コード例 #1
def dl_2_file(dl_url, fh, block_size=65535, describe=None, **options):
    """ Download the file with the main url (of Motu) file.
    Motu can return an error message in the response stream without setting an
    appropriate http error code. So, in that case, the content-type response is
    checked, and if it is text/plain, we consider this as an error.
    dl_url: the complete download url of Motu
    fh: file handler to use to write the downstream"""

    stopWatch = stop_watch.localThreadStopWatch()
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    log.info("Downloading file (this can take a while)...")

    # download file
    temp = open(fh, 'w+b')
        m = utils_http.open_url(dl_url, **options)
            # check the real url (after potential redirection) is not a CAS Url scheme
            match = re.search(utils_cas.CAS_URL_PATTERN, m.url)
            if match is not None:
                service, _, _ = dl_url.partition('?')
                redirection, _, _ = m.url.partition('?')
                raise Exception(
                    ['motu-client.exception.authentication.redirected'] %
                    (service, redirection))

            # check that content type is not text/plain
            headers = m.info()
            if "Content-Type" in headers:
                if len(headers['Content-Type']) > 0:
                    if not describe:
                        if headers['Content-Type'].startswith(
                        ) or headers['Content-Type'].find('html') != -1:
                            raise Exception(
                                ['motu-client.exception.motu.error'] %

                log.info('File type: %s' % headers['Content-Type'])
            # check if a content length (size of the file) has been send
            if "Content-Length" in headers:
                    # it should be an integer
                    size = int(headers["Content-Length"])
                    log.info('File size: %s (%i B)' %
                             (utils_unit.convert_bytes(size), size))
                except Exception, e:
                    size = -1
                    log.warn('File size is not an integer: %s' %
                size = -1
                log.warn('File size: %s' % 'unknown')
コード例 #2
def dl_2_file(dl_url, fh, block_size = 65535, describe = 'None', **options):
    """ Download the file with the main url (of Motu) file.
    Motu can return an error message in the response stream without setting an
    appropriate http error code. So, in that case, the content-type response is
    checked, and if it is text/plain, we consider this as an error.
    dl_url: the complete download url of Motu
    fh: file handler to use to write the downstream"""    
    stopWatch = stop_watch.localThreadStopWatch()    
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    log.info( "Downloading file (this can take a while)..." )    

	# download file
    temp = open(fh, 'w+b')             
      m = utils_http.open_url(dl_url, **options)
        # check the real url (after potential redirection) is not a CAS Url scheme
        match = re.search(utils_cas.CAS_URL_PATTERN, m.url)
        if match is not None:
            service, _, _ = dl_url.partition('?')
            redirection, _, _ = m.url.partition('?')
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.authentication.redirected'] % (service, redirection) )

        # check that content type is not text/plain
        headers = m.info()
        if "Content-Type" in headers:
          if len(headers['Content-Type']) > 0:
            if   headers['Content-Type'].startswith('text') or headers['Content-Type'].find('html') != -1:
               raise Exception( utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.motu.error'] % m.read() )
          log.info( 'File type: %s' % headers['Content-Type'] )
        # check if a content length (size of the file) has been send
        if "Content-Length" in headers:        
                # it should be an integer
                size = int(headers["Content-Length"]) 
                log.info( 'File size: %s (%i B)' % ( utils_unit.convert_bytes(size), size )  )    
            except Exception, e:
                size = -1
                log.warn( 'File size is not an integer: %s' % headers["Content-Length"] )                      
          size = -1
          log.warn( 'File size: %s' % 'unknown' )
コード例 #3
def check_options(_options):
    """function that checks the given options for coherency."""

    # Check Mandatory Options
    if (_options.auth_mode != AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE
            and _options.auth_mode != AUTHENTICATION_MODE_BASIC
            and _options.auth_mode != AUTHENTICATION_MODE_CAS):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.invalid'] %
                        (_options.auth_mode, 'auth-mode', [

    # if authentication mode is set we check both user & password presence
    if (_options.user == None
            and _options.auth_mode != AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.user'] %
                        ('user', _options.auth_mode))

    # check that if a user is set, a password should be set also
    if (_options.pwd == None and _options.user != None):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.password'] %
                        ('pwd', _options.user))

    #check that if a user is set, an authentication mode should also be set
    if (_options.user != None
            and _options.auth_mode == AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.mode'] %
                        (AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE, 'auth-mode', _options.user))

