コード例 #1
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: animalus/utool
def read_from(fpath, verbose=None, aslines=False, strict=True):
    """ Reads text from a file

        fpath (str): file path
        aslines (bool): if True returns list of lines
        verbose (bool): verbosity flag

        text from fpath
    if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_READS__):
        print('[util_io] * Reading text file: %r ' % util_path.tail(fpath))
        if not util_path.checkpath(fpath, verbose=verbose, n=3):
            raise IOError('[io] * FILE DOES NOT EXIST!')
        with open(fpath, 'r') as file_:
            if aslines:
                text = file_.readlines()
                text = file_.read()
        return text
    except IOError as ex:
        from utool.util_dbg import printex
        if verbose or strict:
            printex(ex, ' * Error reading fpath=%r' %
                    util_path.tail(fpath), '[io]')
        if strict:
コード例 #2
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def read_from(fpath, verbose=None, aslines=False, strict=True, n=None, errors='replace'):
    """ Reads text from a file. Automatically returns utf8.

        fpath (str): file path
        aslines (bool): if True returns list of lines
        verbose (bool): verbosity flag

        str: text from fpath (this is unicode)

        x = b'''/whaleshark_003_fors\xc3\xb8g.wmv" />\r\n'''
        ut.writeto('foo.txt', x)
        y = ut.readfrom('foo.txt')
        y.encode('utf8') == x
    if n is None:
        n = __READ_TAIL_N__
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * Reading text file: %r ' % util_path.tail(fpath, n=n))
        if not util_path.checkpath(fpath, verbose=verbose, n=n):
            raise IOError('[io] * FILE DOES NOT EXIST!')
        #with open(fpath, 'r') as file_:
        with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_:
            if aslines:
                #text = file_.readlines()
                if six.PY2:
                    # python2 writes in bytes, so read as bytes then convert to
                    # utf8
                    text = [line.decode('utf8', errors=errors)
                            for line in file_.readlines()]
                    text = [line.decode('utf8', errors=errors)
                            for line in file_.readlines()]
                    #text = file_.readlines()
                # text = file_.read()
                if six.PY2:
                    text = file_.read().decode('utf8', errors=errors)
                    #text = file_.read()
                    text = file_.read().decode('utf8', errors=errors)
        return text
    except IOError as ex:
        from utool import util_dbg
        if verbose or strict:
            util_dbg.printex(ex, ' * Error reading fpath=%r' %
                             util_path.tail(fpath, n=n), '[io]')
        if strict:
コード例 #3
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: animalus/utool
def load_cPkl(fpath, verbose=None):
    """ Loads a pickled file with optional verbosity """
    if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_READS__):
        print('[util_io] * load_cPkl(%r)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_:
        data = cPickle.load(file_)
    return data
コード例 #4
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=None):
    fname = basename(fpath)
    #file_ = h5py.File(fpath, 'r')
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * load_hdf5(%r)' % (util_path.tail(fpath), ))
    with h5py.File(fpath, 'r') as file_:
        value = file_[fname]
        if isinstance(value, h5py.Group):
            grp = value
            data = {}
            for key, dset in six.iteritems(grp):
                shape = dset.shape
                dtype = dset.dtype
                subdata = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
                data[key] = subdata
            for key, val in six.iteritems(grp.attrs):
                data[key] = val
        elif isinstance(value, h5py.Dataset):
            dset = value
            shape = dset.shape
            dtype = dset.dtype
            data = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
            assert False
    return data
コード例 #5
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=None):
    fname = basename(fpath)
    #file_ = h5py.File(fpath, 'r')
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * load_hdf5(%r)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    with h5py.File(fpath, 'r') as file_:
        value = file_[fname]
        if isinstance(value, h5py.Group):
            grp = value
            data = {}
            for key, dset in six.iteritems(grp):
                shape = dset.shape
                dtype = dset.dtype
                subdata = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
                data[key] = subdata
            for key, val in six.iteritems(grp.attrs):
                data[key] = val
        elif isinstance(value, h5py.Dataset):
            dset = value
            shape = dset.shape
            dtype = dset.dtype
            data = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
            assert False
    return data
コード例 #6
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def save_cPkl(fpath, data, verbose=None, n=None):
    """ Saves data to a pickled file with optional verbosity """
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * save_cPkl(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath, n=n),))
    with open(fpath, 'wb') as file_:
        # Use protocol 2 to support python2 and 3
        pickle.dump(data, file_, protocol=2)
コード例 #7
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def save_cPkl(fpath, data, verbose=None, n=None):
    """ Saves data to a pickled file with optional verbosity """
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * save_cPkl(%r, data)' %
              (util_path.tail(fpath, n=n), ))
    with open(fpath, 'wb') as file_:
        # Use protocol 2 to support python2 and 3
        pickle.dump(data, file_, protocol=2)
コード例 #8
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: animalus/utool
def load_pytables(fpath, verbose=False):
    import tables
    #from os.path import basename
    #fname = basename(fpath)
    #file_ = tables.open_file(fpath)
    if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_READS__):
        print('[util_io] * load_pytables(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    with tables.open_file(fpath, 'r') as file_:
        data = file_.root.data.read()
    return data
コード例 #9
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def load_pytables(fpath, verbose=False):
    import tables
    #from os.path import basename
    #fname = basename(fpath)
    #file_ = tables.open_file(fpath)
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * load_pytables(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    with tables.open_file(fpath, 'r') as file_:
        data = file_.root.data.read()
    return data
コード例 #10
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def load_pytables(fpath, verbose=False):
    import tables
    #from os.path import basename
    #fname = basename(fpath)
    #file_ = tables.open_file(fpath)
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * load_pytables(%r, data)' %
              (util_path.tail(fpath), ))
    with tables.open_file(fpath, 'r') as file_:
        data = file_.root.data.read()
    return data
コード例 #11
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def save_pytables(fpath, data, verbose=False):
    sudo pip install numexpr
    sudo pip install tables


