コード例 #1
ファイル: tracepointmodel.py プロジェクト: mprska/ricodebug
class Tracepoint(Breakpoint):
    """This class is used as a tracepoint in tracepointmodel.
    Basically Tracpoints are Breakpoint but they are extended
    with tracedVariables (list of Variable-Value-Pairs).
    Every Tracepoint contains some variables that are traced.
    Tracepoints are breakpoints and stop program then get
    information of asked variables and then continue program
    def __init__(self, breakpoint, connector, do, nr):
        Breakpoint.__init__(self, breakpoint, connector)
        self.name = "TP #%s" % nr
        self.variableList = VariableList(PlainVariableFactory, do)
        self.wave = []

        self.tooltip = "Tracepoint"

    icon = property(lambda self: Icons.tp if self.enabled else Icons.bp_dis)
    tracedVariables = property(lambda self: [v.exp for v in self.variableList])

    def addVar(self, variableToTrace):
        """ add a var to trace its value
        @param variableToTrace: variable name of the variable that should be traced"""
        vw = self.variableList.addVarByName(variableToTrace)
        newValueList = ValueList(variableToTrace, vw.type)

        # FIXME: emit dataChanged to make sure the views are updated

    def recordData(self):
        """tracepoint occurred: get values of all traced variables then continue debugging """
        for varList in self.wave:
            for v in self.variableList.items():
                if v.uniqueName == varList.name:
                    varList.addValue(v.type, v.value)
コード例 #2
ファイル: tracepointmodel.py プロジェクト: mprska/ricodebug
class Tracepoint(Breakpoint):
    """This class is used as a tracepoint in tracepointmodel.
    Basically Tracpoints are Breakpoint but they are extended
    with tracedVariables (list of Variable-Value-Pairs).
    Every Tracepoint contains some variables that are traced.
    Tracepoints are breakpoints and stop program then get
    information of asked variables and then continue program

    def __init__(self, breakpoint, connector, do, nr):
        Breakpoint.__init__(self, breakpoint, connector)
        self.name = "TP #%s" % nr
        self.variableList = VariableList(PlainVariableFactory, do)
        self.wave = []

        self.tooltip = "Tracepoint"

    icon = property(lambda self: Icons.tp if self.enabled else Icons.bp_dis)
    tracedVariables = property(lambda self: [v.exp for v in self.variableList])

    def addVar(self, variableToTrace):
        """ add a var to trace its value
        @param variableToTrace: variable name of the variable that should be traced"""
        vw = self.variableList.addVarByName(variableToTrace)
        newValueList = ValueList(variableToTrace, vw.type)

        # FIXME: emit dataChanged to make sure the views are updated

    def recordData(self):
        """tracepoint occurred: get values of all traced variables then continue debugging """
        for varList in self.wave:
            for v in self.variableList.items():
                if v.uniqueName == varList.name:
                    varList.addValue(v.type, v.value)
コード例 #3
ファイル: tracepointmodel.py プロジェクト: vermak/ricodebug
class Tracepoint(ExtendedBreakpoint):
    """This class is used as a tracepoint in tracepointmodel.
    Basically Tracpoints are Breakpoint but they are extended
    with tracedVariables (list of Variable-Value-Pairs).
    Every Tracepoint contains some variables that are traced.
    Tracepoints are breakpoints and stop program then get
    information of asked variables and then continue program

    def __init__(self, distObjects, sensitiveVariable, nr):
        """Init Tracepoint
        @param sensitiveVariable: is the sensitive variable.
        Use extendedBreakpoints for this. If extBP occures
        then the variables and their values will be stored.
        @param nr: needed to initialize ExtendedBreakpoint class
        ExtendedBreakpoint.__init__(self, sensitiveVariable, nr, distObjects.gdb_connector)
        """here are the traced variables stored with their values"""
        self.gdb_connector = distObjects.gdb_connector
        self.distObjects = distObjects
        self.vwFactory = VarWrapperFactory()
        self.variableList = VariableList(self.vwFactory, distObjects)
        self.counter = 0
        self.hitted = False
        self.stop = False
        self.wave = []
        self.tracedVariables = []

    def addVar(self, variableToTrace):
        """ add a var to trace its value
        @param variableToTrace: variable name of the variable that should be traced"""
        vw = self.variableList.addVarByName(variableToTrace)
        newValueList = ValueList(variableToTrace, vw.type)

