コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: gva-jhabte/application-repo
def main(run_date):
    # keep a record of key data items so we can log what we've done
    with Auditor(data_set=JOB_NAME) as auditor:

        # set up a temp file for saving to
        # set the auditor to automatically track the written records 
        temp_file = dt.temp_file(JOB_NAME, auditor)
        # the main processing loop
        for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
                                         VM_FINDINGS_BLOB + '.*' + datetime.date.strftime(run_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
            for line in dt.read_blob_lines(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET, blob.name):
                auditor.records_read = auditor.records_read + 1
                vm_finding = json.loads(line)
                by_ip = find_record_in_graph(graph, vm_finding.get('IP'), vm_finding.get('NETBIOS'))
                merged = {**vm_finding, **by_ip}
        blob_name = TARGET_BLOB.replace('%date', '%Y-%m-%d')
        blob_name = run_date.strftime(blob_name)
        temp_file.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, blob_name)
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: gva-jhabte/application-repo
def main(run_date):

    # keep a record of key data items so we can log what we've done
    with Auditor(JOB_NAME, r'../../config/va_auditor.yaml') as auditor:

        # set up a temp file to save the records to
        temp_file = dt.temp_file(JOB_NAME, auditor)

        records = {}

        # the main loop
        for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(
                datetime.date.strftime(run_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
            for line in dt.read_blob_lines(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
                details = extract_details(line)
                if details[0] in records:
                    records[details[0]] = [details[1]]

        for record in records:
            json_line = {"QID": record, "CVES": records[record]}

        blob_name = TARGET_BLOB.replace('%date', '%Y-%m-%d')
        blob_name = run_date.strftime(blob_name)
        temp_file.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, blob_name)
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: gva-jhabte/application-repo
    graph_file = dt.temp_file(JOB_NAME + '_GRAPH')
    # copy the graph file
    for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET, SOURCE_BLOB):
        with open(graph_file.file_name, 'wb') as file:
    # open the graph file
    graph = nx.read_graphml(graph_file.file_name)
    print("Status: {} nodes and {} edges".format(len(graph.nodes), len(graph.edges)))
    return graph
コード例 #4
def process_job(job_name, source_blob, target_blob):

    # keep a record of key data items so we can log what we've done
    with Auditor(data_set=job_name) as auditor:
        # set up a temp file for saving to
        # set the auditor to automatically track the written records
        temp_file = dt.temp_file(job_name, auditor)

        # we can't be sure today's files will be present, so look for the latest files
        for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
            # we want the whole file, so download it all at once.
            payload = blob.download_as_string()
            json_block = json.loads(payload)
            for json_record in json_block:
                auditor.records_read = auditor.records_read + 1

        temp_file.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, target_blob)
コード例 #5
def main(run_date):

    # keep a record of key data items so we can log what we've done
    auditor = Auditor(JOB_NAME, r'../../config/va_auditor.yaml')
    auditor.commencement_time = datetime.datetime.today()

    # set up a temp file for saving to
    # set the auditor to automatically track the written records
    temp_file = dt.temp_file(JOB_NAME, auditor)

    #Create QVM all report.

    # Takes in CVE summary (CVEId, CVSS data, QID, MFL/Exploit data). Key by CVEId
    # Takes in QID-CVE map. Can search by CVE or QID, many->many relationship
    # Takes in Asset findings (QVM == Qualys machine scan results, along with CMDB data. Key by QID, IP Address
    # Takes in Qualys descriptions and such like). Key by IP address
    # Once all data available, create triage rating based upon OLD triage algo and add. Then output as CSV(?)

    # Generator across Asset findings (each will have an IP, some CMDB data and a QID). Then get CVE from QIDCVEMap to get
    # CVE summary data. Get triage based upon compounded data from Triage subroutine, and add any QID description needed.
    # Then output as csv (possibly? Still to do...)

