def print_confusion_stats(): """ CommandLine: python --allgt --print-scorediff-mat-stats --print-confusion-stats -t rrvsone_grid """ # Prints nextbest ranks print('-------------') print('ScoreDiffMatStats: %s' % testnameid) print('column_lbls = %r' % (column_lbls,)) #cfgx2_gt_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score') #cfgx2_gf_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gf_raw_score') gt_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gt_rawscores, np.nan) gf_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gf_rawscores, np.nan) tp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, istrue_list) fp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list) tn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, istrue_list) fn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list) tp_rawscores_str, tp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(tp_rawscores, 'tp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) fp_rawscores_str, fp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(fp_rawscores, 'fp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) tn_rawscores_str, tn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(tn_rawscores, 'tn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) fn_rawscores_str, fn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(fn_rawscores, 'fn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) #print(tp_rawscores_str) #print(fp_rawscores_str) #print(tn_rawscores_str) #print(fn_rawscores_str) print(tp_rawscore_statstr) print(fp_rawscore_statstr) print(tn_rawscore_statstr) print(fn_rawscore_statstr)
def build_commandline(e=e, **kwargs): # Equivalent command line version of this func import valid_e_flags = ut.flatten( [[tup[1]] if len(tup) == 2 else [tup[1]] + tup[2] for tup in]) if e in valid_e_flags: epref = '-e' else: # hack to use tf epref = '--tf' if dbdir is not None: db_flag = '--dbdir' db_value = dbdir else: db_flag = '--db' db_value = db command_parts = [ 'ibeis', epref, e, db_flag, db_value, '-a', ' '.join(a).replace('(', '\(').replace(')', '\)'), '-t', ' '.join(t), ] if qaid_override is not None: command_parts.extend( ['--qaid=' + ','.join(map(str, qaid_override))]) if daid_override is not None: command_parts.extend( ['--daid-override=' + ','.join(map(str, daid_override))]) if 'disttype' in kwargs: command_parts.extend( ['--disttype=', ','.join(map(str, kwargs['disttype']))]) # hack parse out important args that were on command line if 'f' in kwargs: command_parts.extend(['-f', ' '.join(kwargs['f'])]) if 'test_cfgx_slice' in kwargs: # very hacky, much more than checking for f slice_ = kwargs['test_cfgx_slice'] slice_attrs = [ getattr(slice_, attr, '') for attr in ['start', 'stop', 'step'] ] slice_attrs = ut.replace_nones(slice_attrs, '') slicestr = ':'.join(map(str, slice_attrs)) command_parts.extend(['--test_cfgx_slice', slicestr]) command_parts.extend(['--show']) command_line_str = ' '.join(command_parts) # Warning, not always equivalent print('Equivalent Command Line:') print(command_line_str) return command_line_str
def _make_lnbnn_scores(infr, edges): edge_to_data = infr._get_cm_edge_data(edges) edges = list(edge_to_data.keys()) edge_scores = list(ut.take_column(edge_to_data.values(), 'score')) edge_scores = ut.replace_nones(edge_scores, np.nan) edge_scores = np.array(edge_scores) # take the inf-norm normscores = edge_scores / vt.safe_max(edge_scores, nans=False) return normscores
def print_confusion_stats(): """ CommandLine: python --allgt --print-scorediff-mat-stats --print-confusion-stats -t rrvsone_grid """ # Prints nextbest ranks print('-------------') print('ScoreDiffMatStats: %s' % testnameid) print('column_lbls = %r' % (column_lbls, )) #cfgx2_gt_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score') #cfgx2_gf_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gf_raw_score') gt_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gt_rawscores, np.nan) gf_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gf_rawscores, np.nan) tp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, istrue_list) fp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list) tn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, istrue_list) fn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list) tp_rawscores_str, tp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info( tp_rawscores, 'tp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) fp_rawscores_str, fp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info( fp_rawscores, 'fp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) tn_rawscores_str, tn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info( tn_rawscores, 'tn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) fn_rawscores_str, fn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info( fn_rawscores, 'fn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) #print(tp_rawscores_str) #print(fp_rawscores_str) #print(tn_rawscores_str) #print(fn_rawscores_str) print(tp_rawscore_statstr) print(fp_rawscore_statstr) print(tn_rawscore_statstr) print(fn_rawscore_statstr)
def apply_match_scores(infr): """ Applies precomputed matching scores to edges that already exist in the graph. Typically you should run infr.apply_match_edges() before running this. CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.core apply_match_scores --show Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--slow) >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> infr = testdata_infr('PZ_MTEST') >>> infr.exec_matching() >>> infr.apply_match_edges() >>> infr.apply_match_scores() >>> infr.get_edge_attrs('score') """ if infr.cm_list is None: infr.print('apply_match_scores - no scores to apply!') return infr.print('apply_match_scores', 1) edges = list(infr.graph.edges()) edge_to_data = infr._get_cm_edge_data(edges) # Remove existing attrs ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(infr.graph, 'score') ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(infr.graph, 'rank') ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(infr.graph, 'normscore') edges = list(edge_to_data.keys()) edge_scores = list(ut.take_column(edge_to_data.values(), 'score')) edge_scores = ut.replace_nones(edge_scores, np.nan) edge_scores = np.array(edge_scores) edge_ranks = np.array(ut.take_column(edge_to_data.values(), 'rank')) # take the inf-norm normscores = edge_scores / vt.safe_max(edge_scores, nans=False) # Add new attrs infr.set_edge_attrs('score', ut.dzip(edges, edge_scores)) infr.set_edge_attrs('rank', ut.dzip(edges, edge_ranks)) # Hack away zero probabilites # probs = np.vstack([p_nomatch, p_match, p_notcomp]).T + 1e-9 # probs = vt.normalize(probs, axis=1, ord=1, out=probs) # entropy = -(np.log2(probs) * probs).sum(axis=1) infr.set_edge_attrs('normscore', dict(zip(edges, normscores)))
def get_annotedge_viewdist(ibs, edges): edges = np.array(edges) unique_annots = ibs.annots(np.unique(edges)).view() annots1 = unique_annots.view(edges.T[0]) annots2 = unique_annots.view(edges.T[1]) view_ints1 = annots1.viewpoint_int view_ints2 = annots2.viewpoint_int DIST = ibs.const.VIEW.DIST view_dists = [ DIST[tup] if tup in DIST else DIST[tup[::-1]] for tup in zip(view_ints1, view_ints2) ] view_dists = np.array(ut.replace_nones(view_dists, np.nan)) return view_dists
def build_commandline(e=e, **kwargs): # Equivalent command line version of this func import valid_e_flags = ut.flatten([[tup[1]] if len(tup) == 2 else [tup[1]] + tup[2] for tup in]) if e in valid_e_flags: epref = '-e' else: # hack to use tf epref = '--tf' command_parts = ['ibeis', epref, e, '--db', db, '-a', ' '.join(a).replace('(', '\(').replace(')', '\)'), '-t', ' '.join(t), ] if qaid_override is not None: command_parts.extend(['--qaid=' + ','.join(map(str, qaid_override))]) if daid_override is not None: command_parts.extend(['--daid-override=' + ','.join(map(str, daid_override))]) if 'disttypes' in kwargs: command_parts.extend(['--disttypes=', ','.join(map(str, kwargs['disttypes']))]) # hack parse out important args that were on command line if 'f' in kwargs: command_parts.extend(['-f', ' '.join(kwargs['f'])]) if 'test_cfgx_slice' in kwargs: # very hacky, much more than checking for f slice_ = kwargs['test_cfgx_slice'] slice_attrs = [getattr(slice_, attr, '') for attr in ['start', 'stop', 'step']] slice_attrs = ut.replace_nones(slice_attrs, '') slicestr = ':'.join(map(str, slice_attrs)) command_parts.extend(['--test_cfgx_slice', slicestr]) command_parts.extend(['--show']) command_line_str = ' '.join(command_parts) # Warning, not always equivalent print('Equivalent Command Line:') print(command_line_str) return command_line_str
