コード例 #1
                help="Define a time at which to stop converting")
args = ap.parse_args()

# Get output stream
out = sys.stdout
if args.output != '-':
    out = open(args.output, "w")

# Construct VCD parser
print('Parsing input vcd.', file=sys.stderr)
vcd = VCDVCD(args.input)
data = vcd.get_data()
print('Done.', file=sys.stderr)

def format_value_dump(val, size, n_elems):
    """ Formats the value string to a hexadecimal representation, 0-padded to the next byte.

        val (str): the string representing the value to format
        size (int): the bitwidth of val
        n_elems (int): the number of elements, required to pretty_print arrays. An array has the number of n_elems < size
        The formatted value. If the value is not numeric (e.g. an 'x'), val is returned as is.
    digit = val.isdigit()
    words = int(math.ceil(size / 8) * 2)
コード例 #2
ファイル: vcd.py プロジェクト: Maveric4/mt_siamtrackopt
def get_stream_if_stats(vcd_file, if_base_name):
    """Return statistics for given streaming interface in vcd trace in the
    following dict format:

    <stream_state>: (<num_samples>, <fraction_of_time>),

    where <stream_state> is the combination of (V)alid/(R)eady values,
    <num_samples> is the approximate number of rising clock edges spent in <state>
    , and <fraction_of_time> is the fraction of <num_samples> to total
    amount of time recorded by the trace.

    {"{'V': 0, 'R': 0}": (5, 0.0006060606060606061),
     "{'V': 1, 'R': 0}": (0, 0.0),
     "{'V': 0, 'R': 1}": (7605, 0.9218181818181819),
     "{'V': 1, 'R': 1}": (640, 0.07757575757575758)}

    Here we can see the stream was transmitting values 7.7% of the time,
    and 9.2% of the time there was no incoming data (valid 0, ready 1)
    if_valid = if_base_name + vname
    if_ready = if_base_name + rname
    v = VCDVCD(vcd_file, signals=[if_valid], store_tvs=True)
    endtime = v.get_endtime()
    v = v.get_data()
    assert len(v) != 0, "Streaming interface not found"
    v = list(v.values())[0]["tv"]
    v = list(map(lambda x: ("V", x[0], x[1]), v))
    v.append(("V", endtime, "0"))
    r = VCDVCD(vcd_file, signals=[if_ready], store_tvs=True).get_data()
    assert len(r) != 0, "Streaming interface not found"
    r = list(r.values())[0]["tv"]
    r = list(map(lambda x: ("R", x[0], x[1]), r))
    r.append(("R", endtime, "0"))
    events = sorted(v + r, key=lambda x: x[1])
    ret = {
        "{'V': 0, 'R': 0}": 0,
        "{'V': 1, 'R': 0}": 0,
        "{'V': 0, 'R': 1}": 0,
        "{'V': 1, 'R': 1}": 0,
    status = {"V": 0, "R": 0}
    last_time = 0
    total_rising_clock_edges = 0
    for (sig, time, val) in events:
        # pyverilator generates 5 time units per sample
        time = time / 5
        # pyverilator generates 4 samples per clock period
        n_rising_clock_edges = int((time - last_time) / 4)
        # note that the calculation of n_rising_clock_edges is approximate
        # doing this exactly would require a cycle-by-cycle walkthrough of the
        # trace, which can take very long
        ret[str(status)] += n_rising_clock_edges
        total_rising_clock_edges += n_rising_clock_edges
        status[sig] = int(val)
        last_time = time

    for state in ret:
        v = ret[state]
        ret[state] = (v, v / total_rising_clock_edges)

    return ret
コード例 #3
def get_data(vcd_path):
    """Load a vcd file and return the list of signal names including path

    vcd = VCDVCD(vcd_path)
    return vcd.get_data()
コード例 #4
def vcd_to_signals(vcd_path, signals='', module_path=''):
    """Load a vcd file times and values into Signals

        vcd_path: Path to the .vcd file.
        signals: Name(s) of the signals to load. None or [] loads them all.
        module_path: Path of the signal(s) in the RTL hierarchy. A string to
                     apply to all the signals, or a dictionary {name: path,}
                     if a list of signals is provided.
                     In order to select signals by module (and differentiate
                     signals with equal names located in different modules),
                     provide the path to the signals that you want to extract.
                     Signals in the vcd file:
                     Setting signals_base_path='uMux/' will return:
                       {'data': Signal(this will be 'dut.Top/uMux/data[31:0]'),
                        'en':   Signal(this will be 'dut.Top/uMux/en'),
                        'dv':   Signal(this will be 'dut.Top/uMux/dv')}

    from hdlcomposer.signals import Signal

    vcd = VCDVCD(vcd_path)
    signals_in_vcd = vcd.get_signals()
    data = vcd.get_data()

    result_signals = {}

    if not signals:
        signals = signals_in_vcd
    elif not isinstance(signals, list):
        signals = [signals]
    if not isinstance(module_path, dict):
        module_path = {name: module_path for name in signals}

    for identifier in data:
        signal_names_in_id = data[identifier]['references']
        for vcd_signal_name in signal_names_in_id:
            for signal_name in module_path:
                size = int(data[identifier]['size'])
                matches, found_signal_name = find_signal_name(
                    vcd_signal_name, signal_name, module_path[signal_name],
                    (size > 1))
                if matches:
                    result_signals[found_signal_name] = Signal(
                    result_signals[found_signal_name].waveform = [
                        list(tv) for tv in data[identifier]['tv']

    return result_signals
コード例 #5
ファイル: examples.py プロジェクト: robinkjoy/vcdvcd
from __future__ import print_function

import sys
from pprint import PrettyPrinter

from vcdvcd import VCDVCD

if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
    vcd_path = sys.argv[1]
    vcd_path = 'counter_tb.vcd'
pp = PrettyPrinter()

print('# get_data()')
vcd = VCDVCD(vcd_path)

print('# get_data(only_sigs=True)')
vcd = VCDVCD(vcd_path, only_sigs=True)

print('# get_signals()')
vcd = VCDVCD(vcd_path, only_sigs=True)

print('# __init__(signals=)')
vcd_only_sigs = VCDVCD(vcd_path, only_sigs=True)
signals = vcd_only_sigs.get_signals()