def repair(infile, outfile): print "Input File : ", infile print "Output File : ", outfile #parsing the file handler = UtilsProcar() handler.ProcarRepair(infile, outfile)
def __init__(self, loglevel=logging.WARNING): # array with k-points, they have the following values # -None: if not parsed (yet) or parsed with a `permissive` flag on # -direct coordinates: if a recLattice was not supplied to the parser # -cartesian coords: if a recLattice was supplied to the parser. # In the later cases, self.kpoints.shape=(self.kpointsCount, 3) self.kpoints = None # Number of kpoints, as given by the KPOINTS header (PROCAR file) self.kpointsCount = None # bands headers present in PROCAR file. # self.bands.shape=(self.kpointsCount,self.bandsCount) self.bands = None # Number of bands. For a spin polarized calculation the number of # bands is double (spin ip + spin down). On this array there is no # distinction between spin up and down self.bandsCount = None # Number of ions+1 the +1 is the 'tot' field, ie: the sum over all atoms self.ionsCount = None self.fileStr = None # the actual file, stored in memory self.spd = None # the atom/orbital projected data self.cspd = None # spd data with the phase self.orbitalName = [ "s", "py", "pz", "px", "dxy", "dyz", "dz2", "dxz", "dx2", "tot", ] self.orbitalCount = None # number of orbitals # number of spin components (blocks of data), 1: non-magnetic non # polarized, 2: spin polarized collinear, 4: non-collinear # spin. # NOTE: before calling to `self._readOrbital` the case '4' # is marked as '1' self.ispin = None self.recLattice = None # reciprocal lattice vectors self.utils = UtilsProcar() self.log = logging.getLogger("ProcarParser") self.log.setLevel(loglevel) = logging.StreamHandler() logging.Formatter("%(name)s::%(levelname)s:" " %(message)s")) self.log.addHandler( # At last, one message to the logger. self.log.debug("Procar instanciated") return
def cat(inFiles, outFile, gz=False): print "Concatenating:" print "Input : ", inFiles # ', '.join(inFiles) print "Output : ", outFile if gz == True: print "out compressed: True" if gz == "True" and outFile[-3:] is not '.gz': outFile += '.gz' print ".gz extension appended to the outFile" handler = UtilsProcar() handler.MergeFiles(inFiles, outFile, gzipOut=gz) return
def Vector(infile, bands=None, energy=None, fermi=None, atoms=None, orbitals=None, outcar=None, scale=0.1): print "Input File : ", infile print "Bands : ", bands print "Energy : ", energy print "Fermi : ", fermi print "outcar : ", outcar print "atoms : ", atoms print "orbitals : ", orbitals print "scale factor : ", scale if bands is [] and energy is None: raise RuntimeError("You must provide the bands or energy.") if fermi == None and outcar == None: print "WARNING: Fermi's Energy not set" #first parse the outcar if given recLat = None #Will contain reciprocal vectors, if necessary if outcar: outcarparser = UtilsProcar() if fermi is None: fermi = outcarparser.FermiOutcar(outcar) if quiet is False: print "Fermi energy found in outcar file = " + str(fermi) recLat = outcarparser.RecLatOutcar(outcar) if atoms is None: atoms = [-1] if orbitals is None: orbitals = [-1] #parsing the file procarFile = ProcarParser() procarFile.readFile(infile, recLattice=recLat) #processing the data sx = ProcarSelect(procarFile, deepCopy=True) sx.selectIspin([1]) sx.selectAtoms(atoms) sx.selectOrbital(orbitals) sy = ProcarSelect(procarFile, deepCopy=True) sy.selectIspin([2]) sy.selectAtoms(atoms) sy.selectOrbital(orbitals) sz = ProcarSelect(procarFile, deepCopy=True) sz.selectIspin([3]) sz.selectAtoms(atoms) sz.selectOrbital(orbitals) x = sx.kpoints[:, 0] y = sx.kpoints[:, 1] z = sx.kpoints[:, 2] #if energy was given I need to find the bands indexes crossing it if energy != None: FerSurf = FermiSurface(sx.kpoints, sx.bands - fermi, sx.spd, recLat, loglevel) FerSurf.FindEnergy(energy) bands = list(FerSurf.useful[0]) print "Bands indexes crossing Energy ", energy, ", are: ", bands from mayavi import mlab fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) for band in bands: #z = sx.bands[:,band]-fermi u = sx.spd[:, band] v = sy.spd[:, band] w = sz.spd[:, band] scalar = w vect = mlab.quiver3d(x, y, z, u, v, w, scale_factor=scale, scale_mode='vector', scalars=scalar, mode='arrow', colormap='jet') vect.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar' vect.scene.parallel_projection = True vect.scene.z_plus_view() #tube= mlab.plot3d(x,y,z, tube_radius=0.0050, color=(0.5,0.5,0.5))