    def tracePointOccurred(self, stop):
        """ set if stop is needed or not
        @param stop: (bool), gdb stops after tracing if True, gdb continues after tracing if False
        self.stop = stop
        self.hitted = True

    def readDataFromVarModel(self):
        """tracepoint occurred: get values of all traced variables then continue debugging """
        if self.hitted:
            self.hitted = False
            self.counter = self.counter + 1

            for varList in self.wave:
                for v in self.variableList.list:
                    if v.uniqueName == varList.name:
                        varList.addValue(v.type, v.value)

        if not (self.stop):
            self.stop = True
コード例 #4
ファイル: tracepointmodel.py プロジェクト: gledr/ricodebug
class Tracepoint(ExtendedBreakpoint):
    """This class is used as a tracepoint in tracepointmodel.
    Basically Tracpoints are Breakpoint but they are extended
    with tracedVariables (list of Variable-Value-Pairs).
    Every Tracepoint contains some variables that are traced.
    Tracepoints are breakpoints and stop program then get
    information of asked variables and then continue program

    def __init__(self, distObjects, sensitiveVariable, nr):
        """Init Tracepoint
        @param sensitiveVariable: is the sensitive variable.
        Use extendedBreakpoints for this. If extBP occures
        then the variables and their values will be stored.
        @param nr: needed to initialize ExtendedBreakpoint class
        ExtendedBreakpoint.__init__(self, sensitiveVariable, nr, distObjects.gdb_connector)
        """here are the traced variables stored with their values"""
        self.gdb_connector = distObjects.gdb_connector
        self.distObjects = distObjects
        self.vwFactory = TraceVWFactory()
        self.variableList = VariableList(self.vwFactory, distObjects)
        self.counter = 0
        self.hitted = False
        self.stop = False
        self.connect(self.distObjects.signalProxy, SIGNAL('dataForTracepointsReady()'), self.readDataFromVarModel)
        self.wave = []

    def addVar(self, variableToTrace):
        """ add a var to trace its value
        @param variableToTrace: variable name of the variable that shoudl be traced"""
        vw = self.variableList.addVarByName(variableToTrace)
        QObject.connect(vw, SIGNAL('replace(PyQt_PyObject, PyQt_PyObject)'), self.replaceVariable)
        newValueList = ValueList(variableToTrace, vw.getType())

    def replaceVariable(self, pendingVar, newVar):
        """ replace existing variable in list with new one
        @param pendingVar: var to replace
        @param newVar: new var"""
        vwOld = self.variableList.getVariableWrapper(pendingVar)
        vwNew = self.variableList.replaceVar(pendingVar, newVar)
        QObject.connect(vwNew, SIGNAL('replace(PyQt_PyObject, PyQt_PyObject)'), self.replaceVariable)

    def tracePointOccurred(self, stop):
        """ set if stop is needed or not
        @param stop: (bool), gdb stops after tracing if True, gdb continues after tracing if False
        self.stop = stop
        self.hitted = True

    def readDataFromVarModel(self):
        """tracepoint occurred: get values of all traced variables then continue debugging """
        if self.hitted:
            self.hitted = False
            self.counter = self.counter + 1
            #print "\n\n------------------------ tracePoint " + self.name + " line: " + self.line + " occured " + str(self.counter) + " times:"

            for varList in self.wave:
                for v in self.variableList.list:
                    if v.variable.uniquename == varList.name:
                        varList.addValue(v.variable.type, v.variable.value)

        if not(self.stop):
            self.stop = True
コード例 #5
class DataGraphController(QObject):
    """ the Controller for the DataGraph """

    def __init__(self, distributedObjects):

        self.distributedObjects = distributedObjects
        self.signalProxy = distributedObjects.signalProxy

        self._view = DataGraphView(None)

        self.variableList = VariableList(DataGraphVariableFactory, self.distributedObjects)

