コード例 #1
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: 18782967131/test
 def exec_command(self, cmd):
     output = self._access.exec_command(cmd)
     logger.info('CMD: {}'.format(cmd))
     logger.info('CMD OUTPUT: {}'.format(output))
     return output
コード例 #2
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: 18782967131/test
    def config_dhcp(self, *args, **kwargs):
        method to configure dhcp server
        param  : kwargs : dict
                 server : dhcp server ip address,
                 range  : dhcp range ip address for client,
                 gateway: gateway for client,
                 subnet : subnet for client,
            :bool - True on success or False on failure:
        example: config_dhcp(server='', range='', 
            gateway='', subnet='')
        logger.info("\nIn subroutine: " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

        if 'range' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError(
                'The "range" is a mandatory parameter, should be split with "-"'
        range = kwargs.get('range')
            range = range.split('-')
            raise ValueError('The range value should be split with "-"!')
        range_start = range[0]
        range_end = range[1]

        if 'subnet' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('The "subnet" is a mandatory parameter!')
        subnet = kwargs.get('subnet')

        if 'server' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('The "server" is a mandatory parameter!')
        server = kwargs.get('server')

        interface = "eth1"
        netmask = ''
        gateway_info = ''
        if 'interface' in kwargs:
            interface = kwargs.get('interface')
        if 'subnet' in kwargs:
            subnet = kwargs.get('subnet')
        if 'netmask' in kwargs:
            netmask = kwargs.get('netmaks')
        if 'gateway' in kwargs:
            gateway = kwargs.get('gateway')
            gateway_info = \
    option routers      {};
    option subnet-mask  {};
           """.format(gateway, netmask)

        conf_info = \
ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;

subnet %s netmask %s {
    range dynamic-bootp %s %s;
    default-lease-time 300;
    max-lease-time 300;
        """ % (subnet, netmask, range_start, range_end, gateway_info)

        service = "isc-dhcp-server"
        service_path = '/etc/default'
        service_file = '{}/{}'.format(service_path, service)
        self._access.shell("sed -i -e 's/INTERFACES=.*/INTERFACES=\"{}\"/g' {}".format(\
            interface, service_file))

        self.config_ip("{}/{}".format(server, netmask), interface)

        conf_path = '/etc/dhcp'
        conf_filename = "dhcpd.conf"
        conf_file = '{}/{}'.format(conf_path, conf_filename)

        self._access.shell("mv {} {}.bak".format(conf_file, conf_file))
        self._access.shell("touch {}".format(conf_file))
        for contents in va_parse_as_lines(conf_info):
            if len(contents) != 0:
                output = self._access.shell("echo '{}' >> {}".format(
                    contents, conf_file))

        except ValueError as e:

            output = int(self._access.shell("netstat -uap |grep dhcpd -c")[0])
            output = 0
        if not output:
            logger.error('Failed to setup DHCP server')
            return (False)

        logger.info('Succeed to setup DHCP server')
        return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: 18782967131/test
    def check_tcpdump(self, file, expr, *args, **kwargs):
        method to check traffic packets via tcpdump
        param      : expr   : expression to match traffic packet
                   : file   : packets file
                   : kwargs : dict
        example    : check_tcpdump(file, expr, **kwargs)
                     kwargs = {
                      'exact' : 3, expect to receive packets number
                      'fuzzy' : 3-5, expect to receive packets number
        return: True on success or False on failure
        logger.info("\nIn subroutine: " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

        cmd = "tcpdump -nev -r {}".format(file)
        shell = self._access.shell
        packets_info = shell(cmd)
        shell("sudo rm -f {}".format(file))
        if 'packets_info' not in dir():
            logger.error('Failed to query traffic packets')
            return False

        got_packet_count = 0
        logger.info('Packets info: {}'.format(packets_info))
        for info in packets_info[0].split('\n'):
            info = info.strip()
            if re.search(expr, info) is not None:
                got_packet_count += 1
        logger.info('Received packets number: {}'.format(got_packet_count))

        if got_packet_count == 0:
            logger.info('Expression: {}'.format(expr))

        if 'exact' in kwargs:
            packet_count = int(kwargs.get('exact'))
            if packet_count != got_packet_count:
                logger.error('Expected value: {}, actual value: {}'.format(
                    packet_count, got_packet_count))
                return False
        elif 'fuzzy' in kwargs:
            packet_count = kwargs.get('fuzzy')
            if '-' not in packet_count:
                logger.error('Invalid "fuzzy" parameter, expected value \
like this: 2-5')
                return False

            packet_count_min = int(packet_count.split('-')[0])
            packet_count_max = int(packet_count.split('-')[1])
            if packet_count_min > packet_count_max:
                logger.error('Invalid parameter: {}, the second parameter \
should be lager than first'.format(packet_count))
                return False

