class Train(): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.PD_freq = self.config.conf['LLC-frequency'] self.Physics_freq = self.config.conf['Physics-frequency'] self.network_freq = self.config.conf['HLC-frequency'] self.sampling_skip = int(self.PD_freq / self.network_freq) self.reward_decay = 1.0 self.reward_scale = config.conf['reward-scale'] self.reward_scale = self.reward_scale / float( self.sampling_skip) # /10.0#normalizing reward to 1 self.max_time_per_train_episode = self.config.conf['max-train-time'] self.max_step_per_train_episode = int(self.max_time_per_train_episode * self.network_freq) self.max_time_per_test_episode = self.config.conf['max-test-time'] #16 self.max_step_per_test_episode = int(self.max_time_per_test_episode * self.network_freq) self.train_external_force_disturbance = True if self.train_external_force_disturbance == True: path_str = 'with_external_force_disturbance/' else: path_str = 'without_external_force_disturbance/' self.test_external_force_disturbance = True self.env = Valkyrie( max_time=self.max_time_per_train_episode, renders=False, initial_gap_time=0.5, PD_freq=self.PD_freq, Physics_freq=self.Physics_freq, Kp=config.conf['Kp'], Kd=config.conf['Kd'], bullet_default_PD=config.conf['bullet-default-PD'], controlled_joints_list=config.conf['controlled-joints']) config.conf['state-dim'] = self.env.stateNumber self.agent = Agent(self.env, self.config) self.episode_count = 0 self.step_count = 0 self.train_iter_count = 0 self.best_reward = 0 self.best_episode = 0 self.best_train_iter = 0 self.control = Control(self.config, self.env) # load weight from previous network # dir_path = 'record/2017_12_04_15.20.44/no_force' # '2017_05_29_18.23.49/with_force' # create new network dir_path = 'TRPO/record/' + '3D_push/' + path_str + ).strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H.%M.%S') if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) if not os.path.exists(dir_path + '/saved_actor_networks'): os.makedirs(dir_path + '/saved_actor_networks') if not os.path.exists(dir_path + '/saved_critic_networks'): os.makedirs(dir_path + '/saved_critic_networks') self.logging = logger(dir_path) config.save_configuration(dir_path) config.record_configuration(dir_path) config.print_configuration() self.agent.load_weight(dir_path) self.dir_path = dir_path self.on_policy_paths = [] self.off_policy_paths = [] self.buffer = ReplayBuffer(self.config.conf['replay-buffer-size']) self.force = [0, 0, 0] self.force_chest = [0, 0, 0] # max(0,force_chest[1]-300*1.0 / EXPLORE)] self.force_pelvis = [0, 0, 0] def get_single_path(self): observations = [] next_observations = [] actions = [] rewards = [] actor_infos = [] means = [] logstds = [] dones = [] task_rewards = [] imitation_rewards = [] state = self.env._reset(Kp=self.config.conf['Kp'], Kd=self.config.conf['Kd']) self.control.reset() #TODO check self.episode_count += 1 for step in range(self.max_step_per_train_episode): self.step_count += 1 if self.train_external_force_disturbance: if step == self.network_freq or step == 6 * self.network_freq or step == 11 * self.network_freq: # apply force for every 5 second # f = np.random.normal(0.4, 1.0) * 3000#600 * self.network_freq / 10 f = np.random.uniform(1200, 3000) theta = np.random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi) fx = f * math.cos(theta) fy = f * math.sin(theta) self.force = [f, 0, 0] else: self.force = [0, 0, 0] else: self.force = [0, 0, 0] state = self.env.getExtendedObservation() action, actor_info = mean = actor_info['mean'] logstd = actor_info['logstd'] #action = np.clip(action, self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][0], self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][1]) action = np.array([action]) if len( np.shape(action)) == 0 else np.array(action) next_state, reward, terminal, info = self.control.control_step( action, self.force, np.zeros((len(self.config.conf['controlled-joints']), ))) # time_step, reward, _, next_state = self.env.step(action) # height = next_state['height'] # next_state = control.flatten_observation(next_state) # next_state = next_state.values()[0] # terminal = time_step.last() observations.append(state) actions.append(action) rewards.append(reward) # actor_infos.append(actor_info) means.append(mean) logstds.append(logstd) dones.append(terminal) next_observations.append(next_state) task_rewards.append(np.array(info['task_reward'])) imitation_rewards.append(np.array(info['imitation_reward'])) if terminal: break state = next_state path = dict( observations=np.array(observations), actions=np.array(actions), rewards=np.array(rewards), means=means, logstds=logstds, dones=dones, #actor_infos=actor_infos, next_observations=next_observations, task_rewards=task_rewards, imitation_rewards=imitation_rewards) return path def get_paths(self, num_of_paths=None, prefix='', verbose=True): if num_of_paths is None: num_of_paths = self.config.conf['max-path-num'] paths = [] t = time.time() if verbose: print(prefix + 'Gathering Samples') step_count = 0 path_count = 0 while (1): path = self.get_single_path() paths.append(path) step_count += len(path['dones']) path_count += 1 num_of_paths = path_count if step_count >= self.config.conf['max-path-step']: break if verbose: print( '%i paths sampled. %i steps sampled. %i total paths sampled. Total time used: %f.' % (num_of_paths, step_count, self.episode_count, time.time() - t)) return paths def train_paths(self): self.train_iter_count += 1 self.on_policy_paths = [] # clear self.off_policy_paths = [] #clear self.on_policy_paths = self.get_paths() # self.buffer.add_paths(self.on_policy_paths) self.off_policy_paths = copy.deepcopy(self.on_policy_paths) self.train_actor(True) self.train_critic(True) #TODO train critic before actor? def train_critic(self, on_policy=True, prefix='', verbose=True): t = time.time() if on_policy == True: paths = copy.deepcopy(self.on_policy_paths) for path in paths: path['V_target'] = [] path['Q_target'] = [] rewards = path['rewards'] next_observations = path['next_observations'] dones = path['dones'] r = np.array(rewards) if dones[-1] == False: # not terminal state r[-1] = r[ -1] + self.config.conf['gamma'] * self.agent.agent.V( next_observations[-1]) # bootstrap #path['returns'] = discount(path['rewards'], self.config.conf['gamma']) path['returns'] = discount(r, self.config.conf['gamma']) # print(discount(path['rewards'], self.config.conf['gamma'])) # print(discount(r, self.config.conf['gamma'])) # print(discount(path['rewards'], self.config.conf['gamma'])-discount(r, self.config.conf['gamma'])) observations = np.concatenate( [path['observations'] for path in paths]) returns = np.concatenate([path['returns'] for path in paths]) observations = np.vstack(observations) returns = np.vstack(returns) qloss = 0 vloss = 0 vloss += self.agent.train_V(observations, returns) print('qloss', qloss, 'vloss', vloss) else: paths = copy.deepcopy(self.off_policy_paths) #paths = self.off_policy_paths for path in paths: length = len(path['rewards']) path['V_target'] = [] path['Q_target'] = [] rewards = path['rewards'] states = path['states'] actions = path['actions'] next_states = path['next_states'] dones = path['dones'] means = path['means'] logstds = path['logstds'] r = np.array(rewards) if dones[-1][0] == False: # not terminal state r[-1][0] = r[-1][ 0] + self.config.conf['gamma'] * self.agent.agent.V( next_states[-1]) # bootstrap V_trace = self.agent.V_trace(states, actions, next_states, rewards, dones, means, logstds) path['V_target'] = V_trace V_target = np.concatenate([path['V_target'] for path in paths]) states = np.concatenate([path['states'] for path in paths]) # print(states) actions = np.concatenate([path['actions'] for path in paths]) # print(actions) qloss = 0 vloss = 0 vloss += self.agent.train_V(states, V_target) print('qloss', qloss, 'vloss', vloss) if verbose: print(prefix + 'Training critic network. Total time used: %f.' % (time.time() - t)) return def train_actor(self, on_policy=True, prefix='', verbose=True): # whether or