def plot(xx, yy, target, label, figfiles, figfile, lon=None, lat=None, show=False): xs, ys, mask = coord2slice(target, lon=lon, lat=lat) P.figure(figsize=(6, 3.5)) P.title('Target=%(label)s / select: lon=%(lon)s, lat=%(lat)s'%locals()) add_grid((xx, yy)) xx = xx.asma() yy = yy.asma() if isinstance(lon, tuple): P.axvline(lon[0], color='m', ls='--', lw=2) P.axvline(lon[1], color='m', ls='--', lw=2) elif isinstance(lon, slice): i, j, k = lon.indices(xx.shape[1]) P.plot(xx[:, i], yy[:, i], 'c--', lw=2) P.plot(xx[:, j-1], yy[:, j-1], 'c--', lw=2) if isinstance(lat, tuple): P.axhline(lat[0], color='m', ls='--', lw=2) P.axhline(lat[1], color='m', ls='--', lw=2) elif isinstance(lat, slice): i, j, k = lat.indices(yy.shape[0]) P.plot(xx[i], yy[i], 'c--', lw=2) P.plot(xx[j-1], yy[j-1], 'c--', lw=2) P.xticks(N.arange(xx.min()-1, xx.max()+1)) P.yticks(N.arange(yy.min()-1, yy.max()+1)) xxi, yyi = xx, yy xx = xx[ys, xs] yy = yy[ys, xs] # mask = mask[ys, xs] xxb, yyb = meshbounds(xx, yy) P.pcolor(xxb, yyb, mask, shading='faceted') P.scatter(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel(), c=(0, 1, 0)) P.grid('on') P.axis('image') P.tight_layout() i = len(figfiles) savefig = figfile%i if os.path.exists(savefig): os.remove(savefig) P.savefig(savefig) figfiles.append(savefig) if show: else: P.close()
# On ajoute un traît de côte pour le masquage from vacumm.bathy.bathy import GriddedBathy, GriddedBathyMerger bathy_large = GriddedBathy(var_large, shoreline='i') bathy_small = var_small # Création de la grille finale de résolution intermédiaire final_grid = create_grid((-6., .5, xr * 2.5), (45, 47., yr * 2.5)) # On crée maintenant le merger merger = GriddedBathyMerger(final_grid) # - ajout de la bathy basse resolution en premier (en dessous) merger += bathy_large # - puis ajout de celle haute résolution merger += bathy_small # On définit le traît de côte pour le masquage merger.set_shoreline('h') # Fusion vers la grille finale bathy = merger.merge() # Plot merger.plot(show=False) from vacumm.misc.plot import savefigs, add_grid kwgrid = dict(linewidth=.5, alpha=.5, samp=2) add_grid(grid_large, color='r', **kwgrid) add_grid(var_small.getGrid(), color='#00ff00', **kwgrid) savefigs(__file__) P.close()
varob = interp2d(vari, (xo, yo), method='bilinear') # - nearest varon = interp2d(vari, (xo, yo), method='nearest') # Plot import pylab as P from vacumm.misc.plot import savefigs, add_grid xob, yob = meshbounds(xo[:], yo[:]) lims = [xob.min(), xob.max(), yob.min(), yob.max()] # - P.figure(figsize=(5.5, 7)) P.subplots_adjust(bottom=.07, hspace=.35) P.subplot(311) P.pcolor(xib, yib, vari, **vminmax) P.axis(lims) add_grid((xo, yo), linewidth=.3) P.title('Original') # - P.subplot(312) P.pcolor(xob, yob, varob, **vminmax) P.axis(lims) add_grid((xi, yi), linewidth=.3) P.title('Bilinear') # - P.subplot(313) P.pcolor(xob, yob, varon, **vminmax) P.axis(lims) add_grid((xi, yi), linewidth=.3) P.title('Nearest') # - savefigs(__file__)