            if packet_count_min > got_packet_count or \
                            packet_count_max < got_packet_count:
                logger.error('Expected value: {}-{}, actual value: {}'.format(
                    packet_count_min, packet_count_max, got_packet_count))
                return False
            if got_packet_count == 0:
                logger.error('Expected to receive at least one traffic packet')
                return False

        logger.info('Succeed to check traffic packets')
        return True
コード例 #4
    def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
        method used to start the Ftp traffic process in the background on the
        client. It does a clean up of file if existing locally.  It launches
        the lftp client tool in the background, and gets the corresponding pid.
        If it cannot retrieve the pid it means the transfer is already complete
        or the process launch failed. 

            :file_size (str): size of the file to be put or get in terms of MB
            :mode (str): transfer mode, active or passive
            :rate (int): transfer rate (kb)
            :operation (str): put (upload) or get (download)
            :timeout (int): lftp timeout
        self._cmd  = 'lftp'
        self._type = 'ftp'
        self._mode = 'passive'
        self._rate = 1024 * 128
        self._timeout = 90
        self._file_size = 100
        self._operation = 'get'
        self._stats = None
        self._outfile = None
        if 'mode' in kwargs:
            self._mode = kwargs.get('mode')
        if 'rate' in kwargs:
            self._rate = kwargs.get('rate')
            self._rate = int(self._rate) * 1024
        if 'operation' in kwargs:
            self._operation  = kwargs.get('operation')
        if 'file_size' in kwargs:
            self._file_size = kwargs.get('file_size')
        if 'timeout' in kwargs:
            self._timeout = kwargs.get('timeout')

        self.ctr_port = kwargs.get('port',21)

        except ValueError as e:
            raise e

        client = self._conf_client
        pid, outfile = client.exec_background(self._cmd, redirect=True, 
            search_expr=self._cmd.split(' ')[0])
        logger.info('Ftp pid: {}'.format(pid))
        logger.info('Outfile: {}'.format(outfile))
        self._outfile = outfile
        if not pid or outfile is None:
            raise ValueError('Ftp traffic not started')

        times = 1
        sleeptime = 0.2
        self._stats = self.get_stats()
        while (self._stats == 'failed' or self._stats is None) and times <= 5:
            logger.debug('Sleeping {} seconds to start traffic'.format(sleeptime))
            self._stats = self.get_stats()
            times += 1

        if self._stats == 'failed' or self._stats is None:
            raise ValueError('Ftp traffic not started')
        logger.info('Ftp traffic started')
コード例 #5
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: 18782967131/test
    def config_dns(self, *args, **kwargs):
        method to configure dns server
        param  : kwargs : dict
                 domain : domain name,
                 record : a record of dns like "pc IN A"
            :bool - True on success or False on failure:
        example: config_dns(domain='varmour.net', record=['pc IN A'])
        logger.info("\nIn subroutine: " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

        domain = 'varmour.net'
        record = 'pc      IN      A;'
        if 'domain' in kwargs:
            domain = kwargs.get('domain')
        if 'record' in kwargs:
            record = kwargs.get('record')
        if not isinstance(record, list):
            record = [record]

        soa_info = \
$TTL 86400
@       IN      SOA     pc.{}. master.pc.{}. (
                        2008031101      ;Serial
                        86400           ;refresh
                        7200            ;retry
                        86400           ;expire
                        120             ;ttl
        """.format(domain, domain, domain)

        record_info = \
@       IN      NS      pc.{}.
@       IN      MX      5       pc
test    IN      A;
        for info in record:
            record_info = "{}\n{}".format(record_info, info)

        conf_info = \
zone "." {
    type hint;
    file "/etc/bind/db.root";

zone "localhost" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.local";

zone "127.in-addr.arpa" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.127";

zone "0.in-addr.arpa" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.0";

zone "255.in-addr.arpa" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.255";
zone "%s" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/%s";
        """ % (domain, domain)

        resolv_info = \

        service = "bind9"
        conf_path = '/etc/bind'
        conf_filename = "named.conf.default-zones"
        conf_file = '{}/{}'.format(conf_path, conf_filename)
        zone_info = soa_info + record_info
        zone_filename = domain
        zone_file = '{}/{}'.format(conf_path, zone_filename)
        resolv_file = '/etc/resolv.conf'

        for contents, f in zip([zone_info, conf_info, resolv_info],
                               [zone_file, conf_file, resolv_file]):
            self._access.shell("mv {} {}.bak".format(f, f))
            self._access.shell("touch {}".format(f))
            for cont in va_parse_as_lines(contents):
                if len(cont) != 0:
                    output = self._access.shell("echo '{}' >> {}".format(
                        cont, f))

        except ValueError as e:
            return False

        name, ip = self.send_dns_query(name='test.{}'.format(domain))
        if ip != "":
            logger.error('Failed to setup DNS server!')
            return False

        logger.info('Succeed to setup DNS server')
        return True
コード例 #6
    def setup(self, **kwargs):
        Implementation of setup test bed

