コード例 #1
    def AddPoint(self, sensor, down=False):
        if not self.lastpoint:
            self.lastpoint = SigmaPoint(sensor, down)

        if self.lastpoint.count < self.min_count: # require x measurements
            if vector.dist2(self.lastpoint.sensor, sensor) < self.sigma:
                self.lastpoint.add_measurement(sensor, down)
            self.lastpoint = False

        # use lastpoint as better sample
        sensor, down = self.lastpoint.sensor, self.lastpoint.down
        self.lastpoint = False

        ind = 0
        for point in self.sigma_points:
            if point.count > 100:
            if vector.dist2(point.sensor, sensor) < self.sigma:
                point.add_measurement(sensor, down)
                if ind > 0:
                    # move toward front of list to speed up future tests
                    self.sigma_points = self.sigma_points[:ind-1] + [point] + [self.sigma_points[ind-1]] + self.sigma_points[ind+1:]
            ind += 1

        self.updated = True
        index = len(self.sigma_points)
        p = SigmaPoint(sensor, down)
        if index < self.max_sigma_points:
            # push to front of list
            self.sigma_points = [p] + self.sigma_points

        # replace point that is closest to other points
        mindi = 0
        mind = 1e20
        for i in range(len(self.sigma_points)):
            dt = time.monotonic() - self.sigma_points[i].time
            d = []
            for j in range(len(self.sigma_points)):
                if i == j:
                dist = vector.dist(self.sigma_points[i].sensor, self.sigma_points[j].sensor)
                count = min(self.sigma_points[i].count, 100)

            # weight based on distance to closest 2 points and time
            total = (d[0]+d[1])*1/dt**.2
            if total < mind:
                mindi = i
                mind = total

        self.sigma_points[mindi] = p
コード例 #2
    def AddPoint(self, compass, down):
        if not self.lastpoint:
            self.lastpoint = SigmaPoint(compass, down)

        if vector.dist2(self.lastpoint.compass, compass) < SigmaPoints.sigma:
            fac = .02
            for i in range(3):
                self.lastpoint.compass[i] = fac * compass[i] + (
                    1 - fac) * self.lastpoint.compass[i]
                self.lastpoint.down[i] += down[i]
            self.lastpoint.count += 1

        if self.lastpoint.count < 3:  # require 3 measurements
            self.lastpoint = False

        compass, down = self.lastpoint.compass, self.lastpoint.down
        for i in range(3):
            down[i] /= self.lastpoint.count
        self.lastpoint = False

        ind = 0
        for point in self.sigma_points:
            if vector.dist2(point.compass, compass) < SigmaPoints.sigma:
                point.add_measurement(compass, down)
                if ind > 0:
                    # put at front of list to speed up future tests
                    self.sigma_points = self.sigma_points[:ind-1] + [point] + \
                                        [self.sigma_points[ind-1]] + self.sigma_points[ind+1:]
            ind += 1

        index = len(self.sigma_points)
        p = SigmaPoint(compass, down)
        if index == SigmaPoints.max_sigma_points:
            # replace point that is closest to other points
            minweighti = 0
            minweight = 1e20
            for i in range(len(self.sigma_points)):
                for j in range(len(self.sigma_points)):
                    if i == j:
                    dist = vector.dist(self.sigma_points[i].compass,
                    count = min(self.sigma_points[i].count, 100)
                    dt = time.time() - self.sigma_points[i].time
                    weight = dist * count**.2 * 1 / dt**.1
                    #print 'ij', i, j, dist, count, dt, weight
                    if weight < minweight:
                        minweighti = i
                        minweight = weight

            #print 'replace', minweighti, self.sigma_points[minweighti].count, time.time() - self.sigma_points[minweighti].time
            self.sigma_points[minweighti] = p
コード例 #3
    def AddPoint(self, sensor, down):
        if not self.lastpoint:
            self.lastpoint = SigmaPoint(sensor, down)

        if self.lastpoint.count < self.min_count:  # require x measurements
            if vector.dist2(self.lastpoint.sensor, sensor) < self.sigma:
                self.lastpoint.add_measurement(sensor, down)

            self.lastpoint = False

        # use lastpoint as better sample
        sensor, down = self.lastpoint.sensor, self.lastpoint.down
        for i in range(3):
            down[i] /= self.lastpoint.count
        self.lastpoint = False

