def plot(self, title='', axes=None, fignum=30, ait_kw={}, **kwargs): """ make an AIT skyplot from the array title : string set the figure title ait_kw : dict to set kwargs for image.AIT, perhaps pixelsize Other args passed to imshow, for example norm: to make a log plot, from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm plot(norm=LogNorm(vmin=1,vmax=10)) It returns a image.AIT object, which has a colorbar member that can be adjusted. """ cbtext = kwargs.pop('cbtext', '') ait_kw.update(cbtext=cbtext) band = Band(self.nside) def skyplotfun(v): skydir = SkyDir(Hep3Vector(v[0], v[1], v[2])) return self(skydir) if axes is None: plt.close(fignum) fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(12, 6)) axes = plt.gca() ait = image.AIT(PySkyFunction(skyplotfun), axes=axes, **ait_kw) ait.imshow(title=title, **kwargs) return ait
def skyplot(crec, title='', axes=None, fignum=30, ait_kw={}, **kwargs): """ make an AIT skyplot of a HEALpix array crec : array must be sorted according to the HEALpix index title : string set the figure title ait_kw : dict to set kwargs for image.AIT, perhaps pixelsize Other args passed to imshow """ n = len(crec) nside = int(np.sqrt(n/12)) assert n==12*nside**2, 'wrong length to be healpix array' band = Band(nside) def skyplotfun(v): skydir = SkyDir(Hep3Vector(v[0],v[1],v[2])) index = band.index(skydir) return crec[index] if axes is None: plt.close(fignum) fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(12,6)) ait=image.AIT(PySkyFunction(skyplotfun) ,axes=axes, **ait_kw) ait.imshow(title=title, **kwargs) return ait
def fill_ait(self, fignum=11, axes=None, show_kw={}, source_kw={}, figwidth=12, margin=0.15, **kwargs): if axes is None: # set up a figure for 2x1 image with equal margins plt.close(fignum) figheight = figwidth * (1. + 2 * margin) / (1 + margin) / 2. fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(figwidth, figheight)) axes = plt.gca() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95) #gives reasonable equal margins pixelsize = kwargs.pop('pixelsize', 0.25) ait = image.AIT(self.get_pyskyfun(), axes=axes, pixelsize=pixelsize, **kwargs) self.imgplot = ait.imshow(**show_kw) ait.axes.set_autoscale_on(False) if self.sources is not None: sdirs = map(SkyDir, self.sources.ra, self.sources.dec) ait.plot(sdirs, **source_kw) print 'found %d sources to plot' % len(sdirs) plt.draw_if_interactive() return ait
def show(self, title=None, scale='log', **kwargs): """make an AIT image for testing """ from uw.utilities import image vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', None) vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', None) ait = image.AIT(self, **kwargs) ait.imshow( if title is None else title, scale=scale, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) return ait.axes.figure
def fill_ait(self, fignum=11, axes=None, show_kw={}, **kwargs): if axes is None: plt.close(fignum) fig=plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(12,8)); axes=fig.gca() pixelsize = kwargs.pop('pixelsize', 0.25) ait = image.AIT(self.get_pyskyfun(),axes=axes, pixelsize=pixelsize, **kwargs) self.imgplot=ait.imshow(**show_kw) return ait