                 True   :   Succeed to setup test bed
                 False :    Failed to setup testbed
            vatpobj = VaTopo(test_param_file, topo_file)
        setup_tb = self.control_data.get('setup_tb')
        cleanup_dut_cfg = self.control_data.get('cleanup_dut_cfg')
        upgrade_device = self.control_data.get('upgrade_device')

        logger.info("*                                ")
        logger.info("* Start to setup topology        ")
        logger.info("*                                ")

        if (setup_tb.upper() == 'Y'):
            #Config links
            if not self.config_links():
                logger.error('Failed to configure links')
                return False

            #Config interface
            if not self.va_config_interfaces():
                logger.error('Failed to configure ip address of interfaces')
                return False

            #Config interface
            if not self.va_config_routes():
                logger.error('Failed to configure routes')
                return False
            logger.info('Noe need to setup testbed')

        if (cleanup_dut_cfg.upper() == 'Y'):
            # Reset director
            if not self.va_reset_director():
                return False
            logger.info('Not need to cleanup director')

        #upgrade device if need.
        if (upgrade_device.upper() == 'Y' and self.image is not None):
            if not self.va_update_firmware_for_directors(self.image):
                return False
            logger.info('Not need to upgrade device')

        #reconnect all cp/ep/epi

        logger.debug("*                                ")
        logger.debug("* Finished to setup topology     ")
        logger.debug("*                                ")
        return True
コード例 #7
    def cleanup(self, **kwargs):
        Implementation of cleanup test bed

                 True   :   Succeed to cleanup test bed
                 False :    Failed to cleanup testbed
            vatpobj = VaTopo(test_param_file, topo_file)
        cleanup_tb = self.control_data.get('cleanup_tb')
        restore_dut_cfg = self.control_data.get('restore_dut_cfg')

        logger.info("*                                ")
        logger.info("* Start to clean topology        ")
        logger.info("*                                ")

        if (cleanup_tb.upper() == 'Y'):
            #Remove interface
            if not self.va_unset_interfaces():
                logger.error('Failed to remove ip address of interfaces')
                return False
            #Remove route
            if not self.va_unset_routes():
                logger.error('Failed to remove routes')
                return False

            #Remove link
            if not self.revert_links():
                logger.error('Failed to revert links')
                return False
            logger.info('Not need to cleanup testbed')

        if (restore_dut_cfg.upper() == 'Y'):
            # Reset director
            if not self.va_reset_director():
                return False
            logger.info('Not need to restore director')

        logger.info("*                                ")
        logger.info("* Finished to clean topology     ")
        logger.info("*                                ")
        return True
コード例 #8
ファイル: vcenter_operation.py プロジェクト: 18782967131/test
    def recover_vcenter_workloads(self, filename=None):
        this method is apply to recover workloads. i.e
        putting workloads to its original state.this method is used
        for disaster recovery.
                :original (list): original backup list where,
                 user wants to revert back.
        if not filename:
        original = ''
            fd = open(filename, 'r')
            for lines in fd.readline():
                original += lines
        except IOError:
            logger.error("Can not Open file {}. Please see filename and\

        original_state = ast.literal_eval(original)
        current_state = self.take_backup_vcenter()
        for current_obj in current_state:
            vm = current_obj['name']
            current_host = current_obj['host']
            current_network = current_obj['network']
            for original_obj in original_state:
                if original_obj['name'] == vm:
                    if original_obj['host'] == current_host:
                        logger.info("Host of VM:{} is the same as "
                                    "original. Not changed.".format(vm))
                        logger.info("Host is not the same for VM:{}"
                                    "original host was {}, changed "
                                    "host is {}.".format(
                                        vm, original_obj['host'],
                            "Going to change host for VM:{}...".format(vm))
                        self.vmotion(vm, original_obj['host'])

                    if current_network == original_obj["network"]:
                        logger.info("Network of VM:{} is the same as original."
                                    " Not changed.".format(vm))
                        logger.info("Network is not the same for VM:{}"
                                    " original network was {}, "
                                    "changed network is "
                                    "{}".format(vm, original_obj["network"],
                        logger.info("Network is going to change....")
                        logger.info("Removing va-tag..")
                        for nets in original_obj["network"]:
                            for interface, portgroup in nets.items():
                                self.change_vm_vnic(vm, interface, portgroup)
コード例 #9
    def config_links(self):
         set link according to topo file