        ind = 0
        for point in self.sigma_points:
            if vector.dist2(point.sensor, sensor) < self.sigma:
                point.add_measurement(sensor, down)
                if ind > 0:
                    # put at front of list to speed up future tests
                    self.sigma_points = self.sigma_points[:ind-1] + [point] + \
                                        [self.sigma_points[ind-1]] + self.sigma_points[ind+1:]
            ind += 1

        index = len(self.sigma_points)
        p = SigmaPoint(sensor, down)
        if index == self.max_sigma_points:
            # replace point that is closest to other points
            minweighti = 0
            minweight = 1e20
            for i in range(len(self.sigma_points)):
                for j in range(len(self.sigma_points)):
                    if i == j:
                    dist = vector.dist(self.sigma_points[i].sensor,
                    count = min(self.sigma_points[i].count, 100)
                    dt = time.time() - self.sigma_points[i].time
                    weight = dist * count**.2 * 1 / dt**.1
                    #print('ij', i, j, dist, count, dt, weight)
                    if weight < minweight:
                        minweighti = i
                        minweight = weight

            #print('replace', minweighti, self.sigma_points[minweighti].count, time.time() - self.sigma_points[minweighti].time)
            self.sigma_points[minweighti] = p

コード例 #4
def FitCompass(debug, compass_points, compass_calibration, norm):
    p = compass_points.Points(True)
    if len(p) < 8:

    fit = FitPointsCompass(debug, p, compass_calibration, norm)
    if not fit:
    #debug('FitCompass', fit)

    g_required_dev = .25 # must have more than this to allow 1d or 3d fit
    gpoints = []
    for q in p:
    avg, g_dev, g_max_dev = PointFit(gpoints)
    #debug('gdev', g_dev, g_max_dev)
    c = fit[1] # use 2d fit
    if g_max_dev < g_required_dev:
        debug('sigmapoints flat, 2D fit only', g_max_dev, g_required_dev)
        if fit[2]:
            c = fit[2] # 3d fit
        # for now do not allow 1d fit
        if not c:
            debug('would be using 1d fit!')
            #c = fit[0] # 1d fit only possible

    if not c:
        debug('No Fit available', fit)

    coverage = ComputeCoverage(p, c[0][:3], norm)
    #debug('coverage', coverage)
    if coverage < 14: # require 280 degrees
        debug('insufficient coverage:', coverage, ' need 14')
        if c == fit[1]: # must have had 3d fit to use 1d fit
        c = fit[0]
        return # for now disallow 1d fit
        debug('using 1d fit')

    # make sure the magnitude is sane
    mag = c[0][3]
    if mag < 7 or mag > 120:
        debug('fit found field outside of normal earth field strength', mag)

    # require inclination less than 82 degrees, with so much inclination,
    # the fit is inaccurate (near magnetic pole?)
    inc = c[0][4]
    if abs(inc) > 82:
        debug('incline greater than 82 degrees, no fit',)

    # test points for deviation, all must fall on a sphere
    deviation = c[1]
    if deviation[0] > .15 or deviation[1] > 3:
        curdeviation = ComputeDeviation(p, compass_calibration)
        debug('bad fit:', deviation, 'cur dev:', curdeviation)
        # if compass_calibration calibration is really terrible
        if deviation[0]/curdeviation[0] + deviation[1]/curdeviation[1] < 2.5 or curdeviation[0] > .2 or curdeviation[1] > 10:
            debug('allowing bad fit')
            compass_points.RemoveOldest()  # remove oldest point if too much deviation
            return # don't use this fit

    # if the bias has not sufficiently changed,
    # the fit didn't change much, so don't bother to report this update
    if vector.dist2(c[0], compass_calibration) < .1:
        debug('new calibration same as previous')

    return c
コード例 #5
def FitCompass(compass_cal, compass_calibration, norm):
    p = compass_cal.Points()
    #print('compassfit count', len(p))
    if len(p) < 8:
        return False

    debug('FitPointsCompass', p, compass_calibration, norm)
    fit = FitPointsCompass(p, compass_calibration, norm)
    if not fit:
    debug('compass fit', fit)