        # register with session manager to save Graph
        self.signalProxy.registerWithSessionManager.emit(self, "Graph")

        # connect signals

        self.distributedObjects.mainwindow.insertDockWidget(self._view, "Graph", Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, True, QIcon(":/icons/images/datagraph.png"))

    def addWatch(self, watch, xPos=0, yPos=0):
        """ adds `watch' to the DataGraph
        @param watch    str, variable to add
        @param xPos     int, x coordinate of the desired position
        @param yPos     int, y coordinate of the desired position
            var = self.variableList.addVarByName(watch)


            return var
        except VariableNotFoundException:
            return None

    def addDereferencedPointer(self, source, name):
        target = self.addWatch(str(name))
        self.addPointer(source.getView(), target.getView())

    def removeVar(self, var):

    def addPointer(self, fromView, toView):
        """ fromView and toView are QGraphicsWebViews
        @param fromView  datagraph.htmlvariableview.HtmlVariableView, starting point of the Pointer
        @param toView    datagraph.htmlvariableview.HtmlVariableView, end point of the Pointer
        self._view.addItem(Pointer(None, fromView, toView, self.distributedObjects))

    def removePointer(self, pointer):
        """ removes the given pointer from the DataGraphView and the PointerList
        @param pointer    datagraph.pointer.Pointer, pointer to remove

    def clearDataGraph(self):
        """ clears the DataGraphView and the VariableList <br>
            this function is connected to the signal SignalProxy::cleanupModels()
コード例 #6
ファイル: watchcontroller.py プロジェクト: bschen/ricodebug
class WatchController(QObject):
    """ the Controller for the WatchView """
    def __init__(self, distributedObjects):
        """ Constructor <br>
            Create a WatchView, a WatchVWFactory and a VariableList <br>
            Listens to the following Signals: SignalProxy::AddWatch(QString), SignalProxy::insertDockWidgets() and SignalProxy::cleanupModels()
        @param distributedObjects    distributedobjects.DistributedObjects, the DistributedObjects-Instance
        self.distributedObjects = distributedObjects
        #self.root = RootVarWrapper()
        self.vwFactory = WatchVWFactory()
        self.variableModel = VariableModel(self, self.distributedObjects)
        self.watchView = WatchView(self)
        self.watchVariableList = VariableList(self.vwFactory, self.distributedObjects)
        QObject.connect(self.distributedObjects.signal_proxy, SIGNAL('AddWatch(QString)'), self.addWatch)
        QObject.connect(self.distributedObjects.signal_proxy, SIGNAL('insertDockWidgets()'), self.insertDockWidgets)
        QObject.connect(self.distributedObjects.signal_proxy, SIGNAL('cleanupModels()'), self.clearVars)
    def clearVars(self):
        """ clears the WatchView and the VariableList <br>
            this function is connected to the signal SignalProxy::cleanupModels()
        # clear lists
        del self.watchVariableList.list[:]
    def insertDockWidgets(self):
        """ adds the Watch-DockWidget to the GUI <br>
            this function is connected to the signal SignalProxy::insertDockWidgets() """

        self.watchDock = QDockWidget("Watch")
        self.distributedObjects.signal_proxy.addDockWidget(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, self.watchDock, True)
    def removeSelected(self, row, parent): 
        """ remove selected variable from WatchView
        @param row     int, selected row
        @param parent  TreeItem, parent item from selectected item
        self.variableModel.removeRow(row, parent)
    def addWatch(self, watch):
        """ adds the Variable watch to the VariableList and its wrapper to the WatchView
            this function is connected to the signal SignalProxy::AddWatch(QString)
        @param watch    Variable, the Variable to add to watch
        vw = self.watchVariableList.addVarByName(watch)
        # connect changed and replace signal from wrapper
        QObject.connect(vw, SIGNAL('changed()'), vw.hasChanged)  
        QObject.connect(vw, SIGNAL('replace(PyQt_PyObject, PyQt_PyObject)'), self.replaceVariable)  
        # set parent for root variable
        # add variable to root children
    def replaceVariable(self, pendingVar, newVar):
        """ replaces a variable in the variablelist
        @param pendingVar    variables.variablewrapper.VariableWrapper, VariableWrapper to replace in the list
        @param newVar        variables.Variable, new Variable which replaces existing VariableWrapper in List
        vwOld = self.watchVariableList.getVariableWrapper(pendingVar)
        vwNew = self.watchVariableList.replaceVar(pendingVar, newVar)
        QObject.connect(vwNew, SIGNAL('changed()'), vwNew.hasChanged)  
        QObject.connect(vwNew, SIGNAL('replace(PyQt_PyObject, PyQt_PyObject)'), self.replaceVariable)  
        # set parent for root variable
        # add variable to root children
        self.variableModel.root.replaceChild(vwOld, vwNew)
    def saveSession(self, xmlHandler):
        """ Insert session info to xml file
        @param xmlHandler    sessionmanager.XmlHandler, handler to write to the session-xml-file
        watchParent = xmlHandler.createNode("Watches")
        for var in self.variableModel.getVariables():
            xmlHandler.createNode("Watch", watchParent, { 'exp': var.getExp()})
    def loadSession(self, xmlHandler): 
        """ load session info to xml file
        @param xmlHandler    sessionmanager.XmlHandler, handler to read from the session-xml-file
        watchParent = xmlHandler.getNode("Watches")
        if watchParent != None:
            childnodes = watchParent.childNodes()
            for i in range(childnodes.size()):
                attr = xmlHandler.getAttributes(childnodes.at(i))
コード例 #7
ファイル: variablemodel.py プロジェクト: rainerf/ricodebug
class VariableModel(QAbstractItemModel):
    def __init__(self, do, parent=None):
        QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent)
        self._vars = VariableList(TreeVariableFactory, do)