    # Get CVE summary data
    CVESummaries = {}
    for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(
            '.*' + datetime.datetime.strftime(run_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
        for line in dt.read_blob_lines(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
            data_record = json.loads(line)
            CVESummaries[data_record['CVE']] = data_record

    # Likewise QID summaries (will have the QID verbose description on it)
    QIDSummaries = {}
    for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(
            '.*' + datetime.datetime.strftime(run_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
        for line in dt.read_blob_lines(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
            data_record = json.loads(line)
            QIDSummaries[data_record['QID']] = data_record

    # And finally likewise the QID -> CVE map data. This is many <-> many, so collect it as sets of CVE Ids
    # which are keyed by the QID in question, as it will be searched by QID.
    CVEsForAllQIDs = {}
    for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(
            datetime.datetime.strftime(run_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
        for line in dt.read_blob_lines(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
            data_record = json.loads(line)
            if data_record['QID'] in CVEsForAllQIDs:
                # Add to existing set
                # New item on dict creating a new set
                CVEsForAllQIDs[data_record['QID']] = {data_record['CVE']}

    # Now, parse the whole finding set retrieving the enrichment data from the existing indices
    for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(
            '.*' + datetime.datetime.strftime(run_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
        for line in dt.read_blob_lines(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
            finding = json.loads(line)

            # Do some column renames where appropriate to match VSM reporting names
            finding['VulnID'] = finding.pop('QID')
            finding['ScanScore'] = finding.pop('SEVERITY')

            if 'ENVIRONMENT' in finding and not finding[
                    'ENVIRONMENT'] is None and finding['ENVIRONMENT'].upper(
                    )[:4] == 'PROD':
                serverIsProduction = True
                serverIsProduction = False

            if 'CBP' in finding:
                CBP = getMaxCBP(finding['CBP'])
                # Homogenise the values
                if 'NONE' in CBP.upper():
                    CBP = ''
                CBP = ''  # Presumes no CBP if no data returned. May need to revisit

            # Return the CBP value to the findings dict so that its duplicates are eliminated
            finding['CBP'] = CBP

            # Add various keys that are missing in some cases with empty values to the
            # finding so that the output data is consistent in the fields it presents

            if not 'PORT' in finding or finding['PORT'] is None:
                finding['PORT'] = ''
            if not 'SOX' in finding or finding['SOX'] is None:
                finding['SOX'] = 'false'
            if not 'STEWARD' in finding or finding['STEWARD'] is None:
                finding['STEWARD'] = ''
            if not 'CMDB_OS' in finding or finding['CMDB_OS'] is None:
                finding['CMDB_OS'] = ''
            if not 'CMDB_OS_VERSION' in finding or finding[
                    'CMDB_OS_VERSION'] is None:
                finding['CMDB_OS_VERSION'] = ''

            # Retrieve the QID summary for the finding
            if finding['VulnID'] in QIDSummaries:
                qidSummary = QIDSummaries[finding['VulnID']]
                # Got a QID with no summary, so build a dummy one. Should really not happen.
                qidSummary = {
                    'QID': finding['VulnID'],
                    'Patchable': 'Unknown',
                    'Published_Date': 'Unknown',
                    'baseScore': 0,
                    'availabilityImpact': 'NONE',
                    'confidentialityImpact': 'NONE',
                    'integrityImpact': 'NONE',
                    'VulnerabilityName': '',
                    'Category': '',
                    'Solution': '',
                    'VendorNotes': ''

            # Get all the CVEs associated with the finding (may be more than one)
            if finding['VulnID'] in CVEsForAllQIDs:
                # Code to generate triage based upon matching CVE data
                CVEIdsForQID = CVEsForAllQIDs[finding['VulnID']]

                # Get all the summaries. The odd selector is Dictionary Comprehension syntax and can be read as
                # 'Create a new dictionary (keys:values) based on the keys and values from CVESummaries if the key for
                # an entry in CVESummaries is in CVEsForQID'
                CVESummariesForQID = {
                    k: v
                    for (k, v) in CVESummaries.items() if k in CVEIdsForQID

                # Get a single line rollup of all the CVE data for the QID that can then be used for both triage and return data.
                cveSummaryForQID = CVESummaryForQID(CVESummariesForQID)

                # The triage will rely on the highest/worst values for any of the CVEs returned, so pass the generator for those into
                # a routine to derive that.
                TriageString = Triage(cveSummaryForQID['MFL'],
                                      serverIsProduction, CBP,

                # Finally, bundle the whole lot together as a dict out output data.
                data_out = dict(finding,
                                **cveSummaryForQID)  # concatenates these dicts

            else:  # QID has no matching CVE/CVSS data. Generate triage based off Qualys data. TODO Find correct Algo for this
                # Prepare a dict to look like the CVSS one. Score and vectors are taken from the QID summary
                # UI is presumed to be false, as this data is not available for QID findings (and QID findings tend
                # to be stuff like unpatched software which require no UI anyway)
                fakeCVESummary = {
                    'CVE': '',
                    'Integrity': qidSummary['integrityImpact'].upper(),
                    'Availability': qidSummary['availabilityImpact'].upper(),
                    'UserInteraction': False,
                    'BaseScore': float(qidSummary['baseScore']),
                    'MFL': False,
                    'Exploit_Known': False,
                    'MFLCVEs': '',
                    'MFLCount': 0