def fermi2D(file, outcar, spin=0, atoms=None, orbitals=None, energy=None, fermi=None, rec_basis=None, rot_symm=1, translate=[0, 0, 0], rotation=[0, 0, 0, 1], human=False, mask=None, savefig=None, st=False, noarrow=False): if atoms is None: atoms = [-1] if human is True: print "WARNING: `--human` option given without atoms list!!!!!" if orbitals is None: orbitals = [-1] if rec_basis != None: rec_basis = np.array(rec_basis) rec_basis.shape = (3, 3) if len(translate) != 3 and len(translate) != 1: print "Error: --translate option is invalid! (", translate, ")" raise RuntimeError("invalid option --translate") print "file : ", file print "atoms : ", atoms print "orbitals : ", orbitals print "spin comp. : ", spin print "energy : ", energy print "fermi energy : ", fermi print "Rec. basis : ", rec_basis print "rot. symmetry : ", rot_symm print "origin (trasl.) : ", translate print "rotation : ", rotation print "masking thres. : ", mask print "save figure : ", savefig print "outcar : ", outcar print "st : ", st print "no_arrows : ", noarrow #first parse the outcar, if given if rec_basis is None and outcar: outcarparser = UtilsProcar() if fermi is None: fermi = outcarparser.FermiOutcar(outcar) print "Fermi energy found in outcar file = " + str(fermi) rec_basis = outcarparser.RecLatOutcar(outcar) #Reciprocal lattices are needed! elif rec_basis is None and outcar is None: print "ERROR: Reciprocal Lattice is needed, use --rec_basis or --outcar" raise RuntimeError("Reciprocal Lattice not found") #parsing the file procarFile = ProcarParser() #permissive incompatible with Fermi surfaces procarFile.readFile(file, permissive=False, recLattice=rec_basis) if st is not True: # processing the data data = ProcarSelect(procarFile) data.selectIspin([spin]) # fortran flag is equivalent to human, # but the later seems more human-friendly data.selectAtoms(atoms, fortran=human) data.selectOrbital(orbitals) else: # first get the sdp reduced array for all spin components. stData = [] for i in [1, 2, 3]: data = ProcarSelect(procarFile) data.selectIspin([i]) data.selectAtoms(atoms, fortran=human) data.selectOrbital(orbitals) stData.append(data.spd) #Once the PROCAR is parsed and reduced to 2x2 arrays, we can apply #symmetry operations to unfold the Brillouin Zone kpoints = data.kpoints bands = data.bands character = data.spd if st is True: sx, sy, sz = stData[0], stData[1], stData[2] symm = ProcarSymmetry(kpoints, bands, sx=sx, sy=sy, sz=sz, character=character) else: symm = ProcarSymmetry(kpoints, bands, character=character) symm.Translate(translate) symm.GeneralRotation(rotation[0], rotation[1:]) #symm.MirrorX() symm.RotSymmetryZ(rot_symm) # plotting the data print "Bands will be shifted by the Fermi energy = ", fermi fs = FermiSurface(symm.kpoints, symm.bands - fermi, symm.character) fs.FindEnergy(energy) if not st: fs.Plot(mask=mask, interpolation=300) else:,,, noarrow=noarrow, spin=spin) if savefig: plt.savefig(savefig) else: return
def bandsplot(file, mode='scatter', abinit_output=None, spin='0', atoms=None, orbitals=None, fermi=None, elimit=None, mask=None, markersize=10, cmap='hot_r', vmax=None, vmin=None, grid=True, marker='o', permissive=False, human=False, savefig=None, kticks=None, knames=None, title=None, outcar=None): #First handling the options, to get feedback to the user and check #that the input makes sense. #It is quite long if atoms is None: atoms = [-1] if human is True: print "WARNING: `--human` option given without atoms list!" print "--human will be set to False (ignored)\n " human = False if orbitals is None: orbitals = [-1] print "Script initiated" print "input file : ", file print "Mode : ", mode print "spin comp. : ", spin print "atoms list. : ", atoms print "orbs. list. : ", orbitals if fermi is None and outcar is None and abinit_output is None: print "WARNING: Fermi Energy not set! " print "You should use '-f' or '--outcar'\n Are you using Abinit Procar?