os.makedirs(OUTDIR) if not os.path.isdir(outSubDir): os.makedirs(outSubDir) """ Read the files """ print('\nProcessing ' + nm + ' ...\n') [vertices, faces] = readMesh(os.path.join(DATADIR, meshFile)) [OrigLatCoords, OrigLatVals] = readLAT(os.path.join(DATADIR, latFile)) if ablFile != '': ablFile = os.path.join(DATADIR, ablFile) else: ablFile = None print('No ablation file available for this mesh... continuing...\n') """ Pre-process the mesh and LAT samples. """ mesh = Mesh([vertices, faces]) mesh.c('grey') n = len(vertices) mapIdx = [i for i in range(n)] mapCoord = [vertices[i] for i in mapIdx] # Map the LAT samples to nearest mesh vertices allLatIdx, allLatCoord, allLatVal = utils.mapSamps(mapIdx, mapCoord, OrigLatCoords, OrigLatVals) M = len(allLatIdx) # Identify and exclude anomalous LAT samples anomalous = np.zeros(M) if remove_anomalies:
for i in range(n): if i not in TrIdx: latNN[i] = unknownCoord[currIdx] currIdx += 1 else: latNN[i] = mapLAT[i] updatedFaces = magicLAT.updateFaces(vertices, faces, latNN, TrCoord, EDGE_THRESHOLD) latEst = magicLAT.magicLAT(vertices, faces, TrIdx, TrCoord, TrVal, EDGE_THRESHOLD) mesh = Mesh([vertices, faces]) # mesh.backColor('white').lineColor('black').lineWidth(0.25) mesh.c('grey') size = (100, 800) fontSize = 35 verPoints = Points(vertices, r=10, c='white') origLatPoints = Points(OrigLatCoords, r=10).cmap('gist_rainbow', OrigLatVals, vmin=MINLAT, vmax=MAXLAT).addScalarBar( c='white', title='LAT (ms) ', titleFontSize=fontSize, size=size) allLatPoints = Points(allLatCoord, r=10).cmap('gist_rainbow', allLatVal,