コード例 #1
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: tri2sing/CodingTheMatrix
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    num_labels = len(label_list)
    for j in reversed(range(len(D))):
        if j > len(rowlist)-1: continue
        row = rowlist[j]
        if row == zero_vec(D): continue
        # in the row find the label of the column with the first non-zero entry
        for i in range(num_labels):
            if row[label_list[i]] == one: break
        c = label_list[i]
        x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #2
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: fandres70/matrix
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented  as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = rowlist[0].D
    ncols = len(D)
    x = zero_vec(D)
    # remove all zero rows at the bottom
    i = len(rowlist)
    while rowlist[i-1] == zero_vec(D):
        i -= 1
    for j in reversed(range(i)):
        row = rowlist[j]
        pivot_index = 0 # lowest possible pivot index (should be set to j)
        c = label_list[pivot_index]
        while row[c] == 0:
            pivot_index += 1
            c = label_list[pivot_index]
        x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #3
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    from vecutil import zero_vec
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(rowlist))):
        index_row = 0
        non_zero = False
        row = rowlist[j]
        while (index_row < len(D) and non_zero != True):
            if row[label_list[index_row]] != 0:
                non_zero = True
                c = label_list[index_row]
                x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
            index_row += 1
    return x
コード例 #4
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: airy-beam/online_courses
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(b))):
        row = rowlist[j]
        l = [(i,row[i]) for i in label_list if row[i] !=0]
        if len(l)> 0: nonzero = l[0]
        else: continue
        c = nonzero[0]
        x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/nonzero[1]
    return x
コード例 #5
def echelon_solve(row_list, label_list, b):
        - row_list: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in row_list
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that row_list * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = row_list[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(row_list))):
        row = row_list[j]
        for c in label_list:
            if row[c] != 0:
                x[c] = (b[j] - x*row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #6
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: tgao519/hello-world
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    from vecutil import zero_vec
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    k = label_list
    c = len(k)
    for j in reversed(range(len(rowlist))):
        row = rowlist[j]
        for i in range(len(k)):
            if row[k[i]] != 0 and i < c:
                x[k[i]] = b[j] - row * x
                c = i
    return x
コード例 #7
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})

    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(rowlist))):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = rowlist[j]
        for l in label_list:
            if l in row.f and row.f[l] == one:
                c = l
        if row[c] != 0:
            x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #8
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: murphytalk/math
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    def find_first_non_zero_col(row, label_list):
        for c in label_list:
            if (row[c]) != 0:
                return c
        return None

    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(rowlist))):
        row = rowlist[j]
        c = find_first_non_zero_col(row, label_list)
        if c is None:
            x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #9
def echelon_solve(row_list, label_list, b):
        - row_list: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in row_list
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that row_list * x is b
    D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    b_list = [one,0,one]
    cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})

    x = zero_vec(row_list[0].D)
    #print (x,len(row_list[0].D))
    for j in reversed(range(len(row_list))):
        #c = label_list[j]
        #print (d)
        for z in label_list:
            if d.get(z,0) !=0:
                #print (z,d,d.get(z,0))
                x[z] = (b[j] - x*row_list[j])/d.get(z,0)
    #print (x)        
    return x
コード例 #10
def triangular_solve_n(rowlist, b):
    Solves an upper-triangular linear system.
    rowlist is a nonempty list of Vecs.  Let n = len(rowlist).
    The domain D of all these Vecs is {0,1, ..., n-1}.
    b is an n-element list or a Vec whose domain is {0,1, ..., n-1}.
    The linear equations are:
       rowlist[0] * x = b[0]
       rowlist[n-1] * x = b[n-1]
    The system is triangular.  That means rowlist[i][j] is zero
    for all i, j in {0,1, ..., n-1} such that i >j.

    This procedure assumes that rowlist[j][j] != 0 for j=0,1, ..., n-1.

