コード例 #1
def plan_path(costs, start, end):
	pathlist = []
	loc = start
	oldloc = start
	while loc != end:
		adjlst = val.adjacent(costs, loc)
		minadjv = costs[loc]
		for adj in adjlst:
			if minadjv > costs[adj]:
				minadjv = costs[adj]
				loc = adj
		# print loc
		if loc == oldloc:
	return pathlist
コード例 #2
def find_object(grid):
    Finds all contiguous sections of ones and returns as a list of lists
    objec_locs = set()
    objects = []
    l, w = grid.shape
    for i in range(l):
        for j in range(w):
            if (i,j) not in objec_locs:
                if grid[i,j] == 1:
                    newobj = []
                    frontier = {(i,j)}
                    while len(frontier) != 0:
                        exp = frontier.pop()
                        objec_locs = objec_locs | {exp}
                        adjlst = val.adjacent(grid, exp)
                        for adj in adjlst:
                            if grid[adj] == 1 and adj not in objec_locs:
                                frontier = frontier | {adj}
                        # print frontier
    return objects
コード例 #3
ファイル: explorer.py プロジェクト: CalCharles/object_finding
def explorer(objs_des):
    # print 'objs_des'+str(objs_des)
    currentPos = zumy_pos 
    # print objs_des
    # print np.sum(objs_des, axis=0)
    com_x = np.floor(np.sum(objs_des, axis=0)[0]/len(objs_des))
    com_y = np.floor(np.sum(objs_des, axis=0)[1]/len(objs_des))        
    distance = -1
    for i in range(len(objs_des)):
        if np.linalg.norm(objs_des[i]-[com_x,com_y])>distance:
            distance = np.linalg.norm(objs_des[i]-[com_x,com_y])
    radius = distance + 2
    omega = np.array([[0],[0],[1]])
    theta = -np.pi/4 #assuming exploration in cw direction
    n= 8 #number of sides
    # om, th = eqf.find_omega_theta(zumyRBT[0:3,0:3])
    length = 2*radius*np.sin(np.pi/n)
    # print 'octagon'+str(com_x)+str(com_y)+str(radius)+str(length)
    # translation = np.array([[currentPos[0]+length*np.cos(th)],[currentPos[1]+length*np.sin(th)],[0]])
    # since translations are relative to spatial frame, right?    
    #translation = np.hstack((currentPos-corner[idx],[0])).T
    octagon_points = np.empty((8,2),float)
    octagon_points[0,0] = com_x+length/2
    octagon_points[0,1] = com_y-radius
    octagon_points[1,0] = com_x-length/2
    octagon_points[1,1] = com_y-radius
    octagon_points[2,0] = com_x-radius
    octagon_points[2,1] = com_y-length/2
    octagon_points[3,0] = com_x-radius
    octagon_points[3,1] = com_y+length/2
    octagon_points[4,0] = com_x-length/2
    octagon_points[4,1] = com_y+radius
    octagon_points[5,0] = com_x+length/2
    octagon_points[5,1] = com_y+radius
    octagon_points[6,0] = com_x+radius
    octagon_points[6,1] = com_y+length/2
    octagon_points[7,0] = com_x+radius
    octagon_points[7,1] = com_y-length/2
    oops = False
    print 'old' + str(octagon_points)
    new_pts = []
    for i in range(octagon_points.shape[0]):
        point = (octagon_points[i][0], octagon_points[i][1])
        if not grid_check(point, grid):
            for adj_pnt in val.adjacent(grid, point):
                if grid_check(adj_pnt, grid):
                    new_pts.append([adj_pnt[0], adj_pnt[1]])

            # dist = 100
            # for j in range(3):
            #     for m in range(3):

            #         if np.linalg.norm([octagon_points[i][0]-j,octagon_points[i][1]-m]) < dist:
            #             for k in range(len(objects[0])):
            #                 print 'ugh' + str(int(octagon_points[i][0]-j))
            #                 if int(octagon_points[i][0]-j) == objects[0][k][0] and int(octagon_points[i][1]-m) == objects[0][k][1]:
            #                     print 'okay cool'
            #                     print int(octagon_points[i][0]-j)
            #                     oops = True
            #                     break
            #                 if oops == False:
            #                     # print 'huh'
            #                     dist = np.linalg.norm([octagon_points[i][0]-j,octagon_points[i][1]-m])
            #                     # print 'dist' + str(dist)
            #                     new_lst = [octagon_points[i][0]-j,octagon_points[i][1]-m]
            #                     # print 'new' + str(new)
            # if dist != 100 and oops == False:
            #     octagon_points[i] = np.array(new_lst)
            # else:
            #     print 'gotta delete'
            #     toDelete.append(i)
            new_pts.append([point[0], point[1]])
    def edist(p1, p2):
        return np.linalg.norm((p1[0]-p2[0], p1[1]-p2[1]))
    dist = 10000
    best = 0
    for i in range(len(new_pts)):
        ndist = edist(zumy_pos, new_pts[i])
        if ndist < dist:
            best = i
            dist = ndist
    new_pts = new_pts[best:] + new_pts[:best]
    if edist(new_pts[0], new_pts[-1]) < edist(new_pts[0], new_pts[1]):
        new_pts = [new_pts[0]] + new_pts[1:][::-1]
    # print toDelete
    # for i in toDelete:
    #     octagon_points_new = np.delete(octagon_points,i,0)
    # print 'before'+str(octagon_points_new)

    print new_pts
    points = np.asarray([zumy_pos] + new_pts).astype(int)
    print 'octagon'+str(points)
    # pub_nav.publish(startGoal(zumy_pos, octagon_points[0]))
    # print zumy_pos
    return points, (com_x, com_y)