\n" print "The zero of energy is arbitrary\n" fermi = 0 ###################reading abinit output (added by uthpala) ########################## if abinit_output: print "Abinit output used" #reading abinit output file rf = open(abinit_output, 'r') data = rf.close() fermi = float( re.findall( 'Fermi\w*.\(\w*.H**O\)\s*\w*\s*\(\w*\)\s*\=\s*([0-9.+-]*)', data)[0]) #################################################################### print "Fermi Ener. : ", fermi print "Energy range : ", elimit if mask is not None: print "masking thres.: ", mask print "Colormap : ", cmap print "MarkerSize : ", markersize print "Permissive : ", permissive if permissive: print "INFO: Permissive flag is on! Be careful" print "vmax : ", vmax print "vmin : ", vmin print "grid enabled : ", grid if human is not None: print "human : ", human print "Savefig : ", savefig print "kticks : ", kticks print "knames : ", knames print "title : ", title print "outcar : ", outcar #If ticks and names are given we should use them# if kticks is not None and knames is not None: ticks = zip(kticks, knames) elif kticks is not None: ticks = zip(kticks, kticks) else: ticks = None #The spin argument should be a number (index of an array), or #'st'. In the last case it will be handled separately (later) spin = {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, 'st': 'st'}[spin] #The second part of this function is parse/select/use the data in #OUTCAR (if given) and PROCAR #first parse the outcar if given, to get Efermi and Reciprocal lattice recLat = None if outcar: outcarparser = UtilsProcar() if fermi is None: fermi = outcarparser.FermiOutcar(outcar) #if quiet is False: print "INFO: Fermi energy found in outcar file = " + str(fermi) recLat = outcarparser.RecLatOutcar(outcar) # parsing the PROCAR file procarFile = ProcarParser() procarFile.readFile(file, permissive, recLat) # processing the data, getting an instance of the class that reduces the data data = ProcarSelect(procarFile, deepCopy=True) #handling the spin, `spin='st'` is not straightforward, needs #to calculate the k vector and its normal. Other `spin` values #are trivial. if spin is 'st': #two `ProcarSelect` instances, to store temporal values: spin_x, spin_y dataX = ProcarSelect(procarFile, deepCopy=True) dataX.selectIspin([1]) dataX.selectAtoms(atoms, fortran=human) dataX.selectOrbital(orbitals) dataY = ProcarSelect(procarFile, deepCopy=True) dataY.selectIspin([2]) dataY.selectAtoms(atoms, fortran=human) dataY.selectOrbital(orbitals) #getting the signed angle of each K-vector angle = np.arctan2(dataX.kpoints[:, 1], (dataX.kpoints[:, 0] + 0.000000001)) sin = np.sin(angle) cos = np.cos(angle) sin.shape = (sin.shape[0], 1) cos.shape = (cos.shape[0], 1) ##print sin, cos #storing the spin projection into the original array data.spd = -sin * dataX.spd + cos * dataY.spd else: data.selectIspin([spin]) data.selectAtoms(atoms, fortran=human) data.selectOrbital(orbitals) # Plotting the data data.bands = (data.bands.transpose() - np.array(fermi)).transpose() plot = ProcarPlot(data.bands, data.spd, data.kpoints) ###### start of mode dependent options ######### if mode == "scatter": plot.scatterPlot(mask=mask, size=markersize, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, marker=marker, ticks=ticks) plt.ylabel(r"Energy [eV]") if elimit is not None: plt.ylim(elimit) elif mode == "plain": plot.plotBands(markersize, marker=marker, ticks=ticks) plt.ylabel(r"Energy [eV]") if elimit: plt.ylim(elimit) elif mode == "parametric": plot.parametricPlot(cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ticks=ticks) plt.ylabel(r"Energy [eV]") if elimit is not None: plt.ylim(elimit) elif mode == "atomic": plot.atomicPlot(cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) plt.ylabel(r"Energy [eV]") if elimit is not None: plt.ylim(elimit) ###### end of mode dependent options ########### if grid: plt.grid() if title: plt.title(title) if savefig: plt.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches=0) else: return
