コード例 #1
ファイル: polycoli.py プロジェクト: Benito1001/ultra_racer
 def get_vertices(self):
     vertices = [
         Vec2d(self.pos.x, self.pos.y),
         Vec2d(self.pos.x + self.w, self.pos.y),
         Vec2d(self.pos.x + self.w, self.pos.y + self.h),
         Vec2d(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + self.h)
     return vertices
コード例 #2
ファイル: player.py プロジェクト: Benito1001/ultra_racer
	def __init__(self, context, x, y, r):
		Circle.__init__(self, context, x, y, r, 1, (100, 200, 0))

		self.mass = 1
		self.force = Vec2d(0, 0)
		self.acc = Vec2d(0, 0)
		self.vel = Vec2d(0, 0)
		self.power = 12
		self.keys = {}
コード例 #3
 def get_vertices(self, rot):
     vertices = [
         Vec2d(self.mid.x - self.w / 2, self.mid.y - self.h / 2),
         Vec2d(self.mid.x + self.w / 2, self.mid.y - self.h / 2),
         Vec2d(self.mid.x + self.w / 2, self.mid.y + self.h / 2),
         Vec2d(self.mid.x - self.w / 2, self.mid.y + self.h / 2),
         Vec2d(self.mid.x - self.w / 2, self.mid.y - self.h / 2)
     return [
         self.mid + (vertex - self.mid).rotate(rot) for vertex in vertices
コード例 #4
	def __init__(self, context, x, y, immovable=False, imrotatable=False):
		self.immovable = immovable
		self.imrotatable = imrotatable

		Entity.__init__(self, context, x, y)
		self.vel = Vec2d(0, 0)
		self.acc = Vec2d(0, 0)
		self.force = Vec2d(0, 0)

		self.rot = 0
		self.rot_vel = 0
		self.rot_acc = 0
		self.tourqe = 0
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, context, x, y):
     self.context = context
     self.px2m = self.context.px2m_func
     self.px2m_tuple = self.context.px2m_tuple
     self.screen_w = self.context.screen_size_m.w
     self.screen_h = self.context.screen_size_m.h
     self.pos = Vec2d(x, y)
コード例 #6
def circle_is_on_line(circle_mid, circle_rad, line_start, line_end):
    collision_point, length_to_line = length_from_point_to_line(
        circle_mid, line_start, line_end)
    if length_to_line < circle_rad:
        line_min = Vec2d(min(line_start.x, line_end.x),
                         min(line_start.y, line_end.y))
        line_max = Vec2d(max(line_start.x, line_end.x),
                         max(line_start.y, line_end.y))
        if line_start.x != line_end.x:
            if collision_point.x > line_min.x and collision_point.x < line_max.x:
                return True, collision_point, circle_rad - length_to_line
            if collision_point.y > line_min.y and collision_point.y < line_max.y:
                return True, collision_point, circle_rad - length_to_line
        return circle_is_on_corner(circle_mid, circle_rad, line_start,
    return False, None, None
コード例 #7
ファイル: draw_vector.py プロジェクト: Benito1001/ultra_racer
    def __init__(self, context, x, y, vx, vy):
        Entity.__init__(self, context, x, y)
        self.vec = Vec2d(vx, vy)

        self.Surface = pygame.Surface(self.px2m_tuple(*abs(self.vec)))
        self.Surface.fill((255, 255, 255))
        self.Surface.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))
        pygame.draw.lines(self.Surface, (0, 0, 255), False,
                          [(0, 0), self.px2m_tuple(*self.vec)], 1)
        self.Surface = self.Surface.convert()
コード例 #8
ファイル: polycoli.py プロジェクト: Benito1001/ultra_racer
    def __init__(self, vertices):
        self.vertices = vertices
        if self.vertices[0].x != self.vertices[-1].x or self.vertices[
                0].y != self.vertices[-1].y:
            self.vertices.append(Vec2d(self.vertices[0].x, self.vertices[0].y))

        self.mid = self.get_mid()
        self.vertices = [vertex - self.mid for vertex in self.vertices]
        self.edges = self.get_edges()
        self.normals = self.get_normals()
コード例 #9
 def get_hitbox(self):
     top = self.points[0].y
     bottom = self.points[0].y
     left = self.points[0].x
     right = self.points[0].x
     for point in self.points[1:]:
         top = min(top, point.y)
         bottom = max(bottom, point.y)
         left = min(left, point.x)
         right = max(right, point.x)
     return Hitbox(Vec2d(left, top), right - left, bottom - top)
コード例 #10
	def physics_update(self, dt):
		if not self.immovable:
			self.acc = self.force/self.mass
			self.vel += self.acc*dt
			self.pos += self.vel*dt
			self.force = Vec2d(0, 0)

		if not self.imrotatable:
			self.rot_acc = self.tourqe/self.moofin
			self.rot_vel += self.rot_acc*dt
			self.rot += self.rot_vel*dt
			self.tourqe = 0
コード例 #11
ファイル: polycoli.py プロジェクト: Benito1001/ultra_racer
 def get_normals(self):
     normals = []
     for edge in self.edges:
         edge_vector = edge[1] - edge[0]
         new_normal = Vec2d(-edge_vector.y,
                            edge_vector.x) / edge_vector.length
         for normal in normals:
             if abs(new_normal.dot(normal)) == 1:
     return normals
コード例 #12
    def update_points(self, point_list):
        self.points = point_list
        # close points list
        if self.points[0].x != self.points[-1].x or self.points[
                0].y != self.points[-1].y:
            self.points.append(Vec2d(self.points[0].x, self.points[0].y))

        self.mid = self.get_mid()
        self.edges = self.get_edges()
        self.hitbox = self.get_hitbox()
        self.pos = self.hitbox.pos
        self.surface_dirty = True
コード例 #13
    def __init__(self, context, x, y, w, h, density, rot=0):
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.mid = Vec2d(x + self.w / 2, y + self.h / 2)

        mass = density * w * h
        moofin = (w**2 + h**2) / 12 * mass
        self.rot = rot
コード例 #14
ファイル: polycoli.py プロジェクト: Benito1001/ultra_racer
 def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
     self.w = w
     self.h = h
     self.pos = Vec2d(x, y)
     Polygon.__init__(self, self.get_vertices())
コード例 #15
from vector2 import Vec2d

w = 3.2
h = 1
mass = 5

mid = Vec2d(w/2, h/2)

vertices = [
	Vec2d(0, 0),
	Vec2d(w, 0),
	Vec2d(w, h),
	Vec2d(0, h),
	Vec2d(0, 0)

qmoofin = mass*(w**2 + h**2)/12

print("square moof:", qmoofin)

def get_moofin(vertices, mass):
	# vertices must be a list with vertices[-1] == vertices[0]
	n = len(vertices) - 1

	moofin = 0
	total_area = 0
	for i in range(0, n):
		area = abs(vertices[i+1].cross(vertices[i]))

		mid_corector = 3*mid.dot(mid - vertices[i] - vertices[i+1])
コード例 #16
ファイル: hitbox.py プロジェクト: Benito1001/ultra_racer
 def __init__(self, pos, w, h):
     self.pos = pos
     self.type = type
     self.w = w
     self.h = h
     self.mid = Vec2d(self.pos.x + self.w / 2, self.pos.y + self.h / 2)