                 True   :   Succeed to set link according to topo file.
                 False :    Failed to set link according to topo file.
             vatpobj = VaTopo(test_param_file, topo_file)

        link_info = self.link_info
        reserved_vlan = self.va_get_reserved_vlan()
        reserved_vlans = []
        for vlan_range in reserved_vlan:
            vlan_start = int(vlan_range.split('-')[0])
            vlan_end = int(vlan_range.split('-')[1])
            vlans = range(vlan_start, vlan_end)
            reserved_vlans += vlans

        logger.info("Start to config link")

        index = 0
        for link_key in link_info.keys():
            num = 1
            for pc_key in link_info[link_key]:
                if num == 1:
                    src_port_sw = link_info[link_key][pc_key]['interface'][
                    src_portgroup = link_info[link_key][pc_key]['interface'][
                    src_int = link_info[link_key][pc_key]['interface'][
                    src_dev = pc_key

                if num == 2:
                    dst_port_sw = link_info[link_key][pc_key]['interface'][
                    dst_portgroup = link_info[link_key][pc_key]['interface'][
                    dst_int = link_info[link_key][pc_key]['interface'][
                    dst_dev = pc_key

                if 'vlan' in link_info[link_key][pc_key] and \
                                link_info[link_key][pc_key]['vlan'] is not None:
                    vlan_val = link_info[link_key][pc_key]['vlan']
                    vlan_val = reserved_vlans[index]

                hv_uqid = link_info[link_key][pc_key]['hyp_visor']['uniq_id']
                num += 1

            index += 1
            if (len(link_info[link_key])
                    == 2) and (src_port_sw != dst_port_sw):
                logger.error('The link is not in the same switch')
                return False
                if len(link_info[link_key]) == 2:
                    logger.info('Connection:{} Access vlan ({}),from {}:{}, to {}:{}, switch : {}'\
                    logger.info('Connection:{} Access vlan ({}),{}:{}, switch : {}' \
                                .format(link_key, vlan_val, src_dev, src_int, src_port_sw))

                vswobj = self.swobjs[hv_uqid][src_port_sw]
                if not vswobj.update_vlan(src_portgroup, vlan_val):
                    return False

                #update portgroup for destination pc/device if need
                if len(link_info[link_key]) == 2:
                    if not vswobj.update_vlan(dst_portgroup, vlan_val):
                        return False


        logger.info("Completed to config link")
        return True
コード例 #10
def va_send_and_verify_tftp(*args, **kwargs):
    API to send traffic and verify session related to FTP
    param   : kwargs : dict
    example : va_send_and_verify_tftp(**kwargs)
        kwargs = {
                  'traffic_data' : {
                                    'client'    : pc1,
                                    'server'    : pc2,
                                    'dest_intf' : 'eth1',
                                    more parameters refer to Icmp,
                  'session_data' : {
                                    'policy'    : 'test_pol',
                                    more parameters refer to va_verify_session,
                     'dev_obj'   : dir_1,
        :bool - True on success or False on failure:
    logger.info("\nIn subroutine: " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

    if 'traffic_data' not in kwargs or \
        'session_data' not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError('traffic_data and session_data are \
mandatory parameters!\n')

    traffic_data = kwargs.get('traffic_data')
    session_data = kwargs.get('session_data')

    if 'dev_obj' not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError('dev_obj is mandatory parameter!\n')
    dev_obj = kwargs.get('dev_obj')
    tftp_obj = Tftp(**traffic_data)
    except ValueError as e:
        logger.debug('Start to clean traffic since got exception')
        return False

    session = dev_obj.va_get_session()

    times = 1
    session_data['proto'] = 'tftp'
    data_session_before = dev_obj.va_get_data_session(**session_data)
    data_session_after = dev_obj.va_get_data_session(**session_data)
    is_increment = dev_obj.va_check_session_packets_increment(
        data_session_before, data_session_after)
    while times <= 6 and not is_increment:
            'Retry {} times to check if session packet increment'.format(
        data_session_after = dev_obj.va_get_data_session(**session_data)
        is_increment = dev_obj.va_check_session_packets_increment(
            data_session_before, data_session_after)
        times += 1


    if not is_increment:
        return False

    session_data['session'] = session
    if not dev_obj.va_verify_session(**session_data):
        return False