    The procedure returns the Vec x that is the unique solution
    to the linear system.
    D = rowlist[0].D
    n = len(D)
    assert D == set(range(n))
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(n)):
        x[j] = (b[j] - rowlist[j] * x)/rowlist[j][j]
    return x
コード例 #11
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = set(label_list)
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j, row in enumerate(reversed(rowlist)):
        j = len(rowlist) - j - 1
        c = -1
        for label in label_list:
            if row[label] != 0:
                c = label
        if c == -1:
        x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #12
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
	>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    sorted_ll = sorted(label_list)
    solution = zero_vec(set(label_list))
    for r in range(len(rowlist) - 1, -1, -1):
        indexOfFirstNonZero = 0
        firstNonZeroFound = False
        for c in sorted_ll:
            if rowlist[r][c] != 0:
                firstNonZeroFound = True
                indexOfFirstNonZero = c
        if firstNonZeroFound:
            solution[indexOfFirstNonZero] = b[r] - solution * rowlist[
                r]  # if it's not GF(2) then divide rhs by coeff which is rowlist[r][c]
    return solution
コード例 #13
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: fperezlo/matrix
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    from vecutil import zero_vec
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(rowlist))):
        index_row = 0
        non_zero = False
        row = rowlist[j]
        while ( index_row < len(D) and non_zero != True ):
            if row[label_list[index_row]] != 0: 
                non_zero = True
                c = label_list[index_row]         
                x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #14
def echelon_solve(row_list, label_list, b):
        - row_list: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in row_list
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that row_list * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = row_list[0].D
    assert D == set(label_list)
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for i in reversed(range(len(row_list))):
        row = row_list[i]
        for j in (range(len(D))):
            if row[label_list[j]] != 0 :
                c = label_list[j]
                x[c] = (b[i] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #15
ファイル: triangular.py プロジェクト: HaroldAgnote/CECS-229
def triangular_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
    Solves an upper-triangular linear system.
    rowlist is a nonempty list of Vecs.  Let n = len(rowlist).
    b is an n-element list or a Vec over domain {0,1, ..., n-1}.
    The linear equations are:
       rowlist[0] * x = b[0]
       rowlist[n-1] * x = b[n-1]
    label_list is a list consisting of all the elements of D,
    where D is the domain of each of the vectors in rowlist.
    The system is triangular with respect to the ordering given
    by label_list.  That means rowlist[n-1][d] is zero for
    every element d of D except for the last element of label_list,
    rowlist[n-2][d] is zero for every element d of D except for
    the last two elements of label_list, and so on.

    This procedure assumes that rowlist[j][label_list[j]] != 0
    for j = 0,1, ..., n-1.

    The procedure returns the Vec x that is the unique solution
    to the linear system.
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(D) - 1)):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = rowlist[j]
        x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #16
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: johnmerm/matrix
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    x = zero_vec(set(label_list))
    for i in reversed(range(len(rowlist))):
        row = rowlist[i]
        j = next((l for l in label_list if row[l] != 0), None)  # first non-zero element of row
        if j == None:

        res = row * x
        x[j] = (b[i] - res) / row[j]
    return x
コード例 #17
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: Haretidm/Matrix
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
- rowlist: a list of Vecs
- label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
Vecs in rowlist
- b: a vector (represented as a list)
- Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
>>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
>>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
>>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
>>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    new_rowlist = []
    new_b = []
    rows_left = set(range(len(rowlist)))
    new_label_list = []
    for c in label_list:
        rows_with_nonzero = [r for r in rows_left if rowlist[r][c] != 0]
        if rows_with_nonzero != []:
            pivot = rows_with_nonzero[0]
    from vecutil import zero_vec
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(new_b))):
        c = new_label_list[j]
        row = new_rowlist[j]
        x[c] = (new_b[j] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #18
def echelon_solve(row_list, label_list, b):
        - row_list: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in row_list
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that row_list * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = label_list
    x = zero_vec(row_list[0].D)
    b_len = len(row_list)
    for j in reversed(range(len(row_list))):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = row_list[j]
            x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
        except ZeroDivisionError:
    return x
コード例 #19
ファイル: triangular.py プロジェクト: HaroldAgnote/CECS-229
def triangular_solve_n(rowlist, b):
    Solves an upper-triangular linear system.
    rowlist is a nonempty list of Vecs.  Let n = len(rowlist).
    The domain D of all these Vecs is {0,1, ..., n-1}.
    b is an n-element list or a Vec whose domain is {0,1, ..., n-1}.
    The linear equations are:
       rowlist[0] * x = b[0]
       rowlist[n-1] * x = b[n-1]
    The system is triangular.  That means rowlist[i][j] is zero
    for all i, j in {0,1, ..., n-1} such that i >j.