    # those following parameters are required
    if _options.motu == None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] % 'motu')

    if _options.service_id == None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] %

    if _options.product_id == None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] %

    if _options.out_dir == None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] % 'out-dir')

    out_dir = _options.out_dir

    # check directory existence
    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.outdir-notexist'] %
    # check whether directory is writable or not
    if not os.access(out_dir, os.W_OK):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.outdir-notwritable'] %

    if _options.out_name == None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] %

    # Check PROXY Options
    _options.proxy = False
    if (_options.proxy_server != None) and (len(_options.proxy_server) != 0):
        _options.proxy = True
        # check that proxy server is a valid url
        url = _options.proxy_server
        p = re.compile(
        m = p.match(url)

        if not m:
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.not-url'] %
                            ('proxy-server', url))
        # check that if proxy-user is defined then proxy-pwd shall be also, and reciprocally.
        if (_options.proxy_user != None) != (_options.proxy_pwd != None):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.linked'] %
                            ('proxy-user', 'proxy-name'))

    # Check VERTICAL Options
    _options.extraction_vertical = False
    if _options.depth_min != None or _options.depth_max != None:
        _options.extraction_vertical = True

    # Check TEMPORAL  Options
    _options.extraction_temporal = False
    if _options.date_min != None or _options.date_max != None:
        _options.extraction_temporal = True

    # Check GEOGRAPHIC Options
    _options.extraction_geographic = False
    if _options.latitude_min != None or _options.latitude_max != None or _options.longitude_min != None or _options.longitude_max != None:
        _options.extraction_geographic = True
        if (_options.latitude_min == None):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box'] %

        if (_options.latitude_max == None):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box'] %

        if (_options.longitude_min == None):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box'] %

        if (_options.longitude_max == None):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box'] %

        tempvalue = float(_options.latitude_min)
        if tempvalue < -90 or tempvalue > 90:
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range'] %
                            ('latitude_min', str(tempvalue)))
        tempvalue = float(_options.latitude_max)
        if tempvalue < -90 or tempvalue > 90:
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range'] %
                            ('latitude_max', str(tempvalue)))
        tempvalue = float(_options.longitude_min)
        tempvalue = normalize_longitude(tempvalue)
        if tempvalue < -180 or tempvalue > 180:
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range'] %
                            ('logitude_min', str(tempvalue)))
        tempvalue = float(_options.longitude_max)
        tempvalue = normalize_longitude(tempvalue)
        if tempvalue < -180 or tempvalue > 180:
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                            ['motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range'] %
                            ('longitude_max', str(tempvalue)))
コード例 #4
            log.info("Downloading time : %s", str(end_time - processing_time))
            log.info("Total time       : %s", str(end_time - init_time))
                "Download rate    : %s/s",
                    (read / total_milliseconds(end_time - start_time)) *

    # raise exception if actual size does not match content-length header
    if size >= 0 and read < size:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.download.too-short'] %
                        (read, size))

def execute_request(_options):
    the main function that submit a request to motu. Available options are:
    * Proxy configuration (with eventually user credentials)
      - proxy_server: 'http://my-proxy.site.com:8080'
      - proxy_user  : '******'
      - proxy_pwd   :'doe'

    * Autorisation mode: 'cas', 'basic', 'none'
      - auth_mode: 'cas'
コード例 #5
def authenticate_CAS_for_URL(url, user, pwd, **url_config):
    """Performs a CAS authentication for the given URL service and returns
    the service url with the obtained credential.
    The following algorithm is done:
    1) A connection is opened on the given URL
    2) We check that the response is an HTTP redirection
    3) Redirected URL contains the CAS address
    4) We ask for a ticket for the given user and password
    5) We ask for a service ticket for the given service
    6) Then we return a new url with the ticket attached
    url: the url of the service to invoke
    user: the username
    pwd: the password"""

    log = logging.getLogger("utils_cas:authenticate_CAS_for_URL")

    server, sep, options = url.partition('?')

    log.info('Authenticating user %s for service %s' % (user, server))

    connexion = utils_http.open_url(url, **url_config)

    # connexion response code must be a redirection, else, there's an error (user can't be already connected since no cookie or ticket was sent)
    if connexion.url == url:
        raise Exception(
            ['motu-client.exception.authentication.not-redirected'] % server)