        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_io import *  # NOQA
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> # build test data
        >>> verbose = True
        >>> fpath = 'myfile.pytables.hdf5'
        >>> np.random.seed(0)
        >>> compression = 'gzip'
        >>> data = (np.random.rand(100000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> # execute function
        >>> ut.delete(fpath)
        >>> save_pytables(fpath, data, verbose)
        >>> data2 = load_pytables(fpath, verbose)
        >>> assert data is not data2
        >>> assert np.all(data == data2)
        >>> assert ut.delete(fpath)
    import tables
    #from os.path import basename
    #fname = basename(fpath)
    #shape = data.shape
    #dtype = data.dtype
    #file_ = tables.open_file(fpath)
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * save_pytables(%r, data)' %
              (util_path.tail(fpath), ))
    with tables.open_file(fpath, 'w') as file_:
        atom = tables.Atom.from_dtype(data.dtype)
        filters = tables.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=5)
        dset = file_.createCArray(file_.root,
        # save w/o compressive filter
        #dset = file_.createCArray(file_.root, 'all_data', atom, all_data.shape)
        dset[:] = data
コード例 #12
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: animalus/utool
def load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=False):
    import h5py
    from os.path import basename
    import numpy as np
    fname = basename(fpath)
    #file_ = h5py.File(fpath, 'r')
    if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_READS__):
        print('[util_io] * load_hdf5(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    with h5py.File(fpath, 'r') as file_:
        dset = file_[fname]
        shape = dset.shape
        dtype = dset.dtype
        data = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
    return data
コード例 #13
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def save_pytables(fpath, data, verbose=False):
    sudo pip install numexpr
    sudo pip install tables


        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_io import *  # NOQA
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> # build test data
        >>> verbose = True
        >>> fpath = 'myfile.pytables.hdf5'
        >>> np.random.seed(0)
        >>> compression = 'gzip'
        >>> data = (np.random.rand(100000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> # execute function
        >>> ut.delete(fpath)
        >>> save_pytables(fpath, data, verbose)
        >>> data2 = load_pytables(fpath, verbose)
        >>> assert data is not data2
        >>> assert np.all(data == data2)
        >>> assert ut.delete(fpath)
    import tables
    #from os.path import basename
    #fname = basename(fpath)
    #shape = data.shape
    #dtype = data.dtype
    #file_ = tables.open_file(fpath)
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * save_pytables(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    with tables.open_file(fpath, 'w') as file_:
        atom = tables.Atom.from_dtype(data.dtype)
        filters = tables.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=5)
        dset = file_.createCArray(file_.root, 'data', atom, data.shape, filters=filters)
        # save w/o compressive filter
        #dset = file_.createCArray(file_.root, 'all_data', atom, all_data.shape)
        dset[:] = data
コード例 #14
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: animalus/utool
def write_to(fpath, to_write, aslines=False, verbose=False,
             onlyifdiff=False, mode='w'):
    """ Writes text to a file

        fpath (str): file path
        to_write (str): text to write
        aslines (bool): if True to_write is assumed to be a list of lines
        verbose (bool): verbosity flag
        onlyifdiff (bool): only writes if needed!
            checks hash of to_write vs the hash of the contents of fpath
    if onlyifdiff:
        import utool as ut
        if ut.hashstr(read_from(fpath)) == ut.hashstr(to_write):
            print('[util_io] * no difference')
    if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_WRITES__):
        print('[util_io] * Writing to text file: %r ' % util_path.tail(fpath))
    with open(fpath, mode) as file_:
        if aslines:
コード例 #15
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: animalus/utool
def save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='gzip'):
        fpath (?):
        data (ndarray):
        compression (str):
            DEFLATE/GZIP - standard
            LZF  - fast
            SHUFFLE - compression ratio
            FLETCHER32 - error detection
            Scale-offset - integer / float scaling and truncation
            SZIP - fast and patented