def split_analysis(ibs): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.other.dbinfo split_analysis --show python -m ibeis split_analysis --show python -m ibeis split_analysis --show --good Ignore: # mount sshfs -o idmap=user lev:/ ~/lev # unmount fusermount -u ~/lev Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST GGR >>> from ibeis.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> dbdir = '/media/danger/GGR/GGR-IBEIS' >>> dbdir = dbdir if ut.checkpath(dbdir) else ut.truepath('~/lev/media/danger/GGR/GGR-IBEIS') >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(dbdir=dbdir, allow_newdir=False) >>> import guitool_ibeis as gt >>> gt.ensure_qtapp() >>> win = split_analysis(ibs) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool_ibeis as pt >>> gt.qtapp_loop(qwin=win) >>> #ut.show_if_requested() """ #nid_list = ibs.get_valid_nids(filter_empty=True) import datetime day1 =, 1, 30) day2 =, 1, 31) filter_kw = { 'multiple': None, #'view': ['right'], #'minqual': 'good', 'is_known': True, 'min_pername': 1, } aids1 = ibs.filter_annots_general(filter_kw=ut.dict_union( filter_kw, { 'min_unixtime': ut.datetime_to_posixtime(ut.date_to_datetime(day1, 0.0)), 'max_unixtime': ut.datetime_to_posixtime(ut.date_to_datetime(day1, 1.0)), }) ) aids2 = ibs.filter_annots_general(filter_kw=ut.dict_union( filter_kw, { 'min_unixtime': ut.datetime_to_posixtime(ut.date_to_datetime(day2, 0.0)), 'max_unixtime': ut.datetime_to_posixtime(ut.date_to_datetime(day2, 1.0)), }) ) all_aids = aids1 + aids2 all_annots = ibs.annots(all_aids) print('%d annots on day 1' % (len(aids1)) ) print('%d annots on day 2' % (len(aids2)) ) print('%d annots overall' % (len(all_annots)) ) print('%d names overall' % (len(ut.unique(all_annots.nids))) ) nid_list, annots_list = REVIEWED_EDGES = True if REVIEWED_EDGES: aids_list = [annots.aids for annots in annots_list] #aid_pairs = [annots.get_am_aidpairs() for annots in annots_list] # Slower aid_pairs = ibs.get_unflat_am_aidpairs(aids_list) # Faster else: # ALL EDGES aid_pairs = [annots.get_aidpairs() for annots in annots_list] speeds_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annotpair_speeds, aid_pairs) import vtool_ibeis as vt max_speeds = np.array([vt.safe_max(s, nans=False) for s in speeds_list]) nan_idx = np.where(np.isnan(max_speeds))[0] inf_idx = np.where(np.isinf(max_speeds))[0] bad_idx = sorted(ut.unique(ut.flatten([inf_idx, nan_idx]))) ok_idx = ut.index_complement(bad_idx, len(max_speeds)) print('#nan_idx = %r' % (len(nan_idx),)) print('#inf_idx = %r' % (len(inf_idx),)) print('#ok_idx = %r' % (len(ok_idx),)) ok_speeds = max_speeds[ok_idx] ok_nids = ut.take(nid_list, ok_idx) ok_annots = ut.take(annots_list, ok_idx) sortx = np.argsort(ok_speeds)[::-1] sorted_speeds = np.array(ut.take(ok_speeds, sortx)) sorted_annots = np.array(ut.take(ok_annots, sortx)) sorted_nids = np.array(ut.take(ok_nids, sortx)) # NOQA sorted_speeds = np.clip(sorted_speeds, 0, 100) #idx = vt.find_elbow_point(sorted_speeds) #EXCESSIVE_SPEED = sorted_speeds[idx] # # #ZEBRA_SPEED_MAX = 64 # km/h #ZEBRA_SPEED_RUN = 50 # km/h ZEBRA_SPEED_SLOW_RUN = 20 # km/h #ZEBRA_SPEED_FAST_WALK = 10 # km/h #ZEBRA_SPEED_WALK = 7 # km/h MAX_SPEED = ZEBRA_SPEED_SLOW_RUN #MAX_SPEED = ZEBRA_SPEED_WALK #MAX_SPEED = EXCESSIVE_SPEED flags = sorted_speeds > MAX_SPEED flagged_ok_annots = ut.compress(sorted_annots, flags) inf_annots = ut.take(annots_list, inf_idx) flagged_annots = inf_annots + flagged_ok_annots print('MAX_SPEED = %r km/h' % (MAX_SPEED,)) print('%d annots with infinite speed' % (len(inf_annots),)) print('%d annots with large speed' % (len(flagged_ok_annots),)) print('Marking all pairs of annots above the threshold as non-matching') from ibeis.algo.graph import graph_iden import networkx as nx progkw = dict(freq=1, bs=True, est_window=len(flagged_annots)) bad_edges_list = [] good_edges_list = [] for annots in ut.ProgIter(flagged_annots, lbl='flag speeding names', **progkw): edge_to_speeds = annots.get_speeds() bad_edges = [edge for edge, speed in edge_to_speeds.items() if speed > MAX_SPEED] good_edges = [edge for edge, speed in edge_to_speeds.items() if speed <= MAX_SPEED] bad_edges_list.append(bad_edges) good_edges_list.append(good_edges) all_bad_edges = ut.flatten(bad_edges_list) good_edges_list = ut.flatten(good_edges_list) print('num_bad_edges = %r' % (len(ut.flatten(bad_edges_list)),)) print('num_bad_edges = %r' % (len(ut.flatten(good_edges_list)),)) if 1: from ibeis.viz import viz_graph2 import guitool_ibeis as gt gt.ensure_qtapp() if ut.get_argflag('--good'): print('Looking at GOOD (no speed problems) edges') aid_pairs = good_edges_list else: print('Looking at BAD (speed problems) edges') aid_pairs = all_bad_edges aids = sorted(list(set(ut.flatten(aid_pairs)))) infr = graph_iden.AnnotInference(ibs, aids, verbose=False) infr.initialize_graph() # Use random scores to randomize sort order rng = np.random.RandomState(0) scores = (-rng.rand(len(aid_pairs)) * 10).tolist() infr.graph.add_edges_from(aid_pairs) if True: edge_sample_size = 250 pop_nids = ut.unique(ibs.get_annot_nids(ut.unique(ut.flatten(aid_pairs)))) sorted_pairs = ut.sortedby(aid_pairs, scores)[::-1][0:edge_sample_size] sorted_nids = ibs.get_annot_nids(ut.take_column(sorted_pairs, 0)) sample_size = len(ut.unique(sorted_nids)) am_rowids = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_undirected_superkey(*zip(*sorted_pairs)) flags = ut.not_list(ut.flag_None_items(am_rowids)) #am_rowids = ut.compress(am_rowids, flags) positive_tags = ['SplitCase', 'Photobomb'] flags_list = [ut.replace_nones(ibs.get_annotmatch_prop(tag, am_rowids), 0) for tag in positive_tags] print('edge_case_hist: ' + ut.repr3( ['%s %s' % (txt, sum(flags_)) for flags_, txt in zip(flags_list, positive_tags)])) is_positive = ut.or_lists(*flags_list) num_positive = sum(ut.lmap(any, ut.group_items(is_positive, sorted_nids).values())) pop = len(pop_nids) print('A positive is any edge flagged as a %s' % (ut.conj_phrase(positive_tags, 'or'),)) print('--- Sampling wrt edges ---') print('edge_sample_size = %r' % (edge_sample_size,)) print('edge_population_size = %r' % (len(aid_pairs),)) print('num_positive_edges = %r' % (sum(is_positive))) print('--- Sampling wrt names ---') print('name_population_size = %r' % (pop,)) vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(sample_size, num_positive, pop, conf_level=.95) nx.set_edge_attributes(infr.graph, name='score', values=dict(zip(aid_pairs, scores))) win = viz_graph2.AnnotGraphWidget(infr=infr, use_image=False, init_mode=None) win.populate_edge_model() return win # Make review interface for only bad edges infr_list = [] iter_ = list(zip(flagged_annots, bad_edges_list)) for annots, bad_edges in ut.ProgIter(iter_, lbl='creating inference', **progkw): aids = annots.aids nids = [1] * len(aids) infr = graph_iden.AnnotInference(ibs, aids, nids, verbose=False) infr.initialize_graph() infr.reset_feedback() infr_list.append(infr) # Check which ones are user defined as incorrect #num_positive = 0 #for infr in infr_list: # flag = np.any(infr.get_feedback_probs()[0] == 0) # num_positive += flag #print('num_positive = %r' % (num_positive,)) #pop = len(infr_list) #print('pop = %r' % (pop,)) iter_ = list(zip(infr_list, bad_edges_list)) for infr, bad_edges in ut.ProgIter(iter_, lbl='adding speed edges', **progkw): flipped_edges = [] for aid1, aid2 in bad_edges: if infr.graph.has_edge(aid1, aid2): flipped_edges.append((aid1, aid2)) infr.add_feedback((aid1, aid2), NEGTV) nx.set_edge_attributes(infr.graph, name='_speed_split', values='orig') nx.set_edge_attributes(infr.graph, name='_speed_split', values={edge: 'new' for edge in bad_edges}) nx.set_edge_attributes(infr.graph, name='_speed_split', values={edge: 'flip' for edge in flipped_edges}) #for infr in ut.ProgIter(infr_list, lbl='flagging speeding edges', **progkw): # annots = ibs.annots(infr.aids) # edge_to_speeds = annots.get_speeds() # bad_edges = [edge for edge, speed in edge_to_speeds.items() if speed > MAX_SPEED] def inference_stats(infr_list_): relabel_stats = [] for infr in infr_list_: num_ccs, num_inconsistent = infr.relabel_using_reviews() state_hist = ut.dict_hist(nx.get_edge_attributes(infr.graph, 'decision').values()) if POSTV not in state_hist: state_hist[POSTV] = 0 hist = ut.dict_hist(nx.get_edge_attributes(infr.graph, '_speed_split').values()) subgraphs = infr.positive_connected_compoments() subgraph_sizes = [len(g) for g in subgraphs] info = ut.odict([ ('num_nonmatch_edges', state_hist[NEGTV]), ('num_match_edges', state_hist[POSTV]), ('frac_nonmatch_edges', state_hist[NEGTV] / (state_hist[POSTV] + state_hist[NEGTV])), ('num_inconsistent', num_inconsistent), ('num_ccs', num_ccs), ('edges_flipped', hist.get('flip', 0)), ('edges_unchanged', hist.get('orig', 0)), ('bad_unreviewed_edges', hist.get('new', 0)), ('orig_size', len(infr.graph)), ('new_sizes', subgraph_sizes), ]) relabel_stats.append(info) return relabel_stats relabel_stats = inference_stats(infr_list) print('\nAll Split Info:') lines = [] for key in relabel_stats[0].keys(): data = ut.take_column(relabel_stats, key) if key == 'new_sizes': data = ut.flatten(data) lines.append('stats(%s) = %s' % (key, ut.repr2(ut.get_stats(data, use_median=True), precision=2))) print('\n'.join(ut.align_lines(lines, '='))) num_incon_list = np.array(ut.take_column(relabel_stats, 'num_inconsistent')) can_split_flags = num_incon_list == 0 print('Can trivially split %d / %d' % (sum(can_split_flags), len(can_split_flags))) splittable_infrs = ut.compress(infr_list, can_split_flags) relabel_stats = inference_stats(splittable_infrs) print('\nTrival Split Info:') lines = [] for key in relabel_stats[0].keys(): if key in ['num_inconsistent']: continue data = ut.take_column(relabel_stats, key) if key == 'new_sizes': data = ut.flatten(data) lines.append('stats(%s) = %s' % ( key, ut.repr2(ut.get_stats(data, use_median=True), precision=2))) print('\n'.join(ut.align_lines(lines, '='))) num_match_edges = np.array(ut.take_column(relabel_stats, 'num_match_edges')) num_nonmatch_edges = np.array(ut.take_column(relabel_stats, 'num_nonmatch_edges')) flags1 = np.logical_and(num_match_edges > num_nonmatch_edges, num_nonmatch_edges < 3) reasonable_infr = ut.compress(splittable_infrs, flags1) new_sizes_list = ut.take_column(relabel_stats, 'new_sizes') flags2 = [len(sizes) == 2 and sum(sizes) > 4 and (min(sizes) / max(sizes)) > .3 for sizes in new_sizes_list] reasonable_infr = ut.compress(splittable_infrs, flags2) print('#reasonable_infr = %r' % (len(reasonable_infr),)) for infr in ut.InteractiveIter(reasonable_infr): annots = ibs.annots(infr.aids) edge_to_speeds = annots.get_speeds() print('max_speed = %r' % (max(edge_to_speeds.values())),) infr.initialize_visual_node_attrs() infr.show_graph(use_image=True, only_reviewed=True) rest = ~np.logical_or(flags1, flags2) nonreasonable_infr = ut.compress(splittable_infrs, rest) rng = np.random.RandomState(0) random_idx = ut.random_indexes(len(nonreasonable_infr) - 1, 15, rng=rng) random_infr = ut.take(nonreasonable_infr, random_idx) for infr in ut.InteractiveIter(random_infr): annots = ibs.annots(infr.aids) edge_to_speeds = annots.get_speeds() print('max_speed = %r' % (max(edge_to_speeds.values())),) infr.initialize_visual_node_attrs() infr.show_graph(use_image=True, only_reviewed=True) #import scipy.stats as st #conf_interval = .95 #st.norm.cdf(conf_interval) # view-source: #zval = 1.96 # 95 percent confidence #zValC = 3.8416 # #zValC = 6.6564 #import statsmodels.stats.api as sms #es = sms.proportion_effectsize(0.5, 0.75) #sms.NormalIndPower().solve_power(es, power=0.9, alpha=0.05, ratio=1) pop = 279 num_positive = 3 sample_size = 15 conf_level = .95 #conf_level = .99 vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(sample_size, num_positive, pop, conf_level) print('---') vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(sample_size + 38, num_positive, pop, conf_level) print('---') vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(sample_size + 38 / 3, num_positive, pop, conf_level) print('---') vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(15 + 38, num_positive=3, pop=675, conf_level=.95) vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(15, num_positive=3, pop=675, conf_level=.95) pop = 279 #err_frac = .05 # 5% err_frac = .10 # 10% conf_level = .95 vt.calc_sample_from_error_bars(err_frac, pop, conf_level) pop = 675 vt.calc_sample_from_error_bars(err_frac, pop, conf_level) vt.calc_sample_from_error_bars(.05, pop, conf_level=.95, prior=.1) vt.calc_sample_from_error_bars(.05, pop, conf_level=.68, prior=.2) vt.calc_sample_from_error_bars(.10, pop, conf_level=.68) vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(100, num_positive=5, pop=675, conf_level=.95) vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(100, num_positive=5, pop=675, conf_level=.68)
def _update_rows(model, rebuild_structure=True): """ Uses the current ider and col_sort_index to create row_indices """ if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] +-----------') print('[APIItemModel] _update_rows') # this is not slow #with ut.Timer('update_rows'): #printDBG('UPDATE ROWS!') #print('UPDATE ROWS!') #print('num_rows=%r' % len(model.col_level_list)) #print('UPDATE model(%s) rows' % #print('[api_model] UPDATE ROWS: %r' % (,)) #print(ut.get_caller_name(range(4, 12))) if len(model.col_level_list) == 0: return #old_root = model.root_node # NOQA if rebuild_structure: #with ut.Timer('[%s] _update_rows: %r' % # ('cyth' if _atn.CYTHONIZED else 'pyth', #,), newline=False): model.root_node = _atn.build_internal_structure(model) #print('-----') #def lazy_update_rows(): # with ut.Timer('lazy updater: %r' % (,)): # printDBG('[model] calling lazy updater: %r' % (,)) # REMOVING LAZY FUNCTION BECAUSE IT MIGHT HAVE CAUSED PROBLEMS #with ut.Timer('[%s] _update_rows2: %r' % # ('cyth' if _atn.CYTHONIZED else 'pyth', #,), newline=False): if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] lazy_update_rows') model.level_index_list = [] sort_index = 0 if model.col_sort_index is None else model.col_sort_index #print('[item_model] sort_index=%r' % (sort_index,)) children = model.root_node.get_children() # THIS IS THE LINE THAT TAKES FOREVER id_list = [child.get_id() for child in children] #print('ids_ generated') nodes = [] if len(id_list) != 0: if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] lazy_update_rows len(id_list) = %r' % (len(id_list))) # start sort if model.col_sort_index is not None: type_ = model.col_type_list[sort_index] getter = model.col_getter_list[sort_index] values = getter(id_list) if type_ == 'PIXMAP': # TODO: find a better sorting metric for pixmaps values = ut.get_list_column(values, 0) #print('values got') else: type_ = int values = id_list reverse = model.col_sort_reverse #ut.embed() # <NUMPY MULTIARRAY SORT> #with ut.embed_on_exception_context: if type_ is float: values = np.array(ut.replace_nones(values, np.nan)) #values = np.array(values) values[np.isnan(values)] = -np.inf # Force nan to be the smallest number import vtool as vt sortx = vt.argsort_records([values, id_list], reverse=reverse) #sorting_records = np.rec.fromarrays([values, id_list]) #sort_stride = (-reverse * 2) + 1 #sortx = sorting_records.argsort()[::sort_stride] # </NUMPY MULTIARRAY SORT> nodes = ut.take(children, sortx) #sorted_pairs = sorted(zip(values, id_list, children), reverse=reverse) #nodes = [child for (value, id_, child) in sorted_pairs] level = model.col_level_list[sort_index] #print("row_indices sorted") if level == 0: model.root_node.set_children(nodes) # end sort if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert nodes is not None, 'no indices' model.level_index_list = nodes #if VERBOSE: # print('[APIItemModel] lazy_update_rows emmiting _rows_updated') # EMIT THE NUMERR OF ROWS AND THE NAME OF FOR THE VIEW TO DISPLAY model._rows_updated.emit(, len(model.level_index_list)) # lazy method didn't work. Eagerly evaluate #lazy_update_rows() # HACK TO MAKE SURE TREE NODES DONT DELETE THEMSELVES #if VERBOSE: # print('[APIItemModel] build_scope_hack_list') # SCOPE HACK SEEMS TO HAVE NOT HALPED #model.scope_hack_list = [] #_atn.build_scope_hack_list(model.root_node, model.scope_hack_list) #model.lazy_updater = lazy_update_rows #print("Rows updated") if VERBOSE: print('[APIItemModel] finished _update_rows') print('[APIItemModel] L__________')
def get_query_result_info(qreq_): """ Helper function. Runs queries of a specific configuration returns the best rank of each query Args: qaids (list) : query annotation ids daids (list) : database annotation ids Returns: qx2_bestranks CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info:0 python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info:1 python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info:0 --db lynx -a default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True -t default:K=1 python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info:0 --db lynx -a default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True -t default:K=1 --cmd Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.harness import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> qreq_ = ibeis.main_helpers.testdata_qreq_(a=['default:qindex=0:3,dindex=0:5']) >>> #ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> #qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:3] >>> #daids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:5] >>> #qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids, verbose=True, cfgdict={}) >>> cfgres_info = get_query_result_info(qreq_) >>> print(ut.dict_str(cfgres_info)) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.harness import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> #cfgdict = dict(codename='vsone') >>> # ibs.cfg.query_cfg.codename = 'vsone' >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:3] >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:5] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids, verbose=True, cfgdict={}) >>> cfgres_info = get_query_result_info(qreq_) >>> print(ut.dict_str(cfgres_info)) Ignore: ibeis -e rank_cdf --db humpbacks -a default:has_any=hasnotch,mingt=2 -t default:proot=BC_DTW --show --nocache-big ibeis -e rank_cdf --db humpbacks -a default:is_known=True,mingt=2 -t default:pipeline_root=BC_DTW --show --debug-depc ibeis -e rank_cdf --db humpbacks -a default:is_known=True -t default:pipeline_root=BC_DTW --qaid=1,9,15,16,18 --daid-override=1,9,15,16,18,21,22 --show --debug-depc --clear-all-depcache """ try: ibs = qreq_.ibs except AttributeError: ibs = qreq_.depc.controller import vtool as vt cm_list = qreq_.execute() #qreq_.ibs.query_chips(qreq_=qreq_, use_bigcache=False) qx2_cm = cm_list qaids = qreq_.qaids #qaids2 = [cm.qaid for cm in cm_list] qnids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(qaids) import utool with utool.embed_on_exception_context: unique_dnids = np.unique(ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(qreq_.daids)) unique_qnids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(qnids) cm_group_list = ut.apply_grouping(cm_list, groupxs) qnid2_aggnamescores = {} qnx2_nameres_info = [] #import utool #utool.embed() # Ranked list aggregation-ish nameres_info_list = [] for qnid, cm_group in zip(unique_qnids, cm_group_list): nid2_name_score_group = [ dict([(nid, cm.name_score_list[nidx]) for nid, nidx in cm.nid2_nidx.items()]) for cm in cm_group ] aligned_name_scores = np.array([ ut.dict_take(nid2_name_score, unique_dnids.tolist(), -np.inf) for nid2_name_score in nid2_name_score_group ]).T name_score_list = np.nanmax(aligned_name_scores, axis=1) qnid2_aggnamescores[qnid] = name_score_list # sort sortx = name_score_list.argsort()[::-1] sorted_namescores = name_score_list[sortx] sorted_dnids = unique_dnids[sortx] ## infer agg name results is_positive = sorted_dnids == qnid is_negative = np.logical_and(~is_positive, sorted_dnids > 0) gt_name_rank = None if not np.any(is_positive) else np.where( is_positive)[0][0] gf_name_rank = None if not np.any(is_negative) else np.nonzero( is_negative)[0][0] gt_nid = sorted_dnids[gt_name_rank] gf_nid = sorted_dnids[gf_name_rank] gt_name_score = sorted_namescores[gt_name_rank] gf_name_score = sorted_namescores[gf_name_rank] qnx2_nameres_info = {} qnx2_nameres_info['qnid'] = qnid qnx2_nameres_info['gt_nid'] = gt_nid qnx2_nameres_info['gf_nid'] = gf_nid qnx2_nameres_info['gt_name_rank'] = gt_name_rank qnx2_nameres_info['gf_name_rank'] = gf_name_rank qnx2_nameres_info['gt_name_score'] = gt_name_score qnx2_nameres_info['gf_name_score'] = gf_name_score nameres_info_list.append(qnx2_nameres_info) nameres_info = ut.dict_stack(nameres_info_list, 'qnx2_') qaids = qreq_.qaids daids = qreq_.daids qx2_gtaids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(qaids, daid_list=daids) # Get the groundtruth ranks and accuracy measures qx2_qresinfo = [get_qres_name_result_info(ibs, cm, qreq_) for cm in qx2_cm] cfgres_info = ut.dict_stack(qx2_qresinfo, 'qx2_') #for key in qx2_qresinfo[0].keys(): # 'qx2_' + key # ut.get_list_column(qx2_qresinfo, key) if False: qx2_avepercision = np.array([ cm.get_average_percision(ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids) for (cm, gt_aids) in zip(qx2_cm, qx2_gtaids) ]) cfgres_info['qx2_avepercision'] = qx2_avepercision # Compute mAP score # TODO: use mAP score # (Actually map score doesn't make much sense if using name scoring #mAP = qx2_avepercision[~np.isnan(qx2_avepercision)].mean() # NOQA cfgres_info['qx2_bestranks'] = ut.replace_nones( cfgres_info['qx2_bestranks'], -1) cfgres_info.update(nameres_info) return cfgres_info