    This procedure assumes that rowlist[j][j] != 0 for j=0,1, ..., n-1.

    The procedure returns the Vec x that is the unique solution
    to the linear system.
    D = rowlist[0].D
    n = len(D)
    assert D == set(range(n))
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(n)):
        x[j] = (b[j] - rowlist[j] * x)/rowlist[j][j]
    return x
コード例 #20
def triangular_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
    Solves an upper-triangular linear system.
    rowlist is a nonempty list of Vecs.  Let n = len(rowlist).
    b is an n-element list or a Vec over domain {0,1, ..., n-1}.
    The linear equations are:
       rowlist[0] * x = b[0]
       rowlist[n-1] * x = b[n-1]
    label_list is a list consisting of the elements of D,
    where D is the domain of each of the vectors in rowlist.
    The system is triangular with respect to the ordering given
    by label_list.  That means rowlist[n-1][d] is zero for
    every element d of D except for the last element of label_list,
    rowlist[n-2][d] is zero for every element d of D except for
    the last two elements of label_list, and so on.

    This procedure assumes that rowlist[j][label_list[j]] != 0
    for j = 0,1, ..., n-1.

    The procedure returns the Vec x that is the unique solution
    to the linear system.
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(D))):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = rowlist[j]
        x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #21
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: manishmmulani/python_repo
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
	>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    sorted_ll = sorted(label_list)
    solution = zero_vec(set(label_list))
    for r in range(len(rowlist)-1,-1,-1):
        for c in sorted_ll:
            if rowlist[r][c] != 0:
        if firstNonZeroFound:
            solution[indexOfFirstNonZero] = b[r] - solution*rowlist[r] # if it's not GF(2) then divide rhs by coeff which is rowlist[r][c]
    return solution
コード例 #22
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: rakeshnbabu/matrix
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    Dom = rowlist[0].D
    n = len(rowlist)
    x = vu.zero_vec(Dom)
    for j in reversed(range(n)):
        row = rowlist[j]
        cList = [i for i in range(len(Dom)) if row[label_list[i]] != 0]
        if len(cList) > 0:
            c = label_list[cList[0]]
            x[c] = (b[j] - x * row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #23
def echelon_solve(row_list, label_list, b):
        - row_list: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in row_list
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that row_list * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = label_list
    x = zero_vec(row_list[0].D)
    b_len = len(row_list)
    for j in reversed(range(len(row_list))):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = row_list[j]
            x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
        except ZeroDivisionError:
    return x
コード例 #24
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    Dom = rowlist[0].D
    n = len(rowlist)
    x = vu.zero_vec(Dom)
    for j in reversed(range(n)):
        row = rowlist[j]
        cList = [i for i in range(len(Dom)) if row[label_list[i]] != 0]
        if len(cList) > 0:
            c = label_list[cList[0]]
            x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #25
ファイル: hw6.py プロジェクト: ruczhangxy/coursera
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = set(label_list)
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j, row in enumerate(reversed(rowlist)):
        j = len(rowlist) - j - 1
        c = -1
        for label in label_list:
            if row[label] != 0:
                c = label
        if c == -1:
        x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #26
def echelon_solve(row_list, label_list, b):
        - row_list: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in row_list
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that row_list * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    D = row_list[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)

    for j in reversed(range(len(row_list))):
        r = row_list[j]
        for c in label_list:
            if (r[c] != 0):
                #print('c={0}, r[c]={1}, j={4}, b[j]={2}, x*r={3}'.format(c,r[c],b[j],x*r,j))
                x[c] = b[j] - x * r