        python -m utool.util_io --test-save_hdf5


        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_io import *  # NOQA
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> # build test data
        >>> verbose = True
        >>> fpath = 'myfile.hdf5'
        >>> np.random.seed(0)
        >>> compression = 'gzip'
        >>> data = (np.random.rand(100000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> # execute function
        >>> ut.delete(fpath)
        >>> save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose, compression)
        >>> data2 = load_hdf5(fpath, verbose)
        >>> assert data is not data2
        >>> assert np.all(data == data2)
        >>> assert ut.delete(fpath)

        cPkl seems to be faster with this initial implementation

        %timeit save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
        %timeit save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
        %timeit save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)
        %timeit save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)
        1 loops, best of 3: 258 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 111 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 53.1 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 96.5 ms per loop

        save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
        %timeit load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=False)
        save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
        %timeit load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=False)
        %timeit load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)
        %timeit load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)
        100 loops, best of 3: 19.4 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 14.4 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 3.92 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 6.22 ms per loop

    import h5py
    from os.path import basename
    chunks = True
    fname = basename(fpath)
    shape = data.shape
    dtype = data.dtype
    if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_WRITES__):
        print('[util_io] * save_hdf5(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    with h5py.File(fpath, 'w') as file_:
        dset = file_.create_dataset(fname, shape,  dtype, chunks=chunks, compression=compression)
        dset[...] = data
コード例 #16
ファイル: util_cache.py プロジェクト: animalus/utool
def tryload_cache_list_with_compute(dpath, fname, cfgstr_list, compute_fn, *args):
    tries to load data, but computes it if it can't give a compute function
    # Load precomputed values
    data_list, ismiss_list = tryload_cache_list(dpath, fname, cfgstr_list, verbose=False)
    num_total = len(cfgstr_list)
    if any(ismiss_list):
        # Compute missing values
        newdata_list = compute_fn(ismiss_list, *args)
        newcfgstr_list = util_list.list_compress(cfgstr_list, ismiss_list)
        index_list = util_list.list_where(ismiss_list)
        print('[cache] %d/%d cache hits for %s in %s' % (num_total - len(index_list), num_total, fname, util_path.tail(dpath)))
        # Cache write
        for newcfgstr, newdata in zip(newcfgstr_list, newdata_list):
            save_cache(dpath, fname, newcfgstr, newdata, verbose=False)
        # Populate missing result
        for index, newdata in zip(index_list, newdata_list):
            data_list[index] = newdata
        print('[cache] %d/%d cache hits for %s in %s' % (num_total, num_total, fname, util_path.tail(dpath)))
    return data_list
コード例 #17
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def save_numpy(fpath, data, verbose=None, **kwargs):
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * save_numpy(%r, data)' % util_path.tail(fpath))
    return np.save(fpath, data)
コード例 #18
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def load_numpy(fpath, mmap_mode=None, verbose=None):
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * load_numpy(%r)' % util_path.tail(fpath))
    return np.load(fpath, mmap_mode=mmap_mode)
コード例 #19
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: animalus/utool
def save_cPkl(fpath, data, verbose=None):
    """ Saves data to a pickled file with optional verbosity """
    if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_WRITES__):
        print('[util_io] * save_cPkl(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    with open(fpath, 'wb') as file_:
        cPickle.dump(data, file_, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
コード例 #20
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def load_cPkl(fpath, verbose=None, n=None):
    Loads a pickled file with optional verbosity.
    Aims for compatibility between python2 and python3.

        >>> def makedata_simple():
        >>>     data = np.empty((500, 2 ** 20), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
        >>>     return data
        >>> memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker()
        >>> # create a large amount of data
        >>> data = makedata_simple()
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> print(ut.get_object_size_str(data))
        >>> fpath = 'tmp.pkl'
        >>> ut.save_cPkl(fpath, data)
        >>> print(ut.get_file_nBytes_str('tmp.pkl'))
        >>> #del data
        >>> memtrack.collect()
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> data = ut.load_cPkl(fpath)
        >>> memtrack.report()

