コード例 #1
 def computeS(self,pos):
   list_m = self.graph.node[pos]['vector']
   x = self.graph.node[self.graph.nodes()[pos]]['initVal']
   list_sum = vector.initZeros(len(self.graph.nodes()))
   for i in range(0,len(list_m)):
     list_a = list_m[i]
     list_a = vector.mul(list_a.getV(),x)
     list_sum = vector.sum(list_sum,list_a.getV())
   #compute alpha share to send 
   list_sum = vector.mul(list_sum,self.alpha)
   return list_sum
コード例 #2
 def sendMessage(self,r):
     #start the algorithm
     vr = self.Net.getVr(self.pos,r-1) #calculate vti as sum(vr) in round t-1
     vr = vector.mul(vr,self.alpha)
     m =  msg.Message(r,v=vr) # create a new message to send it with vti * alpha-share
     self.Net.sendMessage(m) # send to all