コード例 #1
ファイル: index_fns.py プロジェクト: zhgu-dev/vectorbt
def repeat_index(index, n):
    """Repeat each element in `index` `n` times."""
    if not isinstance(index, pd.Index):
        index = pd.Index(index)
    if checks.is_default_index(index):  # ignore simple ranges without name
        return pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(index) * n, step=1)
    return np.repeat(index, n)
コード例 #2
ファイル: index_fns.py プロジェクト: zhgu-dev/vectorbt
def tile_index(index, n):
    """Tile the whole `index` `n` times."""
    if not isinstance(index, pd.Index):
        index = pd.Index(index)
    if checks.is_default_index(index):  # ignore simple ranges without name
        return pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(index) * n, step=1)
    if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):
        return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(np.tile(index, n), names=index.names)
    return pd.Index(np.tile(index, n), name=index.name)
コード例 #3
ファイル: index_fns.py プロジェクト: ag-ds-bubble/vectorbt
def repeat_index(index, n, ignore_default=None):
    """Repeat each element in `index` `n` times."""
    from vectorbt import settings

    if ignore_default is None:
        ignore_default = settings.broadcasting['ignore_default']

    if not isinstance(index, pd.Index):
        index = pd.Index(index)
    if checks.is_default_index(index) and ignore_default:  # ignore simple ranges without name
        return pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(index) * n, step=1)
    return np.repeat(index, n)
コード例 #4
ファイル: index_fns.py プロジェクト: ag-ds-bubble/vectorbt
def tile_index(index, n, ignore_default=None):
    """Tile the whole `index` `n` times."""
    from vectorbt import settings

    if ignore_default is None:
        ignore_default = settings.broadcasting['ignore_default']

    if not isinstance(index, pd.Index):
        index = pd.Index(index)
    if checks.is_default_index(index) and ignore_default:  # ignore simple ranges without name
        return pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(index) * n, step=1)
    if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):
        return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(np.tile(index, n), names=index.names)
    return pd.Index(np.tile(index, n), name=index.name)
コード例 #5
ファイル: index_fns.py プロジェクト: ag-ds-bubble/vectorbt
def drop_redundant_levels(index):
    """Drop levels in `index` that either have a single unnamed value or a range from 0 to n."""
    if not isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):
        return index

    levels_to_drop = []
    for i in range(index.nlevels):
        if len(index) > 1 and len(index.levels[i]) == 1 and index.levels[i].name is None:
        elif checks.is_default_index(index.get_level_values(i)):
    # Remove redundant levels only if there are some non-redundant levels left
    if len(levels_to_drop) < index.nlevels:
        return index.droplevel(levels_to_drop)
    return index
コード例 #6
def repeat_index(index: tp.IndexLike,
                 n: int,
                 ignore_default: tp.Optional[bool] = None) -> tp.Index:
    """Repeat each element in `index` `n` times.

    Set `ignore_default` to None to use the default."""
    from vectorbt import settings

    if ignore_default is None:
        ignore_default = settings.broadcasting['ignore_default']

    index = to_any_index(index)
    if checks.is_default_index(
            index) and ignore_default:  # ignore simple ranges without name
        return pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(index) * n, step=1)
    return index.repeat(n)
コード例 #7
def tile_index(index: tp.IndexLike,
               n: int,
               ignore_default: tp.Optional[bool] = None) -> tp.Index:
    """Tile the whole `index` `n` times.

    Set `ignore_default` to None to use the default."""
    from vectorbt import settings

    if ignore_default is None:
        ignore_default = settings.broadcasting['ignore_default']

    index = to_any_index(index)
    if checks.is_default_index(
            index) and ignore_default:  # ignore simple ranges without name
        return pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(index) * n, step=1)
    if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):
        return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(np.tile(index, n), names=index.names)
    return pd.Index(np.tile(index, n), name=index.name)
コード例 #8
ファイル: reshape_fns.py プロジェクト: zhgu-dev/vectorbt
def broadcast_index(args,
    """Produce a broadcast index/columns.

        *args (array_like): Array-like objects.
        to_shape (tuple): Target shape.
        index_from (None, int, str or array_like): Broadcasting rule for this index/these columns.