    def index(self, row, column, parent):
        if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent):
            return QModelIndex()

        parentItem = parent.internalPointer() if parent.isValid() else None
        if parentItem:
            childItem = parentItem._child(row)
            childItem = self._vars[row]

        return self.createIndex(row, column, childItem)

    def parent(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return QModelIndex()

        childItem = index.internalPointer()
        parentItem = childItem._parent

        if not parentItem:
            return QModelIndex()

        return self.createIndex(parentItem._row, 0, parentItem)

    def rowCount(self, parent):
        if parent.column() > 0:
            return 0

        if not parent.isValid():
            return len(self._vars)
            return parent.internalPointer()._childCount()

    def columnCount(self, _):
        return 3

    def data(self, index, role):
        if not index.isValid():
            return None

        item = index.internalPointer()
        ret = None
        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            if index.column() == 0:
                ret = item.exp
            elif index.column() == 1:
                ret = item.type
            elif index.column() == 2:
                ret = item.value

        elif role == Qt.EditRole:
            if index.column() == 2:
                ret = item.value

        elif role == Qt.DecorationRole:
            if index.column() == 0:
                if item.access in ['private', 'protected']:
                    iconprefix = item.access + "_"
                    iconprefix = ""

                icon = None
                if not item.inScope:
                    return QPixmap(":/icons/images/outofscope.png")
                elif not isinstance(item, StdVariable):
                    icon = QPixmap(":/icons/images/" + iconprefix + "struct.png")
                else:  # leave item
                    icon = QPixmap(":/icons/images/" + iconprefix + "var.png")

                # overlay for arguments
                if icon and item.arg:
                    ol = QPixmap(":/icons/images/overlay_arg.png")
                    p = QPainter(icon)
                    p.drawPixmap(ol.rect(), ol)
                elif icon and item.exp == "Return value":
                    ol = QPixmap(":/icons/images/overlay_ret.png")
                    p = QPainter(icon)
                    p.drawPixmap(ol.rect(), ol)
                return icon

        elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole:
            if not item.inScope:
                ret = QBrush(Qt.gray)
            elif index.column() == 2:
                if item.marked and item.inScope:
                    ret = QBrush(Qt.yellow)

        return ret

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return ["Expression", "Type", "Value"][section]
        return None

    def addVar(self, name):
        self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), len(self._vars), len(self._vars))
        var = self._vars.addVarByName(name)
        var.setNodeData(len(self._vars) - 1, None, self)
        return var

    def hasChildren(self, parent):
        if not parent.isValid():
            return True

        return parent.internalPointer()._hasChildren()

    def emitDataChanged(self, tl, br):
        self.dataChanged.emit(tl, br)

    def mimeTypes(self):
        return [variable.MIME_TYPE]

    def mimeData(self, indexes):
        if len(indexes) == 1:
            item = indexes[0].internalPointer()
            d = QMimeData()
            d.setData(variable.MIME_TYPE, item.uniqueName)
            return d
            return None

    def flags(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled

        item = index.internalPointer()
        if not item.inScope:
            return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable

        ret = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable

        if index.column() == 2:
            ret |= Qt.ItemIsEditable
        elif index.column() == 0:
            ret |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled

        return ret

    def removeVar(self, var):
        pos = self._vars._vars.index(var)
        self.removeRows(pos, 1, QModelIndex())

    def removeRows(self, position, rows, parent):
        """ removes the selected row in the model
        @param position   int, starting position of selection
        @param rows       int, number of rows to delete beginning at starting position
        @param parent     TreeItem, parent item containing items to delete
        parentItem = parent.internalPointer()
        if parentItem:
            logging.error("Cannot remove a child variable.")
            return False

        self.beginRemoveRows(parent, position, position + rows - 1)
        for i in range(position, position + rows):