    g_required_dev = .5 # must have more than this to allow 1d or 3d fit
    gpoints = []
    for q in p:
    avg, g_dev, g_max_dev = PointFit(gpoints)
    debug('gdev', g_dev, g_max_dev)
    c = fit[1] # use 2d fit
    if g_max_dev < g_required_dev:
        debug('sigmapoints flat, 2D fit only')
        if fit[2]:
            c = fit[2] # 3d fit
        # for now do not allow 1d fit
        ##if not c:
        ##  c = fit[0] # 1d fit only possible

    if not c:
    coverage = ComputeCoverage(p, c[0][:3], norm)
    if coverage < 12: # require 240 degrees
        debug('calibration: not enough coverage:', coverage)
        if c == fit[1]: # must have had 3d fit to use 1d fit
        debug('insufficient coverage, use 1d fit')
        return # no 1d fit

    # make sure the magnitude is sane
    mag = c[0][3]
    if mag < 7 or mag > 120:
        debug('fit found field outside of normal earth field strength', mag)

    # require inclination less than 82 degrees, with so much inclination,
    # the fit is inaccurate (near magnetic pole?)
    inc = c[0][4]
    if abs(inc) > 82:
        debug('incline greater than 82 degrees, no fit',)

    # test points for deviation, all must fall on a sphere
    deviation = c[1]
    if deviation[0] > .15 or deviation[1] > 3:
        debug('bad fit:', deviation)
        curdeviation = ComputeDeviation(p, compass_calibration)
        debug('cur dev', curdeviation)
        # if compass_calibration calibration is really terrible
        if deviation[0]/curdeviation[0] + deviation[1]/curdeviation[1] < 2.5 or curdeviation[0] > .2 or curdeviation[1] > 10:
            debug('allowing bad fit')
            compass_cal.RemoveOldest()  # remove oldest point if too much deviation
            return # don't use this fit
    # if the bias has not sufficiently changed,
    # the fit didn't change much, so don't bother to report this update
    if vector.dist2(c[0], compass_calibration) < .1:
        debug('insufficient change in bias, calibration already ok')
        debug('coverage', coverage, 'new fit:', c)

    return c
コード例 #6
def CalibrationProcess(points, norm_pipe, fit_output, current):
    import os
    if os.system('sudo chrt -pi 0 %d 2> /dev/null > /dev/null' % os.getpid()):
        print 'warning, failed to make calibration process idle, trying renice'
        if os.system("renice 20 %d" % os.getpid()):
            print 'warning, failed to renice calibration process'

    cal = SigmaPoints()
    norm = [0, 0, 0]

    while True:
        # each iteration remove oldest point if we have more than 12
        #if len(cal.sigma_points) > 1:
        #   cal.RemoveOldest()

        t = time.time()
        addedpoint = False
        while time.time() - t < calibration_fit_period:
            p = points.recv(1)
            if p:
                cal.AddPoint(p[:3], p[3:6])
                addedpoint = True

        while True:
            n = norm_pipe.recv()
            if not n:
            norm = n
            cal.sigma_points = []
            #print 'set norm', norm

        if not addedpoint:  # don't bother to run fit if no new data

        # remove points older than 1 hour
        p = []
        for sigma in cal.sigma_points:
            # only use measurements in last hour
            if time.time() - sigma.time < 3600:
        cal.sigma_points = p

        if False:
            p = []  # put points here
            cal.sigma_points = []
            for q in p:
                cal.sigma_points.append(SigmaPoint(q[:3], q[3:6]))

        # attempt to perform least squares fit
        p = []
        for sigma in cal.sigma_points:
            p.append(sigma.compass + sigma.down)

        if debug:
            print 'FitPoints', p, norm

        # for now, require at least 6 points to agree well for update
        if len(p) < 6:

        gpoints = []
        for q in p:

        fit = FitPoints(p, current, norm)
        if not fit:
        if debug:
            print 'fit', fit

        g_required_dev = .2  # must have more than this to allow 1d or 3d fit
        avg, g_dev, g_max_dev = PointFit(gpoints)
        if debug:
            print 'gdev', g_dev, g_max_dev
        if g_max_dev < g_required_dev:
            c = fit[1]  # use 2d fit
            if debug:
                print 'sigmapoints flat, 2d fit only'
            c = fit[2]  # 3d fit
            if not c:
                c = fit[0]  # 1d fit only possible

        if not c:

        coverage = 360 - math.degrees(
            ComputeCoverage(cal.sigma_points, c[0][:3]))
        if coverage < 120:  # require 120 degrees
            if debug:
                print 'calibration: not enough coverage', coverage, 'degrees'
            if c == fit[1]:  # must have had 3d fit to use 1d fit
            c = fit[0]  # 1d fit ok with insufficient coverage