    del session_data['session']
    return True
コード例 #11
ファイル: telnet.py プロジェクト: 18782967131/test
    def start(self):
        method used to start the telnet traffic process in the background on
        the client. It does a clean up of file if existing locally.  It
        launches the telnet client tool in the background, and gets the
        corresponding pid. If it cannot retrieve the pid it means the transfer
         is already complete or the process launch failed.
        cmd = self._telnet_cmd
        if not cmd:
            logger.info('Command is not passed ')
            # TODO: raise exception or warning

        logger.info('Server' + str(self._server))

        servershell = LinuxShell(host=self._server,
        output, status = servershell.exec_command(' ls')
        print('server output : {} , Status : ', output, status)
        logger.info('Adding telnet details and restart xientd')
        xinetd_cmd = 'sudo apt-get install xinetd'
        telnet_server_details = '''service telnet
       flags          = REUSE
       socket_type    = stream
       wait           = no
       user           = root
       server         = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
       log_on_failure += USERID
       disable        = no
        telnet_file_create_cmd = 'sudo echo  \"' + telnet_server_details + \
                                 '\" > /etc/xinetd.d/telnet'
        logger.info('check if the telnet service is already running')
        telnet_service_cmd = 'cat /etc/xinetd.d/telnet'
        output, status = servershell.exec_command(telnet_service_cmd)
        print('server output : {} , Status : ', output, status)
        if 'service telnet' in str(output):
            logger.info('telnet file already exists')
            print('telnet server details ', telnet_file_cmd)
            output, status = servershell.exec_command(telnet_file_create_cmd)
            print('server output : {} , Status : ', output, status)
        logger.info('restarting xinetd')
        xinetd_cmd = ' sudo chmod -R 777 /etc/xinetd.d/telnet; \
         sudo chown -R 777 /etc/xinetd.d/telnet '

        output, status = servershell.exec_command(xinetd_cmd)
        print('server output : {} , Status : ', output, status)
        xinetd_cmd = ' sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart '
        output, status = servershell.exec_command(xinetd_cmd)
        print('server output : {} , Status : ', output, status)
        print('CLIENT execution starts here...............', self._client)
        clientshell = LinuxShell(host=self._client,
        output, status = clientshell.exec_command(cmd)
        logger.info('Telnet Command execution Output :\n' + str(output))
        output = ''
        output, status = clientshell.exec_command('ps -ef | grep telnet')
        logger.info('......check the process is running or not in below \
            output :....\n' + str(output))
        #if 'sleep' + self._telnet_destination in str(output):
        if 'sleep' in str(output):
            logger.info('TELNET session started sucessfully \
                output : \n' + str(output))
            return True, output
            logger.error(".....TELNET session  NOT started sucessfully")
            logger.error('this system might not have telnetd.\
             Pleae install using the command : \
             sudo apt-get install xinetd telnetd')
            return False, None
コード例 #12
def va_send_and_verify_icmp(*args, **kwargs):
    API to send traffic, capture packet and verify session related to ICMP
    param   : kwargs : dict
    example : va_send_and_verify_icmp(**kwargs)
        kwargs = {
                  'traffic_data' : {
                                    'client'    : pc1,
                                    'server'    : pc2,
                                    'src_intf'  : 'eth1',
                                    'dest_intf' : 'eth1',
                                    'size'      : 64,
                                    'count'     : 5,
                                    more parameters refer to Icmp,
                  'tcpdump_data' : {
                                    'expr'      : expression to match packets,
                                    'host'      :,
                                    'intf'      : 'eth4',
                                    more parameters refer to start_tcpdump and 
                  'session_data' : {
                                    'policy'    : 'test_pol',
                                    more parameters refer to va_verify_session,
                     'dev_obj'   : dir_1,
        :bool - True on success or False on failure:
    logger.info("\nIn subroutine: " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

    if 'traffic_data' not in kwargs or \
        'session_data' not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError('traffic_data and session_data are \
mandatory parameters!\n')

    traffic_data = kwargs.get('traffic_data')
    session_data = kwargs.get('session_data')

    if 'dev_obj' not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError('dev_obj is mandatory parameter!\n')
    dev_obj = kwargs.get('dev_obj')

    if 'client' not in traffic_data or    \
        'server' not in traffic_data or   \
        'src_intf' not in traffic_data or \
        'dest_intf' not in traffic_data:
        raise ValueError('client, server, src_intf and dest_intf are \
mandatory parameters!\n')

    client = traffic_data.get('client')
    server = traffic_data.get('server')
    src_intf = traffic_data.get('src_intf')
    dest_intf = traffic_data.get('dest_intf')
    client_ip = client.get_ip(src_intf)
    server_ip = server.get_ip(dest_intf)

    tcpdump_data = None
    if 'tcpdump_data' in kwargs:
        tcpdump_data = kwargs.get('tcpdump_data')
        if 'intf' not in tcpdump_data:
            raise ValueError('intf is mandatory parameter!\n')
        intf = tcpdump_data.get('intf')