                # Prepare a Triage string based upon the QID data as loaded into the fake CVE summary above
                TriageString = Triage(fakeCVESummary['MFL'],
                                      serverIsProduction, CBP,

                # And create the reportLine much as before
                data_out = dict(finding,
                                **fakeCVESummary)  # concatenates these dicts

            # Add QIDSummary data to the output
            data_out['Patchable'] = qidSummary[
                'Patchable']  # Add the required fields from the QID summary
            data_out['Published_Date'] = qidSummary['Published_Date']
            data_out['VulnerabilityName'] = qidSummary.get(
                'VulnerabilityName') or ''
            data_out['Category'] = qidSummary.get('Category') or ''
            data_out['Solution'] = qidSummary.get('Solution') or ''
            data_out['VendorReferences'] = qidSummary.get(
                'VendorReferences') or ''

            # Add the triage string
                'TriagedRating'] = TriageString  # Adds the triaged value to the return dict

            # Derive the ScanType from the supplied ASSET_TYPE if it is present
            if not 'ASSET_TYPE' in finding or finding['ASSET_TYPE'] is None:
                    'ScanType'] = ''  # Don't set this if there is no ASSET_TYPE. May change.
            elif finding['ASSET_TYPE'] == 'server':
                data_out['ScanType'] = 'I'  # Internal
            elif finding['ASSET_TYPE'] == 'workstation':
                data_out['ScanType'] = 'E'  # Endpoint
                    'ScanType'] = ''  # Should never be hit, but assures that a value of some sort is returned

            # Add the derived date-based data
            data_out['ReportDate'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
            data_out['Cycle'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%m %Y')

            firstFoundDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                finding['FIRST_FOUND_DATETIME'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
            delta = datetime.datetime.now() - firstFoundDate
            data_out['DaysSinceFirstFound'] = delta.days

            if 'High' in TriageString:
                targetRemediationDate = firstFoundDate + timedelta(weeks=4)
            elif 'Medium' in TriageString:
                targetRemediationDate = firstFoundDate + timedelta(
                )  # 6 months is a variable time. Pick a good approximation
            else:  # Low
                targetRemediationDate = firstFoundDate + timedelta(
                )  # as is one year (think leap years). Again, approximate
            data_out['RemediationDue'] = targetRemediationDate.strftime(

                'TargetBreached'] = targetRemediationDate < datetime.datetime.now(

            # Other fields
            data_out['Concat'] = finding['ID'] + '-' + finding['VulnID']

            # Write out line to temp file (calls json.dumps to write string out)

    # finally write out the temp file to the bucket after incorporating the run_date
    preFormat = TARGET_BLOB.replace('%date', '%Y-%m-%d')
    destinationFile = run_date.strftime(preFormat)
    temp_file.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, destinationFile)

    # No need to explicitly remove the local file. temp_file class has a destructor that will do that.
    temp_file = None
    auditor.completion_time = datetime.datetime.today()
コード例 #6
def main():

    # keep a record of key data items so we can log what we've done
    with Auditor(JOB_NAME, r'../../config/va_auditor.yaml') as auditor:

        # set up a temp file for saving to
        # set the auditor to automatically track the written records
        temp_file = dt.temp_file(JOB_NAME, auditor)

        # create a list of the CVEs in these two sets
        mfl_blob = dt.select_file_records(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
        mfl_index = set(jl.create_index(mfl_blob, 'CVE'))
        edb_blob = dt.select_file_records(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
        edb_index = set(jl.create_index(edb_blob, 'CVE'))