        # make sure the magnitude is sane
        mag = c[0][3]
        if mag < 7 or mag > 80:
            if debug:
                print 'fit found field outside of normal earth field strength', mag

        # sphere fit should basically agree with new bias
        sbd = 0
        if fit[0] != fit[1]:
            spherebias = fit[2][:3]
            bias = fit[0][:3]
            sbd = vector.norm(vector.sub(bias, spherebias))
            if sbd > 6:
                if debug:
                    print 'sphere and newbias disagree', sbd
                    fit[0] = fit[1]
        print 'sphere bias difference', sbd
        # test points for deviation, all must fall on a sphere
        deviation = c[1]
        if deviation[0] > .15 or deviation[1] > 3:
            if debug:
                print 'bad fit:', deviation
            cal.RemoveOldest()  # remove oldest point if too much deviation
            continue  # don't use this fit

        # if the bias has not sufficiently changed,
        # the fit didn't change much, so don't bother to report this update
        if vector.dist2(c[0], current) < .1:
            if debug:
                print 'insufficient change in bias, calibration ok'

        if debug:
            print 'coverage', coverage, 'new fit:', c
            (c, map(lambda p: p.compass + p.down, cal.sigma_points)), False)
        current = c[0]
コード例 #7
ファイル: calibration_fit.py プロジェクト: quetzal/pypilot
def CalibrationProcess(points, norm_pipe, fit_output, current):
    import os
    if os.system('sudo chrt -pi 0 %d 2> /dev/null > /dev/null' % os.getpid()):
        print 'warning, failed to make calibration process idle, trying renice'
        if os.system("renice 20 %d" % os.getpid()):
            print 'warning, failed to renice calibration process'

    cal = SigmaPoints()
    norm = [0, 0, 1]

    while True:
        # each iteration remove oldest point if we have more than 12
        #if len(cal.sigma_points) > 1:
        #   cal.RemoveOldest()

        t = time.time()
        addedpoint = False
        while time.time() - t < calibration_fit_period:
            p = points.recv(1)
            if p:
                cal.AddPoint(p[:3], p[3:6])
                addedpoint = True

        while True:
            n = norm_pipe.recv()
            if not n:
            norm = n
            cal.sigma_points = []
            #print 'set norm', norm

        if not addedpoint:  # don't bother to run fit if no new data

        # remove points older than 1 hour
        p = []
        for sigma in cal.sigma_points:
            # only use measurements in last hour
            if time.time() - sigma.time < 3600:
        cal.sigma_points = p

        if False:
            p = [[
                99.61022395739637, -32.0896372233238, -46.19833893428187,
                0.9959545553521548, 0.01881086049517002, -0.08709012682673913
                     99.41269965838998, -29.18933915381635, -50.87318433884822,
                     0.9959240391187345, 0.025598832598336896,
                     99.63371012917594, -30.564020033256263,
                     -49.51652671143861, 0.9959725515496398,
                     0.021270918093455812, -0.08636070074997991
                     99.55269985551303, -31.555431659129688,
                     -48.67149985377176, 0.996239375494907,
                     0.008675418089256124, -0.08608916000100958
                     99.85053925286313, -32.804657891397724,
                     -43.07924450281722, 0.9958921542039714,
                     0.020566397536647005, -0.08774229505974987
                     99.09234339278912, -33.6539144001473, -39.992952093580584,
                     0.9960624906154125, 0.012102753257664767,
                     99.36440514827613, -27.83050871518071, -23.86624704383829,
                     0.9961120564762204, 0.010738915365523884,
                     99.27881542065676, -31.07749102140572, -29.11323456675227,
                     0.9959733742690939, 0.018797671301392187,
                     98.66466785647648, -33.77910428722979, -35.88069749493785,
                     0.9960232490868438, 0.00878364968675116,
                     98.25940791866283, -33.38075607725948,
                     -43.511240257178336, 0.9959494378584233,
                     0.008111556392145083, -0.08921317309205794
                     99.23090625079405, -31.96668639422272, -31.79659116533928,
                     0.995697680058246, 0.021258988302123628,
                     98.05279227664792, -34.04676396012794, -38.32184662393996,
                     0.9959648038133849, 0.007050180604718743,
                     99.3094944746132, -33.063143800282035, -37.07277486136846,
                     0.9959314585521511, 0.021396914991636075,
                     99.46857288800534, -25.70920675991828,
                     -22.212079862195036, 0.9960765103312297,
                     0.022150356953854627, -0.0853784440140581
                     98.06189470192125, -33.6074115180095, -33.95455487369483,
                     0.9959882312382028, 0.008958823339376289,
                     97.91227795273693, -31.233531578042207,
                     -27.844580754671917, 0.9959462962950375,
                     0.009456129369926113, -0.08901938128629384
                     97.4962095079903, -33.224780551340096, -31.15958596160746,
                     0.9959328787036706, 0.003916703460782957,
                     97.94596614832525, -32.33912173753667,
                     -29.559069049234942, 0.9959474803084559,
                     0.007237095190038474, -0.08914248460492485
            norm = [
                0.9957405037490841, 0.010161766950568168, -0.09163835270214449
            cal.sigma_points = []
            for q in p:
                cal.sigma_points.append(SigmaPoint(q[:3], q[3:6]))

