コード例 #1
    def test_relative_step_size_to(self):
        a = SymbolArray(3)

        s1 = SubsampledArray(a, (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6))
        assert s1.relative_step_size_to(a) == (1, 2, 3)
        assert s1.relative_step_size_to(s1) == (1, 1, 1)
        assert s1.relative_step_size_to(SymbolArray(3, "nope")) is None

        s2 = SubsampledArray(s1, (11, 22, 33), (4, 5, 6))
        assert s2.relative_step_size_to(a) == (11 * 1, 22 * 2, 33 * 3)
        assert s2.relative_step_size_to(s1) == (11, 22, 33)
        assert s2.relative_step_size_to(s2) == (1, 1, 1)
コード例 #2
    def test_period_one_complex(self):
        #       A  A  A       B  B  B
        #   a = A  A  A   b = B  B  B
        #       A  A  A       B  B  B
        a = SymbolArray(2, "A")
        b = SymbolArray(2, "B")

        #        A  B  A
        #   ab = A  B  A
        #        A  B  A
        ab = InterleavedArray(a, b, 0)

        #         A*2  B*2  A*2
        #   ab2 = A*2  B*2  A*2
        #         A*2  B*2  A*2
        ab2 = LeftShiftedArray(ab, 1)

        #        B*2  B*2  B*2
        #   b2 = B*2  B*2  B*2
        #        B*2  B*2  B*2
        b2 = SubsampledArray(ab2, (2, 1), (1, 0))

        spca = SymbolicPeriodicCachingArray(b2, a, b)

        model_answers = {(x, y): b2[x, y] for x in range(3) for y in range(3)}

        # Should produce equivalent results to wrapped array
        for (x, y), exp_answer in model_answers.items():
            assert spca[x, y] == exp_answer

        # Shouldn't have requested anything but the 0th phase of the wrapped
        # array
        assert list(ab2._cache) == [(1, 0)]
コード例 #3
    def test_relative_step_size_to(self):
        a = SymbolArray(2)
        s = SubsampledArray(a, (2, 3), (0, 0))
        spca = SymbolicPeriodicCachingArray(s, a)

        assert spca.relative_step_size_to(a) == (2, 3)
        assert spca.relative_step_size_to(spca) == (1, 1)
        assert spca.relative_step_size_to(SymbolArray(2, "nope")) is None
コード例 #4
    def test_relative_step_size_to(self):
        a = SymbolArray(2)
        s = SubsampledArray(a, (2, 3), (0, 0))
        l = LeftShiftedArray(s, 123)

        assert l.relative_step_size_to(a) == (2, 3)
        assert l.relative_step_size_to(l) == (1, 1)
        assert l.relative_step_size_to(SymbolArray(2, "nope")) is None
コード例 #5
    def test_subsampling(self):
        a = SymbolArray(3, "v")
        s = SubsampledArray(a, (1, 2, 3), (0, 10, 20))

        assert s[0, 0, 0] == LinExp(("v", 0, 10, 20))

        assert s[1, 0, 0] == LinExp(("v", 1, 10, 20))
        assert s[0, 1, 0] == LinExp(("v", 0, 12, 20))
        assert s[0, 0, 1] == LinExp(("v", 0, 10, 23))