    return x
コード例 #27
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
- rowlist: a list of Vecs
- label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
Vecs in rowlist
- b: a vector (represented as a list)
- Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
>>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
>>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
>>> b_list = [one,0,one]>>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
>>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    new_rowlist = []
    new_b = []
    rows_left = set(range(len(rowlist)))
    new_label_list = []
    for c in label_list:
        rows_with_nonzero = [r for r in rows_left if rowlist[r][c] != 0]
        if rows_with_nonzero != []:
            pivot = rows_with_nonzero[0]
    from vecutil import zero_vec
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(new_b))):
        c = new_label_list[j]
        row = new_rowlist[j]
        x[c] = (new_b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #28
def triangular_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(D))):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = rowlist[j]
        x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c] if row[c] != 0 else 1 
    return x
コード例 #29
def triangular_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(D))):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = rowlist[j]
        x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #30
ファイル: triangular.py プロジェクト: AamirManasawala/matrics
def triangular_solve_n(rowlist, b):
    D = rowlist[0].D
    n = len(D)
    assert D == set(range(n))
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(n)):
        x[j] = (b[j] - rowlist[j] * x)/rowlist[j][j]
    return x
コード例 #31
def signum(u):
    v = zero_vec(u.D)
    for i in v.D:
        if u[i] >= 0:
            v[i] = 1
            v[i] = -1
    return v
コード例 #32
def triangular_solve_n(rowlist, b):
    D = rowlist[0].D
    n = len(D)
    assert D == set(range(n))
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for i in reversed(range(n)):
        x[i] = (b[i] - rowlist[i] * x) / rowlist[i][i]
    return x
コード例 #33
ファイル: HW.py プロジェクト: vasuharish/Coding_the_matrix
def find_null_basis(A):
    Q, R = factor(A)
    R_inverse = find_matrix_inverse(R)
    R_inverse_list = mat2coldict(R_inverse)
    Q_list = mat2coldict(Q)
    zero_vector = zero_vec(Q_list[0].D)
    return [
        R_inverse_list[i] for i in range(len(Q_list))
        if Q_list[i] is zero_vector
コード例 #34
def vec_sum(veclist, D):
    >>> D = {'a','b','c'}
    >>> v1 = Vec(D, {'a': 1})
    >>> v2 = Vec(D, {'a': 0, 'b': 1})
    >>> v3 = Vec(D, {        'b': 2})
    >>> v4 = Vec(D, {'a': 10, 'b': 10})
    >>> vec_sum([v1, v2, v3, v4], D) == Vec(D, {'b': 13, 'a': 11})
    return sum(veclist, zero_vec(D))
コード例 #35
def vec_sum(veclist, D):
	>>> D = {'a', 'b', 'c'}
	>>> veclist = [ Vec(D, {'a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30}), Vec(D, {'a':5,  'b':12, 'c':19}), Vec(D, {'a':11, 'b':22, 'c':33}) ]
	>>> vec_sum(veclist, D) == Vec(D, {'a':26, 'b':54, 'c':82})
	vector_sum = zero_vec(D)
	for d in D:
		vector_sum[d] = sum([v[d] for v in veclist]) 
	return  vector_sum
コード例 #36
ファイル: mat.py プロジェクト: grogs84/nwspa
def vector_matrix_mul(v, M):
    "Returns the product of vector v and matrix M"
    assert M.D[0] == v.D

    vec = zero_vec(M.D[1])

    for mr,mc in M.f.keys():
        for vc in v.f.keys():
            if mr == vc:
                vec[mc] += v[vc] * M[(mr,mc)]
    return vec  
コード例 #37
ファイル: HW.py プロジェクト: vasuharish/Coding_the_matrix
def basis_AT(A):
    basis = []
    M = transformation(A)
    U = M * A
    M_rowdict = mat2rowdict(M)
    U_rowdict = mat2rowdict(U)
    M_rowlist = [M_rowdict[i] for i in sorted(M_rowdict)]
    U_rowlist = [U_rowdict[i] for i in sorted(U_rowdict)]
    zero_vector = zero_vec(U_rowlist[0].D)
    for i in range(len(U_rowlist)):
        if (U_rowlist[i] == zero_vector):
    return basis
コード例 #38
ファイル: hw2.py プロジェクト: fperezlo/matrix
def vec_sum(veclist, D): 
    >>> D = {'a','b','c'}
    >>> v1 = Vec(D, {'a': 1})
    >>> v2 = Vec(D, {'a': 0, 'b': 1})
    >>> v3 = Vec(D, {        'b': 2})
    >>> v4 = Vec(D, {'a': 10, 'b': 10})
    >>> vec_sum([v1, v2, v3, v4], D) == Vec(D, {'b': 13, 'a': 11})
    from vecutil import zero_vec
    return sum(veclist,zero_vec(D))
コード例 #39
ファイル: mat.py プロジェクト: grogs84/nwspa
def matrix_vector_mul(M, v):
    "Returns the product of matrix M and vector v"
    assert M.D[1] == v.D