def get_query_result_info(qreq_): """ Helper function. Runs queries of a specific configuration returns the best rank of each query Args: qaids (list) : query annotation ids daids (list) : database annotation ids Returns: qx2_bestranks CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info:0 python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info:1 python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info:0 --db lynx -a default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True -t default:K=1 python -m ibeis.expt.harness --test-get_query_result_info:0 --db lynx -a default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True -t default:K=1 --cmd Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.harness import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> qreq_ = ibeis.main_helpers.testdata_qreq_(a=['default:qindex=0:3,dindex=0:5']) >>> #ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> #qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:3] >>> #daids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:5] >>> #qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids, verbose=True, cfgdict={}) >>> cfgres_info = get_query_result_info(qreq_) >>> print(ut.dict_str(cfgres_info)) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.harness import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> #cfgdict = dict(codename='vsone') >>> # ibs.cfg.query_cfg.codename = 'vsone' >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:3] >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:5] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids, verbose=True, cfgdict={}) >>> cfgres_info = get_query_result_info(qreq_) >>> print(ut.dict_str(cfgres_info)) Ignore: ibeis -e rank_cdf --db humpbacks -a default:has_any=hasnotch,mingt=2 -t default:proot=BC_DTW --show --nocache-big ibeis -e rank_cdf --db humpbacks -a default:is_known=True,mingt=2 -t default:pipeline_root=BC_DTW --show --debug-depc ibeis -e rank_cdf --db humpbacks -a default:is_known=True -t default:pipeline_root=BC_DTW --qaid=1,9,15,16,18 --daid-override=1,9,15,16,18,21,22 --show --debug-depc --clear-all-depcache """ try: ibs = qreq_.ibs except AttributeError: ibs = qreq_.depc.controller import vtool as vt cm_list = qreq_.execute() #qreq_.ibs.query_chips(qreq_=qreq_, use_bigcache=False) qx2_cm = cm_list qaids = qreq_.qaids #qaids2 = [cm.qaid for cm in cm_list] qnids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(qaids) import utool with utool.embed_on_exception_context: unique_dnids = np.unique(ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(qreq_.daids)) unique_qnids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(qnids) cm_group_list = ut.apply_grouping(cm_list, groupxs) qnid2_aggnamescores = {} qnx2_nameres_info = [] #import utool #utool.embed() # Ranked list aggregation-ish nameres_info_list = [] for qnid, cm_group in zip(unique_qnids, cm_group_list): nid2_name_score_group = [ dict([(nid, cm.name_score_list[nidx]) for nid, nidx in cm.nid2_nidx.items()]) for cm in cm_group ] aligned_name_scores = np.array([ ut.dict_take(nid2_name_score, unique_dnids.tolist(), -np.inf) for nid2_name_score in nid2_name_score_group ]).T name_score_list = np.nanmax(aligned_name_scores, axis=1) qnid2_aggnamescores[qnid] = name_score_list # sort sortx = name_score_list.argsort()[::-1] sorted_namescores = name_score_list[sortx] sorted_dnids = unique_dnids[sortx] ## infer agg name results is_positive = sorted_dnids == qnid is_negative = np.logical_and(~is_positive, sorted_dnids > 0) gt_name_rank = None if not np.any(is_positive) else np.where(is_positive)[0][0] gf_name_rank = None if not np.any(is_negative) else np.nonzero(is_negative)[0][0] gt_nid = sorted_dnids[gt_name_rank] gf_nid = sorted_dnids[gf_name_rank] gt_name_score = sorted_namescores[gt_name_rank] gf_name_score = sorted_namescores[gf_name_rank] qnx2_nameres_info = {} qnx2_nameres_info['qnid'] = qnid qnx2_nameres_info['gt_nid'] = gt_nid qnx2_nameres_info['gf_nid'] = gf_nid qnx2_nameres_info['gt_name_rank'] = gt_name_rank qnx2_nameres_info['gf_name_rank'] = gf_name_rank qnx2_nameres_info['gt_name_score'] = gt_name_score qnx2_nameres_info['gf_name_score'] = gf_name_score nameres_info_list.append(qnx2_nameres_info) nameres_info = ut.dict_stack(nameres_info_list, 'qnx2_') qaids = qreq_.qaids daids = qreq_.daids qx2_gtaids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(qaids, daid_list=daids) # Get the groundtruth ranks and accuracy measures qx2_qresinfo = [get_qres_name_result_info(ibs, cm, qreq_) for cm in qx2_cm] cfgres_info = ut.dict_stack(qx2_qresinfo, 'qx2_') #for key in qx2_qresinfo[0].keys(): # 'qx2_' + key # ut.get_list_column(qx2_qresinfo, key) if False: qx2_avepercision = np.array( [cm.get_average_percision(ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids) for (cm, gt_aids) in zip(qx2_cm, qx2_gtaids)]) cfgres_info['qx2_avepercision'] = qx2_avepercision # Compute mAP score # TODO: use mAP score # (Actually map score doesn't make much sense if using name scoring #mAP = qx2_avepercision[~np.isnan(qx2_avepercision)].mean() # NOQA cfgres_info['qx2_bestranks'] = ut.replace_nones(cfgres_info['qx2_bestranks'] , -1) cfgres_info.update(nameres_info) return cfgres_info
def _update_rows(model, rebuild_structure=True): """ Uses the current ider and col_sort_index to create row_indices """ # with ut.Timer('[gt] update_rows (%s)' % (,)): if True: # flag = model.blockSignals(True) if VERBOSE_MODEL:'[APIItemModel] +-----------')'[APIItemModel] _update_rows') # this is not slow #'UPDATE ROWS!') if len(model.col_level_list) == 0: return # old_root = model.root_node # NOQA if rebuild_structure: #'Rebuilging api_item_model internal structure') model.beginResetModel( ) # I think this is preventing a segfault model.root_node = _atn.build_internal_structure(model) model.endResetModel() if VERBOSE_MODEL:'[APIItemModel] lazy_update_rows') model.level_index_list = [] sort_index = 0 if model.col_sort_index is None else model.col_sort_index children = (model.root_node.get_children() ) # THIS IS THE LINE THAT TAKES FOREVER id_list = [child.get_id() for child in children] #'ids_ generated') nodes = [] if len(id_list) != 0: if VERBOSE_MODEL: '[APIItemModel] lazy_update_rows len(id_list) = %r' % (len(id_list))) # start sort if model.col_sort_index is not None: type_ = model.col_type_list[sort_index] getter = model.col_getter_list[sort_index] values = getter(id_list) if type_ == 'PIXMAP': # TODO: find a better sorting metric for pixmaps values = ut.get_list_column(values, 0) else: type_ = int values = id_list reverse = model.col_sort_reverse # <NUMPY MULTIARRAY SORT> if True: if values is None:'SORTING VALUES IS NONE. VERY WEIRD') if type_ is float: values = np.array(ut.replace_nones(values, np.nan)) # Force nan to be the smallest number values[np.isnan(values)] = -np.inf elif type_ is str: values = ut.replace_nones(values, '') import vtool as vt sortx = vt.argsort_records([values, id_list], reverse=reverse) # </NUMPY MULTIARRAY SORT> nodes = ut.take(children, sortx) level = model.col_level_list[sort_index] if level == 0: model.root_node.set_children(nodes) # end sort if ut.USE_ASSERT: assert nodes is not None, 'no indices' model.level_index_list = nodes # Book keeping for lazy loading rows model.num_rows_total = len(model.level_index_list) # model.num_cols_total = len(model.col_name_list) model.num_cols_loaded = 0 if model.lazy_rows: model.num_rows_loaded = 0 else: model.num_rows_loaded = model.num_rows_total # emit the numerr of rows and the name of for the view to display # model.blockSignals(flag) model._rows_updated.emit(, model.num_rows_total) if VERBOSE_MODEL:'[APIItemModel] finished _update_rows')'[APIItemModel] L__________')
def print_results(ibs, testres): """ Prints results from an experiment harness run. Rows store different qaids (query annotation ids) Cols store different configurations (algorithm parameters) Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object testres (test_result.TestResult): CommandLine: python -e print --db PZ_MTEST -a default:dpername=1,qpername=[1,2] -t default:fg_on=False python -e print -t best --db seals2 --allgt --vz python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt -t custom --print-confusion-stats python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt --noqcache --index 0:10:2 -t custom:rrvsone_on=True --print-confusion-stats python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt --noqcache --qaid4 -t custom:rrvsone_on=True --print-confusion-stats python -m ibeis --tf print_results -t default --db PZ_MTEST -a ctrl python -m ibeis --tf print_results -t default --db PZ_MTEST -a ctrl python -m ibeis --tf print_results --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t default:lnbnn_on=True default:lnbnn_on=False,bar_l2_on=True default:lnbnn_on=False,normonly_on=True CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.experiment_printres --test-print_results -m ibeis.expt.experiment_printres --test-print_results Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.experiment_printres import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts( >>> 'PZ_MTEST', a='default:dpername=1,qpername=[1,2]', t='default:fg_on=False') >>> result = print_results(ibs, testres) >>> print(result) """ (cfg_list, cfgx2_cfgresinfo, testnameid, cfgx2_lbl, cfgx2_qreq_) = ut.dict_take( testres.