class ProcarParser: """Parses a PROCAR file and store it in memory. It only deals with PROCAR files, that means no Fermi energy (UtilsProcar.FermiOutcar can help), and the reciprocal vectors should be supplied (if used, see UtilsProcar class). Members: __init__(self, loglevel): The setup the variables internally, `loglevel` sets the verbosity level ie: `loglevel=logging.DEBUG` for debugging. Its default is `logging.WARNING` readFile(self, procar=None, permissive=False, recLattice=None): The only method of the API it load the file completely. Arguments: `procar=None`: name of the PROCAR file, can be a gzipped file (the extension is no required). The default covers a wide range of obvious alternatives. `permissive=False`: Set to `True` if the PROCAR file has problems reading the Kpoints (stupid Fortran), but in that case the Kpoints mesh will be discarded. Future updates could allow it to handle other formating/corruption issues. `recLattice`=None: Reciprical Vectors, you want to provide them since not all the paths on the BZ are the same. Don't use the other methods beggining with underscores "_" Example: To read a PROCAR or PROCAR.gz file: >>> foo = ProcarParser() >>> foo.readFile() To include the reciprocal vectors, and file name MyFirstPROCAR >>> outcarparser = UtilsProcar() >>> recLat = outcarparser.RecLatOutcar(args.outcar) >>> foo = ProcarParser() >>> foo.readFile("MyFirstPROCAR", recLat=recLat) """ def __init__(self, loglevel=logging.WARNING): # array with k-points, they have the following values # -None: if not parsed (yet) or parsed with a `permissive` flag on # -direct coordinates: if a recLattice was not supplied to the parser # -cartesian coords: if a recLattice was supplied to the parser. # In the later cases, self.kpoints.shape=(self.kpointsCount, 3) self.kpoints = None # Number of kpoints, as given by the KPOINTS header (PROCAR file) self.kpointsCount = None # bands headers present in PROCAR file. # self.bands.shape=(self.kpointsCount,self.bandsCount) self.bands = None # Number of bands. For a spin polarized calculation the number of # bands is double (spin ip + spin down). On this array there is no # distinction between spin up and down self.bandsCount = None # Number of ions+1 the +1 is the 'tot' field, ie: the sum over all atoms self.ionsCount = None self.fileStr = None # the actual file, stored in memory self.spd = None # the atom/orbital projected data self.cspd = None # spd data with the phase self.orbitalName = [ "s", "py", "pz", "px", "dxy", "dyz", "dz2", "dxz", "dx2", "tot", ] self.orbitalCount = None # number of orbitals # number of spin components (blocks of data), 1: non-magnetic non # polarized, 2: spin polarized collinear, 4: non-collinear # spin. # NOTE: before calling to `self._readOrbital` the case '4' # is marked as '1' self.ispin = None self.recLattice = None # reciprocal lattice vectors self.utils = UtilsProcar() self.log = logging.getLogger("ProcarParser") self.log.setLevel(loglevel) = logging.StreamHandler() logging.Formatter("%(name)s::%(levelname)s:" " %(message)s")) self.log.addHandler( # At last, one message to the logger. self.log.debug("Procar instanciated") return def _readKpoints(self, permissive=False): """Reads the k-point headers. A typical k-point line is: k-point 1 : 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 weight = 0.00003704\n fills self.kpoint[kpointsCount][3] The weights are discarded (are they useful?) """ self.log.debug("readKpoints") if not self.fileStr: log.warning( "You should invoke `procar.readFile()` instead. Returning") return # finding all the K-points headers self.kpoints = re.findall(r"k-point\s+\d+\s*:\s+([-.\d\s]+)", self.fileStr) self.log.debug(str(len(self.kpoints)) + " K-point headers found") self.log.debug("The first match found is: " + str(self.kpoints[0])) # trying to build an array self.kpoints = [x.split() for x in self.kpoints] try: self.kpoints = np.array(self.kpoints, dtype=float) except ValueError: self.log.error("Ill-formatted data:") print("\n".join([str(x) for x in self.kpoints])) if permissive is True: # Discarding the kpoints list, however I need to set # self.ispin beforehand. if len(self.kpoints) == self.kpointsCount: self.ispin = 1 elif len(self.kpoints) == 2 * self.kpointsCount: self.ispin = 2 else: raise ValueError("Kpoints do not match with ispin=1 or 2.") self.kpoints = None self.log.warning( "K-points list is useless, setting it to `None`") return else: raise ValueError( "Badly formated Kpoints headers, try `--permissive`") # if successful, go on # trying to identify an non-polarized or non-collinear