            Accepts the following values:

            * 'default' - take the value from `vectorbt.settings.broadcasting`
            * 'strict' - ensure that all pandas objects have the same index/columns
            * 'stack' - stack different indexes/columns using `vectorbt.base.index_fns.stack_indexes`
            * 'ignore' - ignore any index/columns
            * integer - use the index/columns of the i-nth object in `args`
            * None - use the original index/columns of the objects in `args`
            * everything else will be converted to `pd.Index`

        axis (int): Set to 0 for index and 1 for columns.
        ignore_sr_names (bool): Whether to ignore Series names if they are in conflict.

            Conflicting Series names are those that are different but not None.
        **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `vectorbt.base.index_fns.stack_indexes`.

    For defaults, see `vectorbt.settings.broadcasting`.

    !!! note
        Series names are treated as columns with a single element but without a name.
        If a column level without a name loses its meaning, better to convert Series to DataFrames
        with one column prior to broadcasting. If the name of a Series is not that important,
        better to drop it altogether by setting it to None.
    from vectorbt import settings

    if ignore_sr_names is None:
        ignore_sr_names = settings.broadcasting['ignore_sr_names']
    index_str = 'columns' if axis == 1 else 'index'
    to_shape_2d = (to_shape[0], 1) if len(to_shape) == 1 else to_shape
    # maxlen stores the length of the longest index
    maxlen = to_shape_2d[1] if axis == 1 else to_shape_2d[0]
    new_index = None

    if index_from is not None:
        if isinstance(index_from, int):
            # Take index/columns of the object indexed by index_from
            if not checks.is_pandas(args[index_from]):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"Argument under index {index_from} must be a pandas object"
            new_index = index_fns.get_index(args[index_from], axis)
        elif isinstance(index_from, str):
            if index_from == 'ignore':
                # Ignore index/columns
                new_index = pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=maxlen, step=1)
            elif index_from in ('stack', 'strict'):
                # Check whether all indexes/columns are equal
                last_index = None  # of type pd.Index
                index_conflict = False
                for arg in args:
                    if checks.is_pandas(arg):
                        index = index_fns.get_index(arg, axis)
                        if last_index is not None:
                            if not pd.Index.equals(index, last_index):
                                index_conflict = True
                        last_index = index
                if not index_conflict:
                    new_index = last_index
                    # If pandas objects have different index/columns, stack them together
                    for arg in args:
                        if checks.is_pandas(arg):
                            index = index_fns.get_index(arg, axis)
                            if axis == 1 and checks.is_series(
                                    arg) and ignore_sr_names:
                                # ignore Series name
                            if checks.is_default_index(index):
                                # ignore simple ranges without name
                            if new_index is None:
                                new_index = index
                                if index_from == 'strict':
                                    # If pandas objects have different index/columns, raise an exception
                                    if not pd.Index.equals(index, new_index):
                                        raise ValueError(
                                            f"Broadcasting {index_str} is not allowed when {index_str}_from=strict"
                                # Broadcasting index must follow the rules of a regular broadcasting operation
                                # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html#general-broadcasting-rules
                                # 1. rule: if indexes are of the same length, they are simply stacked
                                # 2. rule: if index has one element, it gets repeated and then stacked

                                if pd.Index.equals(index, new_index):
                                if len(index) != len(new_index):
                                    if len(index) > 1 and len(new_index) > 1:
                                        raise ValueError(
                                            "Indexes could not be broadcast together"
                                    if len(index) > len(new_index):
                                        new_index = index_fns.repeat_index(
                                            new_index, len(index))
                                    elif len(index) < len(new_index):
                                        index = index_fns.repeat_index(
                                            index, len(new_index))
                                new_index = index_fns.stack_indexes(
                                    new_index, index, **kwargs)
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Invalid value {index_from} for {'columns' if axis == 1 else 'index'}_from"
            new_index = index_from
        if new_index is not None:
            if maxlen > len(new_index):
                if index_from == 'strict':
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Broadcasting {index_str} is not allowed when {index_str}_from=strict"
                # This happens only when some numpy object is longer than the new pandas index
                # In this case, new pandas index (one element) should be repeated to match this length.
                if maxlen > 1 and len(new_index) > 1:
                    raise ValueError("Indexes could not be broadcast together")
                new_index = index_fns.repeat_index(new_index, maxlen)
        elif index_from is not None:
            # new_index=None can mean two things: 1) take original metadata or 2) reset index/columns
            # In case when index_from is not None, we choose 2)
            new_index = pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=maxlen, step=1)
    return new_index
コード例 #9
def broadcast_index(args, to_shape, index_from=None, axis=0, **kwargs):
    """Produce a broadcasted index/columns.