not on policy t = time.time() stats = dict() if on_policy == True: paths = copy.deepcopy(self.on_policy_paths) length = len(paths) for path in paths: rewards = path['rewards'] observations = path['observations'] next_observations = path['next_observations'] dones = path['dones'] path['baselines'] = self.agent.agent.V(path['observations']) path['returns'] = discount(path['rewards'], self.config.conf['gamma']) if not self.config.conf['GAE']: path['advantages'] = path['returns'] - path['baselines'] else: b = np.append(path['baselines'], path['baselines'][-1]) deltas = path[ 'rewards'] + self.config.conf['gamma'] * b[1:] - b[:-1] deltas[-1] = path['rewards'][-1] + ( 1 - dones[-1]) * self.config.conf['gamma'] * b[-1] - b[-1] #path['advantages'] = discount(deltas, self.config.conf['gamma'] * self.config.conf['lambda']) path['advantages'] = np.squeeze( self.agent.GAE(observations, next_observations, rewards, dones)) # print(discount(deltas, self.config.conf['gamma'] * self.config.conf['lambda'])) # print(self.agent.GAE(observations, next_observations, rewards, dones)) # print(discount(deltas, self.config.conf['gamma'] * self.config.conf['lambda'])-np.squeeze(self.agent.GAE(observations, next_observations, rewards, dones))) if not self.config.conf['use-critic']: r = np.array(rewards) path['advantages'] = discount(r, self.config.conf['gamma']) observations = np.concatenate( [path['observations'] for path in paths]) actions = np.concatenate([path['actions'] for path in paths]) # rewards = np.concatenate([path['rewards'] for path in paths]) advantages = np.concatenate([path['advantages'] for path in paths]) # actor_infos = np.concatenate([path['actor_infos'] for path in paths]) means = np.concatenate([path['means'] for path in paths]) logstds = np.concatenate([path['logstds'] for path in paths]) # returns = np.concatenate([path['returns'] for path in paths]) if self.config.conf['center-advantage']: advantages -= np.mean(advantages) advantages /= (np.std(advantages) + 1e-8) # advantages = np.vstack(advantages) #advantages = advantages.reshape(length,1) self.agent.train_actor_PPO(observations, actions, advantages, means, logstds) else: paths = self.off_policy_paths off_policy_states = np.concatenate( [path['states'] for path in paths]) off_policy_actions = np.concatenate( [path['actions'] for path in paths]) # print(states) self.agent.train_actor_DPG(off_policy_states, off_policy_actions) if verbose: print(prefix + 'Training actor network. Total time used: %f.' % (time.time() - t)) return stats def test(self): total_reward = 0 total_task_reward = 0 total_imitation_reward = 0 for i in range(self.config.conf['test-num']): # _ = self.env._reset(Kp=self.config.conf['Kp'], Kd=self.config.conf['Kd']) self.control.reset() for step in range(self.max_step_per_test_episode): state = self.env.getExtendedObservation() action, actor_info = mean = actor_info['mean'] logstd = actor_info['logstd'] action = mean #action = np.clip(action, self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][0], self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][1]) action = np.array([action]) if len( np.shape(action)) == 0 else np.array(action) if self.test_external_force_disturbance: f = self.env.rejectableForce_xy(1.0 / self.network_freq) if step == 5 * self.network_freq: if f[1] == 0: self.force = np.array( [600.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: self.force = np.array([1.0 * f[1], 0, 0]) print(self.force) elif step == 11 * self.network_freq: if f[0] == 0: self.force = np.array( [-600.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: self.force = [1.0 * f[0], 0, 0] print(self.force) elif step == 17 * self.network_freq: if f[2] == 0: self.force = np.array( [0.0, -800.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0]) else: self.force = [0, 1.0 * f[2], 0] print(self.force) elif step == 23 * self.network_freq: if f[3] == 0: self.force = np.array( [0.0, 800.