cgrido = rotate_grid(hs.getGrid(), -30) print 'Regrillage' from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import regrid2d print ' - par natgrid' hs_nat = regrid2d(hs, cgrido, 'nat') print ' - par SCRIP/conservative' hs_scripcons = regrid2d(hs, cgrido, 'conservative') print ' - par SCRIP/bilineaire' hs_scripbilin = regrid2d(hs, cgrido, 'bilinear') print 'Plots' from matplotlib import rcParams ; rcParams['font.size'] = 10 import pylab as P from vacumm.misc.plot import map2, savefigs, xhide, yhide, add_grid P.figure(figsize=(6.5, 5)) P.subplots_adjust(hspace=.28, bottom=.07, left=.08, right=.98) kwplot = dict(show=False, colorbar=False, vmin=hs.min(), vmax=hs.max(), drawparallels_size=8, drawmeridians_size=8, drawmeridians_rotation=45.) m = map2(hs, title='Original', subplot=221, xhide=1,**kwplot) add_grid(cgrido, lw=.7, alpha=.3) map2(hs_nat, title='Natgrid', subplot=222, xhide=1,yhide=1,m=m, **kwplot) add_grid(cgridi, lw=.7, alpha=.3) map2(hs_scripcons, title='SCRIP : remapping', subplot=223, m=m, **kwplot) add_grid(cgridi, lw=.7, alpha=.3) map2(hs_scripbilin, title=u'SCRIP : bilinéaire',subplot=224,yhide=1,m=m, **kwplot) add_grid(cgridi, lw=.7, alpha=.3) savefigs(__file__)
# Creation d'un axe de profondeur from vacumm.misc.axes import create_dep ddep = 5. dep = create_dep((-h0.max(), 0. + ddep, ddep)) # Creation de l'axe etendu (taille (ndep,nx)) depths = -N.outer(t.getAxis(0)[::-1], h0) dep[-1] = depths[-1].max() # Regrillage lineaire from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import regrid1d tr = regrid1d(t, dep, 'linear', axi=depths, axis=0) tr.long_name = 'Interpolated' t.getAxis(0).designateLevel() # Plot from vacumm.misc.plot import savefigs, yscale, add_grid, section2 import pylab as P P.figure(figsize=(5.5, 6)) kwplot = dict(show=False, bgcolor='.5', ylim=(-80, 0)) # - original section2(t, yaxis=depths, subplot=211, hspace=.3, **kwplot) add_grid((t.getLongitude(), depths[:]), linewidth=.3) # - regridded section2(tr, subplot=212, **kwplot) add_grid((tr.getLongitude(), dep[:]), linewidth=.3) savefigs(__file__) P.close()
from vacumm.misc.grid import rotate_grid import numpy as N cgrido = rotate_grid(hs.getGrid(), -30) print 'Regrillage' from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import regrid2d print ' - par SCRIP/conservative' hs_scripcons = regrid2d(hs, cgrido, 'conservative') print ' - par SCRIP/bilineaire' hs_scripbilin = regrid2d(hs, cgrido, 'bilinear') print 'Plots' from matplotlib import rcParams ; rcParams['font.size'] = 10 import pylab as P from vacumm.misc.plot import map2, savefigs, xhide, yhide, add_grid P.figure(figsize=(4, 7)) P.subplots_adjust(hspace=.28, bottom=.07, left=.08, right=.98) kwplot = dict(show=False, colorbar=False, vmin=hs.min(), vmax=hs.max(), drawparallels_size=8, drawmeridians_size=8, drawmeridians_rotation=45., xhide='auto', yhide='auto') m = map2(hs, title='Original', subplot=311, **kwplot) add_grid(cgrido, lw=.7, alpha=.3) map2(hs_scripcons, title='SCRIP : remapping', subplot=312, m=m, **kwplot) add_grid(cgridi, lw=.7, alpha=.3) map2(hs_scripbilin, title=u'SCRIP : bilinéaire', subplot=313, m=m, **kwplot) add_grid(cgridi, lw=.7, alpha=.3) savefigs(__file__) P.close()
