コード例 #1
class ReplicaManager(threading.Thread):
    Class for a Replica Server within the distributed system, implementing
    the gossip architecture.
    def __init__(self, replica_id, stopper, status=None):

        self._id = replica_id

        # Replica status properties
        self.failure_prob = 0.1
        self.overload_prob = 0.2
        self.auto_status = True
        if status not in [n.value for n in list(Status)]:
            print('Invalid status provided, defaulting to active.')
            self.status = Status.ACTIVE
            self.status = Status(status)
            self.auto_status = False
            print(f'Status set to {status}.',
                  'Automatic status updating disabled.')

        # Gossip Architecture State
        self.value_ts = VectorClock(REPLICA_NUM)  # aka data timestamp
        self.replica_ts = VectorClock(REPLICA_NUM)  # aka log timestamp
        self.update_log = []
        self.ts_table = [
            VectorClock(REPLICA_NUM) if i != self._id else None
            for i in range(REPLICA_NUM)
        self.executed = []
        self.pending_queries = queue.Queue()
        self.query_results = {}
        self.interval = 8.0  # interval between gossip exchanges
        self.other_replicas = self._find_replicas()

        self.stopper = stopper  # Used to indicate to server to stop

        # Locks for objects shared between threads
        self.vts_lock = threading.Lock()  # for value_ts
        self.rts_lock = threading.Lock()  # for replica_ts
        self.log_lock = threading.Lock()  # for update_log

    def run(self):
        Override of threading.Thread run() method. Sends gossip to other
        replica managers periodically.

        while not self.stopper.is_set():
            if self.status != Status.OFFLINE:
                for r_id, rm in self.other_replicas:
                self.other_replicas = self._find_replicas()

                with self.rts_lock:
                    print('\n--- SENDING GOSSIP ---')
                    for r_id, rm in self.other_replicas:
                        r_ts = self.ts_table[r_id]
                        m_log = self._get_recent_updates(r_ts)

                        print(f'Updates to send to RM {r_id}: ', m_log)

                            rm.send_gossip(m_log, self.replica_ts.value(),
                            print(f'Gossip sent to RM {r_id}')
                        except Pyro4.errors.CommunicationError as e:
                            print(f'Failed to send gossip to RM {r_id}')

            if self.auto_status:
            print('Status: ', self.status.value, '\n')

        print('Stopper set, gossip thread stopping.')

    def send_query(self, q_op, q_prev):
        Method invoked by the front end to send a query.

            (string) q_op:  query command
            (tuple) q_prev: vector timestamp of front end

            response: results of query

        print('Query received: ', q_op, q_prev)
        response = None

        q_prev = VectorClock.fromiterable(q_prev)

        # stable = are we up to date enough to handle the query correctly?
        stable = False

        with self.vts_lock:
            if q_prev <= self.value_ts:  # stability criteria for query
                val = self._apply_query(q_op)
                new = self.value_ts.value()
                response = (val, new)
                stable = True
                print('Value timestamp: ', self.value_ts.value(), '\n')

        if not stable:
            # if not stable, add to a dictionary of pending queries and wait
            self.query_results[(q_op, q_prev.value())] = queue.Queue(maxsize=1)
            self.pending_queries.put((q_op, q_prev))

            # Wait for query to be executed after some gossip exchange
            response = self.query_results[(q_op, q_prev.value())].get()

            # Remove entry from pending query dictionary
            del self.query_results[(q_op, q_prev.value())]

        return response

    def send_update(self, u_op, u_prev, u_id):
        Method invoked by the front end to send an update.

            (string) u_op:  update command
            (tuple) u_prev: vector timestamp of front end
            (string) u_id:  unique ID for update

            ts: timestamp representing having executed the update or None
                if the update has already been executed
        print('Update received: ', u_op, u_prev, u_id)
        ts = None

        # Add update to log if it hasn't already been executed
        if u_id not in self.executed:
            with self.rts_lock:
                ts = list(u_prev[:])
                ts[self._id] = self.replica_ts.value()[self._id]
                print('Replica timestamp: ', self.replica_ts, '\n')

            ts = VectorClock.fromiterable(ts)

            u_prev = VectorClock.fromiterable(u_prev)
            log_record = (self._id, ts, u_op, u_prev, u_id)
            with self.log_lock:
            print('Update record: ', log_record)

            # Execute update if it is stable
            with self.vts_lock:
                if u_prev <= self.value_ts:  # stability criteria for query
                    self._execute_update(u_op, u_id, ts)

            return ts.value()

        return ts

    def send_gossip(self, m_log, m_ts, r_id):
        Method invoked by other replica managers to send gossip.