        if 'expr' in tcpdump_data:
            expr = tcpdump_data.get('expr')
            expr = '{}\s+>\s+{}:\s+ICMP echo request'.format(
                client_ip, server_ip)

    icmp_obj = Icmp(**traffic_data)
    if tcpdump_data is not None:
        packets_file, pid, process_file = server.start_tcpdump(intf=intf)

    if packets_file is None:
        return False

    except ValueError as e:
        logger.debug('Start to clean traffic since got exception')
        return False

    session = dev_obj.va_get_session()

    if tcpdump_data is not None:
        if not server.stop_tcpdump(pid, process_file):
            return False
        if not server.check_tcpdump(packets_file, expr, **tcpdump_data):
            return False

    session_data['proto'] = 'icmp'
    session_data['session'] = session
    if not dev_obj.va_verify_session(**session_data):
        return False

    del session_data['session']
    return True
コード例 #13
def va_clean_ha(*args, **kwargs):
    API to clean HA environment.
    param   : kwargs : dict
    example : va_clean_ha(**kwargs)
        kwargs = {
                'master' : {dir1 : 
                               {'local_address'  : '', 
                                'remote_address' : '',
                                'priority'       : 8,
                                'preempt'        : enable,
                                'sw_obj'         : vswitch object,
                'pb'     : {dir2 : 
                               {'local_address'  : '', 
                                'remote_address' : ''
                                'priority'       : 10,
                                'preempt'        : enable,
                                'sw_obj'         : vswitch object,
                'origin_vlan' : dict, included vlan_port, vlan_id and 
                                vswitch of HA, used to split vlan of fabric of
                                pb into different from master,
                'timeout' : 60,
        :bool - True on success or False on failure:
    logger.info("\nIn subroutine: " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

    clean_status = True
    if 'master' not in kwargs or \
        'pb' not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError("master and pb are mandatory parameter!\n")
    master, master_kwargs = kwargs.get('master').popitem()
    pb, pb_kwargs = kwargs.get('pb').popitem()
    for kwgs in [master_kwargs, pb_kwargs]:
        if 'local_address' not in kwgs  or \
            'remote_address' not in kwgs or\
            'sw_obj' not in kwgs:
            raise ValueError("'local_address', 'remote_address', \
                'sw_obj' are mandatory parameters!\n")

    if 'origin_vlan' not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError("origin_vlan is  mandatory parameter!\n")
    origin_vlan = kwargs.pop('origin_vlan')

    if 'timeout' in kwargs:
        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout')
        timeout = 60 * 2

    pb_uniq_id = pb._resource.get_uniq_id()
    pb_sw_obj = pb_kwargs.get('sw_obj')
    vlan_data = origin_vlan.get(pb_uniq_id)
    vlan_data['sw_obj'] = pb_sw_obj

    if not master.va_check_ha_is_master() and \
        if not pb.va_do_ha_failover():
            return False

        for dev_obj in [master, pb]:
            times = 1
            sleeptime = 10
            is_ready = dev_obj.va_check_ha_ready()
            while not is_ready and times <= 30:
                logger.info('Sleeping {} seconds to wait'.format(sleeptime))
                is_ready = dev_obj.va_check_ha_ready()
                times += 1

            if not is_ready:
                return False

    if not va_update_ha_vlan(**vlan_data):
        return False

    if pb.va_show_ha().get('HA Mode') == 'ON':
        if not pb.va_remove_ha(*args, **pb_kwargs):
            clean_status = False

        if not pb.va_delete_db():
            clean_status = False


    if master.va_show_ha().get('HA Mode') == 'ON':
        if not master.va_remove_ha(*args, **master_kwargs):
            clean_status = False

    logger.info('Successfully cleaned HA environment')
    return clean_status
コード例 #14
def va_setup_ha(*args, **kwargs):
    API to setup HA environment.
    param   : kwargs : dict
    example : va_setup_ha(**kwargs)
        kwargs = {
                'master' : {dir1 : 
                               {'local_address'  : '', 
                                'remote_address' : '',
                                'priority'       : 8,
                                'preempt'        : enable,
                                'sw_obj'        : vswitch object,
                                'vlan'           : 3, used to update vlan of 
                                                   fabric into the same with 
                'pb'     : {dir2 : 
                               {'local_address'  : '', 
                                'remote_address' : ''
                                'priority'       : 10,
                                'preempt'        : enable,
                                'sw_obj'         : vswitch object,
                                'vlan'           : 3, used to update vlan of 
                                                   fabric into the same with 
                'origin_vlan' : dict, included vlan_port, vlan_id and 
                                vswitch of HA, used to split vlan of fabric of
                                pb into different from master
                'timeout' : 60,
        :bool - True on success or False on failure:
    logger.info("\nIn subroutine: " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)

