhouette[i], cmap='gray') plt.savefig('{}/images/testIm{}/im{}epoch{}.png'.format( output_result_dir, testcount, testcount, epoch), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.close() #MSE loss current_step_Test_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) testcount = testcount + 1 #loop here for each epoch epoch_test_loss.append(np.mean(steps_losses)) epoch_test_alpha_loss.append(np.mean(steps_alpha_loss)) epoch_test_beta_loss.append(np.mean(steps_beta_loss)) epoch_test_gamma_loss.append(np.mean(steps_gamma_loss)) epoch_test_x_loss.append(np.mean(steps_x_loss)) epoch_test_y_loss.append(np.mean(steps_y_loss)) epoch_test_z_loss.append(np.mean(steps_z_loss)) TestParamLoss.write( 'test epoch: {} current step loss: {:.7f}, angle loss: {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} translation loss: {:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}\r\n' .format(epoch, np.mean(steps_losses), np.mean(steps_alpha_loss), np.mean(steps_beta_loss), np.mean(steps_gamma_loss), np.mean(steps_x_loss), np.mean(steps_z_loss), np.mean(steps_y_loss))) epochTestloss = np.mean(current_step_Test_loss) Epoch_Test_losses.append( epochTestloss) # most significant value to store epoch_count = epoch_count + 1 fig, (ax1, ax11, ax2) = plt.subplots(3, 1) ax1.semilogy(Epoch_Train_losses) if traintype == 'render': if useOwnPretrainedModel: ax1.set_ylabel('train {} BCE loss'.format(traintype)) else: ax1.set_ylabel('train {} BCE/MSE loss'.format(traintype)) else: ax1.set_ylabel('train {} MSE loss'.format(traintype)) ax1.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) # ax1.set_ylim([0, 4]) # ax1.set_yscale('log') ax11.semilogy(Epoch_Train_MSElosses) ax11.set_ylabel('train {} MSE loss'.format(traintype)) ax11.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) ax2.semilogy(Epoch_Test_losses) ax2.set_ylabel('test {} loss'.format(traintype)) ax2.set_xlabel('epoch') ax2.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) # ax2.set_ylim([0, 0.1]) # ax2.set_yscale('log') plt.savefig('{}/training_epochs_{}_results_{}.png'.format( output_result_dir, traintype, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.close() fig, (a, b, g) = plt.subplots(3, 1) a.semilogy(epoch_test_alpha_loss) a.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) a.set_ylabel('a') b.semilogy(epoch_test_beta_loss) b.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) b.set_ylabel('b') g.semilogy(epoch_test_gamma_loss) g.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) g.set_ylabel('g') g.set_xlabel('MSE loss evolution through epochs') plt.savefig('{}/test_epochs_{}_R_Loss_{}.png'.format( output_result_dir, traintype, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.close() fig, (x, y, z) = plt.subplots(3, 1) x.semilogy(epoch_test_x_loss) x.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) x.set_ylabel('x') y.semilogy(epoch_test_y_loss) y.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) y.set_ylabel('y') z.semilogy(epoch_test_z_loss) z.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) z.set_ylabel('z') z.set_xlabel('MSE loss evolution through epochs') plt.savefig('{}/test_epochs_{}_t_Loss_{}.png'.format( output_result_dir, traintype, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.close() # save the model output_model_dir = '{}/model'.format(output_result_dir) mkdir_p(output_model_dir) model.state_dict(), '{}/FinalModel_train_{}.pth'.format(output_model_dir, fileExtension)) print('parameters saved') epochsTrainLoss.close() TestParamLoss.close()
def train_regressionV2(model, train_dataloader, test_dataloader, n_epochs, loss_function, date4File, cubeSetName, batch_size, fileExtension, device, obj_name, noise, number_train_im): # monitor loss functions as the training progresses lr = 0.001 loop = n_epochs Step_Val_losses = [] current_step_loss = [] current_step_Test_loss = [] Test_losses = [] Epoch_Val_losses = [] Epoch_Test_losses = [] count = 0 testcount = 0 Im2ShowGT = [] Im2ShowGCP = [] LastEpochTestCPparam = [] LastEpochTestGTparam = [] numbOfImageDataset = number_train_im for epoch in range(n_epochs): ## Training phase model.train() print('train phase epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, n_epochs)) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) t = tqdm(iter(train_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(train_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: image = parameter = params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] optimizer.zero_grad() numbOfImage = image.size()[0] # loss = nn.MSELoss()(params, parameter).to(device) for i in range(0, numbOfImage): #create and store silhouette if (i == 0): loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # print(loss) Step_Val_losses.