        # attempt to perform least squares fit
        p = []
        for sigma in cal.sigma_points:
            p.append(sigma.compass + sigma.down)

        # for now, require at least 6 points to agree well for update
        if len(p) < 6:

        gpoints = []
        for q in p:

        debug('FitPoints', p, current, norm)

        fit = FitPoints(p, current, norm)
        if not fit:
        debug('fit', fit)

        g_required_dev = .15  # must have more than this to allow 1d or 3d fit
        avg, g_dev, g_max_dev = PointFit(gpoints)
        debug('gdev', g_dev, g_max_dev)
        c = fit[1]  # use 2d fit
        if g_max_dev < g_required_dev:
            debug('sigmapoints flat, 2D fit only')
            if fit[2]:
                c = fit[2]  # 3d fit
            # for now do not allow 1d fit
            ##if not c:
            ##  c = fit[0] # 1d fit only possible

        if not c:

        coverage = 360 - ComputeCoverage(cal.sigma_points, c[0][:3], norm)
        if coverage < 180:  # require 180 degrees
            debug('calibration: not enough coverage', coverage, 'degrees')
            if c == fit[1]:  # must have had 3d fit to use 1d fit
            debug('insufficient coverage, use 1d fit')
            continue  # no 1d fit
            #c = fit[0] # 1d fit ok with insufficient coverage
        #if c == fit[2] and coverage < 240:
        #   debug('not enough coverage for 3d fit')
        #  continue

        # make sure the magnitude is sane
        mag = c[0][3]
        if mag < 7 or mag > 120:
            debug('fit found field outside of normal earth field strength',

        # require inclination less than 82 degrees, with so much inclination,
        # the fit is inaccurate (near magnetic pole?)
        inc = c[0][4]
        if abs(inc) > 82:
            debug('incline greater than 82 degrees, no fit', )
        # sphere fit should basically agree with new bias
        sbd = 0
        if fit[0] != fit[1]:
            spherebias = fit[2][:3]
            bias = fit[0][:3]
            sbd = vector.norm(vector.sub(bias, spherebias))
            if sbd > 6:
        debug('sphere and newbias disagree', sbd)
                    fit[0] = fit[1]
        print 'sphere bias difference', sbd
        # test points for deviation, all must fall on a sphere
        deviation = c[1]
        if deviation[0] > .15 or deviation[1] > 3:
            debug('bad fit:', deviation)
            curdeviation = ComputeDeviation(p, current)
            debug('cur dev', curdeviation)
            # if current calibration is really terrible
            if deviation[0] < curdeviation[0] / 2 or curdeviation[0] > 1:
                debug('allowing bad fit')
                cal.RemoveOldest()  # remove oldest point if too much deviation
                continue  # don't use this fit

        # if the bias has not sufficiently changed,
        # the fit didn't change much, so don't bother to report this update
        if vector.dist2(c[0], current) < .1:
            debug('insufficient change in bias, calibration already ok')
            debug('coverage', coverage, 'new fit:', c)

            (c, map(lambda p: p.compass + p.down, cal.sigma_points)), False)
        current = c[0]