            (string) m_log: recent updates from replica manager
            (tuple) m_ts:   log timestamp of sending replica manager
            (string) r_id:  ID of sending replica manager

            ts: timestamp representing having executed the update or None
                if the update has already been executed

        if self.status != Status.OFFLINE:
            print('\n--- RECEIVING GOSSIP ---')
            print(f'Gossip received from RM {r_id}')

            # Merge m_log into update log

            # Merge our replica timestamp with m_ts
            m_ts = VectorClock.fromiterable(m_ts)
            with self.rts_lock:
                print('Replica timestamp: ', self.replica_ts)

            # Execute all updates that have now become stable
            stable = self._get_stable_updates()
            for update in stable:
                _id, ts, u_op, u_prev, u_id = update
                with self.vts_lock:
                    self._execute_update(u_op, u_id, ts)

            # Set the timestamp of the sending replica manager in our timestamp
            # table
            self.ts_table[r_id] = m_ts

            # Execute all stable pending queries
            while True:
                    q_op, q_prev = self.pending_queries.get(block=False)

                    with self.vts_lock:
                        if q_prev <= self.value_ts:
                            val = self._apply_query(q_op)
                            new = self.value_ts.value()
                            self.query_results[(q_op, q_prev.value())].put(
                                (val, new))

                except queue.Empty:


    def get_status(self):
        Method invoked by front end to query the server status.

            status of the server

        return self.status.value

    def set_status(self, status):
        Method invoked by status_control.py to set the server status.

        self.status = Status(status)

    def toggle_auto_status(self, auto):
        Method invoked by status_control.py to set the server status to
        update automatically or not.

        if auto:
            self.auto_status = True
            self.auto_status = False

    def _update_status(self):
        Set the server status probabilistically.

        overloaded = random.random()
        failed = random.random()

        if failed < self.failure_prob:
            self.status = Status.OFFLINE
        elif overloaded < self.overload_prob:
            self.status = Status.OVERLOADED
            self.status = Status.ACTIVE

    def _apply_query(self, q_op):
        Execute a query command.

            (string) q_op: query command to execute

            val: result of query

        print('Query applied. ', q_op, '\n')
        val = None

        op, *params = q_op
        query = self._parse_q_op(op)
        val = query(*params)

        return val

    def _apply_update(self, u_op):
        Execute an update command.

            (string) u_op: update command to execute

        print('Update applied.', u_op, '\n')

        op, *params = u_op
        update = self._parse_u_op(op)

    def _execute_update(self, u_op, u_id, ts):
        Execute an update.

            (string) u_op: update command to execute
            (string) u_id: ID of update to execute
            (VectorClock) ts: timestamp of update to execute

        # Return immediately if update has already been executed
        if u_id in self.executed:

        self._apply_update(u_op)  # Execute the update
        self.value_ts.merge(ts)  # Update the value timestamp
        self.executed.append(u_id)  # Add update to executed updates
        print('Value timestamp: ', self.value_ts)

    def _merge_update_log(self, m_log):
        Merge the update log with updates from a gossip message.

            m_log: list of updates from a gossip message

        for record in m_log:
            _id, ts, u_op, u_prev, u_id = record
            ts = VectorClock.fromiterable(ts)
            u_prev = VectorClock.fromiterable(u_prev)
            with self.rts_lock, self.log_lock:
                new_record = (_id, ts, u_op, u_prev, u_id)
                if new_record not in self.update_log:
                    if not ts <= self.replica_ts:

    def _get_stable_updates(self):
        Retrieve all stable updates from the update log.

            stable: list of updates that can be executed.

        stable = []

        with self.vts_lock, self.log_lock:
            stable = [
                record for record in self.update_log
                if record[3] <= self.value_ts

        stable.sort(key=lambda r: r[3])

        return stable

    def _get_recent_updates(self, r_ts):
        Retrieve updates from update log that are more recent than our recorded
        value of the timestamp of another replica manager.