        # fix the _row members of the remaining elements
        for offset, var in enumerate(self._vars[position:]):
            var._row = position + offset
        return True

    def clear(self):

    def setData(self, index, value, role):
        if index.isValid() and role == Qt.EditRole:
            return True
        return False

    def __unmarkAll(self):
        for i in self._vars._vars:
コード例 #8
class DataGraphController(QObject):
    """ the Controller for the DataGraph """

    def __init__(self, distributedObjects):
        """ Constructor <br>
            Creates a DataGraphView, a DataGraphVWFactory and a VariableList <br>
            Listens to the following Signals: SignalProxy::insertDockWidgets() and SignalProxy::cleanupModels()
        @param distributedObjects    distributedobjects.DistributedObjects, the DistributedObjects-Instance

        # controllers
        ## @var distributedObjects
        # distributedobjects.DistributedObjects, the DistributedObjects-Instance
        self.distributedObjects = distributedObjects
        ## @var signalProxy
        # signalproxy.SignalProxy, the SignalProxy-Instance from the DistributedObjects
        self.signalProxy = distributedObjects.signalProxy
        ## @var debugController
        # debugcontroller.DebugController, the DebugController-Instance from the DistributedObjects
        self.debugController = distributedObjects.debugController
        ## @var variablePool
        # variables.variablepool.VariablePool, the variablePool-Instance from the DistributedObjects
        self.variablePool = distributedObjects.variablePool

        # views
        ## @var data_graph_view
        # datagraph.datagraphview.DataGraphView, private, self-created DataGraphView <br>
        # GUI-Element that shows the DataGraphView
        self.data_graph_view = DataGraphView(None, self)

        # models
        ## @var vwFactory
        # datagraph.datagraphvwfactory.DataGraphVWFactory, private, self-created DataGraphVWFactory
        self.vwFactory = DataGraphVWFactory(self.distributedObjects)
        ## @var variableList
        # variables.variablelist.VariableList, private, self-created VariableList
        self.variableList = VariableList(self.vwFactory, self.distributedObjects)

        self.pointerList = []

        #register with session manager to save Graph
        self.signalProxy.emitRegisterWithSessionManager(self, "Graph")

        # connect signals
        #QObject.connect(self.variableList, SIGNAL('reset()'), self.repaintDataGraph)
        QObject.connect(self.signalProxy, SIGNAL('insertDockWidgets()'), self.insertDockWidgets)
        QObject.connect(self.signalProxy, SIGNAL('cleanupModels()'), self.clearDataGraph)

    def insertDockWidgets(self):
        """ adds the Datagraph-DockWidget to the GUI <br>
            this function is connected to the signal SignalProxy::insertDockWidgets() """
        self.dataGraphDock = QDockWidget("Graph")
        self.signalProxy.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.dataGraphDock, True)

    def addWatch(self, watch, xPos=0, yPos=0):
        """ adds the Variable watch to the VariableList and its wrapper to the DataGraph
        @param watch    variables.variable.Variable, the Variable to watch to add
        @param xPos     Integer, the X-Coordinate of the Position where to add the Variable
        @param yPos     Integer, the Y-Coordinate of the Position where to add the Variable
        varWrapper = self.variableList.addVarByName(watch)
        self.addVar(varWrapper, xPos, yPos, False)
        return varWrapper