    rows = M.D[0]

    vec = zero_vec(rows)

    for vr in v.f.keys():
        for mr,mc in M.f.keys():
            if vr == mc:
                vec[mr] += v[vr] * M[(mr,mc)]

    return vec
コード例 #40
ファイル: mat.py プロジェクト: grogs84/nwspa
def lin_comb_vec_mat_mult(v, M):
    "Returns the product of vector v and matrix M"
    assert M.D[0] == v.D

    rows = M.D[0]
    cols = M.D[1]

    vec = zero_vec(cols)

    for c in cols:
        for r in rows:
            vec[c] += v[c] * M[(r,c)]

    return vec
コード例 #41
ファイル: mat.py プロジェクト: grogs84/nwspa
def lin_comb_mat_vec_mult(M, v):
    "Returns the product of matrix M and vector v"
    assert M.D[1] == v.D

    rows = M.D[0]
    cols = M.D[1]

    vec = zero_vec(rows)

    for r in rows:
        for c in cols:
            vec[r] += M([r,c]) * v[r]

    return vec
コード例 #42
def echelon_solve(row_list, label_list, b):
        - row_list: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in row_list
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that row_list * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    >>> U_rows == [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list == [one,0,one]
    x = zero_vec(label_list)
    n = len(label_list) - len(row_list)

    zero_list = [x for i in range(n)]
    row_list = row_list + zero_list

    for j in reversed(range(len(label_list))):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = row_list[j]

        if (row == zero_vec(label_list)):
            x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c]

    return x
コード例 #43
def find_error(syndrome):
    Input: an error syndrome as an instance of Vec
    Output: the corresponding error vector e
        >>> find_error(Vec({0,1,2}, {0:one})) == Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},{3: one})
        >>> find_error(Vec({0,1,2}, {2:one})) == Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},{0: one})
        >>> find_error(Vec({0,1,2}, {1:one, 2:one})) == Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},{2: one})
        >>> find_error(Vec({0,1,2}, {})) == Vec({0,1,2,3,4,5,6}, {})
    return Vec(set(range(7)), {} if syndrome == zero_vec(set(range(3)))
                                 else {sum((2 ** (2 - k) for k, v in syndrome.f.items() if v == one)) - 1: one})
コード例 #44
ファイル: HW.py プロジェクト: vasuharish/Coding_the_matrix
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
    x = zero_vec(label_list)
    entry_col = []
    label_row = range(len(rowlist))
    assert is_echelon(rowlist)
    for i in label_row:
        for j in label_list:
            if rowlist[i][j] is not 0:
    for i in reversed(label_row):
        for c in reversed(entry_col):
            row = rowlist[i]
            x[c] = (b[i] - x * row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #45
def echelon_solve(row_list, label_list, b):
        - row_list: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in row_list
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that row_list * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one] 
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    >>> U_rows == [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list == [one,0,one]
    >>> U_rows= [Vec(D,{'A':one,'C':one,'D':one}), Vec(D,{'B':one,'E':one}),Vec(D,{'C':one,'E':one}), Vec(D,{'E':one})]
    >>> b_list= [one,0,one,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': one, 'E': one, 'A': one})

    >>> U_list = [Vec({'B', 'E', 'C', 'D', 'A'},{0: one, 1: 0, 2: one, 3: one, 4: 0}), Vec({'B', 'E', 'C', 'D', 'A'},{0: 0, 1: one, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: one}), Vec({'B', 'E', 'C', 'D', 'A'},{0: 0, 1: 0, 2: one, 3: 0, 4: one}), Vec({'B', 'E', 'C', 'D', 'A'},{0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: one})]
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one,one]
    >>> echelon_solve(U_list, cols, b_list) == Vec({'B', 'E', 'C', 'D', 'A'},{0: one, 1: one, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: one})