        >>> def makedata_complex():
        >>>     rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        >>>     item1 = np.empty((100, 2 ** 20), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
        >>>     item2 = [np.empty((10, 2 ** 10), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
        >>>              for a in range(1000)]
        >>>     item3 = {a: np.empty(int(rng.rand() * 10), dtype=np.int16) + 1
        >>>                  for a in range(100)}
        >>>     item4 = {np.int32(a): np.empty((int(rng.rand() * 10), 2), dtype=np.float64) + 1
        >>>                  for a in range(200)}
        >>>     data = {'item1': item1, 'item2': item2,
        >>>             'item3': item3, 'item4': item4}
        >>>     return data
        >>> memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker()
        >>> # create a large amount of data
        >>> data = makedata_complex()
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> print(ut.get_object_size_str(data))
        >>> fpath = 'tmp.pkl'
        >>> ut.save_cPkl(fpath, data)
        >>> print(ut.get_file_nBytes_str('tmp.pkl'))
        >>> #del data
        >>> memtrack.collect()
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> data2 = ut.load_cPkl(fpath)
        >>> memtrack.report()

        >>> memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker()
        >>> cacher = ut.Cacher('tmp', cache_dir='.', cfgstr='foo')
        >>> data3 = cacher.ensure(makedata_complex)
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> data4 = cacher.ensure(makedata_complex)
        >>> memtrack.report()

        >>> memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker()
        >>> fpath = '/home/joncrall/Desktop/smkcache/inva_PZ_Master1VUUIDS((5616)vxihbjwtggyovrto)_vpgwpcafbjkkpjdf.cPkl'
        >>> print(ut.get_file_nBytes_str(fpath))
        >>> data = ut.load_cPkl(fpath)
        >>> memtrack.report()

        def makedata_complex():
            data = np.empty((1000, 2 ** 20), dtype=np.uint8)
            data[:] = 0
            return data
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * load_cPkl(%r)' % (util_path.tail(fpath, n=n), ))
        with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_:
            data = pickle.load(file_)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        if six.PY3:
            # try to open python2 pickle
            with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_:
                data = pickle.load(file_, encoding='latin1')
    except ValueError as ex:
        if six.PY2:
            if ex.message == 'unsupported pickle protocol: 4':
                raise ValueError('unsupported Python3 pickle protocol 4 '
                                 'in Python2 for fpath=%r' % (fpath, ))
    return data
コード例 #21
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def write_to(fpath,
    """ Writes text to a file. Automatically encodes text as utf8.

        fpath (str): file path
        to_write (str): text to write (must be unicode text)
        aslines (bool): if True to_write is assumed to be a list of lines
        verbose (bool): verbosity flag
        onlyifdiff (bool): only writes if needed!
                checks hash of to_write vs the hash of the contents of fpath
        mode (unicode): (default = u'w')
        n (int):  (default = 2)

        python -m utool.util_io --exec-write_to --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_io import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> fpath = ut.unixjoin(ut.get_app_resource_dir('utool'), 'testwrite.txt')
        >>> ut.delete(fpath)
        >>> to_write = 'utf-8 symbols Δ, Й, ק, م, ๗, あ, 叶, 葉, and 말.'
        >>> aslines = False
        >>> verbose = True
        >>> onlyifdiff = False
        >>> mode = u'w'
        >>> n = 2
        >>> write_to(fpath, to_write, aslines, verbose, onlyifdiff, mode, n)
        >>> read_ = ut.read_from(fpath)
        >>> print('read_    = ' + read_)
        >>> print('to_write = ' + to_write)
        >>> assert read_ == to_write
    if onlyifdiff:
        import utool as ut
        if ut.hashstr(read_from(fpath)) == ut.hashstr(to_write):
            print('[util_io] * no difference')
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        n = None if verbose > 1 else 2
        print('[util_io] * Writing to text file: %r ' %
              util_path.tail(fpath, n=n))

    backup = False and exists(fpath)
    if backup:
        util_path.copy(fpath, fpath + '.backup')

    if not isinstance(fpath, six.string_types):
        # Assuming a file object with a name attribute
        # Should just read from the file
        fpath = fpath.name

    with open(fpath, mode) as file_:
        if aslines:
            # Ensure python2 writes in bytes
            if six.PY2 and isinstance(to_write, unicode):
                to_write = to_write.encode('utf8')
            except UnicodeEncodeError as ex:
                start = max(ex.args[2] - 10, 0)
                end = ex.args[3] + 10
                context = to_write[start:end]
                from utool import util_dbg
                util_dbg.printex(ex, keys=[(type, 'to_write')])
                if backup:
                    # restore
                    util_path.copy(fpath + '.backup', fpath)
                # import utool
                # utool.embed()
コード例 #22
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def save_numpy(fpath, data, verbose=None):
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * save_numpy(%r, data)' % util_path.tail(fpath))
    return np.save(fpath, data)
コード例 #23
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def load_numpy(fpath, mmap_mode=None, verbose=None):
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * load_numpy(%r)' % util_path.tail(fpath))
    return np.load(fpath, mmap_mode=mmap_mode)
コード例 #24
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def load_cPkl(fpath, verbose=None, n=None):
    Loads a pickled file with optional verbosity.
    Aims for compatibility between python2 and python3.