    def addVar(self, varWrapper, xPos=0, yPos=0, addVarToList=True):
        """ adds the given VariableWrapper varWrapper to the DataGraph and - if addVarToList is true -
            also to the VariableList
        @param varWrapper      variables.variablewrapper.VariableWrapper, the VariableWrapper to add
        @param xPos            Integer, the X-Coordinate of the Position where to add the VariableWrapper
        @param yPos            Integer, the Y-Coordinate of the Position where to add the VariableWrapper
        @param addVarToList    Boolean, tells if varWrapper should be added to the VariableList too
            from mako import exceptions
            logging.error("Caught exception while rendering template: %s", exceptions.text_error_template().render())
        if addVarToList:
        QObject.connect(varWrapper, SIGNAL('replace(PyQt_PyObject, PyQt_PyObject)'), self.replaceVariable)

    def replaceVariable(self, pendingVar, newVar):
        """ replaces existing variable in list with new one
        @param pendingVar    variables.variable.Variable, the pending Variable to replace with newVar
        @param newVar        variables.variable.Variable, the new Variable pendingVar is replaced with
        newVW = newVar.makeWrapper(self.vwFactory)
        self.addVar(newVW, pendingVar.getXPos(), pendingVar.getYPos())
        #for pointer in pendingVar.getView().getIncomingPointers():
        #    self.addPointer(pointer.getFromView(), newVW.getView())
        #for pointer in pendingVar.getView().getOutgoingPointers():
        #    self.addPointer(newVW.getView(), pointer.getToView())

    def removeVar(self, varWrapper):
        """ removes the given varWrapper from the DataGraphView and the PointerList
        @param varWrapper    variables.variablewrapper.VariableWrapper, the VariableWrapper to remove

    def addPointer(self, fromView, toView):
        """ fromView and toView are QGraphicsWebViews
        @param fromView  datagraph.htmlvariableview.HtmlVariableView, starting point of the Pointer
        @param toView    datagraph.htmlvariableview.HtmlVariableView, end point of the Pointer
        pointer = Pointer(None, fromView, toView, self.distributedObjects)

    def removePointer(self, pointer):
        """ removes the given pointer from the DataGraphView and the PointerList
        @param pointer    datagraph.pointer.Pointer, pointer to remove

    def clearDataGraph(self):
        """ clears the DataGraphView and the VariableList <br>
            this function is connected to the signal SignalProxy::cleanupModels()

    def saveSession(self, xmlHandler):
        """ Insert session info to xml file
        @param xmlHandler    sessionmanager.XmlHandler, handler to write to the session-xml-file
        dgWatches = xmlHandler.createNode("GraphWatches")
        for vw in self.variableList:
            xmlHandler.createNode("Watch", dgWatches, {'expression': vw.getExp(), 'xPos': vw.getXPos(), 'yPos': vw.getYPos()})
        #dgPointers = xmlHandler.createNode("Pointers")
        #for pointer in self.pointerList:
        #    xmlHandler.createNode("Pointer", dgPointers, { 'expFrom': pointer.fromView.var.getExp(), 'expTo': pointer.toView.var.getExp() })

    def loadSession(self, xmlHandler):
        """ load session info to xml file
        @param xmlHandler    sessionmanager.XmlHandler, handler to read from the session-xml-file
        dgParent = xmlHandler.getNode("GraphWatches")
        if dgParent != None:
            childnodes = dgParent.childNodes()
            for i in range(childnodes.size()):
                attr = xmlHandler.getAttributes(childnodes.at(i))
                self.addWatch(attr["expression"], int(attr["xPos"]), int(attr["yPos"]))
コード例 #9
ファイル: SysCDiagramPlugin.py プロジェクト: dstoeg/ricodebug
class SysCDiagramPlugin():

    def initPlugin(self, signalproxy):
        """Initialise the systemc block diagram plugin"""

        self.signalproxy = signalproxy
        self.do = signalproxy.distributedObjects

        # systemc stuff and and pointer type strings needed for casting in gdb
        # because systemc objects can be systemc modules, systemc ports, etc.
        self.ctx = None
        self.ctx_pointer = None
        self.ctx_func = "sc_get_curr_simcontext()"
        self.ctx_found = False

        self.ctx_type = "(sc_core::sc_simcontext*)"
        self.port_type = "(sc_core::sc_port_base*)"
        self.module_type = "(sc_core::sc_module*)"
        self.object_type = "(sc_core::sc_object*)"
        self.prim_channel_type = "(sc_core::sc_prim_channel*)"