__dict__, ['cfg_list', 'cfgx2_cfgresinfo', 'testnameid', 'cfgx2_lbl', 'cfgx2_qreq_']) # cfgx2_cfgresinfo is a list of dicts of lists # Parse result info out of the lists cfgx2_nextbestranks = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_next_bestranks') cfgx2_gt_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score') cfgx2_gf_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gf_raw_score') #cfgx2_aveprecs = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_avepercision') cfgx2_scorediffs = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_scorediff') #cfgx2_gt_raw_score = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score') column_lbls = [ut.remove_chars(ut.remove_vowels(lbl), [' ', ',']) for lbl in cfgx2_lbl] scorediffs_mat = np.array(ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_scorediffs, np.nan)) print(' --- PRINT RESULTS ---') print(' use --rank-lt-list=1,5 to specify X_LIST') if True: # Num of ranks less than to score X_LIST = testres.get_X_LIST() #X_LIST = [1, 5] #nConfig = len(cfg_list) #nQuery = len(testres.qaids) cfgx2_nQuery = list(map(len, testres.cfgx2_qaids)) #cfgx2_qx2_ranks = testres.get_infoprop_list('qx2_bestranks') #-------------------- # A positive scorediff indicates the groundtruth was better than the # groundfalse scores istrue_list = [scorediff > 0 for scorediff in scorediffs_mat] isfalse_list = [~istrue for istrue in istrue_list] #------------ # Build Colscore nLessX_dict = testres.get_nLessX_dict() #------------ best_rankscore_summary = [] #to_intersect_list = [] # print each configs scores less than X=thresh for X, cfgx2_nLessX in six.iteritems(nLessX_dict): max_nLessX = cfgx2_nLessX.max() bestX_cfgx_list = np.where(cfgx2_nLessX == max_nLessX)[0] best_rankscore = '[cfg*] %d cfg(s) scored ' % len(bestX_cfgx_list) # FIXME best_rankscore += rankscore_str(X, max_nLessX, cfgx2_nQuery[bestX_cfgx_list[0]]) best_rankscore_summary += [best_rankscore] #to_intersect_list.append(ut.take(cfgx2_lbl, max_nLessX)) #intersected = to_intersect_list[0] if len(to_intersect_list) > 0 else [] #for ix in range(1, len(to_intersect_list)): # intersected = np.intersect1d(intersected, to_intersect_list[ix]) #if False: # #gt_raw_score_mat = np.vstack(cfgx2_gt_raw_score).T # #rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat() # #------------ # # Build row lbls # if False: # qx2_lbl = np.array([ # 'qx=%d) q%s ' % (qx, ibsfuncs.aidstr(testres.qaids[qx], ibs=ibs, notes=True)) # for qx in range(nQuery)]) # #------------ # # Build Colscore and hard cases # if False: # qx2_min_rank = [] # qx2_argmin_rank = [] # new_hard_qaids = [] # new_hardtup_list = [] # for qx in range(nQuery): # ranks = rank_mat[qx] # valid_ranks = ranks[ranks >= 0] # min_rank = ranks.min() if len(valid_ranks) > 0 else -3 # bestCFG_X = np.where(ranks == min_rank)[0] # qx2_min_rank.append(min_rank) # # Find the best rank over all configurations # qx2_argmin_rank.append(bestCFG_X) #@ut.memoize #def get_new_hard_qx_list(testres): # """ Mark any query as hard if it didnt get everything correct """ # rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat() # is_new_hard_list = rank_mat.max(axis=1) > 0 # new_hard_qx_list = np.where(is_new_hard_list)[0] # return new_hard_qx_list # new_hard_qx_list = testres.get_new_hard_qx_list() # for qx in new_hard_qx_list: # # New list is in aid format instead of cx format # # because you should be copying and pasting it # notes = ' ranks = ' + str(rank_mat[qx]) # qaid = testres.qaids[qx] # name = ibs.get_annot_names(qaid) # new_hardtup_list += [(qaid, name + " - " + notes)] # new_hard_qaids += [qaid] @ut.argv_flag_dec def intersect_hack(): failed = testres.rank_mat > 0 colx2_failed = [np.nonzero(failed_col)[0] for failed_col in failed.T] #failed_col2_only = np.setdiff1d(colx2_failed[1], colx2_failed[0]) #failed_col2_only_aids = ut.take(testres.qaids, failed_col2_only) failed_col1_only = np.setdiff1d(colx2_failed[0], colx2_failed[1]) failed_col1_only_aids = ut.take(testres.qaids, failed_col1_only) gt_aids1 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(failed_col1_only_aids, daid_list=testres.cfgx2_qreq_[0].daids) gt_aids2 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(failed_col1_only_aids, daid_list=testres.cfgx2_qreq_[1].daids) qaids_expt = failed_col1_only_aids gt_avl_aids1 = ut.flatten(gt_aids1) gt_avl_aids2 = list(set(ut.flatten(gt_aids2)).difference(gt_avl_aids1)) ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids_expt, gt_avl_aids1) ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids_expt, gt_avl_aids2) #jsontext = ut.to_json({ # 'qaids': list(qaids_expt), # 'dinclude_aids1': list(gt_aids_expt1), # 'dinclude_aids2': list(gt_aids_expt2), #}) #annotation_configs.varysize_pzm #from ibeis.expt import annotation_configs acfg = testres.acfg_list[0] import copy acfg1 = copy.deepcopy(acfg) acfg2 = copy.deepcopy(acfg) acfg1['qcfg']['min_pername'] = None acfg2['qcfg']['min_pername'] = None acfg1['dcfg']['min_pername'] = None acfg2['dcfg']['min_gt_per_name'] = None acfg1['qcfg']['default_aids'] = qaids_expt acfg1['dcfg']['gt_avl_aids'] = gt_avl_aids1 acfg2['qcfg']['default_aids'] = qaids_expt acfg2['dcfg']['gt_avl_aids'] = gt_avl_aids2 from ibeis.init import filter_annots from ibeis.expt import experiment_helpers annots1 = filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, acfg1, verbose=True) annots2 = filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, acfg2, verbose=True) acfg_name_list = dict( # NOQA acfg_list=[acfg1, acfg2], expanded_aids_list=[annots1, annots2], ) test_cfg_name_list = ['candidacy_k'] cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list = experiment_helpers.get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs=ibs) t1, t2 = testres_list # NOQA #ut.embed() #intersect_hack() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_rowlbl(): # print('=====================') # print('[harn] Row/Query Labels: %s' % testnameid) # print('=====================') # print('[harn] queries:\n%s' % '\n'.join(qx2_lbl)) #print_rowlbl() #------------ @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_collbl(): print('=====================') print('[harn] Col/Config Labels: %s' % testnameid) print('=====================') enum_cfgx2_lbl = ['%2d) %s' % (count, cfglbl) for count, cfglbl in enumerate(cfgx2_lbl)] print('[harn] cfglbl:\n%s' % '\n'.join(enum_cfgx2_lbl)) print_collbl() #------------ @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_cfgstr(): print('=====================') print('[harn] Config Strings: %s' % testnameid) print('=====================') cfgstr_list = [query_cfg.get_cfgstr() for query_cfg in cfg_list] enum_cfgstr_list = ['%2d) %s' % (count, cfgstr) for count, cfgstr in enumerate(cfgstr_list)] print('\n[harn] cfgstr:\n%s' % '\n'.join(enum_cfgstr_list)) print_cfgstr() #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_rowscore(): # print('=======================') # print('[harn] Scores per Query: %s' % testnameid) # print('=======================') # for qx in range(nQuery): # bestCFG_X = qx2_argmin_rank[qx] # min_rank = qx2_min_rank[qx] # minimizing_cfg_str = ut.indentjoin(cfgx2_lbl[bestCFG_X], '\n * ') # #minimizing_cfg_str = str(bestCFG_X) # print('-------') # print(qx2_lbl[qx]) # print(' best_rank = %d ' % min_rank) # if len(cfgx2_lbl) != 1: # print(' minimizing_cfg_x\'s = %s ' % minimizing_cfg_str) #print_rowscore() #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_row_ave_precision(): # print('=======================') # print('[harn] Scores per Query: %s' % testnameid) # print('=======================') # for qx in range(nQuery): # aveprecs = ', '.join(['%.2f' % (aveprecs[qx],) for aveprecs in cfgx2_aveprecs]) # print('-------') # print(qx2_lbl[qx]) # print(' aveprecs = %s ' % aveprecs) #print_row_ave_precision() ##------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_hardcase(): # print('--- hard new_hardtup_list (w.r.t these configs): %s' % testnameid) # print('\n'.join(map(repr, new_hardtup_list))) # print('There are %d hard cases ' % len(new_hardtup_list)) # aid_list = [aid_notes[0] for aid_notes in new_hardtup_list] # name_list = ibs.get_annot_names(aid_list) # name_set = set(name_list) # print(sorted(aid_list)) # print('Names: %r' % (name_set,)) #print_hardcase() #default=not ut.get_argflag('--allhard')) #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def echo_hardcase(): # print('--- hardcase commandline: %s' % testnameid) # # Show index for current query where hardids reside # #print('--index ' + (' '.join(map(str, new_hard_qx_list)))) # #print('--take new_hard_qx_list') # #hardaids_str = ' '.join(map(str, [' ', '--qaid'] + new_hard_qaids)) # hardaids_str = ' '.join(map(str, [' ', '--set-aids-as-hard'] + new_hard_qaids)) # print(hardaids_str) ##echo_hardcase(default=not ut.get_argflag('--allhard')) #echo_hardcase() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_bestcfg(): # print('==========================') # print('[harn] Best Configurations: %s' % testnameid) # print('==========================') # # print each configs scores less than X=thresh # for X, cfgx2_nLessX in six.iteritems(nLessX_dict): # max_LessX = cfgx2_nLessX.max() # bestCFG_X = np.where(cfgx2_nLessX == max_LessX)[0] # best_rankscore = '[cfg*] %d cfg(s) scored ' % len(bestCFG_X) # best_rankscore += rankscore_str(X, max_LessX, nQuery) # cfglbl_list = cfgx2_lbl[bestCFG_X] # best_rankcfg = format_cfgstr_list(cfglbl_list) # #indent('\n'.join(cfgstr_list), ' ') # print(best_rankscore) # print(best_rankcfg) # print('[cfg*] %d cfg(s) are the best of %d total cfgs' % (len(intersected), nConfig)) # print(format_cfgstr_list(intersected)) #print_bestcfg() #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_gtscore(): # # Prints best ranks # print('gtscore_mat: %s' % testnameid) # print(' nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nQuery, nConfig)) # header = (' labled rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:') # print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl)) # column_list = gt_raw_score_mat.T # print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids, # column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header, # transpose=False, # use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5)) #print_gtscore() #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_best_rankmat(): # # Prints best ranks # print('-------------') # print('RankMat: %s' % testnameid) # print(' nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nQuery, nConfig)) # header = (' labled rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:') # print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl)) # column_list = rank_mat.T # print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids, # column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header, # transpose=False, # use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5)) #print_best_rankmat() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_diffmat(): # # score differences over configs # print('-------------') # print('Diffmat: %s' % testnameid) # diff_matstr = get_diffmat_str(rank_mat, testres.qaids, nConfig) # print(diff_matstr) #print_diffmat() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_rankhist_time(): # print('A rank histogram is a dictionary. ' # 'The keys denote the range of the ranks that the values fall in') # # TODO: rectify this code with other hist code # config_gt_aids = ut.get_list_column(testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_aid') # config_rand_bin_qxs = testres.get_rank_histogram_qx_binxs() # _iter = enumerate(zip(rank_mat.T, agg_hist_dict, config_gt_aids, config_rand_bin_qxs)) # for cfgx, (ranks, agg_hist_dict, qx2_gt_aid, config_binxs) in _iter: # #full_cfgstr = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx].get_full_cfgstr() # #ut.print_dict(ut.dict_hist(ranks), 'rank histogram', sorted_=True) # # find the qxs that belong to each bin # aid_list1 = testres.qaids # aid_list2 = qx2_gt_aid # ibs.assert_valid_aids(aid_list1) # ibs.assert_valid_aids(aid_list2) # timedelta_list = ibs.get_annot_pair_timdelta(aid_list1, aid_list2) # #timedelta_str_list = [ut.get_posix_timedelta_str2(delta) # # for delta in timedelta_list] # bin_edges = testres.get_rank_histogram_bin_edges() # timedelta_groups = ut.dict_take(ut.group_items(timedelta_list, config_binxs), np.arange(len(bin_edges)), []) # timedelta_stats = [ut.get_stats(deltas, use_nan=True, datacast=ut.get_posix_timedelta_str2) for deltas in timedelta_groups] # print('Time statistics for each rank range:') # print(ut.dict_str(dict(zip(bin_edges, timedelta_stats)), sorted_=True)) #print_rankhist_time() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_rankhist(): # print('A rank histogram is a dictionary. ' # 'The keys denote the range of the ranks that the values fall in') # # TODO: rectify this code with other hist code # config_gt_aids = ut.get_list_column(testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_aid') # config_rand_bin_qxs = testres.get_rank_histogram_qx_binxs() # _iter = enumerate(zip(rank_mat.T, agg_hist_dict, config_gt_aids, config_rand_bin_qxs)) # for cfgx, (ranks, agg_hist_dict, qx2_gt_aid, config_binxs) in _iter: # print('Frequency of rank ranges:') # ut.print_dict(agg_hist_dict, 'agg rank histogram', sorted_=True) #print_rankhist() #------------ # Print summary #print(' --- SUMMARY ---') #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_colmap(): # print('==================') # print('[harn] mAP per Config: %s (sorted by mAP)' % testnameid) # print('==================') # cfgx2_mAP = np.array([aveprec_list.mean() for aveprec_list in cfgx2_aveprecs]) # sortx = cfgx2_mAP.argsort() # for cfgx in sortx: # print('[mAP] cfgx=%r) mAP=%.3f -- %s' % (cfgx, cfgx2_mAP[cfgx], cfgx2_lbl[cfgx])) # #print('L___ Scores per Config ___') #print_colmap() #------------ @ut.argv_flag_dec_true def print_colscore(): print('==================') print('[harn] Scores per Config: %s' % testnameid) print('==================') #for cfgx in range(nConfig): # print('[score] %s' % (cfgx2_lbl[cfgx])) # for X in X_LIST: # nLessX_ = nLessX_dict[int(X)][cfgx] # print(' ' + rankscore_str(X, nLessX_, nQuery)) print('\n[harn] ... sorted scores') for X in X_LIST: print('\n[harn] Sorted #ranks < %r scores' % (X)) sortx = np.array(nLessX_dict[int(X)]).argsort() #frac_list = (nLessX_dict[int(X)] / cfgx2_nQuery)[:, None] #print('cfgx2_nQuery = %r' % (cfgx2_nQuery,)) #print('frac_list = %r' % (frac_list,)) #print('Pairwise Difference: ' + str(ut.safe_pdist(frac_list, metric=ut.absdiff))) for cfgx in sortx: nLessX_ = nLessX_dict[int(X)][cfgx] rankstr = rankscore_str(X, nLessX_, cfgx2_nQuery[cfgx], withlbl=False) print('[score] %s --- %s' % (rankstr, cfgx2_lbl[cfgx])) print_colscore() #------------ ut.argv_flag_dec(print_latexsum)(ibs, testres) @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_next_rankmat(): # Prints nextbest ranks print('-------------') print('NextRankMat: %s' % testnameid) header = (' top false rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:') print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl)) column_list = cfgx2_nextbestranks print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids, column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header, transpose=False, use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5)) print_next_rankmat() #------------ @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_scorediff_mat(): # Prints nextbest ranks print('-------------') print('ScoreDiffMat: %s' % testnameid) header = (' score difference between top true and top false: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:') print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl)) column_list = cfgx2_scorediffs column_type = [float] * len(column_list) print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids, column_lbls=column_lbls, column_type=column_type, header=header, transpose=False, use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5)) print_scorediff_mat(alias_flags=['--sdm']) #------------ def jagged_stats_info(arr_, lbl, col_lbls): arr = ut.recursive_replace(arr_, np.inf, np.nan) # Treat infinite as nan stat_dict = ut.get_jagged_stats(arr, use_nan=True, use_sum=True) sel_stat_dict, sel_indices = ut.find_interesting_stats(stat_dict, col_lbls) sel_col_lbls = ut.take(col_lbls, sel_indices) statstr_kw = dict(precision=3, newlines=True, lbl=lbl, align=True) stat_str = ut.get_stats_str(stat_dict=stat_dict, **statstr_kw) sel_stat_str = ut.get_stats_str(stat_dict=sel_stat_dict, **statstr_kw) sel_stat_str = 'sel_col_lbls = %s' % (ut.list_str(sel_col_lbls),) + '\n' + sel_stat_str return stat_str, sel_stat_str @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_confusion_stats(): """ CommandLine: python --allgt --print-scorediff-mat-stats --print-confusion-stats -t rrvsone_grid """ # Prints nextbest ranks print('-------------') print('ScoreDiffMatStats: %s' % testnameid) print('column_lbls = %r' % (column_lbls,)) #cfgx2_gt_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score') #cfgx2_gf_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gf_raw_score') gt_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gt_rawscores, np.nan) gf_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gf_rawscores, np.nan) tp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, istrue_list) fp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list) tn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, istrue_list) fn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list) tp_rawscores_str, tp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(tp_rawscores, 'tp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) fp_rawscores_str, fp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(fp_rawscores, 'fp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) tn_rawscores_str, tn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(tn_rawscores, 'tn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) fn_rawscores_str, fn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info(fn_rawscores, 'fn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) #print(tp_rawscores_str) #print(fp_rawscores_str) #print(tn_rawscores_str) #print(fn_rawscores_str) print(tp_rawscore_statstr) print(fp_rawscore_statstr) print(tn_rawscore_statstr) print(fn_rawscore_statstr) print_confusion_stats(alias_flags=['--cs']) ut.argv_flag_dec_true(testres.print_percent_identification_success)() sumstrs = [] sumstrs.append('') sumstrs.append('||===========================') sumstrs.append('|| [cfg*] SUMMARY: %s' % testnameid) sumstrs.append('||---------------------------') sumstrs.append(ut.joins('\n|| ', best_rankscore_summary)) sumstrs.append('||===========================') summary_str = '\n' + '\n'.join(sumstrs) + '\n' #print(summary_str) ut.colorprint(summary_str, 'blue') print('To enable all printouts add --print-all to the commandline')