        >>> def makedata_simple():
        >>>     data = np.empty((500, 2 ** 20), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
        >>>     return data
        >>> memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker()
        >>> # create a large amount of data
        >>> data = makedata_simple()
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> print(ut.get_object_size_str(data))
        >>> fpath = 'tmp.pkl'
        >>> ut.save_cPkl(fpath, data)
        >>> print(ut.get_file_nBytes_str('tmp.pkl'))
        >>> #del data
        >>> memtrack.collect()
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> data = ut.load_cPkl(fpath)
        >>> memtrack.report()

        >>> def makedata_complex():
        >>>     rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        >>>     item1 = np.empty((100, 2 ** 20), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
        >>>     item2 = [np.empty((10, 2 ** 10), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
        >>>              for a in range(1000)]
        >>>     item3 = {a: np.empty(int(rng.rand() * 10), dtype=np.int16) + 1
        >>>                  for a in range(100)}
        >>>     item4 = {np.int32(a): np.empty((int(rng.rand() * 10), 2), dtype=np.float64) + 1
        >>>                  for a in range(200)}
        >>>     data = {'item1': item1, 'item2': item2,
        >>>             'item3': item3, 'item4': item4}
        >>>     return data
        >>> memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker()
        >>> # create a large amount of data
        >>> data = makedata_complex()
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> print(ut.get_object_size_str(data))
        >>> fpath = 'tmp.pkl'
        >>> ut.save_cPkl(fpath, data)
        >>> print(ut.get_file_nBytes_str('tmp.pkl'))
        >>> #del data
        >>> memtrack.collect()
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> data2 = ut.load_cPkl(fpath)
        >>> memtrack.report()

        >>> memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker()
        >>> cacher = ut.Cacher('tmp', cache_dir='.', cfgstr='foo')
        >>> data3 = cacher.ensure(makedata_complex)
        >>> memtrack.report()
        >>> data4 = cacher.ensure(makedata_complex)
        >>> memtrack.report()

        >>> memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker()
        >>> fpath = '/home/joncrall/Desktop/smkcache/inva_PZ_Master1VUUIDS((5616)vxihbjwtggyovrto)_vpgwpcafbjkkpjdf.cPkl'
        >>> print(ut.get_file_nBytes_str(fpath))
        >>> data = ut.load_cPkl(fpath)
        >>> memtrack.report()

        def makedata_complex():
            data = np.empty((1000, 2 ** 20), dtype=np.uint8)
            data[:] = 0
            return data
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * load_cPkl(%r)' % (util_path.tail(fpath, n=n),))
        with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_:
            data = pickle.load(file_)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        if six.PY3:
            # try to open python2 pickle
            with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_:
                data = pickle.load(file_, encoding='latin1')
    except ValueError as ex:
        if six.PY2:
            if ex.message == 'unsupported pickle protocol: 4':
                raise ValueError(
                    'unsupported Python3 pickle protocol 4 '
                    'in Python2 for fpath=%r' % (fpath,))
    return data
コード例 #25
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=None, compression='lzf'):
    Restricted save of data using hdf5. Can only save ndarrays and dicts of

        fpath (str):
        data (ndarray):
        compression (str):
            DEFLATE/GZIP - standard
            LZF  - fast
            SHUFFLE - compression ratio
            FLETCHER32 - error detection
            Scale-offset - integer / float scaling and truncation
            SZIP - fast and patented

        python -m utool.util_io --test-save_hdf5


        >>> # ENABLE_IF HAS_H5PY
        >>> from utool.util_io import *  # NOQA
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        >>> data = (rng.rand(100000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> verbose = True
        >>> fpath = ut.unixjoin(ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('utool'), 'myfile.hdf5')
        >>> compression = 'lzf'
        >>> ut.delete(fpath)
        >>> save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose, compression)
        >>> data2 = load_hdf5(fpath, verbose)
        >>> assert data is not data2
        >>> assert np.all(data == data2)
        >>> assert ut.delete(fpath)

        >>> # ENABLE_IF HAS_H5PY
        >>> from utool.util_io import *  # NOQA
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        >>> data = {'name': 'foobar', 'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': np.array([3, 2, 1])}
        >>> ut.exec_funckw(save_hdf5, globals())
        >>> fpath = ut.unixjoin(ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('utool'), 'myfile2.hdf5')
        >>> ut.delete(fpath)
        >>> save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose, compression)
        >>> data2 = load_hdf5(fpath, verbose)
        >>> assert data is not data2
        >>> assert all([np.all(data[key] == data2[key]) for key in data.keys()])
        >>> assert ut.delete(fpath)