case, a # polarized case or a defective file if len(self.kpoints) != self.kpointsCount: # if they do not match, may means two things a spin polarized # case or a bad file, lets check self.log.debug("Number of kpoints do not match, looking for a " "spin-polarized case") # lets start testing if it is spin polarized, if so, there # should be 2 identical blocks of kpoints. up, down = np.vsplit(self.kpoints, 2) if (up == down).all():"Spin-polarized calculation found") self.ispin = 2 # just keeping one set of kpoints (the other will be # discarded) self.kpoints = up else: self.log.error("Number of K-points do not match! check them.") raise RuntimeError("Bad Kpoints list.") # if ISPIN != 2 setting ISPIN=1 (later for the non-collinear case 1->4) # It is unknown until parsing the projected data else: self.ispin = 1 # checking again, for compatibility, if len(self.kpoints) != self.kpointsCount: raise RuntimeError( "Kpoints number do not match with metadata (header of PROCAR)") self.log.debug(str(self.kpoints))"The kpoints shape is " + str(self.kpoints.shape)) if self.recLattice is not None:"Changing to cartesians coordinates") self.kpoints =, self.recLattice) self.log.debug("New kpoints: \n" + str(self.kpoints)) return def _readBands(self): """Reads the bands header. A typical bands is: band 1 # energy -7.11986315 # occ. 1.00000000 fills self.bands[kpointsCount][bandsCount] The occupation numbers are discarded (are they useful?)""" self.log.debug("readBands") if not self.fileStr: log.warning("You should invoke `` instead. Returning") return # finding all bands self.bands = re.findall(r"band\s*(\d+)\s*#\s*energy\s*([-.\d\s]+)", self.fileStr) self.log.debug( str(len(self.bands)) + " bands headers found, bands*Kpoints = " + str(self.bandsCount * self.kpointsCount)) self.log.debug("The first match found is: " + str(self.bands[0])) # checking if the number of bands match if len(self.bands) != self.bandsCount * self.kpointsCount * self.ispin: self.log.error("Number of bands headers do not match") raise RuntimeError("Number of bands don't match") # casting to array to manipulate the bands self.bands = np.array(self.bands, dtype=float) self.log.debug(str(self.bands)) # Now I will deal with the spin polarized case. The goal is join # them like for a non-magnetic case if self.ispin == 2: # up and down are along the first axis up, down = np.vsplit(self.bands, 2) self.log.debug("up , " + str(up.shape)) self.log.debug("down , " + str(down.shape)) # reshapping (the 2 means both band index and energy) up.shape = (self.kpointsCount, self.bandsCount, 2) down.shape = (self.kpointsCount, self.bandsCount, 2) # setting the correct number of bands (up+down) self.bandsCount *= 2 self.log.debug("New number of bands : " + str(self.bandsCount)) # and joining along the second axis (axis=1), ie: bands-like self.bands = np.concatenate((up, down), axis=1) # otherwise just reshaping is needed else: self.bands.shape = (self.kpointsCount, self.bandsCount, 2) # Making a test if the broadcast is rigth, otherwise just print test = [x.max() - x.min() for x in self.bands[:, :, 0].transpose()] if np.array(test).any(): self.log.warning("The indexes of bands do not match. CHECK IT. " "Likely the data was wrongly broadcasted") self.log.warning(str(self.bands[:, :, 0])) # Now safely removing the band index self.bands = self.bands[:, :, 1]"The bands shape is " + str(self.bands.shape)) return def _readOrbital(self): """Reads all the spd-projected data. A typical/expected block is: ion s py pz px dxy dyz dz2 dxz dx2 tot 1 0.079 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.079 2 0.152 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.152 3 0.079 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.079 4 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.188 5 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.188 tot 0.686 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.688 (x2 for spin-polarized -akwardkly formatted-, x4 non-collinear -nicely formatted-). The data is stored in an array self.spd[kpoint][band][ispin][atom][orbital] Undefined behavior in case of phase factors (LORBIT = 12). """ self.log.debug("readOrbital") if not self.fileStr: log.warning( "You should invoke `procar.readFile()` instead. Returning") return # finding all orbital headers self.spd = re.findall(r"ion(.