    D = row_list[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(row_list))):
        for c in label_list:
            row = row_list[j]
            if row[c] != 0:
                x[c] = (b[j] - x * row) / row[c]
    return x
コード例 #46
ファイル: hw5.py プロジェクト: pcp135/C-CtM
def direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, w):
		input:	A list of Vecs, U_basis, containing a basis for a vector space, U.
		A list of Vecs, V_basis, containing a basis for a vector space, V.
		A Vec, w, that belongs to the direct sum of these spaces.
		output: A pair, (u, v), such that u+v=w and u is an element of U and
		v is an element of V.
		>>> U_basis = [Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 6, 5: 0}), Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 11, 1: 5, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 1, 5: 0}), Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 3, 1: 1.5, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 7.5, 5: 0})]
		>>> V_basis = [Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 7, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 1}), Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 15, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 2})]
		>>> w = Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 2, 1: 5, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 1, 5: 0})
		>>> direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, w) == (Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 2.0, 1: 4.999999999999972, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 1.0, 5: 0.0}), Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.0, 5: 0.0}))
		M = rowdict2mat(U_basis+V_basis)
		return (uvec,vvec)
コード例 #47
def direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, w):
		input:	A list of Vecs, U_basis, containing a basis for a vector space, U.
		A list of Vecs, V_basis, containing a basis for a vector space, V.
		A Vec, w, that belongs to the direct sum of these spaces.
		output: A pair, (u, v), such that u+v=w and u is an element of U and
		v is an element of V.
		>>> U_basis = [Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 6, 5: 0}), Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 11, 1: 5, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 1, 5: 0}), Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 3, 1: 1.5, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 7.5, 5: 0})]
		>>> V_basis = [Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 7, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 1}), Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 15, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 2})]
		>>> w = Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 2, 1: 5, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 1, 5: 0})
		>>> direct_sum_decompose(U_basis, V_basis, w) == (Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 2.0, 1: 4.999999999999972, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 1.0, 5: 0.0}), Vec({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},{0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.0, 5: 0.0}))
    M = rowdict2mat(U_basis + V_basis)
    solution = solve(M.transpose(), w)
    zero = [zero_vec(U_basis[0].D)]
    uvec = solution * rowdict2mat(U_basis + zero * len(V_basis))
    vvec = solution * rowdict2mat(zero * len(U_basis) + V_basis)
    return (uvec, vvec)
コード例 #48
def GF2_span(D, S):
    >>> from GF2 import one
    >>> D = {'a', 'b', 'c'}
    >>> GF2_span(D, {Vec(D, {'a':one, 'c':one}), Vec(D, {'c':one})}) == {Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{}), Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{'a': one, 'c': one}), Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{'c': one}), Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{'a': one})}
    >>> GF2_span(D, {Vec(D, {'a': one, 'b': one}), Vec(D, {'a':one}), Vec(D, {'b':one})}) == {Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{'a': one, 'b': one}), Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{'b': one}), Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{'a': one}), Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{})}
    >>> S={Vec({0,1},{0:one}), Vec({0,1},{1:one})}
    >>> GF2_span({0,1}, S) == {Vec({0, 1},{0: one, 1: one}), Vec({0, 1},{1: one}), Vec({0, 1},{0: one}), Vec({0, 1},{})}
    >>> S == {Vec({0, 1},{1: one}), Vec({0, 1},{0: one})}
    if len(S) == 0:
        return set([zero_vec(D)])
        newS = set(S)
        v = newS.pop()
        part_sol = GF2_span(D, newS)
        return part_sol | {v + x for x in part_sol}
コード例 #49
ファイル: mat.py プロジェクト: varung97/Coding-the-Matrix
def vector_matrix_mul(v, M):
    returns the product of vector v and matrix M