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy() ) # contain all step value for all epoch current_step_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy( )) # contain only this epoch loss, will be reset after each epoch count = count + 1 epochValloss = np.mean(current_step_loss) current_step_loss = [] Epoch_Val_losses.append( epochValloss) # most significant value to store model.state_dict(), 'models/{}_{}epoch_{}_TempModel_train_{}_{}batchs_{}epochs_Noise{}_Regression.pth' .format( fileExtension, epoch, date4File, cubeSetName, str(batch_size), str(n_epochs), noise * 100, )) # print(epochValloss) # validation phase print('test phase epoch epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, n_epochs)) model.eval() t = tqdm(iter(test_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(test_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: Test_Step_loss = [] numbOfImage = image.size()[0] image = parameter = params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # print(np.shape(params)) for i in range(0, numbOfImage): if (i == 0): loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) Test_Step_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) if (epoch == n_epochs - 1 ): # if we are at the last epoch, save param to plot result LastEpochTestCPparam.extend(params.detach().cpu().numpy()) LastEpochTestGTparam.extend(parameter.detach().cpu().numpy()) Test_losses.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) current_step_Test_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) testcount = testcount + 1 epochTestloss = np.mean(current_step_Test_loss) current_step_Test_loss = [] Epoch_Test_losses.append( epochTestloss) # most significant value to store # ----------- plot some result from the last epoch computation ------------------------ # print(np.shape(LastEpochTestCPparam)[0]) nim = 5 for i in range(0, nim): print('saving image to show') pickim = int(uniform(0, np.shape(LastEpochTestCPparam)[0] - 1)) # print(pickim) model.t = torch.from_numpy( LastEpochTestCPparam[pickim][3:6]).to(device) R = torch.from_numpy(LastEpochTestCPparam[pickim][0:3]).to(device) model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radia imgCP, _, _ = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, torch.tanh(model.textures), R=model.R, t=model.t) model.t = torch.from_numpy( LastEpochTestGTparam[pickim][3:6]).to(device) R = torch.from_numpy(LastEpochTestGTparam[pickim][0:3]).to(device) model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radia imgGT, _, _ = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, torch.tanh(model.textures), R=model.R, t=model.t) imgCP = imgCP.squeeze() # float32 from 0-1 imgCP = imgCP.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) imgCP = (imgCP * 255).astype( np.uint8) # cast from float32 255.0 to 255 uint8 imgGT = imgGT.squeeze() # float32 from 0-1 imgGT = imgGT.detach().cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) imgGT = (imgGT * 255).astype( np.uint8) # cast from float32 255.0 to 255 uint8 Im2ShowGT.append(imgCP) Im2ShowGCP.append(imgGT) a = plt.subplot(2, nim, i + 1) plt.imshow(imgGT) a.set_title('GT {}'.format(i)) plt.xticks([0, 512]) plt.yticks([]) a = plt.subplot(2, nim, i + 1 + nim) plt.imshow(imgCP) a.set_title('Rdr {}'.format(i)) plt.xticks([0, 512]) plt.yticks([]) plt.savefig('results/image_regression_{}batch_{}_{}.pdf'.format( batch_size, n_epochs, fileExtension)) # -----------plot and save section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fig, (p1, p2, p4) = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(15, 10)) # largeur hauteur moving_aves = RolAv(Step_Val_losses, window=20) p1.plot(np.arange(np.shape(moving_aves)[0]), moving_aves, label="step Loss rolling average") p1.set(ylabel='BCE Step Loss') p1.set_yscale('log') p1.set(xlabel='Steps') p1.set_ylim([0, 4]) p1.legend() # Place a legend to the right of this smaller subplot. # subplot 2 p2.plot(np.arange(n_epochs), Epoch_Val_losses, label="epoch Loss") p2.set(ylabel=' Mean of BCE training step loss') p2.set(xlabel='Epochs') p2.set_ylim([0, 4]) p2.legend() p4.plot(np.arange(n_epochs), Epoch_Test_losses, label="Test Loss") p4.set(ylabel='Mean of BCE test step loss') p4.set(xlabel='Epochs') p4.set_ylim([0, 2]) p4.legend() fig.savefig('results/regression_{}batch_{}_{}.pdf'.format( batch_size, n_epochs, fileExtension)) import matplotlib2tikz"results/regression_{}batch_{}_{}.tex".format( batch_size, n_epochs, fileExtension))
def train_regV3(model, train_dataloader, test_dataloader, n_epochs, loss_function, date4File, cubeSetName, batch_size, fileExtension, device, obj_name, noise, number_train_im, val_dataloader): # monitor loss functions as the training progresses loop = n_epochs Step_Val_losses = [] current_step_loss = [] current_step_Test_loss = [] Test_losses = [] Epoch_Val_losses = [] allstepvalloss = [] Epoch_Test_losses = [] count = 0 epoch_count = 1 testcount = 0 Im2ShowGT = [] Im2ShowGCP = [] LastEpochTestCPparam = [] LastEpochTestGTparam = [] numbOfImageDataset = number_train_im renderCount = 0 regressionCount = 0 renderbar = [] regressionbar = [] lr = 0.00001 # training ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # for epoch in range(n_epochs): # # ## Training phase # model.train() # print('train phase epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, n_epochs)) # optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001) # # t = tqdm(iter(train_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(train_dataloader)) # for image, silhouette, parameter in t: # image = # parameter = # params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # optimizer.zero_grad() # # # print(params) # numbOfImage = image.size()[0] # # loss = nn.MSELoss()(params, parameter).to(device) # # # for i in range(0,numbOfImage): # #create and store silhouette # if (i == 0): # loss =nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) # else: # loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) # # # loss.backward() # optimizer.step() # # print(loss) # current_step_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) # contain only this epoch loss, will be reset after each epoch # count = count + 1 # # epochValloss = np.mean(current_step_loss) # current_step_loss = [] #reset value # Epoch_Val_losses.append(epochValloss) # most significant value to store # # print(epochValloss) # # print(Epoch_Val_losses) # # # #test -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # count = 0 # testcount = 0 # model.eval() # # t = tqdm(iter(test_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(test_dataloader)) # for image, silhouette, parameter in t: # # Test_Step_loss = [] # numbOfImage = image.size()[0] # # image = # parameter = # params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # # print(np.shape(params)) # # for i in range(0, numbOfImage): # print('image tested: {}'.format(testcount)) # print('estated {}'.format(params[i])) # print('Ground Truth {}'.format(parameter[i])) # if (i == 0): # loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) # else: # loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) # # if epoch_count == n_epochs: # model.t = params[i, 3:6] # R = params[i, 0:3] # model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radian # # current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, # mode='silhouettes').squeeze() # current_sil = current_sil[0:1024, 0:1280] # sil2plot = np.squeeze((current_sil.detach().cpu().numpy() * 255)).astype(np.uint8) # current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type(torch.FloatTensor).to(device) # # fig = plt.figure() # fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) # plt.imshow(sil2plot, cmap='gray') # # fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) # plt.imshow(silhouette[i], cmap='gray') # plt.savefig('results/image_{}.png'.format(testcount), bbox_inches='tight', # pad_inches=0.05) # # # # current_step_Test_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) # testcount = testcount + 1 # # epochTestloss = np.mean(current_step_Test_loss) # current_step_Test_loss = [] #reset the loss value # Epoch_Test_losses.append(epochTestloss) # most significant value to store # epoch_count = epoch_count+1 # # # # plt.plot(Epoch_Test_losses) # # plt.ylabel('loss') # # plt.xlabel('step') # # plt.ylim(0, 2) # # fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) # # ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) # ax1.plot(Epoch_Val_losses) # ax1.set_ylabel('training loss') # ax1.set_xlabel('epoch') # ax1.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) # ax1.set_ylim([0, 0.4]) # ax1.set_yscale('log') # # ax1.ylim(0, 0.4) # # # ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) # ax2.plot(Epoch_Test_losses) # ax2.set_ylabel('test loss') # ax2.set_xlabel('epoch') # ax2.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) # ax2.set_ylim([0, 0.1]) # ax2.set_yscale('log') # # ax2.ylim(0, 0.08) # # # plt.savefig('results/training_epochs_results_reg_{}.png'.format(fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) # # # validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print('validation phase') Valcount = 0 processcount = 0 step_Val_loss = [] Epoch_Val_losses = [] from PIL import ImageTk, Image, ImageDraw epochsValLoss = open("./results/valbothParamShift.txt", "w+") t = tqdm(iter(val_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(val_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: Test_Step_loss = [] numbOfImage = image.size()[0] # image1 = torch.flip(image,[0, 3]) #flip vertical # image = torch.roll(image, 100, 3) #shift down from 100 px # image1 = shiftPixel(image, 100, 'y') # image1 = shiftPixel(image , 100, 'x') # image1 = torch.flip(image1, [0, 3]) image1 = image Origimagesave = image1 # Origimagesave = image1 = #torch.Size([1, 3, 1024, 1280]) parameter = params = model(image1) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # print(np.shape(params)) i = 0 # print('image estimated: {}'.format(testcount)) # print('estimated parameter {}'.format(params[i])) # print('Ground Truth {}'.format(parameter[i])) epochsValLoss.write('step:{} params:{} \r\n'.format( processcount, params.detach().cpu().numpy())) loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radian current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_sil = current_sil[0:1024, 0:1280] sil2plot = np.squeeze( (current_sil.detach().cpu().numpy() * 255)).astype(np.uint8) image2show = np.squeeze((Origimagesave[i].detach().cpu().numpy())) image2show = (image2show * 0.5 + 0.5).transpose(1, 2, 0) # image2show = np.flip(image2show,1) # fig = plt.figure() # fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) # plt.imshow(sil2plot, cmap='gray') # # fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) # plt.imshow(image2show) # sil3d = sil2plot[:, :, np.newaxis] renderim = np.concatenate((sil3d, sil3d, sil3d), axis=2) toolIm = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(renderim)) # print(type(image2show)) backgroundIm = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image2show * 255)) # # alpha = 0.2 out = Image.blend(backgroundIm, toolIm, alpha) # #make gif imsave('/tmp/_tmp_%04d.png' % processcount, np.array(out)) processcount = processcount + 1 step_Val_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) # print(processcount) print('making the gif') make_gif(args.filename_output) print(step_Val_loss) print(np.mean(step_Val_loss)) epochsValLoss.close()
