コード例 #1
ファイル: puck_module.py プロジェクト: clush/Airhockey
    def predict_puck_movement(self, bag):   #ausgefuehrt
        Predicts the pucks movement.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.

        # need at least 2 points
        if len(self.buffer) < 2:

        # loop over points
        direction_sum = (0, 0)
        for i in xrange(0, len(self.buffer) - 1):
            # get tuples and time diff

            current_tuple = self.buffer[i]
            next_tuple 	  = self.buffer[i+1]
            time_diff	  = next_tuple[2] - current_tuple[2]

            # get direction (length is velocity) and divide by time_diff
            direction = vector.mul_by(vector.from_to(current_tuple, next_tuple), 1.0 / time_diff)

            # sum up
            direction_sum = vector.add(direction_sum, direction)

        # averaging
        direction = vector.mul_by(direction_sum, 1.0 / self.buffer_size)

        # add puck direction (normalized) and velocity
        bag.puck.velocity = vector.length(direction)
        bag.puck.direction = vector.normalize(direction)
        bag.next.puck.olddirection = bag.puck.direction
コード例 #2
ファイル: visualize.py プロジェクト: clush/Airhockey
    def draw_puck(self, bag):
        Draws the puck into the image.
        :param bag:

        if 'position' in bag.puck:

            # draw puck itself
            color = ((255, 0, 0) if bag.puck.is_predicted_position else (0, 255, 0))
            cv2.circle(bag.image, bag.puck.position_pixel, bag.puck.radius_unscaled, color, 2)
            cv2.circle(bag.image, bag.puck.position_pixel, 2, (0, 0, 255), 3)

            if 'path' in bag.puck:

                # draw puck movement
                #direction_velocity = vector.mul_by(bag.puck.direction, bag.puck.velocity)
                #destination = vector.add(bag.puck.position, direction_velocity)
                #destination_pixel = vector.coord_to_image_space(destination, bag.table_boundaries)
                #cv2.line(bag.image, bag.puck.position_pixel, destination_pixel, (255, 0, 0))

                # draw path
                for i in xrange(0, len(bag.puck.path) - 1):
                    position = vector.coord_to_image_space(bag.puck.path[i][0], bag.table_boundaries)
                    destination = vector.coord_to_image_space(bag.puck.path[i + 1][0], bag.table_boundaries)
                    cv2.line(bag.image, position, destination, (255, 0, 0))
                    cv2.circle(bag.image, position, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
                position_pixel = vector.coord_to_image_space(bag.puck.path[-1][0], bag.table_boundaries)
                direction_velocity = vector.mul_by(bag.puck.path[-1][1], bag.puck.path[-1][2])
                destination = vector.add(bag.puck.path[-1][0], direction_velocity)
                destination_pixel = vector.coord_to_image_space(destination, bag.table_boundaries)
                cv2.line(bag.image, position_pixel, destination_pixel, (255, 0, 0))
コード例 #3
ファイル: visualize.py プロジェクト: clush/Airhockey
    def move_stick(self, bag):
        Moves the stick.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.
        if 'position' not in bag.stick:
            bag.next.stick.position = strategy.SimpleStrategy.HOME_POSITION
        if 'dest_position' not in bag.stick:
            position = bag.stick.position

            # move stick towards destination
            # ignore dest_direction and dest_velocity
            dist_moved = strategy.SimpleStrategy.STICK_MAX_SPEED * bag.time_diff
            direction = vector.from_to(bag.stick.position, bag.stick.dest_position)
            if dist_moved > vector.length(direction):
                position = bag.stick.dest_position
                direction = vector.mul_by(vector.normalize(direction), dist_moved * strategy.SimpleStrategy.STICK_MAX_SPEED)
                position = vector.add(bag.stick.position, direction)

        # set new position
        bag.next.stick.position = position
コード例 #4
ファイル: puck_module.py プロジェクト: clush/Airhockey
    def _predict_position(self, bag, current_time):
        Guesses the puck's position.
        :param bag: The parameter bag
        :param current_time: The current time.