    # find the cas url from the redirected url
    redirected_url = connexion.url
    p = parse_qs(urlparse(connexion.url).query, keep_blank_values=False)
    redirectServiceUrl = p['service'][0]

    m = re.search(CAS_URL_PATTERN, redirected_url)

    if m is None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                        ['motu-client.exception.authentication.unfound-url'] %

    url_cas = m.group(1) + '/v1/tickets'

    opts = utils_http.encode(

    utils_log.log_url(log, "login user into CAS:\t", url_cas + '?' + opts)
    url_config['data'] = opts
    connexion = utils_http.open_url(url_cas, **url_config)

    fp = utils_html.FounderParser()
    for line in connexion:
        log.log(utils_log.TRACE_LEVEL, 'utils_html.FounderParser() line: %s',

    tgt = fp.action_[fp.action_.rfind('/') + 1:]
    log.log(utils_log.TRACE_LEVEL, 'TGT: %s', tgt)

    # WARNING : don't use 'fp.action_' as url : it seems protocol is always http never https
    # use 'url_cas', extract TGT from 'fp.action_' , then construct url_ticket.
    # url_ticket = fp.action_
    url_ticket = url_cas + '/' + tgt

    if url_ticket is None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()

    utils_log.log_url(log, "found url ticket:\t", url_ticket)

    opts = utils_http.encode(

    utils_log.log_url(log, 'Granting user for service\t',
                      url_ticket + '?' + opts)
    url_config['data'] = opts
    ticket = utils_http.open_url(url_ticket, **url_config).readline()

    utils_log.log_url(log, "found service ticket:\t", ticket)

    # we append the download url with the ticket and return the result
    service_url = redirectServiceUrl + '&ticket=' + ticket

    utils_log.log_url(log, "service url is:\t", service_url)

    return service_url
コード例 #6
def dl_2_file(dl_url,
    """ Download the file with the main url (of Motu) file.
    Motu can return an error message in the response stream without setting an
    appropriate http error code. So, in that case, the content-type response is
    checked, and if it is text/plain, we consider this as an error.
    dl_url: the complete download url of Motu
    fh: file handler to use to write the downstream"""

    stopWatch = stop_watch.localThreadStopWatch()
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    log.info("Downloading file (this can take a while)...")

    # download file
    temp = None
    if not fh.startswith("console"):
        temp = open(fh, 'w+b')


        m = utils_http.open_url(dl_url, **options)
            # check the real url (after potential redirection) is not a CAS Url scheme
            match = re.search(utils_cas.CAS_URL_PATTERN, m.url)
            if match is not None:
                service, _, _ = dl_url.partition('?')
                redirection, _, _ = m.url.partition('?')
                raise Exception(
                    ['motu-client.exception.authentication.redirected'] %
                    (service, redirection))

            # check that content type is not text/plain
            headers = m.info()
            if "Content-Type" in headers and len(
                    headers['Content-Type']) > 0 and isADownloadRequest and (
                        or headers['Content-Type'].find('html') != -1):
                raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()
                                ['motu-client.exception.motu.error'] %

            log.info('File type: %s' % headers['Content-Type'])
            # check if a content length (size of the file) has been send
            size = -1
            if "Content-Length" in headers:
                    # it should be an integer
                    size = int(headers["Content-Length"])
                    log.info('File size: %s (%i B)' %
                             (utils_unit.convert_bytes(size), size))
                except Exception, e:
                    size = -1
                    log.warn('File size is not an integer: %s' %
            elif temp is not None:
                log.warn('File size: %s' % 'unknown')

            processing_time = datetime.datetime.now()

            # performs the download
            log.info('Downloading file %s' % os.path.abspath(fh))

            def progress_function(sizeRead):
                percent = sizeRead * 100. / size
                log.info("- %s (%.1f%%)",
                         utils_unit.convert_bytes(size).rjust(8), percent)
                td = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time

            def none_function(sizeRead):
                percent = 100
                log.info("- %s (%.1f%%)",
                         utils_unit.convert_bytes(size).rjust(8), percent)
                td = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time

            if temp is not None:
                read = utils_stream.copy(
                    m, temp,
                    progress_function if size != -1 else none_function,
                if isADownloadRequest:
                    #Console mode, only display the NC file URL on stdout
                    read = len(m.url)
                    import cStringIO
                    output = cStringIO.StringIO()
                        m, output,
                        progress_function if size != -1 else none_function,
                    read = len(output.getvalue())

            end_time = datetime.datetime.now()

            log.info("Processing  time : %s", str(processing_time - init_time))
            log.info("Downloading time : %s", str(end_time - processing_time))
            log.info("Total time       : %s", str(end_time - init_time))
                "Download rate    : %s/s",
                    (read / total_milliseconds(end_time - start_time)) *
コード例 #7
ファイル: motu_api.py プロジェクト: Joejhona/croco-1
            log.info("Total time       : %s", str(end_time - start_time))
                "Download rate    : %s/s",
                    (read / total_milliseconds(end_time - start_time)) *