def train_renderV3(model, train_dataloader, test_dataloader, n_epochs, loss_function, date4File, cubeSetName, batch_size, fileExtension, device, obj_name, noise, number_train_im): # monitor loss functions as the training progresses current_step_Train_loss = [] Epoch_Train_losses = [] count = 0 epoch_count = 1 renderCount = 0 regressionCount = 0 lr = 0.001 print('lr used is: {}'.format(lr)) output_result_dir = 'results/render/{}_lr{}'.format(fileExtension, lr) mkdir_p(output_result_dir) epochsTrainLoss = open( "{}/epochsTrainLoss_RenderRegr_{}.txt".format(output_result_dir, fileExtension), "w+") TestParamLoss = open( "{}/TestParamLoss_RenderRegr_{}.txt".format(output_result_dir, fileExtension), "w+") x = np.arange(n_epochs) y = sigmoid(x, 1, 0, n_epochs / 2, 0.2) plt.plot(x, y) plt.savefig('{}/ReverseSigmoid_{}.png'.format(output_result_dir, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) #usefull for the loss plot of each parameter epoch_test_loss = [] epoch_test_alpha_loss = [] epoch_test_beta_loss = [] epoch_test_gamma_loss = [] epoch_test_x_loss = [] epoch_test_y_loss = [] epoch_test_z_loss = [] for epoch in range(n_epochs): ## Training phase model.train() print('train phase epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, n_epochs)) alpha = y[ epoch] #proportion of the regression part decrease with negative sigmoid print('alpha is {}'.format(alpha)) t = tqdm(iter(train_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(train_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: image = parameter = params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # print(params) numbOfImage = image.size()[0] optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) optimizer.zero_grad() for i in range(0, numbOfImage): model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_sil = current_sil[0:1024, 0:1280] current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type( torch.FloatTensor).to(device) if (i == 0): loss = (nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to( device)) * (1 - alpha) + (nn.MSELoss()( params[i], parameter[i]).to(device)) * (alpha) else: loss += (nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to( device)) * (1 - alpha) + (nn.MSELoss()( params[i], parameter[i]).to(device)) * (alpha) # if (model.t[2] > 0.0317 and model.t[2] < 0.1 and torch.abs(model.t[0]) < 0.06 and torch.abs(model.t[1]) < 0.06): # # optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001) # optimizer.zero_grad() # if (i == 0): # loss = nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) # else: # loss = loss + nn.BCELoss()(current_sil, current_GT_sil).to(device) # print('render') # renderCount += 1 # else: # optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001) # optimizer.zero_grad() # if (i == 0): # loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i, 3:6], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) # # loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) # else: # loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i, 3:6], parameter[i, 3:6]).to(device) # # loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) # print('regression') # regressionCount += 1 loss = loss / numbOfImage loss.backward() optimizer.step() current_step_Train_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy( )) # contain only this epoch loss, will be reset after each epoch count = count + 1 epochTrainloss = np.mean(current_step_Train_loss) epochsTrainLoss.write( 'step: {}/{} current step loss: {:.4f}\r\n'.format( epoch, n_epochs, epochTrainloss)) print('loss of epoch {} is {}'.format(epoch, epochTrainloss)) current_step_Train_loss = [] #reset value Epoch_Train_losses.append( epochTrainloss) # most significant value to store count = 0 testcount = 0 model.eval() current_step_Test_loss = [] Epoch_Test_losses = [] steps_losses = [] # reset the list after each epoch steps_alpha_loss = [] steps_beta_loss = [] steps_gamma_loss = [] steps_x_loss = [] steps_y_loss = [] steps_z_loss = [] t = tqdm(iter(test_dataloader), leave=True, total=len(test_dataloader)) for image, silhouette, parameter in t: Test_Step_loss = [] numbOfImage = image.size()[0] image = parameter = params = model(image) # should be size [batchsize, 6] # print(np.shape(params)) for i in range(0, numbOfImage): print('image tested: {}'.format(testcount)) print('estated {}'.format(params[i])) print('Ground Truth {}'.format(parameter[i])) if (i == 0): loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) else: loss = loss + nn.MSELoss()(params[i], parameter[i]).to(device) # one value each for the step, compute mse loss for all parameters separately alpha_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 0], parameter[:, 