        # the main loop
        for blob in dt.get_list_of_blobs(SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET,
            for nvd_cve_summary_line in dt.read_blob_lines(
                    SOURCE_PROJECT, SOURCE_BUCKET, blob.name):
                record = json.loads(nvd_cve_summary_line)

                result = {}
                result['CVE'] = record.get('CVE')

                if record['v2.0'] != {}:
                    result['Confidentiality'] = record['v2.0'].get(
                    result['Integrity'] = record['v2.0'].get('integrityImpact')
                    result['Availability'] = record['v2.0'].get(
                    result['UserInteraction'] = record['v2.0'].get(
                    result['BaseScore'] = record['v2.0'].get('baseScore')
                elif record['v3.0'] != {}:
                    result['Confidentiality'] = record['v3.0'].get(
                    result['Integrity'] = record['v3.0'].get('integrityImpact')
                    result['Availability'] = record['v3.0'].get(
                    result['UserInteraction'] = record['v3.0'].get(
                    result['BaseScore'] = record['v3.0'].get('baseScore')
                    result['Confidentiality'] = ''
                    result['Integrity'] = ''
                    result['Availability'] = ''
                    result['UserInteraction'] = ''
                    result['BaseScore'] = ''

                # could have also implemented by adding an MFL=True
                # column to the MFL set and joined on CVE
                result = jl.set_value(result, 'MFL',
                                      lambda x: x.get('CVE') in mfl_index)
                result = jl.set_value(result, 'Exploit_Known',
                                      lambda x: x.get('CVE') in edb_index)

        # save the temp file to the bucket
        temp_file.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, TARGET_BLOB)
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: gva-jhabte/application-repo
def main():

    # keep a record of key data items so we can log what we've done
    auditor = Auditor(JOB_NAME, r'../../config/va_auditor.yaml')
    auditor.commencement_time = datetime.datetime.today()

    # set up a temp file for saving to
    # set the auditor to automatically track the written records
    temp_File = dt.temp_file(JOB_NAME, auditor)

    # Read in data from ExploitDB. Gives a dataframe with one row per Exploit Id
    ExploitDBDataRaw = pd.read_csv(SOURCE_URL_EXPLOITDB)
    ExploitDBData = ExploitDBDataRaw.fillna(
        '')  # deal with missing port numbers
    # Rename the id column to match the desired column name for later use
    ExploitDBData['ExploitId'] = ExploitDBData.pop('id')

    # Read in data from CVE-EDB Xrefs. Output a list of json lines mapping CVE to EDB Id. Note that these are
    # many to many so keyed by both fields.
    edb = pd.read_html(SOURCE_URL_CVE_EDB_XREF)
    edb = edb[3]  # Use the fourth table which maps EDB -> CVEs

    # Each row of this DF contains a single ExploitId and a string of one or more CVEs.
    for i in range(len(edb)):

        if len(edb[0][i].split(':')) < 2:
            continue  # Line returned has invalid data. Do not attempt to process

        sploitNumber = edb[0][i].split(':')[
            1]  # converts 'ExploitDB:<number>' into number as an int
        if not isinstance(sploitNumber, int):
            continue  # Again, data returned is invalid, it doesn't have an integer ExploitDB Id

        # Check if the Mitre EDB Id actually exists on the EDB. If it doesn't then ignore this row.
        if sploitNumber in ExploitDBData['ExploitId'].values:

            # Split the CVEs into an array in their own right
            CVEs = dt.find_cves(str(edb[1][i]))

            # and get the ExploitDB row that will be used to enrich from for each CVE.
            # .loc finds for field=value. The 'records' parameter ensures that only the records, not the
            # index number are taken into the output. The final [0] is because the to_dict('records') generates a list
            # not a dict.
            ExploitDBRowDict = ExploitDBData.loc[ExploitDBData['ExploitId'] ==

            for cve in CVEs:
                # Generate output combining the ExploitDB row with the CVEId
                row = dict({'CVE': cve}, **ExploitDBRowDict)

    # finally write out the temp file to the bucket after incorporating the run_date
    preFormat = TARGET_BLOB.replace('%date', '%Y-%m-%d')
    destinationFile = datetime.datetime.today().strftime(
    )  # always write this as at today as the source data is always as at today
    temp_File.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, destinationFile)

    # No need to explicitly remove the local file. temp_file class has a destructor that will do that.
    temp_File = None

    # Write out the two source data files so that any confirmation of validity from sources can use
    # the source data as it was at the time of creation.
    # Mitre CVE -> EDB XRef table to temporary file...
    temp_File = dt.temp_file('XREF', auditor)
    for line in edb.iterrows():

    # ... and file to blob in GVA
    preFormat = BLOB_FOR_MITRE_CVE_EXPLOITS.replace('%date', '%Y-%m-%d')
    destinationFile = datetime.datetime.today().strftime(
    )  # always write this as at today as the source data is always as at today
    temp_File.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, destinationFile)
    temp_File = None