        # dict with a string that represents the pointer as key and
        # a nested dict with parent, children, etc as key-values
        #   dst_dict[ptr] = {"wrapper":    vw,
        #                    "name":       None,
        #                    "parent_ptr": None,
        #                    "children":   {}}
        self.sysc_modules = {}
        self.sysc_objects = {}
        self.sysc_ports = {}
        self.sysc_prim_channels = {}

        # because of how we built the interface for the tracepoints on the
        # datagraph we first need to create an file obj. We choose StringIO
        # because it uses a string as buffer and does not acces the filesystem
        self._file_obj = StringIO()
        self.image = SVGImage("SystemC Block Diagram", self._file_obj)
        self.image_wrapper = SVGDataGraphVW(self.image, self.do)


        # hook Datagraph variable wrapper into the datagraph controller
        # after self.action.commit is called the image will be displayed at the
        # datagraph
        self.action = self.do.actions.\

        # pydot graph visualization library
        self.block_diagram = Dot(graph_type='digraph')

        # Needed for creating the right variables and variable wrappers from
        # the systemc pointers
        self.vwFactory = VarWrapperFactory()
        self.variableList = VariableList(self.vwFactory, self.do)

    def deInitPlugin(self):

    def evaluateExp(self, exp):
        return self.signalproxy.gdbEvaluateExpression(exp)

    def showDiagram(self):

    def update(self):
        if not self.ctx_found and self.ctx is None:
            if self.ctx is None:
            # don't try to analyze if elaboration is not done
            if not cpp2py(self.ctx["m_elaboration_done"].value):

        # prepare for easy information collection
        object_vec = self.ctx["m_child_objects"]

        # find all relevant information
        self.__findSysCObjects(object_vec, self.object_type, self.sysc_objects)

        # if there are no objects to draw than skip the drawing part
        # this might happen if you set the breakpoint before any objects are
        # created. This is actually catched above, but there might also be a
        # design with no objects.
        if len(self.sysc_objects.keys()) == 0:

        clusters = {}
        nodes = {}

        # build pydot hierachy and add all subgraphs and nodes to the main
        # graph
        self.__buildHierachy(self.sysc_objects, clusters, nodes)
        for sptr in clusters:
        for sptr in nodes:


    def __buildHierachy(self, obj_dict, clusters, nodes):
        """ Build Cluster and Node hierachy for pydot
        for ptr in obj_dict:
            obj = obj_dict[ptr]
            if ptr in (self.sysc_ports.keys()+self.sysc_prim_channels.keys()):

            if len(obj["children"].keys()) == 0:
                node = Node(obj["name"])
                nodes[ptr] = node
                clust = Cluster(obj["name"].replace(".", "_"),
                c_clusters = {}
                c_nodes = {}
                self.__buildHierachy(obj["children"], c_clusters, c_nodes)
                for sptr in c_clusters:
                for sptr in c_nodes:
                clusters[ptr] = clust

    def __findSysCObjects(self, obj_vec, obj_type, dst_dict):
        """ Find sc_object from module, port and prim channel registry
        for i in obj_vec.childs:
            ptr = i.value
            var = "(*{}{})".format(obj_type, ptr)
            vw = self.variableList.addVarByName(var)
            dst_dict[ptr] = {"wrapper":    vw,
                             "name":       None,
                             "parent_ptr": None,
                             "children":   {}}

            for member in vw.childs:
                if member.exp == "m_name":
                    dst_dict[ptr]["name"] = member.value.strip('"')

                elif member.exp == "m_child_objects":
                    children = {}
                    dst_dict[ptr]["children"] = children

                elif member.exp == "m_parent":
                    dst_dict[ptr]["parent_ptr"] = member.value

    def __findSimContext(self):
        """ Find systemc simulation context
        self.ctx_pointer = self.evaluateExp(self.ctx_func)
        if self.ctx is None:
            frame = 0
            depth = self.signalproxy.gdbGetStackDepth()
            while (self.ctx_pointer is None) and frame <= depth:
                frame += 1
                self.ctx_pointer = self.evaluateExp(self.ctx_func)
                if self.ctx_pointer is None:
                    self.ctx_found = False
                    self.ctx_found = True
                    self.ctx = self.do.variablePool.getVar(self.ctx_func)["*"]
            self.ctx_found = True
            self.ctx = self.do.variablePool.getVar(self.ctx_func)["*"]
コード例 #10
ファイル: variablemodel.py プロジェクト: mprska/ricodebug
class VariableModel(QAbstractItemModel):
    def __init__(self, do, parent=None):
        QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent)
        self._vars = VariableList(TreeVariableFactory, do)