0]).detach().cpu().numpy() beta_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 1], parameter[:, 1]).detach().cpu().numpy() gamma_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 2], parameter[:, 2]).detach().cpu().numpy() x_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 3], parameter[:, 3]).detach().cpu().numpy() y_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 4], parameter[:, 4]).detach().cpu().numpy() z_loss = nn.MSELoss()(params[:, 5], parameter[:, 5]).detach().cpu().numpy() steps_losses.append( loss.item()) # only one loss value is add each step steps_alpha_loss.append(alpha_loss.item()) steps_beta_loss.append(beta_loss.item()) steps_gamma_loss.append(gamma_loss.item()) steps_x_loss.append(x_loss.item()) steps_y_loss.append(y_loss.item()) steps_z_loss.append(z_loss.item()) if epoch_count == n_epochs: model.t = params[i, 3:6] R = params[i, 0:3] model.R = R2Rmat(R) # angle from resnet are in radian current_sil = model.renderer(model.vertices, model.faces, R=model.R, t=model.t, mode='silhouettes').squeeze() current_sil = current_sil[0:1024, 0:1280] sil2plot = np.squeeze((current_sil.detach().cpu().numpy() * 255)).astype(np.uint8) current_GT_sil = (silhouette[i] / 255).type( torch.FloatTensor).to(device) fig = plt.figure() fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.imshow(sil2plot, cmap='gray') fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.imshow(silhouette[i], cmap='gray') plt.savefig('results/imageRender_{}.png'.format(testcount), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) #MSE loss current_step_Test_loss.append(loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) testcount = testcount + 1 epoch_test_loss.append(np.mean(steps_losses)) epoch_test_alpha_loss.append(np.mean(steps_alpha_loss)) epoch_test_beta_loss.append(np.mean(steps_beta_loss)) epoch_test_gamma_loss.append(np.mean(steps_gamma_loss)) epoch_test_x_loss.append(np.mean(steps_x_loss)) epoch_test_y_loss.append(np.mean(steps_y_loss)) epoch_test_z_loss.append(np.mean(steps_z_loss)) TestParamLoss.write( 'test epoch: {} current step loss: {:.7f}, angle loss: {:.4f} {:.4f} {:.4f} translation loss: {:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}\r\n' .format(epoch, np.mean(steps_losses), np.mean(steps_alpha_loss), np.mean(steps_beta_loss), np.mean(steps_x_loss), np.mean(steps_x_loss), np.mean(steps_z_loss), np.mean(steps_y_loss))) epochTestloss = np.mean(current_step_Test_loss) Epoch_Test_losses.append( epochTestloss) # most significant value to store epoch_count = epoch_count + 1 fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) # ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) ax1.plot(Epoch_Train_losses) ax1.set_ylabel('training render BCE loss') ax1.set_xlabel('epoch') ax1.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) ax1.set_ylim([0, 4]) # ax1.set_yscale('log') # ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) ax2.plot(Epoch_Test_losses) ax2.set_ylabel('test render MSE loss') ax2.set_xlabel('epoch') ax2.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) ax2.set_ylim([0, 0.1]) # ax2.set_yscale('log') plt.savefig('{}/training_epochs_rend_results_{}.png'.format( output_result_dir, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.close() fig, (a, b, g, x, y, z) = plt.subplots(6, 1) a.plot(epoch_test_alpha_loss) a.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) a.set_ylabel('test alpha loss') b.plot(epoch_test_beta_loss) b.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) b.set_ylabel('test beta loss') g.plot(epoch_test_gamma_loss) g.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) g.set_ylabel('test gamma loss') x.plot(epoch_test_x_loss) x.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) x.set_ylabel('test x loss') y.plot(epoch_test_y_loss) y.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) y.set_ylabel('test y loss') z.plot(epoch_test_z_loss) z.set_xlim([0, n_epochs]) z.set_ylabel('test z loss') z.set_xlabel('epoch') plt.savefig('{}/test_epochs_rend_Rt_Loss_{}.png'.format( output_result_dir, fileExtension), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.close() epochsTrainLoss.close() TestParamLoss.close()