    if 'master' not in kwargs or \
        'pb' not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError("master and pb are mandatory parameter!\n")
    master, master_kwargs = kwargs.get('master').popitem()
    pb, pb_kwargs = kwargs.get('pb').popitem()
    for kwgs in [master_kwargs, pb_kwargs]:
        if 'local_address' not in kwgs  or \
            'remote_address' not in kwgs or\
            'vlan' not in kwgs or\
            'sw_obj' not in kwgs:
            raise ValueError("'local_address', 'remote_address', \
                'vlan' and 'sw_obj' are mandatory parameters!\n")

    if 'origin_vlan' not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError("origin_vlan is  mandatory parameter!\n")
    origin_vlan = kwargs.pop('origin_vlan')

    if 'timeout' in kwargs:
        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout')
        timeout = 60 * 2

    master_uniq_id = master._resource.get_uniq_id()
    pb_uniq_id = pb._resource.get_uniq_id()

    master_sw_obj = master_kwargs.get('sw_obj')
    pb_sw_obj = pb_kwargs.get('sw_obj')

    vlan_data = origin_vlan.get(pb_uniq_id)
    vlan_data['sw_obj'] = pb_sw_obj
    if not va_update_ha_vlan(**vlan_data):
        return False

    times = 1
    sleeptime = 10
    status = master.va_check_chassis_status()
    while not status and times <= 6:
        logger.info('Sleeping {} seconds to wait'.format(sleeptime))
        status = master.va_check_chassis_status()
        times += 1

    if not status:
        return False

    if not master.va_config_ha(*args, **master_kwargs):
        return False

    times = 1
    sleeptime = 2
    ha_info = master.va_show_ha()
    ha_mode = ha_info.get('HA Mode')
    while ha_mode != 'ON' and times <= 6:
        logger.info('Sleeping {} seconds to wait'.format(sleeptime))
        ha_info = master.va_show_ha()
        ha_mode = ha_info.get('HA Mode')
        times += 1

    if ha_mode != 'ON':
        return False

    if not pb.va_delete_db():
        return False

    if not pb.va_config_ha(*args, **pb_kwargs):
        return False

    for uniq_id in [master_uniq_id, pb_uniq_id]:
        vlan_data = dict()
        if uniq_id == master_uniq_id:
            vlan_data = master_kwargs
        elif uniq_id == pb_uniq_id:
            vlan_data = pb_kwargs
        vlan_data['port_group'] = origin_vlan[uniq_id]['port_group']
        if not va_update_ha_vlan(**vlan_data):
            return False

    for dev_obj in [master, pb]:
        times = 1
        sleeptime = 10
        logger.debug('Waiting HA to normal')
            ha_info = dev_obj.va_show_ha()
            ha_mode = ha_info.get('HA Mode')
        while ha_mode != 'ON' and times <= 6:
            logger.info('Sleeping {} seconds to wait'.format(sleeptime))
                ha_info = dev_obj.va_show_ha()
                ha_mode = ha_info.get('HA Mode')
            times += 1

        times = 1
        sleeptime = 10
        is_ready = dev_obj.va_check_ha_ready()
        while not is_ready and times <= 30:
            logger.info('Sleeping {} seconds to wait'.format(sleeptime))
            is_ready = dev_obj.va_check_ha_ready()
            times += 1

        if not is_ready:
            logger.error('Unsuccessfully configured HA environment')
            return False

    logger.info('Successfully configured HA environment')
    return True
コード例 #15
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: 18782967131/test
    def tcpreplay(self, *args, **kwargs):
        method used to tcpreplay
        param      : kwargs    : dict
                   : src_net   : source subnet, 
                   : src_intf  : source interface, 
                   : dest_obj  : destination object, 
                   : dest_intf : destination interface, 
                   : path      : file path of traffic packet file, 
                   : infile    : traffic packet file, 
                   : pps|mbps  : Replay packets at a given packets/sec|Mbps, 
                                 fast as possible by default
            :tuple - True and output on success or False and error message on failure:
        example    : tcpreplay(**kwargs)
            kwargs = {
                'infile'    : 'google.pcap',
                'src_net'   : '',
                'dest_obj'  : pc2,
                'mbps'      : 3,
        logger.info("\nIn subroutine: " + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
        if 'dest_obj' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('"dest_obj" is a mandatory parameter!')
        dest_obj = kwargs.get('dest_obj')

        if 'src_net' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('"src_net" is a mandatory parameter!')
        src_net = kwargs.get('src_net')

        if 'infile' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError('"infile" is a mandatory parameter!')
        infile  = kwargs.get('infile')
        outfile = "tcprewrite_outfile"
        if outfile in kwargs:
            outfile = kwargs.get('outfile')

        path = '/tmp'
        if 'path' in kwargs:
            path = kwargs.get('path')
        if '/' not in infile:
            infile  = "{}/{}".format(path, infile)
        if '/' not in outfile:
            outfile = "{}/{}".format(path, outfile)
        cachefile   = '{}/cachefile'.format(path)
        src_intf  = 'eth1'
        dest_intf = 'eth1'
        if 'src_intf' in kwargs:
            src_intf = kwargs.get('src_intf')
        if 'dest_intf' in kwargs:
            dest_intf = kwargs.get('dest_intf')

        src_mac  = self.get_mac(src_intf)
        dest_mac = dest_obj.get_mac(dest_intf)
        enet_smac = "{},{}".format(dest_mac, src_mac)
        enet_dmac = "{},{}".format(src_mac, dest_mac)

        if 'pps' in kwargs:
            opt_rate = "--pps={}".format(kwargs.get('pps'))
        elif 'mbps' in kwargs:
            opt_rate = "--mbps={}".format(kwargs.get('mbps'))
            opt_rate = "--topspeed"

        cmd_prep    = "tcpprep"
        cmd_rewrite = "tcprewrite"
        cmd_replay  = "tcpreplay"
        cmd_prep = "{} --cidr={} --pcap={} --cachefile={}".format(cmd_prep, src_net, \
            infile, cachefile)
        cmd_rewrite = "{} --enet-smac={} --enet-dmac={} --fixcsum --cachefile={} \
            --infile={} --outfile={}".format(cmd_rewrite, enet_smac, enet_dmac, cachefile, \
            infile, outfile)
        cmd_replay  = "{} --cachefile={} --intf1={} --intf2={} {} {}".format(cmd_replay, \
            cachefile, src_intf, dest_intf, opt_rate, outfile)

        pattern = re.compile(r'command not found|No such file or directory')
        for cmd in [cmd_prep, cmd_rewrite, cmd_replay]:
            output = self._access.shell(cmd)
            if pattern.search(output[0]) is not None:
                return(False, output[0])

        for f in [infile, outfile, cachefile]:
            self._access.shell("rm -f {}".format(f))
        logger.debug('Tcpreplay info: \n{}'.format(output[0]))

        pattern = re.compile(r'Actual: \d+ packets \(\d+ bytes\) sent')
        if pattern.search(output[0]) is None:
            logger.error('Failed to tcpreplay, expected expression: {}'.format(pattern))
            return(False, output[0])

        logger.info('Succeed to tcpreplay')
        return(True, output[0])
コード例 #16
    def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
        method used to start the Icmp traffic process in the background on the
        client. It does a clean up of file if existing locally.  It launches
        the ping client tool in the background, and gets the corresponding pid.
        If it cannot retrieve the pid it means the transfer is already complete
        or the process launch failed. 
            :src_intf (str): source interface name
            :count (int): number of ICMP pings
            :size (int): size of the ping packet
            :timeout (int): ping timeout
        self._cmd = 'ping'
        self._type = 'ping'
        self._count = 5
        self._size = 56
        self._timeout = int(self._count) + 3
        self._interval = 1.0
        self._src_intf = None
        self._stats = None
        self._outfile = None

        if 'src_intf' in kwargs:
            self._src_intf = kwargs.get('src_intf')
        if 'count' in kwargs:
            self._count = kwargs.get('count')
        if 'size' in kwargs:
            self._size = kwargs.get('size')
        if 'timeout' in kwargs:
            self._timeout = kwargs.get('timeout')
        if 'interval' in kwargs:
            self._interval = kwargs.get('interval')

        except ValueError as e:
            raise e

        client = self._conf_client
        pid, outfile = client.exec_background(
            self._cmd, redirect=True, search_expr=self._cmd.split(' ')[0])
        logger.info('Icmp pid: {}'.format(pid))
        logger.info('Outfile: {}'.format(outfile))
        self._outfile = outfile
        if not pid or outfile is None:
            raise ValueError('Icmp traffic not started!')

        times = 1
        sleeptime = 0.1
        self._stats = self.get_stats()
        while (self._stats == 'failed' or self._stats is None) and times <= 5:
                'Sleeping {} seconds to start traffic'.format(sleeptime))
            self._stats = self.get_stats()
            times += 1

        if self._stats == 'failed' or self._stats is None:
            raise ValueError('Icmp traffic not started!')

        logger.info('Icmp traffic started')