        assert s[2, 2, 2] == LinExp(("v", 2, 14, 26))
コード例 #6
 def test_period(self, input_period, steps, exp_period):
     a = RepeatingSymbolArray(input_period)
     s = SubsampledArray(a, steps, (0, ) * len(steps))
     assert s.period == exp_period
     assert period_empirically_correct(s)
コード例 #7
 def test_nop(self):
     a = SymbolArray(3, "v")
     s = SubsampledArray(a, (1, 2, 3), (0, 10, 20))
     assert s.nop is True
コード例 #8
 def test_bad_arguments(self, steps, offsets):
     a = SymbolArray(3, "v")
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         SubsampledArray(a, steps, offsets)
コード例 #9
ファイル: vc2_filters.py プロジェクト: bbc/vc2_bit_widths
def analysis_transform(h_filter_params, v_filter_params, dwt_depth,
                       dwt_depth_ho, array):
    Perform a multi-level VC-2 analysis Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) on a
    :py:class:`InfiniteArray` in a manner which is the complement of the 'idwt'
    pseudocode function described in (15.4.1) in the VC-2 standard.
    h_filter_params, v_filter_params : :py:class:`vc2_data_tables.LiftingFilterParameters`
        Horizontal and vertical filter parameters for the corresponding
        *synthesis* trhansform (e.g. from
        :py:data:`vc2_data_tables.LIFTING_FILTERS`). These filter parameters
        will be transformed into analysis lifting stages internally.
    dwt_depth, dwt_depth_ho: int
        Transform depths for 2D and horizontal-only transforms.
    array : :py:class:`InfiniteArray`
        The array representing the picture to be analysed.
    coeff_arrays : {level: {orientation: :py:class:`InfiniteArray`, ...}, ...}
        The output transform coefficient values. These nested dictionaries are
        indexed the same way as 'coeff_data' in the idwt pseudocode function in
        (15.4.1) in the VC-2 specification.
    intermediate_arrays : {(level, array_name): :py:class:`InfiniteArray`, ...}
        All intermediate (and output) value arrays, named according to the
        convention described in :ref:`terminology`.
        This value is returned as an :py:class:`~collections.OrderedDict`
        giving the arrays in their order of creation; a sensible order for
        display purposes.
    intermediate_arrays = OrderedDict()

    h_filter_params = convert_between_synthesis_and_analysis(h_filter_params)
    v_filter_params = convert_between_synthesis_and_analysis(v_filter_params)

    input = array
    for level in reversed(range(1, dwt_depth_ho + dwt_depth + 1)):
        intermediate_arrays[(level, "Input")] = input

        # Bit shift
        dc = intermediate_arrays[(level, "DC")] = LeftShiftedArray(

        # Horizontal lifting stages
        for num, stage in enumerate(h_filter_params.stages):
            name = "DC{}".format("'" * (num + 1))
            dc = intermediate_arrays[(level, name)] = LiftedArray(dc, stage, 0)

        # Horizontal subsample
        l = intermediate_arrays[(level,
                                 "L")] = SubsampledArray(dc, (2, 1), (0, 0))
        h = intermediate_arrays[(level,
                                 "H")] = SubsampledArray(dc, (2, 1), (1, 0))

        if level > dwt_depth_ho:
            # Vertical lifting stages
            for num, stage in enumerate(v_filter_params.stages):
                name = "L{}".format("'" * (num + 1))
                l = intermediate_arrays[(level,
                                         name)] = LiftedArray(l, stage, 1)
                name = "H{}".format("'" * (num + 1))
                h = intermediate_arrays[(level,
                                         name)] = LiftedArray(h, stage, 1)

            # Vertical subsample
            ll = intermediate_arrays[(level, "LL")] = SubsampledArray(
                l, (1, 2), (0, 0))
            lh = intermediate_arrays[(level, "LH")] = SubsampledArray(
                l, (1, 2), (0, 1))
            hl = intermediate_arrays[(level, "HL")] = SubsampledArray(
                h, (1, 2), (0, 0))
            hh = intermediate_arrays[(level, "HH")] = SubsampledArray(
                h, (1, 2), (0, 1))

            input = ll
            input = l

    # Separately enumerate just the final output arrays
    coeff_arrays = {}
    for level in range(1, dwt_depth_ho + dwt_depth + 1):
        coeff_arrays[level] = {}
        if level > dwt_depth_ho:
            for orient in ["LH", "HL", "HH"]:
                coeff_arrays[level][orient] = intermediate_arrays[(level,
            coeff_arrays[level]["H"] = intermediate_arrays[(level, "H")]
    if dwt_depth_ho > 0:
        coeff_arrays[0] = {"L": input}
        coeff_arrays[0] = {"LL": input}

    return coeff_arrays, intermediate_arrays