savefile=True, saveall=False, diffimg=False, path=None, timit=False) ##################################################################################################################################################### # (3) ORDER TRACING ################################################################################################################################# # find orders roughly P, tempmask = find_stripes(MW, deg_polynomial=2, min_peak=0.05, gauss_filter_sigma=3., simu=False) # assign physical diffraction order numbers (this is only a dummy function for now) to order-fit polynomials and bad-region masks P_id = make_P_id(P) mask = make_mask_dict(tempmask) # extract stripes of user-defined width from the science image, centred on the polynomial fits defined in step (1) MW_stripes, MW_indices = extract_stripes(MW, P_id, return_indices=True, slit_height=5) ##################################################################################################################################################### ### #if we want to determine spatial profiles, then we should remove cosmics and background from MW like so: # cosmic_cleaned_MW = remove_cosmics(MW, ronmask, obsname, path, Flim=3.0, siglim=5.0, maxiter=1, savemask=False, savefile=False, save_err=False, verbose=True, timit=True) # bg_corrected_MW = remove_background(cosmic_cleaned_MW, P_id, obsname, path, degpol=5, slit_height=5, save_bg=False, savefile=False, save_err=False, exclude_top_and_bottom=True, verbose=True, timit=True) #before doing the following: MW_stripes, MW_stripe_indices = extract_stripes(MW,
choice = 'r' if os.path.isfile(path + 'P_id.npy') and os.path.isfile(path + 'mask.npy'): choice = raw_input("INITIAL ORDER TRACING has already been done for " + date + " ! Do you want to skip this step or recreate it? ['s' / 'r']") if choice.lower() == 's': print('Loading initial order traces for ' + date + '...') P_id = np.load(path + 'P_id.npy').item() mask = np.load(path + 'mask.npy').item() else: # find rough order locations #P,tempmask = find_stripes(MW, deg_polynomial=2, min_peak=0.05, gauss_filter_sigma=3., simu=False) P,tempmask = find_stripes(MW, deg_polynomial=2, min_peak=0.05, gauss_filter_sigma=10., simu=False, maskthresh = 400) # if the bad pixel column is found as an order: # del P[5] # tempmask = tempmask[np.r_[0:5, 6:40],:] # assign physical diffraction order numbers (this is only a dummy function for now) to order-fit polynomials and bad-region masks P_id_dum = make_P_id(P) assert len(P_id_dum) == 39, 'ERROR: not exactly 39 orders found!!!' mask = make_mask_dict(tempmask) P_id = copy.deepcopy(P_id_dum) # for the dates where fibre 8 had a ~20-30% drop in throughput, do NOT subtract 2 if int(date) == 20190414: for o in P_id.keys(): P_id[o][0] -= 1. elif (int(date) <= 20190203) or (int(date) >= 20190619): for o in P_id.keys(): P_id[o][0] -= 2. + 'P_id.npy', P_id) + 'mask.npy', mask) # now redo the master white properly, incl background removal, and save to file
def make_fibparms_by_fib(savefile=True): path = '/Users/christoph/OneDrive - UNSW/fibre_profiles/' fp_files = glob.glob(path + "sim/" + "fibre_profiles*.npy") #mask_files = glob.glob(path+"masks/"+"mask*.npy") fibparms = {} for file in fp_files: fibnum = file[-6:-4] fib = 'fibre_' + fibnum fp = np.load(file).item() mask = np.load(path + "masks/" + "mask_" + fibnum + ".npy").item() flatname = '/Volumes/BERGRAID/data/simu/veloce_flat_t70000_single_fib' + fibnum + '.fit' flat = pyfits.getdata(flatname) img = flat + 1. #we need the flux later only to weight the fits P, tempmask = find_stripes(flat, deg_polynomial=2) P_id = make_P_id(P) #mask = make_mask_dict(tempmask) stripes = extract_stripes(img, P_id, slit_height=10) fibparms[fib] = {} for ord in sorted(fp.keys()): fibparms[fib][ord] = {} mu = np.array(fp[ord]['mu']) #amp = np.array(fp[ord]['amp']) sigma = np.array(fp[ord]['sigma']) beta = np.array(fp[ord]['beta']) #offset = np.array(fp[ord]['offset']) #slope = np.array(fp[ord]['slope']) onchip = mu >= 0 good = np.logical_and(mu >= 0, mask[ord]) stripe = stripes[ord] sc, sr = flatten_single_stripe(stripe, slit_height=10, timit=False) fluxsum = np.sum(sc, axis=0) w = np.sqrt( fluxsum ) #use relative error so that the order centres receive the largest weight-contribution xx = np.arange(len(mu)) mu_fit = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(xx[good], mu[good], 5, w=w[good])) # xarr = xx*4*np.pi/np.max(xx) - 2*np.pi # amp_popt,amp_pcov = curve_fit(blaze,xarr,amp,sigma=w,p0=(0.2,np.max(amp),0.)) sigma_fit = np.poly1d( np.polyfit(xx[good], sigma[good], 2, w=w[good])) beta_fit = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(xx[good], beta[good], 2, w=w[good])) #offset_fit = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(xx[good], offset[good], 0, w=w[good])) #offset_fit = np.average(offset, weights=w) fibparms[fib][ord]['mu_fit'] = mu_fit fibparms[fib][ord]['sigma_fit'] = sigma_fit fibparms[fib][ord]['beta_fit'] = beta_fit #fibparms[fib][ord]['offset_fit'] = offset_fit fibparms[fib][ord]['onchip'] = onchip if savefile: '/Users/christoph/OneDrive - UNSW/fibre_profiles/sim/fibparms_by_fib.npy', fibparms) return fibparms