    >>> v1 = Vec({1, 2, 3}, {1: 1, 2: 8})
    >>> M1 = Mat(({1, 2, 3}, {'a', 'b', 'c'}), {(1, 'b'): 2, (2, 'a'):-1, (3, 'a'): 1, (3, 'c'): 7})
    >>> v1*M1 == Vec({'a', 'b', 'c'},{'a': -8, 'b': 2, 'c': 0})
    >>> v1 == Vec({1, 2, 3}, {1: 1, 2: 8})
    >>> M1 == Mat(({1, 2, 3}, {'a', 'b', 'c'}), {(1, 'b'): 2, (2, 'a'):-1, (3, 'a'): 1, (3, 'c'): 7})
    >>> v2 = Vec({'a','b'}, {})
    >>> M2 = Mat(({'a','b'}, {0, 2, 4, 6, 7}), {})
    >>> v2*M2 == Vec({0, 2, 4, 6, 7},{})
    assert M.D[0] == v.D
    ans = zero_vec(M.D[1])
    for i, j in M.f:
        ans[j] += v[i] * M[i, j]
    return ans
コード例 #50
def triangular_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
    Solves an upper-triangular linear system.
    rowlist is a nonempty list of Vecs.  Let n = len(rowlist).
    b is an n-element list or a Vec over domain {0,1, ..., n-1}.
    The linear equations are:
       rowlist[0] * x = b[0]
       rowlist[n-1] * x = b[n-1]
    label_list is a list consisting of all the elements of D,
    where D is the domain of each of the vectors in rowlist.
    The system is triangular with respect to the ordering given
    by label_list.  That means rowlist[n-1][d] is zero for
    every element d of D except for the last element of label_list,
    rowlist[n-2][d] is zero for every element d of D except for
    the last two elements of label_list, and so on.

    This procedure assumes that rowlist[j][label_list[j]] != 0
    for j = 0,1, ..., n-1.

    The procedure returns the Vec x that is the unique solution
    to the linear system.
    >>> label_list = ['a','b','c','d']
    >>> D = set(label_list)
    >>> rowlist=[Vec(D,{'a':4, 'b':-2,'c':0.5,'d':1}), Vec(D,{'b':2,'c':3,'d':3}), \
    Vec(D,{'c':5, 'd':1}), Vec(D,{'d':2.})]
    >>> b = [6, -4, 3, -8]
    >>> triangular_solve(rowlist, label_list, b)
    Vec({'d', 'b', 'c', 'a'},{'d': -4.0, 'b': 1.9, 'c': 1.4, 'a': 3.275})
    D = rowlist[0].D
    x = zero_vec(D)
    for j in reversed(range(len(D))):
        c = label_list[j]
        row = rowlist[j]
        x[c] = (b[j] - x*row)/row[c]
    return x
コード例 #51
def echelon_solve(rowlist, label_list, b):
        - rowlist: a list of Vecs
        - label_list: a list of labels establishing an order on the domain of
                      Vecs in rowlist
        - b: a vector (represented as a list)
        - Vec x such that rowlist * x is b
    >>> D = {'A','B','C','D','E'}
    >>> U_rows = [Vec(D, {'A':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D, {'B':one, 'E':one}), Vec(D,{'C':one})] 
    >>> b_list = [one,0,one]
    >>> cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    >>> echelon_solve(U_rows, cols, b_list)
    Vec({'B', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'},{'B': 0, 'C': one, 'A': one})
    solved_vec = zero_vec(set(label_list))
    for i in reversed(range(len(rowlist))):
        for j in label_list:
            if getitem(rowlist[i],j) != 0:
                solved_vec.f[j] = (b[i] - solved_vec * rowlist[i])/getitem(rowlist[i], j)
    return solved_vec
コード例 #52
ファイル: HW.py プロジェクト: vasuharish/Coding_the_matrix
def has_solution(rowlist, b):
    zero_vector = zero_vec(rowlist[0].D)
    for i in range(len(rowlist)):
        if (rowlist[i] == zero_vector and b[i] is not 0):
            return False
    return True
コード例 #53
class Vec:
    def __init__(self, labels, function):
        self.D = labels
        self.f = function

v0 = Vec({'A', 'B', 'C'}, {'A': 1})

# quiz 2.7.1
def zero_vec(D):
    f = {_: 0 for _ in D}
    return Vec(D, f)

v1 = zero_vec({'a', 'b', 'c'})

def setitem(v, d, val):
    v.f[d] = val

setitem(v0, 'B', 2)

def getitem(v, d):
    if d in v.f:
        return v.f[d]
        return 0