def writeDefaultValkkaFSConfig(self): ValkkaFSConfigRow, { # "dirname" : default.valkkafs_config["dirname"], # not written to db for the moment "n_blocks": default.get_valkkafs_config()["n_blocks"], "blocksize": default.get_valkkafs_config()["blocksize"], "fs_flavor": default.get_valkkafs_config()["fs_flavor"], "record": default.get_valkkafs_config()["record"], "partition_uuid": default.get_valkkafs_config()["partition_uuid"] })
def writeDefaultValkkaFSConfig(self): # TODO: when ValkkaFSConfigRow is changed # there should be no need to change the column names everywhere # => ValkkaFSConfigRow should define some default.. # (it should be the only place for "ground truth") ValkkaFSConfigRow, { # "dirname" : default.valkkafs_config["dirname"], # not written to db for the moment "n_blocks": default.get_valkkafs_config()["n_blocks"], "blocksize": default.get_valkkafs_config()["blocksize"], #"fs_flavor" : default.get_valkkafs_config()["fs_flavor"], #"record" : default.get_valkkafs_config()["record"], #"partition_uuid" : default.get_valkkafs_config()["partition_uuid"] })
def openValkka(self): self.cpu_scheme = CPUScheme() # singleton.data_model.camera_collection try: memory_config = next(singleton.data_model.config_collection.get({"classname" : MemoryConfigRow.__name__})) except StopIteration: print(pre, "Using default mem config") singleton.data_model.writeDefaultMemoryConfig() memory_config = default.get_memory_config() try: valkkafs_config = next(singleton.data_model.valkkafs_collection.get({"classname" : ValkkaFSConfigRow.__name__})) except StopIteration: print(pre, "Using default valkkafs config") singleton.data_model.writeDefaultValkkaFSConfig() valkkafs_config = default.get_valkkafs_config() n_frames = round(memory_config["msbuftime"] * default.fps / 1000.) # accumulated frames per buffering time = n_frames if (memory_config["bind"]): self.cpu_scheme = CPUScheme() else: self.cpu_scheme = CPUScheme(n_cores = -1) self.gpu_handler = GPUHandler( n_720p = memory_config["n_720p"] * n_frames, # n_cameras * n_frames n_1080p = memory_config["n_1080p"] * n_frames, n_1440p = memory_config["n_1440p"] * n_frames, n_4K = memory_config["n_4K"] * n_frames, msbuftime = memory_config["msbuftime"], verbose = False, cpu_scheme = self.cpu_scheme ) self.livethread = LiveThread( name = "live_thread", verbose = False, affinity = self.cpu_scheme.getLive() ) self.usbthread = USBDeviceThread( name = "usb_thread", verbose = False, affinity = self.cpu_scheme.getUSB() ) # see datamodel.row.ValkkaFSConfigRow blocksize = valkkafs_config["blocksize"] n_blocks = valkkafs_config["n_blocks"] fs_flavor = valkkafs_config["fs_flavor"] record = valkkafs_config["record"] # TODO: activate this if ValkkaFS changed in config! if fs_flavor == "file": partition_uuid = None else: partition_uuid = valkkafs_config["partition_uuid"] create_new_fs = False if self.valkkafs is None: # first time create_new_fs = False # try to load initially from disk else: print("openValkka: checking ValkkaFS") create_new_fs = not self.valkkafs.is_same( # has changed, so must recreate partition_uuid = partition_uuid, # None or a string blocksize = blocksize * 1024*1024, n_blocks = n_blocks ) if create_new_fs: print("openValkka: ValkkaFS changed!") if not create_new_fs: # let's try to load it print("openValkka: trying to load ValkkaFS") try: self.valkkafs = ValkkaFS.loadFromDirectory( dirname = singleton.valkkafs_dir.get() ) except ValkkaFSLoadError as e: print("openValkka: loading ValkkaFS failed with", e) create_new_fs = True # no luck, must recreate if create_new_fs: print("openValkka: (re)create ValkkaFS") self.valkkafs = ValkkaFS.newFromDirectory( dirname = singleton.valkkafs_dir.get(), blocksize = valkkafs_config["blocksize"] * 1024*1024, # MB n_blocks = valkkafs_config["n_blocks"], partition_uuid = partition_uuid, verbose = True ) # to keep things consistent.. ValkkaFSConfigRow, { # "dirname" : default.valkkafs_config["dirname"], # not written to db for the moment "n_blocks" : default.get_valkkafs_config()["n_blocks"], "blocksize" : valkkafs_config["blocksize"], "fs_flavor" : valkkafs_config["fs_flavor"], "record" : record, "partition_uuid" : partition_uuid }) """ else: self.valkkafs = None """ # if no recording selected, set self.valkkafsmanager = None self.valkkafsmanager = ValkkaFSManager( self.valkkafs, write = record, # True or False read = record, cache = record ) self.playback_controller = PlaybackController(valkkafs_manager = self.valkkafsmanager) self.filterchain_group = LiveFilterChainGroup( datamodel = singleton.data_model, livethread = self.livethread, usbthread = self.usbthread, gpu_handler = self.gpu_handler, cpu_scheme = self.cpu_scheme) if record: print("openValkka: ValkkaFS **RECORDING ACTIVATED**") self.filterchain_group.setRecording(RecordType.always, self.valkkafsmanager) # self.filterchain_group.update() # TODO: use this once fixed self.filterchain_group_play = PlaybackFilterChainGroup( datamodel = singleton.data_model, valkkafsmanager = self.valkkafsmanager, gpu_handler = self.gpu_handler, cpu_scheme = self.cpu_scheme) try: from valkka.mvision import multiprocess except ImportError: pass """
class ValkkaFSConfigRow(Row): def getValkkaFSDevices(): lis = [] # tuples of (name, key) for key, value in findBlockDevices().items(): # they look like this: {'27f5e5d8-9e20-4bc1-84aa-6a3cbab498c8': ('/dev/sdc1', 500107862016)} lis.append(( value[0] + " (" + str(int(value[1] / 1024 / 1024)) + " MB)", # shown in dropdown key # data to be saved )) return lis """ "dirname" : singleton.valkkafs_dir.get(), "n_blocks" : 10, "blocksize" : 10 """ columns = [ # TODO: for valkkafs metadata directory: (1) add a non-editable column ColumnSpec(CheckBoxColumn, key_name="record", label_name="Activate recording & playback", def_value=False), ColumnSpec( SpinBoxIntegerColumn, key_name="blocksize", label_name="Blocksize (MB)", min_value=1, max_value=1024 * 1024 * 1024, # 1 GB def_value=default.get_valkkafs_config()["blocksize"]), ColumnSpec(SpinBoxIntegerColumn, key_name="n_blocks", label_name="Number of Blocks", min_value=5, max_value=999999999, def_value=default.get_valkkafs_config()["n_blocks"]), # Calculate Total Size (MB) ColumnSpec(ConstantRadioButtonColumn, key_name="fs_flavor", label_name="ValkkaFS type", list=[("Normal file", "file"), ("Dedicated block device", "valkkafs")]), ColumnSpec(ConstantComboBoxColumn, key_name="partition_uuid", label_name="Available Devices", callback=getValkkaFSDevices) ] # TODO: # Actions (buttons): format, save, cancel (exit without applying changes) def makeWidget(self): """Subclassed from Row : custom form. Add a total disk space field. """ self.widget = FormWidget() self.lay = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.widget) cc = 0 self.placeWidget(cc, "record") cc += 1 self.placeWidget(cc, "blocksize") cc += 1 self.placeWidget(cc, "n_blocks") cc += 1 self.label_total_size = QtWidgets.QLabel("Total Size (MB)", self.widget) self.label_total_size_value = QtWidgets.QLabel("", self.widget) self.placeWidgetPair( cc, (self.label_total_size, self.label_total_size_value)) cc += 1 self.placeWidget(cc, "fs_flavor") cc += 1 self.placeWidget(cc, "partition_uuid") cc += 1 self.connectNotifications() def fs_size_changed(): total_size_mb = self["blocksize"].getValue( ) * self["n_blocks"].getValue() self.label_total_size_value.setText(str(total_size_mb)) def block_device_slot(): self["partition_uuid"].updateWidget() n_devs = self["partition_uuid"].widget.count() # QComboBox.count() if n_devs < 1: self["fs_flavor"]["file"].setChecked(True) self["blocksize"].widget.valueChanged.connect(fs_size_changed) self["n_blocks"].widget.valueChanged.connect(fs_size_changed) self["fs_flavor"]["valkkafs"].clicked.connect(block_device_slot) fs_size_changed() block_device_slot() """
