def change_doctestcommand_to_use_dashm_flag(): r""" VimRegex: # note sure how to execute replace command in vim in one lin %s/python\s*\([A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S*\)\.py\(.*\)/python -m \1 \2 """ # # CANNOT USE [^ ] FOR SOME GOD DAMN REASON USE /S instead regex_list = ['python [A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S* --allexamples'] dpath_list = [ ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/utool/utool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/vtool/vtool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/plottool/plottool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/guitool/guitool')), ] #ut.named_field_repl(['python ', ('modrelpath',),]) #['python ', ('modrelpath', 'utool[\\/].*'), '--allexamples']) res = ut.grep(regex_list, recursive=True, dpath_list=dpath_list, verbose=True) found_filestr_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = res fpath = res[0][0] import re keypat_list = [ ('prefix', 'python\s*'), ('modrelpath', '[A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S*'), ('suffix', '.*'), ] namedregex = ut.named_field_regex(keypat_list) # Define function to pass to re.sub def replmodpath(matchobj): groupdict_ = matchobj.groupdict() relpath = groupdict_['modrelpath'] prefix = groupdict_['prefix'] suffix = groupdict_['suffix'] modname = relpath modname = modname.replace('\\', '.') modname = modname.replace('/', '.') modname = modname.replace('.py', '') return prefix + '-m ' + modname + suffix for fpath in found_filestr_list: text = ut.read_from(fpath) #matchobj =, text, flags=re.MULTILINE) #print(text) #for matchobj in re.finditer(namedregex, text): # print(ut.get_match_text(matchobj)) # print('--') newtext = re.sub(namedregex, replmodpath, text) # Perform replacement ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)
def get_name_texts_from_gnames(gpath_list, img_dir, fmtkey='{name:*}[aid:d].{ext}'): """ Args: gpath_list (list): list of image paths img_dir (str): path to image directory fmtkey (str): pattern string to parse names from (default = '{name:*}[aid:d].{ext}') Returns: list: name_list - based on the parent folder of each image CommandLine: python -m ibeis.dbio.ingest_database --test-get_name_texts_from_gnames Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> gpath_list = ['e_f0273_f.jpg', 'f0001_f.jpg', 'f0259_l_3.jpg', 'f0259_f_1.jpg', 'f0259_f (1).jpg', 'f0058_u16_f.jpg'] >>> img_dir = '' >>> fmtkey = FMT_KEYS.elephant_fmt >>> result = get_name_texts_from_gnames(gpath_list, img_dir, fmtkey) >>> print(result) """ # These define regexes that attempt to parse the insane and contradicting # naming schemes of the image sets that we get. INGEST_FORMATS = { FMT_KEYS.name_fmt: ut.named_field_regex([ ('name', r'[a-zA-Z]+'), # all alpha characters ('id', r'\d*'), # first numbers (if existant) ( None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ]), FMT_KEYS.snails_fmt: ut.named_field_regex([ ('name', r'[a-zA-Z]+\d\d'), # species and 2 numbers ('id', r'\d\d'), # 2 more numbers ( None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ]), FMT_KEYS.giraffe1_fmt: ut.named_field_regex([ ('name', r'G\d+'), ('under', r'_'), ('id', r'\d+'), ( None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ]), FMT_KEYS.seal2_fmt: ut.named_field_regex([ ('name', r'Phs\d+'), # Phs and then numbers ('id', r'[A-Z]+'), # 1 or more letters ( None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ]), # this one defines multiple possible regex types. yay standards FMT_KEYS.elephant_fmt: [ ut.named_field_regex([ ('prefix', r'(e_)?'), ('name', r'[a-zA-Z0-9]+'), ('view', r'_[rflo]'), ('id', r'([ _][^.]+)?'), ( None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ]), ut.named_field_regex([ ('prefix', r'(e_)?'), ('name', r'[a-zA-Z0-9]+'), ('id', r'([ _][^.]+)?'), ('view', r'_[rflo]'), ( None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ])], } regex_list = INGEST_FORMATS.get(fmtkey, fmtkey) gname_list = ut.fpaths_to_fnames(gpath_list) def parse_format(regex_list, gname): if not isinstance(regex_list, list): regex_list = [regex_list] for regex in regex_list: result = ut.regex_parse(regex, gname) if result is not None: return result return None parsed_list = [parse_format(regex_list, gname) for gname in gname_list] anyfailed = False for gpath, parsed in zip(gpath_list, parsed_list): if parsed is None: print('FAILED TO PARSE: %r' % gpath) anyfailed = True if anyfailed: msg = ('FAILED REGEX: %r' % regex_list) raise Exception(msg) _name_list = [parsed['name'] for parsed in parsed_list] name_list = list(map(normalize_name, _name_list)) return name_list