            (VectorClock) r_ts: Timestamp of another replica manager, sent in

            recent: all updates from update log that are more recent than the
                    given timestamp

        recent = []
        with self.log_lock:
            for record in self.update_log:
                _id, ts, u_op, u_prev, u_id = record
                if ts > r_ts:
                    new_record = (_id, ts.value(), u_op, u_prev.value(), u_id)

        return recent

    def _find_replicas(self):
        Find all online replica managers.

            servers: list of remote server objects for replica managers

        servers = []
            with Pyro4.locateNS() as ns:
                for server, uri in ns.list(prefix="network.replica.").items():
                    server_id = int(server.split('.')[-1])
                    if server_id != self._id:
                        servers.append((server_id, Pyro4.Proxy(uri)))
        except Pyro4.errors.NamingError:
            print('Could not find Pyro nameserver.')
        return servers[:REPLICA_NUM]

    def _parse_q_op(op):
        Match query command strings with query functions.

            (string) op: query command

            function corresponding to the query command

        return {
            ROp.GET_AVG_RATING.value: get_avg_movie_rating,
            ROp.GET_RATINGS.value: get_movie_ratings,
            ROp.GET_GENRES.value: get_movie_genres,
            ROp.GET_MOVIE.value: get_movie_by_title,
            ROp.GET_TAGS.value: get_movie_tags,
            ROp.SEARCH_TITLE.value: search_by_title,
            ROp.SEARCH_GENRE.value: search_by_genre,
            ROp.SEARCH_TAG.value: search_by_tag

    def _parse_u_op(op):
        Match update command strings with update functions.

            (string) op: update command

            function corresponding to the update command

        return {
            ROp.ADD_RATING.value: submit_rating,
            ROp.ADD_TAG.value: submit_tag
コード例 #2
class FrontEnd:
    Class for Front End Server within the distributed system.
    def __init__(self):
        self.servers = []
        self.rm = None

        # Initial selection of replica manager to communicate with
            self.rm = self._choose_replica()
        except ValueError as e:

        self.ts = VectorClock(REPLICA_NUM)  # Vector timestamp of front end

    def send_request(self, request):
        Method invoked by client to send a request.

            (tuple) request: command to execute and arguments for the command

            If the request is a query, return the results of the query,
            otherwise a confirmation message.

        r_type = self._request_type(request)

        # Find a replica manager to send request to if the original is
        # unavailable
        if self.rm is not None:
                rm_status = self.rm.get_status()
                if rm_status == Status.OFFLINE.value:
                    self.rm = self._choose_replica()
            except Pyro4.errors.ConnectionClosedError:
                self.rm = self._choose_replica()
            self.rm = self._choose_replica()

        if r_type == RType.UPDATE:
            rm_ts = self.rm.send_update(request, self.ts.value(),

            print('Update sent: ', request)


            print('Front end timestamp: ', self.ts.value())
            return 'Update submitted!'

        elif r_type == RType.QUERY:
            val, rm_ts = self.rm.send_query(request, self.ts.value())

            print('Query sent: ', request)


            print('Front end timestamp: ', self.ts.value())
            return val

    def _choose_replica(self):
        Select a replica manager to communicate with.

            Remote object for a replica manager

        for server in self.servers:

        self.servers = self._find_replicas()

        stat = {server: server.get_status() for server in self.servers}
        available = []
        num_offline = list(stat.values()).count(Status.OFFLINE.value)
        num_active = list(stat.values()).count(Status.ACTIVE.value)

        if num_active > 0:
            available = [
                k for k in stat.keys() if stat[k] == Status.ACTIVE.value
        elif num_offline == len(self.servers):
            raise Exception('All servers offline')
            available = [
                k for k in stat.keys() if stat[k] != Status.OFFLINE.value

        if not available:
            return None

        return random.choice(available)

    def _request_type(request):
        Determine whether a request is an update or query.

            (tuple) request: request to check

            Enum representing the type of request

        op = request[0]
        op_type = op.split('.')[0]

        if op_type == 'u':
            return RType.UPDATE

        if op_type == 'q':
            return RType.QUERY

        raise ValueError('command not recognised')

    def _find_replicas():
        Find all online replica managers.

            servers: list of remote server objects for replica managers

        servers = []
        with Pyro4.locateNS() as ns:
            for server, uri in ns.list(prefix="network.replica.").items():
                print("found replica", server)
        if not servers:
            raise ValueError(
                "No servers found! (are the movie servers running?)")
        return servers[:REPLICA_NUM]