        >>> # cPkl / numpy seems to be faster with this initial implementation
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> data = (rng.rand(1000000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> print(ut.get_object_size_str(data))
        >>> del data
        >>> setup = ut.codeblock(
        >>>     '''
                import numpy as np
                import utool as ut
                rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
                fpath = ut.unixjoin(ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('utool'), 'io_test_data')
                data = (rng.rand(1000000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> # Test load time
        >>> stmt_list1 = ut.codeblock(
        >>>     '''
                ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
                ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
                ut.save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)
                ut.save_numpy(fpath + '.npy', data, verbose=False)
                ut.save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)
        >>> ut.util_dev.timeit_compare(stmt_list1, setup, int(10))
        >>> # Test save time
        >>> stmt_list2 = ut.codeblock(
        >>>     '''
                ut.load_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', verbose=False)
                ut.load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)
                ut.load_numpy(fpath + '.npy', verbose=False)
                ut.load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)
        >>> ut.util_dev.timeit_compare(stmt_list2, setup, int(10))
        >>> print('finished timeing')
        | iterations = 10
        | Input:
        |     | num | stmt
        |     |   0 | u"ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')"
        |     |   1 | u"ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')"
        |     |   2 | u"ut.save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)"
        |     |   3 | u"ut.save_numpy(fpath + '.npy', data, verbose=False)"
        |     |   4 | u"ut.save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)"
        | Output:
        |    * PASSED: each statement produced the same result
        |    | num | total time | per loop | stmt
        |    |   0 |    0.03 ks |   3.15 s | ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
        |    |   1 |    0.01 ks |   1.25 s | ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
        |    |   2 |     5.30 s |   0.53 s | ut.save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)
        |    |   3 |     4.97 s |   0.50 s | ut.save_numpy(fpath + '.npy', data, verbose=False)
        |    |   4 |     9.23 s |   0.92 s | ut.save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)
        | iterations = 10
        | Input:
        |     | num | stmt
        |     |   0 | u"ut.load_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', verbose=False)"
        |     |   1 | u"ut.load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)"
        |     |   2 | u"ut.load_numpy(fpath + '.npy', verbose=False)"
        |     |   3 | u"ut.load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)"
        | Output:
        |    * PASSED: each statement produced the same result
        |    | num | total time | per loop | stmt
        |    |   0 |     2.39 s |   0.24 s | ut.load_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', verbose=False)
        |    |   1 |     0.39 s |   0.04 s | ut.load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)
        |    |   2 |     0.19 s |   0.02 s | ut.load_numpy(fpath + '.npy', verbose=False)
        |    |   3 |     0.33 s |   0.03 s | ut.load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)

        %timeit save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
        %timeit save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
        %timeit save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)
        %timeit save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)
        1 loops, best of 3: 258 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 111 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 53.1 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 96.5 ms per loop

        save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
        %timeit load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=False)
        save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
        %timeit load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=False)
        %timeit load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)
        %timeit load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)
        100 loops, best of 3: 19.4 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 14.4 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 3.92 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 6.22 ms per loop

        pip install mpi4py
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * save_hdf5(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath), ))
    if verbose > 1:
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            print('[util_io] ... shapes=%r' %
                  ([val.shape for val in data.values()], ))
            print('[util_io] ... shape=%r' % (data.shape, ))

    chunks = True  # True enables auto-chunking
    fname = basename(fpath)

    # check for parallel hdf5
    #have_mpi = h5py.h5.get_config().mpi
    #if have_mpi:
    #    import mpi4py
    #    h5kw = dict(driver='mpio', comm=mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD)
    #    # cant use compression with mpi
    #    #ValueError: Unable to create dataset (Parallel i/o does not support filters yet)
    h5kw = {}

    if isinstance(data, dict):
        array_data = {
            key: val
            for key, val in data.items() if isinstance(val, (list, np.ndarray))
        attr_data = {
            key: val
            for key, val in data.items() if key not in array_data