def print_results(ibs, testres): """ Prints results from an experiment harness run. Rows store different qaids (query annotation ids) Cols store different configurations (algorithm parameters) Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object testres (test_result.TestResult): CommandLine: python -e print --db PZ_MTEST -a default:dpername=1,qpername=[1,2] -t default:fg_on=False python -e print -t best --db seals2 --allgt --vz python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt -t custom --print-confusion-stats python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt --noqcache --index 0:10:2 -t custom:rrvsone_on=True --print-confusion-stats python -e print --db PZ_MTEST --allgt --noqcache --qaid4 -t custom:rrvsone_on=True --print-confusion-stats python -m ibeis --tf print_results -t default --db PZ_MTEST -a ctrl python -m ibeis --tf print_results -t default --db PZ_MTEST -a ctrl python -m ibeis --tf print_results --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t default:lnbnn_on=True default:lnbnn_on=False,bar_l2_on=True default:lnbnn_on=False,normonly_on=True CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.experiment_printres --test-print_results -m ibeis.expt.experiment_printres --test-print_results Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.experiment_printres import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts( >>> 'PZ_MTEST', a='default:dpername=1,qpername=[1,2]', t='default:fg_on=False') >>> result = print_results(ibs, testres) >>> print(result) """ (cfg_list, cfgx2_cfgresinfo, testnameid, cfgx2_lbl, cfgx2_qreq_) = ut.dict_take(testres.__dict__, [ 'cfg_list', 'cfgx2_cfgresinfo', 'testnameid', 'cfgx2_lbl', 'cfgx2_qreq_' ]) # cfgx2_cfgresinfo is a list of dicts of lists # Parse result info out of the lists cfgx2_nextbestranks = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_next_bestranks') cfgx2_gt_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score') cfgx2_gf_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gf_raw_score') #cfgx2_aveprecs = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_avepercision') cfgx2_scorediffs = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_scorediff') #cfgx2_gt_raw_score = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score') column_lbls = [ ut.remove_chars(ut.remove_vowels(lbl), [' ', ',']) for lbl in cfgx2_lbl ] scorediffs_mat = np.array(ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_scorediffs, np.nan)) print(' --- PRINT RESULTS ---') print(' use --rank-lt-list=1,5 to specify X_LIST') if True: # Num of ranks less than to score X_LIST = testres.get_X_LIST() #X_LIST = [1, 5] #nConfig = len(cfg_list) #nQuery = len(testres.qaids) cfgx2_nQuery = list(map(len, testres.cfgx2_qaids)) #cfgx2_qx2_ranks = testres.get_infoprop_list('qx2_bestranks') #-------------------- # A positive scorediff indicates the groundtruth was better than the # groundfalse scores istrue_list = [scorediff > 0 for scorediff in scorediffs_mat] isfalse_list = [~istrue for istrue in istrue_list] #------------ # Build Colscore nLessX_dict = testres.get_nLessX_dict() #------------ best_rankscore_summary = [] #to_intersect_list = [] # print each configs scores less than X=thresh for X, cfgx2_nLessX in six.iteritems(nLessX_dict): max_nLessX = cfgx2_nLessX.max() bestX_cfgx_list = np.where(cfgx2_nLessX == max_nLessX)[0] best_rankscore = '[cfg*] %d cfg(s) scored ' % len(bestX_cfgx_list) # FIXME best_rankscore += rankscore_str(X, max_nLessX, cfgx2_nQuery[bestX_cfgx_list[0]]) best_rankscore_summary += [best_rankscore] #to_intersect_list.append(ut.take(cfgx2_lbl, max_nLessX)) #intersected = to_intersect_list[0] if len(to_intersect_list) > 0 else [] #for ix in range(1, len(to_intersect_list)): # intersected = np.intersect1d(intersected, to_intersect_list[ix]) #if False: # #gt_raw_score_mat = np.vstack(cfgx2_gt_raw_score).T # #rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat() # #------------ # # Build row lbls # if False: # qx2_lbl = np.array([ # 'qx=%d) q%s ' % (qx, ibsfuncs.aidstr(testres.qaids[qx], ibs=ibs, notes=True)) # for qx in range(nQuery)]) # #------------ # # Build Colscore and hard cases # if False: # qx2_min_rank = [] # qx2_argmin_rank = [] # new_hard_qaids = [] # new_hardtup_list = [] # for qx in range(nQuery): # ranks = rank_mat[qx] # valid_ranks = ranks[ranks >= 0] # min_rank = ranks.min() if len(valid_ranks) > 0 else -3 # bestCFG_X = np.where(ranks == min_rank)[0] # qx2_min_rank.append(min_rank) # # Find the best rank over all configurations # qx2_argmin_rank.append(bestCFG_X) #@ut.memoize #def get_new_hard_qx_list(testres): # """ Mark any query as hard if it didnt get everything correct """ # rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat() # is_new_hard_list = rank_mat.max(axis=1) > 0 # new_hard_qx_list = np.where(is_new_hard_list)[0] # return new_hard_qx_list # new_hard_qx_list = testres.get_new_hard_qx_list() # for qx in new_hard_qx_list: # # New list is in aid format instead of cx format # # because you should be copying and pasting it # notes = ' ranks = ' + str(rank_mat[qx]) # qaid = testres.qaids[qx] # name = ibs.get_annot_names(qaid) # new_hardtup_list += [(qaid, name + " - " + notes)] # new_hard_qaids += [qaid] @ut.argv_flag_dec def intersect_hack(): failed = testres.rank_mat > 0 colx2_failed = [np.nonzero(failed_col)[0] for failed_col in failed.T] #failed_col2_only = np.setdiff1d(colx2_failed[1], colx2_failed[0]) #failed_col2_only_aids = ut.take(testres.qaids, failed_col2_only) failed_col1_only = np.setdiff1d(colx2_failed[0], colx2_failed[1]) failed_col1_only_aids = ut.take(testres.qaids, failed_col1_only) gt_aids1 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth( failed_col1_only_aids, daid_list=testres.cfgx2_qreq_[0].daids) gt_aids2 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth( failed_col1_only_aids, daid_list=testres.cfgx2_qreq_[1].daids) qaids_expt = failed_col1_only_aids gt_avl_aids1 = ut.flatten(gt_aids1) gt_avl_aids2 = list(set(ut.flatten(gt_aids2)).difference(gt_avl_aids1)) ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids_expt, gt_avl_aids1) ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids_expt, gt_avl_aids2) #jsontext = ut.to_json({ # 'qaids': list(qaids_expt), # 'dinclude_aids1': list(gt_aids_expt1), # 'dinclude_aids2': list(gt_aids_expt2), #}) #annotation_configs.varysize_pzm #from ibeis.expt import annotation_configs acfg = testres.acfg_list[0] import copy acfg1 = copy.deepcopy(acfg) acfg2 = copy.deepcopy(acfg) acfg1['qcfg']['min_pername'] = None acfg2['qcfg']['min_pername'] = None acfg1['dcfg']['min_pername'] = None acfg2['dcfg']['min_gt_per_name'] = None acfg1['qcfg']['default_aids'] = qaids_expt acfg1['dcfg']['gt_avl_aids'] = gt_avl_aids1 acfg2['qcfg']['default_aids'] = qaids_expt acfg2['dcfg']['gt_avl_aids'] = gt_avl_aids2 from ibeis.init import filter_annots from ibeis.expt import experiment_helpers annots1 = filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, acfg1, verbose=True) annots2 = filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, acfg2, verbose=True) acfg_name_list = dict( # NOQA acfg_list=[acfg1, acfg2], expanded_aids_list=[annots1, annots2], ) test_cfg_name_list = ['candidacy_k'] cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list = experiment_helpers.get_pipecfg_list( test_cfg_name_list, ibs=ibs) t1, t2 = testres_list # NOQA #ut.embed() #intersect_hack() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_rowlbl(): # print('=====================') # print('[harn] Row/Query Labels: %s' % testnameid) # print('=====================') # print('[harn] queries:\n%s' % '\n'.join(qx2_lbl)) #print_rowlbl() #------------ @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_collbl(): print('=====================') print('[harn] Col/Config Labels: %s' % testnameid) print('=====================') enum_cfgx2_lbl = [ '%2d) %s' % (count, cfglbl) for count, cfglbl in enumerate(cfgx2_lbl) ] print('[harn] cfglbl:\n%s' % '\n'.join(enum_cfgx2_lbl)) print_collbl() #------------ @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_cfgstr(): print('=====================') print('[harn] Config Strings: %s' % testnameid) print('=====================') cfgstr_list = [query_cfg.get_cfgstr() for query_cfg in cfg_list] enum_cfgstr_list = [ '%2d) %s' % (count, cfgstr) for count, cfgstr in enumerate(cfgstr_list) ] print('\n[harn] cfgstr:\n%s' % '\n'.join(enum_cfgstr_list)) print_cfgstr() #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_rowscore(): # print('=======================') # print('[harn] Scores per Query: %s' % testnameid) # print('=======================') # for qx in range(nQuery): # bestCFG_X = qx2_argmin_rank[qx] # min_rank = qx2_min_rank[qx] # minimizing_cfg_str = ut.indentjoin(cfgx2_lbl[bestCFG_X], '\n * ') # #minimizing_cfg_str = str(bestCFG_X) # print('-------') # print(qx2_lbl[qx]) # print(' best_rank = %d ' % min_rank) # if len(cfgx2_lbl) != 1: # print(' minimizing_cfg_x\'s = %s ' % minimizing_cfg_str) #print_rowscore() #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_row_ave_precision(): # print('=======================') # print('[harn] Scores per Query: %s' % testnameid) # print('=======================') # for qx in range(nQuery): # aveprecs = ', '.join(['%.2f' % (aveprecs[qx],) for aveprecs in cfgx2_aveprecs]) # print('-------') # print(qx2_lbl[qx]) # print(' aveprecs = %s ' % aveprecs) #print_row_ave_precision() ##------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_hardcase(): # print('--- hard new_hardtup_list (w.r.t these configs): %s' % testnameid) # print('\n'.join(map(repr, new_hardtup_list))) # print('There are %d hard cases ' % len(new_hardtup_list)) # aid_list = [aid_notes[0] for aid_notes in new_hardtup_list] # name_list = ibs.get_annot_names(aid_list) # name_set = set(name_list) # print(sorted(aid_list)) # print('Names: %r' % (name_set,)) #print_hardcase() #default=not ut.get_argflag('--allhard')) #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def echo_hardcase(): # print('--- hardcase commandline: %s' % testnameid) # # Show index for current query where hardids reside # #print('--index ' + (' '.join(map(str, new_hard_qx_list)))) # #print('--take new_hard_qx_list') # #hardaids_str = ' '.join(map(str, [' ', '--qaid'] + new_hard_qaids)) # hardaids_str = ' '.join(map(str, [' ', '--set-aids-as-hard'] + new_hard_qaids)) # print(hardaids_str) ##echo_hardcase(default=not ut.get_argflag('--allhard')) #echo_hardcase() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_bestcfg(): # print('==========================') # print('[harn] Best