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0]) else: self.force = [0, 1.0 * f[3], 0] print(self.force) else: self.force = [0, 0, 0] else: self.force = [0, 0, 0] next_state, reward, done, info = self.control.control_step( action, self.force, np.zeros((len(self.config.conf['controlled-joints']), ))) total_reward += reward total_task_reward += info['task_reward'] total_imitation_reward += info['imitation_reward'] if done: break #self.env.stopRendering() ave_reward = total_reward / self.config.conf['test-num'] ave_task_reward = total_task_reward / self.config.conf['test-num'] ave_imitation_reward = total_imitation_reward / self.config.conf[ 'test-num'] self.agent.save_weight(self.step_count, self.dir_path + '/latest_network') if self.best_reward < ave_reward and self.episode_count > self.config.conf[ 'record-start-size']: self.best_episode = self.episode_count self.best_train_iter = self.train_iter_count self.best_reward = ave_reward self.agent.save_weight(self.step_count, self.dir_path + '/best_network') episode_rewards = np.array( [np.sum(path['rewards']) for path in self.on_policy_paths]) episode_task_rewards = np.array( [np.sum(path['task_rewards']) for path in self.on_policy_paths]) episode_imitation_rewards = np.array([ np.sum(path['imitation_rewards']) for path in self.on_policy_paths ]) print('iter:' + str(self.train_iter_count) + ' episode:' + str(self.episode_count) + ' step:' + str(self.step_count) + ' Deterministic policy return:' + str(ave_reward) + ' Average return:' + str(np.mean(episode_rewards))) print('best train_iter', self.best_train_iter, 'best reward', self.best_reward) self.logging.add_train('episode', self.episode_count) self.logging.add_train('step', self.step_count) self.logging.add_train('ave_reward', ave_reward) self.logging.add_train('ave_task_reward', ave_task_reward) self.logging.add_train('ave_imitation_reward', ave_imitation_reward) self.logging.add_train('logstd', np.squeeze(self.agent.agent.logstd())) self.logging.add_train('average_return', np.mean(episode_rewards)) self.logging.add_train('task_rewards', np.mean(episode_task_rewards)) self.logging.add_train('imitation_rewards', np.mean(episode_imitation_rewards)) #self.logging.save_train() #self.agent.ob_normalize1.save_normalization(self.dir_path) # TODO test observation normalization #self.agent.ob_normalize2.save_normalization(self.dir_path) # TODO test observation normalization self.logging.save_train()
class Run(): def __init__(self, config, dir_path): self.dir_path = dir_path self.config = config self.config.load_configuration(dir_path) self.config.print_configuration() self.PD_freq = self.config.conf['LLC-frequency'] self.Physics_freq = self.config.conf['Physics-frequency'] self.network_freq = self.config.conf['HLC-frequency'] self.sampling_skip = int(self.PD_freq / self.network_freq) self.reward_decay = 1.0 self.reward_scale = config.conf['reward-scale'] self.reward_scale = self.reward_scale / float( self.sampling_skip) # /10.0#normalizing reward to 1 self.max_time = 10 #16 self.max_step_per_episode = int(self.max_time * self.network_freq) self.env = Valkyrie( max_time=self.max_time, renders=False, initial_gap_time=0.5, PD_freq=self.PD_freq, Physics_freq=self.Physics_freq, Kp=config.conf['Kp'], Kd=config.conf['Kd'], bullet_default_PD=config.conf['bullet-default-PD'], controlled_joints_list=config.conf['controlled-joints'], logFileName=dir_path) config.conf['state-dim'] = self.env.stateNumber self.agent = Agent(self.env, self.config) self.agent.load_weight(dir_path + '/best_network') self.logging = logger(dir_path) self.episode_count = 0 self.step_count = 0 self.train_iter_count = 0 self.best_reward = 0 self.best_episode = 0 self.best_train_iter = 0 self.control = Control(self.config, self.env) # create new network self.force = [0, 0, 0] self.force_chest = [0, 0, 0] # max(0,force_chest[1]-300*1.0 / EXPLORE)] self.force_pelvis = [0, 0, 0] # img = [[1,2,3]*50]*100 img = np.zeros((240, 320, 3)) self.image = plt.imshow(img, interpolation='none', animated=True) = plt.gca() plt.axis('off') self.image_list = [] def test(self): total_reward = 0 for i in range(self.config.conf['test-num']): # _ = self.env._reset(Kp=self.config.conf['Kp'], Kd=self.config.conf['Kd'], base_pos_nom=[0, 0, 1.5], fixed_base=True) # self.env._setupCamera() self.env.startRendering() self.env._startLoggingVideo() self.control.reset(w_imitation=0.5, w_task=0.5) for step in range(self.max_step_per_episode): # self.env._setupCamera() t = time.time() state = self.env.getExtendedObservation() action, actor_info = mean = actor_info['mean'] logstd = actor_info['logstd'] action = mean # action = np.clip(action, self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][0], # self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][1]) action = np.array([action]) if len( np.shape(action)) == 0 else np.array(action) f = self.env.rejectableForce_xy(1.0 / self.network_freq) rgb = self.env._render() print(rgb.shape) self.image_list.append(rgb) # self.image.set_data(rgb) #[0]) # plt.pause(0.005) # if step == 5 * self.network_freq: # if f[1] == 0: # self.force = np.array([600.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # else: # self.force = np.array([1.0 * f[1], 0, 0]) # print(self.force) # elif step == 11 * self.network_freq: # if f[0] == 0: # self.force = np.array([-600.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # else: # self.force = [1.0 * f[0], 0, 0] # print(self.force) # elif step == 17 * self.network_freq: # if f[2] == 0: # self.force = np.array([0.0, -800.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0]) # else: # self.force = [0, 1.0 * f[2], 0] # print(self.force) # elif step == 23 * self.network_freq: # if f[3] == 0: # self.force = np.array([0.0, 800.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0]) # else: # self.force = [0, 1.0 * f[3], 0] # print(self.force) # else: # self.force = [0, 0, 0] next_state, reward, done, info = self.control.control_step( action, self.force, np.zeros((len(self.config.conf['controlled-joints']), ))) total_reward += reward ob = self.env.getObservation() ob_filtered = self.env.getFilteredObservation() for l in range(len(ob)): self.logging.add_run('observation' + str(l), ob[l]) self.logging.add_run('filtered_observation' + str(l), ob_filtered[l]) self.logging.add_run('action', action) readings = self.env.getExtendedReading() for key, value in readings.items(): self.logging.add_run(key, value) self.logging.add_run('task_reward', info['task_reward']) self.logging.add_run('imitation_reward', info['imitation_reward']) self.logging.add_run('total_reward', info['total_reward']) # # while 1: # if(time.time()-t)>1.0/self.network_freq: # break if done: break self.env._stopLoggingVideo() self.env.stopRendering() clip = ImageSequenceClip(self.image_list, fps=25) clip.write_gif(self.dir_path + '/test.gif') clip.write_videofile(self.dir_path + '/test.mp4', fps=25, audio=False) ave_reward = total_reward / self.config.conf['test-num'] print(ave_reward) self.logging.save_run()
class Run(): def __init__(self, config, dir_path): self.dir_path = dir_path self.config = config self.config.load_configuration(dir_path) self.config.print_configuration() self.PD_freq = self.config.conf['LLC-frequency'] self.Physics_freq = self.config.conf['Physics-frequency'] self.network_freq = self.config.conf['HLC-frequency'] self.sampling_skip = int(self.PD_freq / self.network_freq) self.reward_decay = 1.0 self.reward_scale = config.conf['reward-scale'] self.reward_scale = self.reward_scale / float( self.sampling_skip) # /10.0#normalizing reward to 1 self.max_time = 10 #16 self.max_step_per_episode = int(self.max_time * self.network_freq) self.env = Valkyrie( max_time=self.max_time, renders=False, initial_gap_time=0.5, PD_freq=self.PD_freq, Physics_freq=self.Physics_freq, Kp=config.conf['Kp'], Kd=config.conf['Kd'], bullet_default_PD=config.conf['bullet-default-PD'], controlled_joints_list=config.conf['controlled-joints'], logFileName=dir_path, isEnableSelfCollision=False) config.conf['state-dim'] = self.env.stateNumber + 2 self.agent = Agent(self.env, self.config) self.agent.load_weight(dir_path + '/best_network') self.logging = logger(dir_path) self.episode_count = 0 self.step_count = 0 self.train_iter_count = 0 self.best_reward = 0 self.best_episode = 0 self.best_train_iter = 0 self.control = Control(self.config, self.env) # create new network self.force = [0, 0, 0] self.force_chest = [0, 0, 0] # max(0,force_chest[1]-300*1.0 / EXPLORE)] self.force_pelvis = [0, 0, 0] # img = [[1,2,3]*50]*100 img = np.zeros((240, 320, 3)) self.image = plt.imshow(img, interpolation='none', animated=True) = plt.gca() plt.axis('off') self.image_list = [] self.ref_motion = Motion(config=self.config, dsr_gait_freq=0.6) def test(self): total_reward = 0 for i in range(self.config.conf['test-num']): # # _ = self.env._reset(Kp=self.config.conf['Kp'], Kd=self.config.conf['Kd'], base_pos_nom=[0,0,1.5], fixed_base=True) state = self.env._reset(Kp=self.config.conf['Kp'], Kd=self.config.conf['Kd'], base_pos_nom=[0, 0, 1.175], fixed_base=False) q_nom = self.ref_motion.ref_motion_dict() base_orn_nom = self.ref_motion.get_base_orn() # state = self.env._reset(Kp=self.config.conf['Kp'], Kd=self.config.conf['Kd'], q_nom=q_nom, base_orn_nom=base_orn_nom, base_pos_nom=[0, 0, 1.175], fixed_base=False) # self.env._setupCamera() self.env.startRendering() self.env._startLoggingVideo() self.ref_motion.reset(index=0) # self.ref_motion.random_count() self.control.reset( w_imitation=self.config.conf['imitation-weight'], w_task=self.config.conf['task-weight']) for step in range(self.max_step_per_episode): # self.env._setupCamera() t = time.time() gait_phase = self.ref_motion.count / self.ref_motion.dsr_length ref_angle = self.ref_motion.ref_joint_angle() ref_vel = self.ref_motion.ref_joint_vel() self.env.checkSelfContact() state = self.env.getExtendedObservation() state = np.squeeze(state) state = np.append(state, [ np.sin(np.pi * 2 * gait_phase), np.cos(np.pi * 2 * gait_phase) ]) # state = np.append(state,[0,0]) action, actor_info = mean = actor_info['mean'] logstd = actor_info['logstd'] action = mean # action = np.clip(action, self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][0], # self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][1]) action = np.array([action]) if len( np.shape(action)) == 0 else np.array(action) f = self.env.rejectableForce_xy(1.0 / self.network_freq) rgb = self.env._render() print(rgb.shape) self.image_list.append(rgb) # action = self.control.rescale(ref_action, self.config.conf['action-bounds'], # self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds']) self.control.update_ref(ref_angle, ref_vel, []) next_state, reward, terminal, info = self.control.control_step( action, self.force, gait_phase) self.ref_motion.index_count() total_reward += reward ob = self.env.getObservation() ob_filtered = self.env.getFilteredObservation() # for l in range(len(ob)): # self.logging.add_run('observation' + str(l), ob[l]) # self.logging.add_run('filtered_observation' + str(l), ob_filtered[l]) self.logging.add_run('action', action) self.logging.add_run('ref_action', ref_angle) joint_angle = self.control.get_joint_angle() self.logging.add_run('joint_angle', joint_angle) readings = self.env.getExtendedReading() # for key, value in readings.items(): # self.logging.add_run(key, value) self.logging.add_run('task_reward', info['task_reward']) self.logging.add_run('imitation_reward', info['imitation_reward']) self.logging.add_run('total_reward', info['total_reward']) # # while 1: # if(time.time()-t)>1.0/self.network_freq: # break if terminal: break self.env._stopLoggingVideo() self.env.stopRendering() clip = ImageSequenceClip(self.image_list, fps=25) clip.write_gif(self.dir_path + '/test.gif') clip.write_videofile(self.dir_path + '/test.mp4', fps=25, audio=False) ave_reward = total_reward / self.config.conf['test-num'] print(ave_reward) self.logging.save_run()