        *args (array_like): Array-like objects.
        to_shape (tuple): Target shape.
        index_from (None, int, str or array_like): Broadcasting rule for this index/these columns.

            Accepts the following values:

            * `'default'` - take the value from `vectorbt.defaults.broadcasting`
            * `None` - use the original index/columns of the objects in `args`
            * `int` - use the index/columns of the i-nth object in `args`
            * `'strict'` - ensure that all pandas objects have the same index/columns
            * `'stack'` - stack different indexes/columns using `vectorbt.base.index_fns.stack_indexes`
            * everything else will be converted to `pd.Index`

        axis (int): Set to 0 for index and 1 for columns.
        **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `vectorbt.base.index_fns.stack_indexes`.

    For defaults, see `vectorbt.defaults.broadcasting`.
    index_str = 'columns' if axis == 1 else 'index'
    new_index = None
    if axis == 1 and len(to_shape) == 1:
        to_shape = (to_shape[0], 1)
    maxlen = to_shape[1] if axis == 1 else to_shape[0]

    if index_from is not None:
        if isinstance(index_from, int):
            # Take index/columns of the object indexed by index_from
            if not checks.is_pandas(args[index_from]):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"Argument under index {index_from} must be a pandas object"
            new_index = index_fns.get_index(args[index_from], axis)
        elif isinstance(index_from, str):
            if index_from in ('stack', 'strict'):
                # If pandas objects have different index/columns, stack them together
                # maxlen stores the length of the longest index
                for arg in args:
                    if checks.is_pandas(arg):
                        index = index_fns.get_index(arg, axis)
                        if checks.is_default_index(index):
                            # ignore simple ranges without name
                        if new_index is None:
                            new_index = index
                            if index_from == 'strict':
                                # If pandas objects have different index/columns, raise an exception
                                if not pd.Index.equals(index, new_index):
                                    raise ValueError(
                                        f"Broadcasting {index_str} is not allowed for {index_str}_from=strict"
                            # Broadcasting index must follow the rules of a regular broadcasting operation
                            # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html#general-broadcasting-rules
                            # 1. rule: if indexes are of the same length, they are simply stacked
                            # 2. rule: if index has one element, it gets repeated and then stacked

                            if pd.Index.equals(index, new_index):
                            if len(index) != len(new_index):
                                if len(index) > 1 and len(new_index) > 1:
                                    raise ValueError(
                                        "Indexes could not be broadcast together"
                                if len(index) > len(new_index):
                                    new_index = index_fns.repeat_index(
                                        new_index, len(index))
                                elif len(index) < len(new_index):
                                    index = index_fns.repeat_index(
                                        index, len(new_index))
                            new_index = index_fns.stack_indexes(
                                new_index, index, **kwargs)
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Invalid value {index_from} for {'columns' if axis == 1 else 'index'}_from"
            new_index = index_from
        if new_index is not None:
            if maxlen > len(new_index):
                if index_from == 'strict':
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Broadcasting {index_str} is not allowed for {index_str}_from=strict"
                # This happens only when some numpy object is longer than the new pandas index
                # In this case, new pandas index (one element) should be repeated to match this length.
                if maxlen > 1 and len(new_index) > 1:
                    raise ValueError("Indexes could not be broadcast together")
                new_index = index_fns.repeat_index(new_index, maxlen)
    return new_index
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_utils.py プロジェクト: varnittewari/vectorbt
 def test_is_default_index(self):
     assert checks.is_default_index(pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3]]).columns)
     assert checks.is_default_index(pd.Series([1, 2, 3]).to_frame().columns)
     assert checks.is_default_index(pd.Index([0, 1, 2]))
     assert not checks.is_default_index(pd.Index([0, 1, 2], name='name'))