Configurations: %s' % testnameid) # print('==========================') # # print each configs scores less than X=thresh # for X, cfgx2_nLessX in six.iteritems(nLessX_dict): # max_LessX = cfgx2_nLessX.max() # bestCFG_X = np.where(cfgx2_nLessX == max_LessX)[0] # best_rankscore = '[cfg*] %d cfg(s) scored ' % len(bestCFG_X) # best_rankscore += rankscore_str(X, max_LessX, nQuery) # cfglbl_list = cfgx2_lbl[bestCFG_X] # best_rankcfg = format_cfgstr_list(cfglbl_list) # #indent('\n'.join(cfgstr_list), ' ') # print(best_rankscore) # print(best_rankcfg) # print('[cfg*] %d cfg(s) are the best of %d total cfgs' % (len(intersected), nConfig)) # print(format_cfgstr_list(intersected)) #print_bestcfg() #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_gtscore(): # # Prints best ranks # print('gtscore_mat: %s' % testnameid) # print(' nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nQuery, nConfig)) # header = (' labled rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:') # print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl)) # column_list = gt_raw_score_mat.T # print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids, # column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header, # transpose=False, # use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5)) #print_gtscore() #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_best_rankmat(): # # Prints best ranks # print('-------------') # print('RankMat: %s' % testnameid) # print(' nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nQuery, nConfig)) # header = (' labled rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:') # print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl)) # column_list = rank_mat.T # print(ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids, # column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header, # transpose=False, # use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5)) #print_best_rankmat() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_diffmat(): # # score differences over configs # print('-------------') # print('Diffmat: %s' % testnameid) # diff_matstr = get_diffmat_str(rank_mat, testres.qaids, nConfig) # print(diff_matstr) #print_diffmat() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_rankhist_time(): # print('A rank histogram is a dictionary. ' # 'The keys denote the range of the ranks that the values fall in') # # TODO: rectify this code with other hist code # config_gt_aids = ut.get_list_column(testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_aid') # config_rand_bin_qxs = testres.get_rank_histogram_qx_binxs() # _iter = enumerate(zip(rank_mat.T, agg_hist_dict, config_gt_aids, config_rand_bin_qxs)) # for cfgx, (ranks, agg_hist_dict, qx2_gt_aid, config_binxs) in _iter: # #full_cfgstr = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx].get_full_cfgstr() # #ut.print_dict(ut.dict_hist(ranks), 'rank histogram', sorted_=True) # # find the qxs that belong to each bin # aid_list1 = testres.qaids # aid_list2 = qx2_gt_aid # ibs.assert_valid_aids(aid_list1) # ibs.assert_valid_aids(aid_list2) # timedelta_list = ibs.get_annot_pair_timdelta(aid_list1, aid_list2) # #timedelta_str_list = [ut.get_posix_timedelta_str2(delta) # # for delta in timedelta_list] # bin_edges = testres.get_rank_histogram_bin_edges() # timedelta_groups = ut.dict_take(ut.group_items(timedelta_list, config_binxs), np.arange(len(bin_edges)), []) # timedelta_stats = [ut.get_stats(deltas, use_nan=True, datacast=ut.get_posix_timedelta_str2) for deltas in timedelta_groups] # print('Time statistics for each rank range:') # print(ut.dict_str(dict(zip(bin_edges, timedelta_stats)), sorted_=True)) #print_rankhist_time() #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_rankhist(): # print('A rank histogram is a dictionary. ' # 'The keys denote the range of the ranks that the values fall in') # # TODO: rectify this code with other hist code # config_gt_aids = ut.get_list_column(testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_aid') # config_rand_bin_qxs = testres.get_rank_histogram_qx_binxs() # _iter = enumerate(zip(rank_mat.T, agg_hist_dict, config_gt_aids, config_rand_bin_qxs)) # for cfgx, (ranks, agg_hist_dict, qx2_gt_aid, config_binxs) in _iter: # print('Frequency of rank ranges:') # ut.print_dict(agg_hist_dict, 'agg rank histogram', sorted_=True) #print_rankhist() #------------ # Print summary #print(' --- SUMMARY ---') #------------ #@ut.argv_flag_dec #def print_colmap(): # print('==================') # print('[harn] mAP per Config: %s (sorted by mAP)' % testnameid) # print('==================') # cfgx2_mAP = np.array([aveprec_list.mean() for aveprec_list in cfgx2_aveprecs]) # sortx = cfgx2_mAP.argsort() # for cfgx in sortx: # print('[mAP] cfgx=%r) mAP=%.3f -- %s' % (cfgx, cfgx2_mAP[cfgx], cfgx2_lbl[cfgx])) # #print('L___ Scores per Config ___') #print_colmap() #------------ @ut.argv_flag_dec_true def print_colscore(): print('==================') print('[harn] Scores per Config: %s' % testnameid) print('==================') #for cfgx in range(nConfig): # print('[score] %s' % (cfgx2_lbl[cfgx])) # for X in X_LIST: # nLessX_ = nLessX_dict[int(X)][cfgx] # print(' ' + rankscore_str(X, nLessX_, nQuery)) print('\n[harn] ... sorted scores') for X in X_LIST: print('\n[harn] Sorted #ranks < %r scores' % (X)) sortx = np.array(nLessX_dict[int(X)]).argsort() #frac_list = (nLessX_dict[int(X)] / cfgx2_nQuery)[:, None] #print('cfgx2_nQuery = %r' % (cfgx2_nQuery,)) #print('frac_list = %r' % (frac_list,)) #print('Pairwise Difference: ' + str(ut.safe_pdist(frac_list, metric=ut.absdiff))) for cfgx in sortx: nLessX_ = nLessX_dict[int(X)][cfgx] rankstr = rankscore_str(X, nLessX_, cfgx2_nQuery[cfgx], withlbl=False) print('[score] %s --- %s' % (rankstr, cfgx2_lbl[cfgx])) print_colscore() #------------ ut.argv_flag_dec(print_latexsum)(ibs, testres) @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_next_rankmat(): # Prints nextbest ranks print('-------------') print('NextRankMat: %s' % testnameid) header = (' top false rank matrix: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:') print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl)) column_list = cfgx2_nextbestranks print( ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids, column_lbls=column_lbls, header=header, transpose=False, use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5)) print_next_rankmat() #------------ @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_scorediff_mat(): # Prints nextbest ranks print('-------------') print('ScoreDiffMat: %s' % testnameid) header = ( ' score difference between top true and top false: rows=queries, cols=cfgs:' ) print('\n'.join(cfgx2_lbl)) column_list = cfgx2_scorediffs column_type = [float] * len(column_list) print( ut.make_csv_table(column_list, row_lbls=testres.qaids, column_lbls=column_lbls, column_type=column_type, header=header, transpose=False, use_lbl_width=len(cfgx2_lbl) < 5)) print_scorediff_mat(alias_flags=['--sdm']) #------------ def jagged_stats_info(arr_, lbl, col_lbls): arr = ut.recursive_replace(arr_, np.inf, np.nan) # Treat infinite as nan stat_dict = ut.get_jagged_stats(arr, use_nan=True, use_sum=True) sel_stat_dict, sel_indices = ut.find_interesting_stats( stat_dict, col_lbls) sel_col_lbls = ut.take(col_lbls, sel_indices) statstr_kw = dict(precision=3, newlines=True, lbl=lbl, align=True) stat_str = ut.get_stats_str(stat_dict=stat_dict, **statstr_kw) sel_stat_str = ut.get_stats_str(stat_dict=sel_stat_dict, **statstr_kw) sel_stat_str = 'sel_col_lbls = %s' % ( ut.list_str(sel_col_lbls), ) + '\n' + sel_stat_str return stat_str, sel_stat_str @ut.argv_flag_dec def print_confusion_stats(): """ CommandLine: python --allgt --print-scorediff-mat-stats --print-confusion-stats -t rrvsone_grid """ # Prints nextbest ranks print('-------------') print('ScoreDiffMatStats: %s' % testnameid) print('column_lbls = %r' % (column_lbls, )) #cfgx2_gt_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gt_raw_score') #cfgx2_gf_rawscores = ut.get_list_column(cfgx2_cfgresinfo, 'qx2_gf_raw_score') gt_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gt_rawscores, np.nan) gf_rawscores_mat = ut.replace_nones(cfgx2_gf_rawscores, np.nan) tp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, istrue_list) fp_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list) tn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, istrue_list) fn_rawscores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscores_mat, isfalse_list) tp_rawscores_str, tp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info( tp_rawscores, 'tp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) fp_rawscores_str, fp_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info( fp_rawscores, 'fp_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) tn_rawscores_str, tn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info( tn_rawscores, 'tn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) fn_rawscores_str, fn_rawscore_statstr = jagged_stats_info( fn_rawscores, 'fn_rawscores', cfgx2_lbl) #print(tp_rawscores_str) #print(fp_rawscores_str) #print(tn_rawscores_str) #print(fn_rawscores_str) print(tp_rawscore_statstr) print(fp_rawscore_statstr) print(tn_rawscore_statstr) print(fn_rawscore_statstr) print_confusion_stats(alias_flags=['--cs']) ut.argv_flag_dec_true(testres.print_percent_identification_success)() sumstrs = [] sumstrs.append('') sumstrs.append('||===========================') sumstrs.append('|| [cfg*] SUMMARY: %s' % testnameid) sumstrs.append('||---------------------------') sumstrs.append(ut.joins('\n|| ', best_rankscore_summary)) sumstrs.append('||===========================') summary_str = '\n' + '\n'.join(sumstrs) + '\n' #print(summary_str) ut.colorprint(summary_str, 'blue') print('To enable all printouts add --print-all to the commandline')