    # raise exception if actual size does not match content-length header
    if size >= 0 and read < size:
        raise ContentTooShortError(
            ['motu-client.exception.download.too-short'] % (read, size),

def execute_request(_options):
    the main function that submit a request to motu. Available options are:
    * Proxy configuration (with eventually user credentials)
      - proxy_server: 'http://my-proxy.site.com:8080'
      - proxy_user  : '******'
      - proxy_pwd   :'doe'

    * Autorisation mode: 'cas', 'basic', 'none'
      - auth_mode: 'cas'
コード例 #8
def check_options(_options):    
    """function that checks the given options for coherency."""    
    # Check Mandatory Options
    if (_options.auth_mode != AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE and 
        _options.auth_mode != AUTHENTICATION_MODE_BASIC and
        _options.auth_mode != AUTHENTICATION_MODE_CAS):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.invalid'] % ( _options.auth_mode, 'auth-mode', [AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE, AUTHENTICATION_MODE_BASIC, AUTHENTICATION_MODE_CAS]) )
    # if authentication mode is set we check both user & password presence
    if (_options.user == None and
        _options.auth_mode != AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.user'] % ('user',_options.auth_mode))

    # check that if a user is set, a password should be set also
    if (_options.pwd == None and
        _options.user != None):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.password'] % ( 'pwd', _options.user ) )    
    #check that if a user is set, an authentication mode should also be set
    if (_options.user != None and
        _options.auth_mode == AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory.mode'] % ( AUTHENTICATION_MODE_NONE, 'auth-mode', _options.user ) )
    # those following parameters are required
    if _options.motu == None :
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] % 'motu')
    if _options.service_id == None :
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] % 'service-id')
    if _options.product_id == None :
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] % 'product-id')
    if _options.out_dir == None :
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] % 'out-dir')
    out_dir = _options.out_dir
    # check directory existence
    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.outdir-notexist'] % out_dir)
    # check whether directory is writable or not
    if not os.access(out_dir, os.W_OK):
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.outdir-notwritable'] % out_dir)
    if _options.out_name == None :
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.mandatory'] % 'out-name')

    # Check PROXY Options
    _options.proxy = False
    if (_options.proxy_server != None) and (len(_options.proxy_server) != 0):
        _options.proxy = True
        # check that proxy server is a valid url
        url = _options.proxy_server
        p = re.compile('^(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?')
        m = p.match(url)
        if not m :
            raise Exception( utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.not-url'] % ( 'proxy-server', url ) )
        # check that if proxy-user is defined then proxy-pwd shall be also, and reciprocally.
        if (_options.proxy_user != None) != ( _options.proxy_pwd != None ) :
            raise Exception( utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.linked'] % ('proxy-user', 'proxy-name') )
    # Check VERTICAL Options
    _options.extraction_vertical = False
    if _options.depth_min != None or _options.depth_max != None :
        _options.extraction_vertical = True
    # Check TEMPORAL  Options
    _options.extraction_temporal = False
    if _options.date_min != None or _options.date_max != None :
         _options.extraction_temporal = True
    # Check GEOGRAPHIC Options
    _options.extraction_geographic = False
    if _options.latitude_min != None or _options.latitude_max != None or _options.longitude_min != None or _options.longitude_max != None :
        _options.extraction_geographic = True
        if( _options.latitude_min == None ):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box'] % 'latitude_min' )

        if( _options.latitude_max == None ):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box'] % 'latitude_max' )            
        if( _options.longitude_min == None ):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box'] % 'longitude_min' )
        if( _options.longitude_max == None ):
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.geographic-box'] % 'longitude_max' )
        tempvalue = float(_options.latitude_min)
        if tempvalue < -90 or tempvalue > 90 :
            raise Exception( utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range'] % ( 'latitude_min', str(tempvalue)) )
        tempvalue = float(_options.latitude_max)
        if tempvalue < -90 or tempvalue > 90 :
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range'] % ( 'latitude_max', str(tempvalue)))
        tempvalue = float(_options.longitude_min)
        if tempvalue < -180 or tempvalue > 180 :
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range'] % ( 'logitude_min', str(tempvalue)))
        tempvalue = float(_options.longitude_max)
        if tempvalue < -180 or tempvalue > 180 :
            raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.option.out-of-range'] % ( 'longitude_max', str(tempvalue)))           
コード例 #9
        end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        log.info( "Processing  time : %s", str(processing_time - start_time) )
        log.info( "Downloading time : %s", str(end_time - processing_time) )
        log.info( "Total time       : %s", str(end_time - start_time) )
        log.info( "Download rate    : %s/s", utils_unit.convert_bytes((read / total_milliseconds(end_time - start_time)) * 10**3) )

