コード例 #1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from utils import tf
from utilsplot import bode

# Trasfer function of L(s)
s = tf([1, 0], 1)
L = 3*(-2*s + 1)/((10*s + 1)*(5*s + 1))

plt.figure('Figure 2.7')
plt.title('Bode plots of L(s) with Kc = 1')
bode(L, -2, 1)
コード例 #2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from utils import tf
from utilsplot import bode

G = tf([5], [10, 1], deadtime=2)

plt.figure('Figure 2.2')
plt.title('Bode plots of G(s)')
bode(G, -3, 1)
コード例 #3
# 1 to 4 are the important frequency domain measures used to assess
#   performance and characterise speed of response

s = tf([1, 0], 1)

Kc = 0.05
# plant model
G = 3 * (-2 * s + 1) / ((10 * s + 1) * (5 * s + 1))
# Controller model
K = Kc * (10 * s + 1) * (5 * s + 1) / (s * (2 * s + 1) * (0.33 * s + 1))
# closed-loop transfer function
L = G * K

# magnitude and phase of L
plt.figure('Figure 2.19')
bode(L, -2, 1)

# From the figure we can calculate w180
#         w180 = 0.44
GM, PM, wc, wb, wbt, valid = marginsclosedloop(L)
print('GM:', np.round(GM, 2))
print('PM:', np.round(PM * np.pi / 180, 2), "rad or", np.round(PM, 2), "deg")
print('wb:', np.round(wb, 2))
print('wc:', np.round(wc, 2))
print('wbt:', np.round(wbt, 4))

# Response to step in reference for loop shaping design
# y = Tr, r(t) = 1 for t > 0
# u = KSr, r(t) = 1 for t > 0

plt.figure('Figure 2.20')
コード例 #4
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from utilsplot import bode
from utils import tf

s = tf([1, 0])

for power in range(1, 4):
    G = 1/(s + 1)**power

コード例 #5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from utils import tf
from utilsplot import bode

s = tf([1,0], 1)
G = 30*(s + 1)/((s + 10)*(s + 0.01)**2)

plt.figure('Figure 2.3')
bode(G, -3, 3)
plt.title('Figure 2.3: Bode plot of transfer function ' + r'$L_1 = \frac{30(s + 1)}{(s + 10)(s + 0.01)^2}$' 
          + '\n', fontsize = 13, y = -1)
コード例 #6
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from utils import tf
from utilsplot import bode

s = tf([1,0], 1)
G = 30*(s + 1)/((s + 10)*(s + 0.01)**2)

plt.figure('Figure 2.3')
bode(G, -3, 3)
コード例 #7
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from utilsplot import bode
from utils import tf

s = tf([1, 0])

for power in range(1, 4):
    G = 1 / (s + 1)**power