class Run(): def __init__(self, config, dir_path): self.dir_path = dir_path self.config = config self.config.load_configuration(dir_path) self.config.print_configuration() self.PD_freq = self.config.conf['LLC-frequency'] self.Physics_freq = self.config.conf['Physics-frequency'] self.network_freq = self.config.conf['HLC-frequency'] self.sampling_skip = int(self.PD_freq / self.network_freq) self.reward_decay = 1.0 self.reward_scale = config.conf['reward-scale'] self.reward_scale = self.reward_scale / float( self.sampling_skip) # /10.0#normalizing reward to 1 self.max_time = 10 #16 self.max_step_per_episode = int(self.max_time * self.network_freq) self.env = Valkyrie( max_time=self.max_time, renders=True, initial_gap_time=0.1, PD_freq=self.PD_freq, Physics_freq=self.Physics_freq, Kp=config.conf['Kp'], Kd=config.conf['Kd'], bullet_default_PD=config.conf['bullet-default-PD'], controlled_joints_list=config.conf['controlled-joints'], logFileName=dir_path) config.conf['state-dim'] = self.env.stateNumber self.agent = Agent(self.env, self.config) self.agent.load_weight(dir_path + '/best_network') self.logging = logger(dir_path) self.episode_count = 0 self.step_count = 0 self.train_iter_count = 0 self.best_reward = 0 self.best_episode = 0 self.best_train_iter = 0 self.control = Control(self.config, self.env) # create new network self.force = [0, 0, 0] self.force_period = [5 * self.network_freq, 5 * self.network_freq + 3] self.force_chest = [0, 0, 0] # max(0,force_chest[1]-300*1.0 / EXPLORE)] self.force_pelvis = [0, 0, 0] self.image_list = [] def test(self): total_reward = 0 for i in range(self.config.conf['test-num']): # _ = self.env._reset(Kp=self.config.conf['Kp'], Kd=self.config.conf['Kd'], base_pos_nom=[0, 0, 1.175], fixed_base=False) self.env._setupCamera(1.5, 30, -10, [0, 0, 1.]) self.env.startRendering() self.env._startLoggingVideo() self.control.reset() for step in range(self.max_step_per_episode): state = self.env.getExtendedObservation() action, actor_info = mean = actor_info['mean'] logstd = actor_info['logstd'] action = mean # action = np.clip(action, self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][0], # self.config.conf['actor-output-bounds'][1]) action = np.array([action]) if len( np.shape(action)) == 0 else np.array(action) f = self.env.rejectableForce_xy(1.0 / self.network_freq) # if step == 5 * self.network_freq: # if f[1] == 0: # self.force = np.array([600.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # else: # self.force = np.array([1.0 * f[1], 0, 0]) # print(self.force) # elif step == 11 * self.network_freq: # if f[0] == 0: # self.force = np.array([-600.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # else: # self.force = [1.0 * f[0], 0, 0] # print(self.force) # elif step == 17 * self.network_freq: # if f[2] == 0: # self.force = np.array([0.0, -800.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0]) # else: # self.force = [0, 1.0 * f[2], 0] # print(self.force) # elif step == 23 * self.network_freq: # if f[3] == 0: # self.force = np.array([0.0, 800.0 * self.network_freq / 10.0, 0.0]) # else: # self.force = [0, 1.0 * f[3], 0] # print(self.force) # else: # self.force = [0, 0, 0] if step >= self.force_period[0] and step < self.force_period[1]: self.force = [-500, 0, 3000] # if step == 5 * self.network_freq: # self.force = [3000,0,0] else: self.force = [0, 0, 0] self.env.drawForce(self.force) # rgb=self.env._render(distance=5, pitch=-30, yaw=52) # print(rgb.shape) # self.image_list.append(rgb) next_state, reward, done, info = self.control.control_step( action, self.force, np.zeros((len(self.config.conf['controlled-joints']), ))) total_reward += reward ob = self.env.getObservation() ob_filtered = self.env.getFilteredObservation() for l in range(len(ob)): self.logging.add_run('observation' + str(l), ob[l]) self.logging.add_run('filtered_observation' + str(l), ob_filtered[l]) self.logging.add_run('action', action) readings = self.env.getExtendedReading() for key, value in readings.items(): self.logging.add_run(key, value) if done: break self.env._stopLoggingVideo() self.env.stopRendering() ave_reward = total_reward / self.config.conf['test-num'] print(ave_reward) self.logging.save_run()