    # raise exception if actual size does not match content-length header
    if size >= 0 and read < size:
        raise ContentTooShortError( utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.download.too-short'] % (read, size), result)

def execute_request(_options):
    the main function that submit a request to motu. Available options are:
    * Proxy configuration (with eventually user credentials)
      - proxy_server: 'http://my-proxy.site.com:8080'
      - proxy_user  : '******'
      - proxy_pwd   :'doe'

    * Autorisation mode: 'cas', 'basic', 'none'
      - auth_mode: 'cas'
    * User credentials for authentication 'cas' or 'basic'
      - user: '******'
コード例 #10
        end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        log.info( "Processing  time : %s", str(processing_time - start_time) )
        log.info( "Downloading time : %s", str(end_time - processing_time) )
        log.info( "Total time       : %s", str(end_time - start_time) )
        log.info( "Download rate    : %s/s", utils_unit.convert_bytes((read / total_milliseconds(end_time - start_time)) * 10**3) )

    # raise exception if actual size does not match content-length header
    if size >= 0 and read < size:
        raise ContentTooShortError( utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.download.too-short'] % (read, size), result)

def execute_request(_options):
    the main function that submit a request to motu. Available options are:
    * Proxy configuration (with eventually user credentials)
      - proxy_server: 'http://my-proxy.site.com:8080'
      - proxy_user  : '******'
      - proxy_pwd   :'doe'

    * Autorisation mode: 'cas', 'basic', 'none'
      - auth_mode: 'cas'
    * User credentials for authentication 'cas' or 'basic'
      - user: '******'
コード例 #11
def authenticate_CAS_for_URL(url, user, pwd, **url_config):
    """Performs a CAS authentication for the given URL service and returns
    the service url with the obtained credential.
    The following algorithm is done:
    1) A connection is opened on the given URL
    2) We check that the response is an HTTP redirection
    3) Redirected URL contains the CAS address
    4) We ask for a ticket for the given user and password
    5) We ask for a service ticket for the given service
    6) Then we return a new url with the ticket attached
    url: the url of the service to invoke
    user: the username
    pwd: the password"""
    log = logging.getLogger("utils_cas:authenticate_CAS_for_URL")
    server, sep, options = url.partition( '?' )
    log.info( 'Authenticating user %s for service %s' % (user,server) )      
    connexion = utils_http.open_url(url,**url_config)

    # connexion response code must be a redirection, else, there's an error (user can't be already connected since no cookie or ticket was sent)
    if connexion.url == url:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.authentication.not-redirected'] % server )
    # find the cas url from the redirected url
    redirected_url = connexion.url
    m = re.search(CAS_URL_PATTERN, redirected_url)
    if m is None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.authentication.unfound-url'] % redirected_url)
    url_cas = m.group(1) + '/v1/tickets'

    opts = utils_http.encode(utils_collection.ListMultimap(username = user, password = pwd))

    utils_log.log_url( log, "login user into CAS:\t", url_cas+'?'+opts )
    connexion = utils_http.open_url(url_cas, **url_config)

    fp = utils_html.FounderParser()
    for line in connexion:
        log.log( utils_log.TRACE_LEVEL, 'utils_html.FounderParser() line: %s', line )
    tgt = fp.action_[fp.action_.rfind('/') + 1:]
    log.log( utils_log.TRACE_LEVEL, 'TGT: %s', tgt )

    # WARNING : don't use 'fp.action_' as url : it seems protocol is always http never https 
    # use 'url_cas', extract TGT from 'fp.action_' , then construct url_ticket.
    # url_ticket = fp.action_
    url_ticket = url_cas + '/' + tgt

    if url_ticket is None:
        raise Exception(utils_messages.get_external_messages()['motu-client.exception.authentication.tgt'])
    utils_log.log_url( log, "found url ticket:\t",url_ticket)

    opts = utils_http.encode(utils_collection.ListMultimap(service = urllib.quote_plus(url)))
    utils_log.log_url( log, 'Granting user for service\t', url_ticket +'?'+opts )    
    ticket = utils_http.open_url(url_ticket, **url_config).readline() 
    utils_log.log_url( log, "found service ticket:\t", ticket)
    # we append the download url with the ticket and return the result
    service_url = url + '&ticket=' + ticket
    utils_log.log_url( log, "service url is:\t",service_url)
    return service_url