def openValkka(self): self.cpu_scheme = CPUScheme() # singleton.data_model.camera_collection try: memory_config = next( singleton.data_model.config_collection.get( {"classname": MemoryConfigRow.__name__})) except StopIteration: print(pre, "Using default mem config") singleton.data_model.writeDefaultMemoryConfig() memory_config = default.get_memory_config() try: valkkafs_config = next( singleton.data_model.valkkafs_collection.get( {"classname": ValkkaFSConfigRow.__name__})) except StopIteration: print(pre, "Using default valkkafs config") singleton.data_model.writeDefaultValkkaFSConfig() valkkafs_config = default.get_valkkafs_config() n_frames = round( memory_config["msbuftime"] * default.fps / 1000.) # accumulated frames per buffering time = n_frames if (memory_config["bind"]): self.cpu_scheme = CPUScheme() else: self.cpu_scheme = CPUScheme(n_cores=-1) self.gpu_handler = GPUHandler( n_720p=memory_config["n_720p"] * n_frames, # n_cameras * n_frames n_1080p=memory_config["n_1080p"] * n_frames, n_1440p=memory_config["n_1440p"] * n_frames, n_4K=memory_config["n_4K"] * n_frames, msbuftime=memory_config["msbuftime"], verbose=False, cpu_scheme=self.cpu_scheme) self.livethread = LiveThread(name="live_thread", verbose=False, affinity=self.cpu_scheme.getLive()) self.usbthread = USBDeviceThread(name="usb_thread", verbose=False, affinity=self.cpu_scheme.getUSB()) # see datamodel.row.ValkkaFSConfigRow blocksize = valkkafs_config["blocksize"] n_blocks = valkkafs_config["n_blocks"] #fs_flavor = valkkafs_config["fs_flavor"] #record = valkkafs_config["record"] self.filterchain_group = LiveFilterChainGroup( datamodel=singleton.data_model, livethread=self.livethread, usbthread=self.usbthread, gpu_handler=self.gpu_handler, cpu_scheme=self.cpu_scheme) # TODO: RecordType..? if singleton.use_playback: print("openValkka: ValkkaFS **PLAYBACK & RECORDING ACTIVATED**") # ValkkaSingleFSHandler: # directory handling and valkkafs <-> stream id association self.valkka_fs_handler = ValkkaSingleFSHandler( basedir=singleton.valkkafs_dir.get(), blocksize=blocksize * 1024 * 1024, # MB n_blocks=n_blocks) if self.valkkafs_modified: print("openValkka: removing all recorded streams") self.valkka_fs_handler.clear() self.valkka_fs_handler.wipe() for row in singleton.data_model.camera_collection.get(): _id = row["_id"] # get stream id slot = row["slot"] classname = row["classname"] if classname != "EmptyRow": # print(">", row) self.valkka_fs_handler.load(_id) # ..creates new valkka if doesn't exist self.valkkafsmanager = ValkkaFSManager( self.valkka_fs_handler.tolist()) self.valkkafsmanager.start() #self.filterchain_group.setRecording(RecordType.always, self.valkkafsmanager)# OLD # self.filterchain_group: source for live stream # self.filterchain_group_play: sink where the playback/saved stream should # be sent self.filterchain_group_play = PlaybackFilterChainGroup( datamodel=singleton.data_model, gpu_handler=self.gpu_handler, cpu_scheme=self.cpu_scheme) # print("openValkka: self.filterchain_group_play: len=", len(self.filterchain_group_play)) # connect live & playback filterchains with the manager for valkkafs, inputfilter in self.valkkafsmanager.iterateFsInput(): _id = self.valkka_fs_handler.getId(valkkafs) if _id is None: print("WARNING: main: could not get id for", valkkafs) continue playback_fc = self.filterchain_group_play.get(_id=_id) if playback_fc is None: print("WARNING: main: could not find _id", _id,\ "in playback filterchain group") """ for chain in self.filterchain_group_play.chains: print(">>", chain) for key, getter in chain.iterateGetters(): print(">", key, getter()) """ continue live_fc = self.filterchain_group.get(_id=_id) if live_fc is None: print("WARNING: main: could not find _id", _id,\ "in live filterchain group") continue self.valkkafsmanager.map_( valkkafs=valkkafs, # read & cached stream is sent/output'd here: framefilter=playback_fc.getInputFilter(), write_slot=live_fc.slot, read_slot=playback_fc.slot, _id=_id) # frames coming from the live stream are sent to # valkkafsmanager's correct inputfilter # (there is one corresponding to each valkkafs) live_fc.connectRecTo(inputfilter, RecordType.always) # TODO: disconnect at exit..? # self.filterchain_group.update() # TODO: use this once fixed self.playback_controller = PlaybackController( valkkafs_manager=self.valkkafsmanager)