+)", self.fileStr)"the first orbital match reads: " + self.spd[0]) self.log.debug("And I found " + str(len(self.spd)) + " orbitals headers") # testing if the orbital names are known (the standard ones) FoundOrbs = self.spd[0].split() size = len(FoundOrbs) # only the first 'size' orbital StdOrbs = self.orbitalName[:size - 1] + self.orbitalName[-1:] if FoundOrbs != (StdOrbs): self.log.warning( str(size) + " orbitals. (Some of) They are unknow (if " "you did 'filter' them it is OK).") self.orbitalCount = size self.orbitalNames = self.spd[0].split() self.log.debug("Anyway, I will use the following set of orbitals: " + str(self.orbitalNames)) # Now reading the bulk of data self.log.debug("Now searching the values") # The case of just one atom is handled differently since the VASP # output is a little different if self.ionsCount is 1: self.spd = re.findall(r"^(\s*1\s+.+)$", self.fileStr, re.MULTILINE) else: self.spd = re.findall(r"([-.\d\se]+tot.+)\n", self.fileStr) # free the memory (could be a lot) self.fileStr = None self.log.debug("the first entry is \n" + self.spd[0]) # Now the method will try to find the value of self.ispin, # previously it was set to either 1 or 2. If "1", it could be 1 or # 4, but previously it was impossible to find the rigth value. If # "2" it has to macth with the number of entries of spd data. self.log.debug("Number of entries found: " + str(len(self.spd))) expected = self.bandsCount * self.kpointsCount self.log.debug("The number of entries for a non magnetic calc. is: " + str(expected)) if expected == len(self.spd):"Both numbers match, ok, going ahead") # catching a non-collinear calc. elif expected * 4 == len(self.spd):"non-collinear calculation found") # testing if previous ispin value is ok if self.ispin != 1: self.log.warning("Incompatible data: self.ispin= " + str(self.ispin) + ". Now is 4") self.ispin = 4 else: self.log.error("The parser or data is wrong!!!")"bandsCount: " + str(self.bandsCount))"KpointsCount: " + str(self.kpointsCount)) raise RuntimeError("Shit happens") # checking for consistency for line in self.spd: if len(line.split()) != (self.ionsCount) * (self.orbitalCount + 1): self.log.error("Expected: " + str(self.ionsCount) + "*" + str(self.orbitalCount + 1) + " = " + str((self.ionsCount) * (self.orbitalCount + 1)) + " Fields. Present block: " + str(len(line.split()))) print(line) raise RuntimeError("Flats happens") # replacing the "tot" string by a number, to allows a conversion # to numpy self.spd = [x.replace("tot", "0") for x in self.spd] self.spd = [x.split() for x in self.spd] self.spd = np.array(self.spd, dtype=float) self.log.debug("The spd (old) array shape is:" + str(self.spd.shape)) # handling collinear polarized case if self.ispin == 2: self.log.debug("Handling spin-polarized collinear case...") # splitting both spin components, now they are along k-points # axis (1st axis) but, then should be concatenated along the # bands. up, down = np.vsplit(self.spd, 2) # ispin = 1 for a while, we will made the distinction up.shape = ( self.kpointsCount, int(self.bandsCount / 2), 1, self.ionsCount, self.orbitalCount + 1, ) down.shape = ( self.kpointsCount, int(self.bandsCount / 2), 1, self.ionsCount, self.orbitalCount + 1, ) # concatenating bandwise. Density and magntization, their # meaning is obvious, and do uses 2 times more memory than # required, but I *WANT* to keep it as close as possible to the # non-collinear or non-polarized case density = np.concatenate((up, down), axis=1) magnet = np.concatenate((up, -down), axis=1) # concatenated along 'ispin axis' self.spd = np.concatenate((density, magnet), axis=2) self.log.debug("polarized collinear spd.shape= " + str(self.spd.shape)) # otherwise, just a reshaping suffices else: self.spd.shape = ( self.kpointsCount, self.bandsCount, self.ispin, self.ionsCount, self.orbitalCount + 1, )"spd array ready. Its shape is:" + str(self.spd.shape)) return def readFile(self, procar=None, phase=False, permissive=False, recLattice=None): """Reads and parses the whole PROCAR file. This method is a sort of metamethod: it opens the file, reads the meta data and call the respective functions for parsing