コード例 #1
ファイル: modules.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/Sage-8
    def __classcall_private__(cls, base_ring, dispatch=True):
        Implement the dispatching of ``Modules(field)`` to

        This feature will later be extended, probably as a covariant
        functorial construction, to support modules over various kinds
        of rings (principal ideal domains, ...), or even over semirings.


            sage: C = Modules(ZZ); C
            Category of modules over Integer Ring
            sage: C is Modules(ZZ, dispatch = False)
            sage: C is Modules(ZZ, dispatch = True)
            sage: C._reduction
            (<class 'sage.categories.modules.Modules'>, (Integer Ring,), {'dispatch': False})
            sage: TestSuite(C).run()

            sage: Modules(QQ) is VectorSpaces(QQ)
            sage: Modules(QQ, dispatch = True) is VectorSpaces(QQ)

            sage: C = Modules(NonNegativeIntegers()); C   # todo: not implemented
            Category of semiring modules over Non negative integers

            sage: C = Modules(QQ, dispatch = False); C
            Category of modules over Rational Field
            sage: C._reduction
            (<class 'sage.categories.modules.Modules'>, (Rational Field,), {'dispatch': False})
            sage: TestSuite(C).run()
        if dispatch:
            if base_ring in _Fields or (isinstance(base_ring, Category)
                                        and base_ring.is_subcategory(_Fields)):
                from vector_spaces import VectorSpaces
                return VectorSpaces(base_ring, check=False)
        result = super(Modules, cls).__classcall__(cls, base_ring)
        result._reduction[2]['dispatch'] = False
        return result
コード例 #2
ファイル: modules.py プロジェクト: bopopescu/sagelib-1
    def __classcall_private__(cls, base_ring, dispatch = True):
        This method implements the default behavior of dispatching
        ``Modules(field)`` to ``VectorSpaces(field)``. This feature
        will later be extended to modules over a principal ideal
        domain/ring or over a semiring.


            sage: C = Modules(ZZ); C
            Category of modules over Integer Ring
            sage: C is Modules(ZZ, dispatch = False)
            sage: C is Modules(ZZ, dispatch = True)
            sage: C._reduction
            (<class 'sage.categories.modules.Modules'>, (Integer Ring,), {'dispatch': False})
            sage: TestSuite(C).run()

            sage: Modules(QQ) is VectorSpaces(QQ)
            sage: Modules(QQ, dispatch = True) is VectorSpaces(QQ)

            sage: C = Modules(NonNegativeIntegers()); C   # todo: not implemented
            Category of semiring modules over Non negative integers

            sage: C = Modules(QQ, dispatch = False); C
            Category of modules over Rational Field
            sage: C._reduction
            (<class 'sage.categories.modules.Modules'>, (Rational Field,), {'dispatch': False})
            sage: TestSuite(C).run()

        if dispatch:
            if base_ring in _Fields:
                return VectorSpaces(base_ring, check=False)
        result = super(Modules, cls).__classcall__(cls, base_ring)
        result._reduction[2]['dispatch'] = False
        return result