    def index(self, row, column, parent):
        if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent):
            return QModelIndex()

        parentItem = parent.internalPointer() if parent.isValid() else None
        if parentItem:
            childItem = parentItem._child(row)
            childItem = self._vars[row]

        return self.createIndex(row, column, childItem)

    def parent(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return QModelIndex()

        childItem = index.internalPointer()
        parentItem = childItem._parent

        if not parentItem:
            return QModelIndex()

        return self.createIndex(parentItem._row, 0, parentItem)

    def rowCount(self, parent):
        if parent.column() > 0:
            return 0

        if not parent.isValid():
            return len(self._vars)
            return parent.internalPointer()._childCount()

    def columnCount(self, _):
        return 3

    def data(self, index, role):
        if not index.isValid():
            return None

        item = index.internalPointer()
        ret = None
        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            if index.column() == 0:
                ret = item.exp
            elif index.column() == 1:
                ret = item.type
            elif index.column() == 2:
                ret = item.value

        elif role == Qt.EditRole:
            if index.column() == 2:
                ret = item.value

        elif role == Qt.DecorationRole:
            if index.column() == 0:
                if item.access in ['private', 'protected']:
                    iconprefix = item.access + "_"
                    iconprefix = ""

                icon = None
                if not item.inScope:
                    return QPixmap(":/icons/images/outofscope.png")
                elif not isinstance(item, StdVariable):
                    icon = QPixmap(":/icons/images/" + iconprefix +
                else:  # leave item
                    icon = QPixmap(":/icons/images/" + iconprefix + "var.png")

                # overlay for arguments
                if icon and item.arg:
                    ol = QPixmap(":/icons/images/overlay_arg.png")
                    p = QPainter(icon)
                    p.drawPixmap(ol.rect(), ol)
                elif icon and item.exp == "Return value":
                    ol = QPixmap(":/icons/images/overlay_ret.png")
                    p = QPainter(icon)
                    p.drawPixmap(ol.rect(), ol)
                return icon

        elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole:
            if not item.inScope:
                ret = QBrush(Qt.gray)
            elif index.column() == 2:
                if item.marked and item.inScope:
                    ret = QBrush(Qt.yellow)

        return ret

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return ["Expression", "Type", "Value"][section]
        return None

    def addVar(self, name):
        self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), len(self._vars), len(self._vars))
        var = self._vars.addVarByName(name)
        var.setNodeData(len(self._vars) - 1, None, self)
        return var

    def hasChildren(self, parent):
        if not parent.isValid():
            return True

        return parent.internalPointer()._hasChildren()

    def emitDataChanged(self, tl, br):
        self.dataChanged.emit(tl, br)

    def mimeTypes(self):
        return QStringList([variable.MIME_TYPE])

    def mimeData(self, indexes):
        if len(indexes) == 1:
            item = indexes[0].internalPointer()
            d = QMimeData()
            d.setData(variable.MIME_TYPE, item.uniqueName)
            return d
            return None

    def flags(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled

        item = index.internalPointer()
        if not item.inScope:
            return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable

        ret = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable

        if index.column() == 2:
            ret |= Qt.ItemIsEditable
        elif index.column() == 0:
            ret |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled

        return ret

    def removeVar(self, var):
        pos = self._vars._vars.index(var)
        self.removeRows(pos, 1, QModelIndex())

    def removeRows(self, position, rows, parent):
        """ removes the selected row in the model
        @param position   int, starting position of selection
        @param rows       int, number of rows to delete beginning at starting position
        @param parent     TreeItem, parent item containing items to delete
        parentItem = parent.internalPointer()
        if parentItem:
            logging.error("Cannot remove a child variable.")
            return False

        self.beginRemoveRows(parent, position, position + rows - 1)
        for i in xrange(position, position + rows):

        # fix the _row members of the remaining elements
        for offset, var in enumerate(self._vars[position:]):
            var._row = position + offset
        return True

    def clear(self):

    def setData(self, index, value, role):
        if index.isValid() and role == Qt.EditRole:
            return True
        return False

    def __unmarkAll(self):
        for i in self._vars._vars: