def run(self, session): self.model.setup_testing(session) if self.args.use_dataset: test_data= data_parser(self.args) n_data = len(test_data[1]) else: test_data=get_single_image(self.args) n_data = len(test_data) print_info('Writing PNGs at {}'.format(self.args.base_dir_results)) if self.args.batch_size_test==1 and self.args.use_dataset: for i in range(n_data): im, em, file_name = get_testing_batch(self.args, [test_data[0][test_data[1][i]], test_data[1][i]], use_batch=False) self.img_info = file_name edgemap =, feed_dict={self.model.images: [im]}) self.save_egdemaps(edgemap, single_image=True) print_info('Done testing {}, {}'.format(self.img_info[0], self.img_info[1])) # for individual images elif self.args.batch_size_test==1 and not self.args.use_dataset: for i in range(n_data): im, file_name = get_single_image(self.args,file_path=test_data[i]) self.img_info = file_name edgemap =, feed_dict={self.model.images: [im]}) self.save_egdemaps(edgemap, single_image=True) print_info('Done testing {}, {}'.format(self.img_info[0], self.img_info[1]))
def run(self, session): self.model.setup_testing(session) if self.args.use_dataset: test_data= data_parser(self.args) n_data = len(test_data[1]) else: test_data=get_single_image(self.args) n_data = len(test_data) print_info('Writing PNGs at {}'.format(self.args.base_dir_results)) if self.args.batch_size_test==1 and self.args.use_dataset: for i in range(n_data): im, em, file_name = get_testing_batch(self.args, [test_data[0][test_data[1][i]], test_data[1][i]], use_batch=False) self.img_info = file_name #Dexi Start Time startDexi = time.time() #Edge map creation from the pretrained model edgemap =, feed_dict={self.model.images: [im]}) #Dexi End Time endDexi = time.time() secondsDexi = endDexi - startDexi print_info('Time taken for DexiNED: {} seconds'.format(secondsDexi)) self.save_egdemaps(edgemap, single_image=True) print_info('Done testing {}, {}'.format(self.img_info[0], self.img_info[1])) # for individual images elif self.args.batch_size_test==1 and not self.args.use_dataset: for i in range(n_data): im, file_name = get_single_image(self.args,file_path=test_data[i]) self.img_info = file_name #Dexi Start Time startDexi = time.time() edgemap =, feed_dict={self.model.images: [im]}) #Dexi End Time endDexi = time.time() secondsDexi = endDexi - startDexi print_info('Time taken for DexiNED: {} seconds'.format(secondsDexi)) self.save_egdemaps(edgemap, single_image=True) print_info('Done testing {}, {}'.format(self.img_info[0], self.img_info[1]))
def run(self, sess): if not self.init: return #This will return the Files Path, Number of Files, Train Indices, Validation Indices using cache_info train_data = data_parser(self.args) self.model.setup_training(sess) if self.args.lr_scheduler is not None: global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64) if self.args.lr_scheduler is None: learning_rate = tf.constant(self.args.learning_rate, dtype=tf.float16) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Learning rate scheduler type [%s] is not implemented', self.args.lr_scheduler) opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) trainG = opt.minimize(self.model.loss) # like hed saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=7) # here to recovery previous training if self.args.use_previous_trained: if self.args.dataset_name.lower( ) != 'biped': # using biped pretrained to use in other dataset model_path = os.path.join( 'checkpoints', self.args.model_name + '_' + self.args.train_dataset, 'train') else: model_path = os.path.join( self.args.checkpoint_dir, self.args.model_name + '_' + self.args.train_dataset) model_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'train') if not os.path.exists(model_path) or len( os.listdir(model_path)) == 0: # : ini = 0 maxi = self.args.max_iterations + 1 print_warning( 'There is not previous trained data for the current model... and' ) print_warning( '*** The training process is starting from scratch ***') else: # restoring using the last checkpoint assert ( len(os.listdir(model_path)) != 0 ), 'There is not previous trained data for the current model...' last_ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) saver.restore(sess, last_ckpt) ini = self.args.max_iterations maxi = ini + self.args.max_iterations + 1 # check print_info( '--> Previous model restored successfully: {}'.format( last_ckpt)) else: print_warning( '*** The training process is starting from scratch ***') ini = 0 maxi = ini + self.args.max_iterations prev_loss = 1000. prev_val = None #Checkpoint Directory for CDIBD will be /checkpoints/DXN_CDIBD/train checkpoint_dir = os.path.join( self.args.checkpoint_dir, self.args.model_name + '_' + self.args.train_dataset, self.args.model_state) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir) fig = plt.figure() for idx in range(ini, maxi): x_batch, y_batch, _ = get_training_batch(self.args, train_data) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() _, summary, loss, pred_maps =[ trainG, self.model.merged_summary, self.model.loss, self.model.predictions ], feed_dict={ self.model.images: x_batch, self.model.edgemaps: y_batch }) if idx % 5 == 0: self.model.train_writer.add_run_metadata( run_metadata, 'step{:06}'.format(idx)) self.model.train_writer.add_summary(summary, idx) print(time.ctime(), '[{}/{}]'.format(idx, maxi), ' TRAINING loss: %.5f' % loss, 'prev_loss: %.5f' % prev_loss) # saving trained parameters save_inter = ini + self.args.save_interval if prev_loss > loss:, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, self.args.model_name), global_step=idx) prev_loss = loss print("Weights saved in the lowest loss", idx, " Current Loss", prev_loss) if idx % self.args.save_interval == 0:, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, self.args.model_name), global_step=idx) prev_loss = loss print("Weights saved in the interval", idx, " Current Loss", prev_loss) # ********* for validation ********** if (idx + 1) % self.args.val_interval == 0: pause_show = 0.01 imgs_list = [] img = x_batch[2][:, :, 0:3] gt_mp = y_batch[2] imgs_list.append(img) imgs_list.append(gt_mp) for i in range(len(pred_maps)): tmp = pred_maps[i][2, ...] imgs_list.append(tmp) vis_imgs = visualize_result(imgs_list, self.args) fig.suptitle("Iterac:" + str(idx + 1) + " Loss:" + '%.5f' % loss + " training") fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.imshow(np.uint8(vis_imgs)) print("Evaluation in progress...") plt.draw() plt.pause(pause_show) im, em, _ = get_validation_batch(self.args, train_data) summary, error, pred_val =[ self.model.merged_summary, self.model.error, self.model.fuse_output ], feed_dict={ self.model.images: im, self.model.edgemaps: em }) if error <= 0.08:, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, self.args.model_name), global_step=idx) prev_loss = loss print( "Parameters saved in the validation stage when its error is <=0.08::", error) self.model.val_writer.add_summary(summary, idx) print_info(('[{}/{}]'.format(idx, self.args.max_iterations), 'VALIDATION error: %0.5f' % error, 'pError: %.5f' % prev_loss)) if (idx + 1) % (self.args.val_interval * 150) == 0: print('updating visualisation') plt.close() fig = plt.figure(), os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, self.args.model_name), global_step=idx) print("Final Weights saved", idx, " Current Loss", loss) self.model.train_writer.close()