        #assert all([
        #    isinstance(vals, np.ndarray)
        #    for vals in six.itervalues(data)
        #]), ('can only save dicts as ndarrays')
        # file_ = h5py.File(fpath, 'w', **h5kw)
        with h5py.File(fpath, mode='w', **h5kw) as file_:
            grp = file_.create_group(fname)
            for key, val in six.iteritems(array_data):
                val = np.asarray(val)
                dset = grp.create_dataset(key,
                dset[...] = val
            for key, val in six.iteritems(attr_data):
                grp.attrs[key] = val
        assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
        shape = data.shape
        dtype = data.dtype
        #if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_WRITES__):
        #    print('[util_io] * save_hdf5(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
        # file_ = h5py.File(fpath, 'w', **h5kw)
        with h5py.File(fpath, mode='w', **h5kw) as file_:
            #    fname, shape,  dtype, chunks=chunks, compression=compression,
            #    data=data)
            dset = file_.create_dataset(fname,
            dset[...] = data
コード例 #26
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: Erotemic/utool
def save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=None, compression='lzf'):
    Restricted save of data using hdf5. Can only save ndarrays and dicts of

        fpath (str):
        data (ndarray):
        compression (str):
            DEFLATE/GZIP - standard
            LZF  - fast
            SHUFFLE - compression ratio
            FLETCHER32 - error detection
            Scale-offset - integer / float scaling and truncation
            SZIP - fast and patented

        python -m utool.util_io --test-save_hdf5


        >>> # ENABLE_IF HAS_H5PY
        >>> from utool.util_io import *  # NOQA
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        >>> data = (rng.rand(100000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> verbose = True
        >>> fpath = ut.unixjoin(ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('utool'), 'myfile.hdf5')
        >>> compression = 'lzf'
        >>> ut.delete(fpath)
        >>> save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose, compression)
        >>> data2 = load_hdf5(fpath, verbose)
        >>> assert data is not data2
        >>> assert np.all(data == data2)
        >>> assert ut.delete(fpath)

        >>> # ENABLE_IF HAS_H5PY
        >>> from utool.util_io import *  # NOQA
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        >>> data = {'name': 'foobar', 'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': np.array([3, 2, 1])}
        >>> ut.exec_funckw(save_hdf5, globals())
        >>> fpath = ut.unixjoin(ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('utool'), 'myfile2.hdf5')
        >>> ut.delete(fpath)
        >>> save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose, compression)
        >>> data2 = load_hdf5(fpath, verbose)
        >>> assert data is not data2
        >>> assert all([np.all(data[key] == data2[key]) for key in data.keys()])
        >>> assert ut.delete(fpath)

        >>> # cPkl / numpy seems to be faster with this initial implementation
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> data = (rng.rand(1000000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> print(ut.get_object_size_str(data))
        >>> del data
        >>> setup = ut.codeblock(
        >>>     '''
                import numpy as np
                import utool as ut
                rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
                fpath = ut.unixjoin(ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('utool'), 'io_test_data')
                data = (rng.rand(1000000, 128) * 255).astype(np.uint8).copy()
        >>> # Test load time
        >>> stmt_list1 = ut.codeblock(
        >>>     '''
                ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
                ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
                ut.save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)
                ut.save_numpy(fpath + '.npy', data, verbose=False)
                ut.save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)
        >>> ut.util_dev.timeit_compare(stmt_list1, setup, int(10))
        >>> # Test save time
        >>> stmt_list2 = ut.codeblock(
        >>>     '''
                ut.load_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', verbose=False)
                ut.load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)
                ut.load_numpy(fpath + '.npy', verbose=False)
                ut.load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)
        >>> ut.util_dev.timeit_compare(stmt_list2, setup, int(10))
        >>> print('finished timeing')
        | iterations = 10
        | Input:
        |     | num | stmt
        |     |   0 | u"ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')"
        |     |   1 | u"ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')"
        |     |   2 | u"ut.save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)"
        |     |   3 | u"ut.save_numpy(fpath + '.npy', data, verbose=False)"
        |     |   4 | u"ut.save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)"
        | Output:
        |    * PASSED: each statement produced the same result
        |    | num | total time | per loop | stmt
        |    |   0 |    0.03 ks |   3.15 s | ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
        |    |   1 |    0.01 ks |   1.25 s | ut.save_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
        |    |   2 |     5.30 s |   0.53 s | ut.save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)
        |    |   3 |     4.97 s |   0.50 s | ut.save_numpy(fpath + '.npy', data, verbose=False)
        |    |   4 |     9.23 s |   0.92 s | ut.save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)
        | iterations = 10
        | Input:
        |     | num | stmt
        |     |   0 | u"ut.load_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', verbose=False)"
        |     |   1 | u"ut.load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)"
        |     |   2 | u"ut.load_numpy(fpath + '.npy', verbose=False)"
        |     |   3 | u"ut.load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)"
        | Output:
        |    * PASSED: each statement produced the same result
        |    | num | total time | per loop | stmt
        |    |   0 |     2.39 s |   0.24 s | ut.load_hdf5(fpath + '.hdf5', verbose=False)
        |    |   1 |     0.39 s |   0.04 s | ut.load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)
        |    |   2 |     0.19 s |   0.02 s | ut.load_numpy(fpath + '.npy', verbose=False)
        |    |   3 |     0.33 s |   0.03 s | ut.load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)