    # ExploitDB source data to temporary file...
    temp_File = dt.temp_file('ExploitDB', auditor)
    for line in ExploitDBDataRaw.iterrows():

    # ... and again to blob in GVA
    preFormat = BLOB_FOR_EXPLOITDB.replace('%date', '%Y-%m-%d')
    destinationFile = datetime.datetime.today().strftime(
    )  # always write this as at today as the source data is always as at today
    temp_File.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, destinationFile)
    temp_File = None

    # Tidy up auditor
    auditor.completion_time = datetime.datetime.today()
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: gva-jhabte/application-repo
import sys
import re
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..'))
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '../..'))
import va_dt_common.common as dt
import graph_tools as gt
    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

CONFIG_FILE = 'config.yaml'
config = dt.read_config(CONFIG_FILE)

JOB_NAME = config.get('job_name')
TEMP_FILE = dt.temp_file(JOB_NAME)
SOURCE_PROJECT = config.get('source_project')
SOURCE_BUCKET = config.get('source_bucket')

CI_SERVER_BLOB = config.get('ci_server_blob')
RELATIONSHIP_BLOB = config.get('relationship_blob')
CI_SERVICE_DISCOVERED_BLOB = config.get('service_discovered_blob')
PC_HARDWARE_BLOB = config.get('pc_hardware_blob')

TARGET_PROJECT = config.get('target_project')
TARGET_BUCKET = config.get('target_bucket')
TARGET_BLOB = config.get('target_blob')

ERRORBIN_PROJECT = config.get('errorbin_project')
ERRORBIN_BUCKET = config.get('errorbin_bucket')
ERRORBIN_BLOB = config.get('errorbin_blob')
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: gva-jhabte/application-repo
def main(run_date):
    # keep a record of key data items so we can log what we've done
    with Auditor(JOB_NAME, r'../../config/va_auditor.yaml') as auditor:

        cat_a = gt.search_nodes(graph, {'cbp_category': 'Tier A'})

        # set up a temp file for saving to
        # set the auditor to automatically track the written records
        temp_file = dt.temp_file(JOB_NAME, auditor)

        # the main processing loop
        # walk the graph from each cat A application
        output = []
        for application in cat_a.nodes():
            app = graph.nodes()[application]
            app_graph = gt.walk_from(graph, [application], depth=1, reverse=True)
            for app_server in gt.select_nodes_by_type(app_graph, 'ci_server'):
                server = graph.nodes()[app_server]
                svr_graph = gt.walk_from(graph, [app_server], depth=1, reverse=True)
                has_ip = False
                for ip_addr in gt.select_nodes_by_type(svr_graph, 'ip_address'):
                    ip = graph.nodes()[ip_addr]
                    has_ip = True
                    line = {
                        'APPLICATION': app.get('display_name'),
                        'HOST_NAME': server.get('display_name'),
                        'DNS': server.get('dns_domain'),
                        'FQDN': server.get('fqdn'),
                        'CMDB_OS': server.get('os'),
                        'CMDB_OS_VERSION': server.get('os_version'),
                        'ENVIRONMENT': server.get('environment'),
                        'IP': ip.get('display_name')
                # pick up the entries that don't have an IP address
                if not has_ip:
                    line = {
                        'APPLICATION': app.get('display_name'),
                        'HOST_NAME': server.get('display_name'),
                        'DNS': server.get('dns_domain'),
                        'FQDN': server.get('fqdn'),
                        'CMDB_OS': server.get('os'),
                        'CMDB_OS_VERSION': server.get('os_version'),
                        'ENVIRONMENT': server.get('environment'),
                        'IP': None

        blob_name = TARGET_BLOB.replace('%date', '%Y-%m-%d')
        blob_name = run_date.strftime(blob_name)
        temp_file.save_to_bucket(TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, blob_name)

        csv_blob_name = TARGET_CSV_BLOB.replace('%date', '%Y-%m-%d')
        csv_blob_name = run_date.strftime(csv_blob_name)

        # json_lists.save_as_csv() expects a filename not a file object and NamedTemporaryFile returns an object
        # so we're just reusing the logic here.
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', encoding='utf8', newline='') as temp_csv_file:
            record = output[0]
            columns = record.keys()
            csv_file = csv.DictWriter(temp_csv_file, fieldnames=columns)

            for record in output:
                record = jl.select_record_fields(record, columns)
            dt.save_file_to_bucket(temp_csv_file.name, TARGET_PROJECT, TARGET_BUCKET, csv_blob_name)