        # only possible if we have a path and a velocity
        if len(self.last_path) > 0:

            # find path part in which the the puck should be by now
            path_part_index = 0
            while path_part_index < len(self.last_path):
                path_part = self.last_path[path_part_index]
                if path_part[3] > current_time:

                    # collision time is in future -> take last part
                    path_part_index -= 1
                path_part_index += 1
            path_part = self.last_path[path_part_index - 1]

            # predict position
            remaining_time = current_time - path_part[3]
            direction = vector.mul_by(path_part[1], path_part[2] * remaining_time)
            bag.puck.predicted_position = vector.add(path_part[0], direction)

        elif 'position' in bag.puck:

            # use actual position if found
            bag.puck.predicted_position = bag.puck.position
コード例 #5
ファイル: puck_module.py プロジェクト: clush/Airhockey
    def build_puck_path(self, bag, remaining_forecast_time=None):    #ausgefuehrt
        Checks for a collision with the table boundaries.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.
        :param remaining_forecast_time:
        if 'direction' not in bag.puck:

        if remaining_forecast_time is None:
            remaining_forecast_time = const.CONST.TABLE_BOUNDARIES_COLLISION_FORECAST_TIME

        if 'path' not in bag.puck:
            bag.puck.path = []
        if len(bag.puck.path) == 0:
            bag.puck.path.append((bag.puck.position, bag.puck.direction, bag.puck.velocity, bag.puck.detection_time))

        # get position and direction for the current path part
        position = bag.puck.path[-1][0]
        direction = bag.puck.path[-1][1]
        velocity = bag.puck.path[-1][2]

        # follow puck movement for remaining time
        movement = vector.mul_by(direction, velocity)
        predicted_position = vector.add(position, vector.mul_by(movement, remaining_forecast_time))

        # check if position is out of bounds
        collision = self._check_collision(position, predicted_position, movement)
        if collision is not None:

            # add to path
            bag.puck.path.append((collision[0], vector.normalize(collision[1]), velocity, bag.puck.path[-1][3] + collision[2]))

            # continue building path
            remaining_forecast_time -= collision[2]
            #print("Velocity: " + str(velocity))
            #if len(bag.puck.path) > 20:
            #    exit()
            if remaining_forecast_time > 0:
                self.build_puck_path(bag, remaining_forecast_time)

        # save path
        #print("done, path: " + str(bag.puck.path))
        self.last_path = bag.puck.path
コード例 #6
ファイル: strategy.py プロジェクト: clush/Airhockey
    def _calculate_collision_point(self, bag):
        Calculates the collision point between the puck and the stick.
        :param bag: The parameter bag.

        # NOTE: First attempt, ignoring stick and puck acceleration, puck radius and stick radius here

        # OK, math first:
        # S = stick position
        # C = point of collision
        # v = max speed of the stick
        # P = puck position
        # p = puck direction * velocity
        # Points which the stick can reach in time t build a circle around him:
        # 1. (Cx - Sx)^2 + (Cy - Sy)^2 = r = v * t
        # Points which the puck reaches in time t are on the line:
        # 2. Px + px * t = Cx
        # 3. Py + py * t = Cy
        # Approach:
        # - replace Cx and Cy in 1. with 2. and 3.
        # - bracket the square terms (Px + px * t - Sx)^2 and (Py + py * t - Sy)^2
        # - outline t^2 and t to get a formula like t^2*(...) + t*(...) + (...)
        # - name (...) a, b and c
        # - use the quadratic formula to get t
        # - use puck movement and t to get collision point
        # - use stick position and collision point
        # - gg

        Sx = bag.stick.position[0]
        Sy = bag.stick.position[1]
        Px = bag.puck.position[0]
        Py = bag.puck.position[1]
        px = bag.puck.direction[0] * bag.puck.velocity
        py = bag.puck.direction[1] * bag.puck.velocity
        v = self.STICK_MAX_SPEED

        # calculate a, b and c
        a = px*px + py*py - v*v
        b = 2*Px*px - 2*Sx*px + 2*Py*py - 2*Sy*py
        c = Px*Px - 2*Px*Sx + Sx*Sx + Py*Py - 2*Py*Sy + Sy*Sy

        # calculate t
        inner_sqrt = b*b - 4*a*c
        if inner_sqrt < 0:
            print("Going home, inner sqrt: " + str(inner_sqrt))

            # no chance to get that thing, go home

        # use + first, since a is negative (Vpuck - Vstick)
        # (... / 2 * a) -> shortest time needed
        sqrt_b2_4ac = math.sqrt(inner_sqrt)
        t = (-b + sqrt_b2_4ac) / 2*a
        print("Vp: "+str(bag.puck.velocity))
        print("t:  "+str(t))
        if t < 0:

            # too late for that chance, use other result
            t = (-b - sqrt_b2_4ac) / 2*a
            print("t2: "+str(t))

        # get collision point
        C = vector.add((Px, Py), vector.mul_by((px, py), t))
        s = vector.from_to((Sx, Sy), C)

        # save
        bag.stick.dest_position = C
        bag.stick.dest_direction = vector.normalize(s)
        bag.stick.dest_velocity = self.STICK_MAX_SPEED
        bag.stick.dest_time = time.time() + t