# Plot if options.plot or options.out: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = scalebox(grid, 1 / options.zoom) for att in 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax': if getattr(options, att) is not None: exec att + " = %s" % getattr(options, att) if options.figsize is not None: try: options.figsize = eval(options.figsize) if not isinstance(options.figsize, tuple): options.figsize = options.figsize, options.figsize except: options.figsize = None if options.proj.lower() == 'none': options.proj = None m = map2(lon=(xmin, xmax), lat=(ymin, ymax), show=False, res=options.shoreline, title='Grid from ' + os.path.basename(ncfile), figsize=options.figsize, proj=options.proj) add_grid(grid, m=m, centers=True, borders=True, color='b', markersize=5) m.legend(zorder=200, alpha=.7, title='Grid: %ix%i' % grid.shape[::-1]) if options.out: m.savefig(options.out) print 'Plot saved to ' + options.out if options.plot: f.close()
# Creation d'un axe de profondeur from vacumm.misc.axes import create_dep ddep = 5. dep = create_dep((-h0.max(),0.+ddep , ddep)) # Creation de l'axe etendu (taille (ndep,nx)) depths = -N.outer(t.getAxis(0)[::-1], h0) dep[-1] = depths[-1].max() # Regrillage lineaire from vacumm.misc.grid.regridding import regrid1d tr = regrid1d(t, dep, 'linear', axi=depths, axis=0) tr.long_name = 'Interpolated' t.getAxis(0).designateLevel() # Plot from vacumm.misc.plot import savefigs,yscale, add_grid, section2 import pylab as P P.figure(figsize=(5.5, 6)) kwplot = dict(show=False, bgcolor='.5', ylim=(-80, 0)) # - original section2(t, yaxis=depths, subplot=211, hspace=.3, **kwplot) add_grid((t.getLongitude(), depths[:]), linewidth=.3) # - regridded section2(tr, subplot=212, **kwplot) add_grid((tr.getLongitude(), dep[:]), linewidth=.3) savefigs(__file__)
xres, yres = resol(gg, proj=True) xres /= 1000. yres /= 1000. print 'Zonal resolution : %g° / %gkm'%(lonres, xres) print 'Meridional resolution: %g° / %gkm'%(latres, yres) # Plot if options.plot or options.out: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = scalebox(grid, 1/options.zoom) for att in 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax': if getattr(options, att) is not None: exec att+" = %s"%getattr(options, att) if options.figsize is not None: try: options.figsize = eval(options.figsize) if not isinstance(options.figsize, tuple): options.figsize = options.figsize, options.figsize except: options.figsize = None if options.proj.lower() == 'none': options.proj = None m = map2(lon=(xmin, xmax), lat=(ymin, ymax), show=False, res=options.shoreline, title='Grid from '+os.path.basename(ncfile), figsize=options.figsize, proj = options.proj) add_grid(grid, m=m, centers=True, borders=True, color='b', markersize=5) m.legend(zorder=200, alpha=.7, title='Grid: %ix%i'%grid.shape[::-1]) if options.out: m.savefig(options.out) print 'Plot saved to '+ options.out if options.plot: f.close()
# On ajoute un traît de côte pour le masquage from vacumm.bathy.bathy import GriddedBathy, GriddedBathyMerger bathy_large = GriddedBathy(var_large, shoreline='i') bathy_small = var_small # Création de la grille finale de résolution intermédiaire final_grid = create_grid((-6., .5, xr*2.5), (45, 47., yr*2.5)) # On crée maintenant le merger merger = GriddedBathyMerger(final_grid) # - ajout de la bathy basse resolution en premier (en dessous) merger += bathy_large # - puis ajout de celle haute résolution merger += bathy_small # On définit le traît de côte pour le masquage merger.set_shoreline('h') # Fusion vers la grille finale bathy = merger.merge() # Plot merger.plot(show=False) from vacumm.misc.plot import savefigs, add_grid kwgrid = dict(linewidth=.5, alpha=.5, samp=2) add_grid(grid_large, color='r', **kwgrid) add_grid(var_small.getGrid(), color='#00ff00', **kwgrid) savefigs(__file__)