kpoints, bands, and projected data. Args: -procar: The file name, if `None` or a directory, a suitable set of defaults will be used. Default=None -permissive: turn on (or off) some features to deal with badly written PROCAR files (stupid fortran), up to now just ignores the kpoints coordinates, which -as side effect- prevent he rigth space between kpoints. Default=False (off) -recLattice: a 3x3 array containing the reciprocal vectors, to change the Kpoints from rec. coordinates to cartesians. Rarely given by hand, see `UtilsProcar.RecLatProcar`. If given, the kpoints will be converted from direct coordinates to cartesian ones. Default=None """ if phase == False: self.log.debug("readFile...") self.recLattice = recLattice self.log.debug("Opening file: '" + str(procar) + "'") f = self.utils.OpenFile(procar) # Line 1: PROCAR lm decomposed f.readline() # throwaway # Line 2: # of k-points: 816 # of bands: 52 # of ions: 8 metaLine = f.readline() # metadata self.log.debug("The metadata line is: " + metaLine) re.findall(r"#[^:]+:([^#]+)", metaLine) self.kpointsCount, self.bandsCount, self.ionsCount = list( map(int, re.findall(r"#[^:]+:([^#]+)", metaLine)))"kpointsCount = " + str(self.kpointsCount))"bandsCount = " + str(self.bandsCount))"ionsCount = " + str(self.ionsCount)) if self.ionsCount is 1: self.log.warning( "Special case: only one atom found. The program may not work as expected" ) else: self.log.debug( "An extra ion representing the total value will be added") self.ionsCount = self.ionsCount + 1 # reading all the rest of the file to be parsed below self.fileStr = self._readKpoints(permissive) self._readBands() self._readOrbital() self.log.debug("readfile...done") elif phase == True: # for LORBIT=12 self.recLattice = recLattice f = self.utils.OpenFile(procar) f.readline() # throw away first line metaLine = f.readline() # header # parsing header information self.kpointsCount, self.bandsCount, self.ionsCount = list( map(int, re.findall(r"#[^:]+:([^#]+)", metaLine))) if self.ionsCount is 1: self.log.warning( "Special case: only one atom found. The program may not work as expected" ) else: self.log.debug( "An extra ion representing the total value will be added") self.ionsCount = self.ionsCount + 1 # reading all the rest of the file to be parsed below saved as spd self.fileStr = self._readKpoints(permissive) self._readBands() self._readOrbital() self.log.debug("readfile...done") # reading the complex phase data. will be saved as cspd f2 = self.utils.OpenFile(procar) f2.readline() # throw away first line f2.readline() # throw away header line data2 = # parsing spd0 = re.findall(r"ion(.+)", data2) # headers of the blocks FoundOrbs = spd0[1].split() size = len(FoundOrbs) corbitalCount = size spd_phase = re.findall( r"(?<=dx2-y2)([charge0-9.\s-]*)(?=band|k-point|\Z)", data2) # for LORBIT=12 spd_new = [] for i in range(len(spd_phase)): # get last list of original block and replace spd last line and append all to get new spd. # for charge line use spd instead of spd_real spd_last = spd_phase[i].split()[-(corbitalCount + 2):] result = [] for counter, value in enumerate(spd_last): result.append(value) result.append("0") del result[1] del result[-1] # replace last line of each spd block spd_block = spd_phase[i].split() spd_block[-(corbitalCount + 2):] = result spd_block = [x.replace("charge", "0") for x in spd_block] spd_new.append(spd_block) # conversion to numpy spd_phase = np.array(spd_new, dtype=float) # reshaping spd_phase.shape = ( self.kpointsCount, self.bandsCount, 1, self.ionsCount, 2 * corbitalCount + 2, ) # matrix to hold complex values self.cspd = np.zeros( [ self.kpointsCount, self.bandsCount, 1, self.ionsCount, corbitalCount + 2, ], dtype="complex", ) for ikpointsCount in range(self.kpointsCount): for ibandsCount in range(self.bandsCount): for iionsCount in range(self.ionsCount): orbs_real = spd_phase[ikpointsCount][ibandsCount][0][ iionsCount][1:-1:2] orbs_imag = spd_phase[ikpointsCount][ibandsCount][0][ iionsCount][2::2] orbs_all = orbs_real + (1j * orbs_imag) self.cspd[ikpointsCount, ibandsCount, 0, iionsCount, :] = np.concatenate([ [ spd_phase[ikpointsCount][ibandsCount] [0][iionsCount][0] ], orbs_all, [ spd_phase[ikpointsCount][ibandsCount] [0][iionsCount][-1] ], ]) return