        %timeit save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
        %timeit save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
        %timeit save_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', data, verbose=False)
        %timeit save_pytables(fpath + '.tables', data, verbose=False)
        1 loops, best of 3: 258 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 111 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 53.1 ms per loop
        10 loops, best of 3: 96.5 ms per loop

        save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='gzip')
        %timeit load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=False)
        save_hdf5(fpath, data, verbose=False, compression='lzf')
        %timeit load_hdf5(fpath, verbose=False)
        %timeit load_cPkl(fpath + '.cPkl', verbose=False)
        %timeit load_pytables(fpath + '.tables', verbose=False)
        100 loops, best of 3: 19.4 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 14.4 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 3.92 ms per loop
        100 loops, best of 3: 6.22 ms per loop

        pip install mpi4py
    verbose = _rectify_verb_write(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * save_hdf5(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
    if verbose > 1:
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            print('[util_io] ... shapes=%r' % ([val.shape for val in data.values()],))
            print('[util_io] ... shape=%r' % (data.shape,))

    chunks = True  # True enables auto-chunking
    fname = basename(fpath)

    # check for parallel hdf5
    #have_mpi = h5py.h5.get_config().mpi
    #if have_mpi:
    #    import mpi4py
    #    h5kw = dict(driver='mpio', comm=mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD)
    #    # cant use compression with mpi
    #    #ValueError: Unable to create dataset (Parallel i/o does not support filters yet)
    h5kw = {}

    if isinstance(data, dict):
        array_data = {key: val for key, val in data.items()
                      if isinstance(val, (list, np.ndarray))}
        attr_data = {key: val for key, val in data.items() if key not in array_data}

        #assert all([
        #    isinstance(vals, np.ndarray)
        #    for vals in six.itervalues(data)
        #]), ('can only save dicts as ndarrays')
        # file_ = h5py.File(fpath, 'w', **h5kw)
        with h5py.File(fpath, mode='w', **h5kw) as file_:
            grp = file_.create_group(fname)
            for key, val in six.iteritems(array_data):
                val = np.asarray(val)
                dset = grp.create_dataset(
                    key, val.shape,  val.dtype, chunks=chunks,
                dset[...] = val
            for key, val in six.iteritems(attr_data):
                grp.attrs[key] = val
        assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
        shape = data.shape
        dtype = data.dtype
        #if verbose or (verbose is None and __PRINT_WRITES__):
        #    print('[util_io] * save_hdf5(%r, data)' % (util_path.tail(fpath),))
        # file_ = h5py.File(fpath, 'w', **h5kw)
        with h5py.File(fpath, mode='w', **h5kw) as file_:
            #    fname, shape,  dtype, chunks=chunks, compression=compression,
            #    data=data)
            dset = file_.create_dataset(
                fname, shape,  dtype, chunks=chunks, compression=compression)
            dset[...] = data
コード例 #27
ファイル: util_io.py プロジェクト: SU-ECE-18-7/utool
def read_from(fpath,
    """ Reads text from a file. Automatically returns utf8.

        fpath (str): file path
        aslines (bool): if True returns list of lines
        verbose (bool): verbosity flag

        str: text from fpath (this is unicode)

        x = b'''/whaleshark_003_fors\xc3\xb8g.wmv" />\r\n'''
        ut.writeto('foo.txt', x)
        y = ut.readfrom('foo.txt')
        y.encode('utf8') == x
    if n is None:
        n = __READ_TAIL_N__
    verbose = _rectify_verb_read(verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('[util_io] * Reading text file: %r ' %
              util_path.tail(fpath, n=n))
        if not util_path.checkpath(fpath, verbose=verbose, n=n):
            raise IOError('[io] * FILE DOES NOT EXIST!')
        #with open(fpath, 'r') as file_:
        with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_:
            if aslines:
                #text = file_.readlines()
                if six.PY2:
                    # python2 writes in bytes, so read as bytes then convert to utf8
                    text = [
                        line.decode('utf8', errors=errors)
                        for line in file_.readlines()
                    text = [
                        line.decode('utf8', errors=errors)
                        for line in file_.readlines()
                    #text = file_.readlines()
                # text = file_.read()
                if six.PY2:
                    text = file_.read().decode('utf8', errors=errors)
                    #text = file_.read()
                    text = file_.read().decode('utf8', errors=errors)
        return text
    except IOError as ex:
        from utool import util_dbg
        if verbose or strict:
                ex, ' * Error reading fpath=%r' % util_path.tail(fpath, n=n),
        if strict: