コード例 #1
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):
        dx = self._target_pose.x - actual_pose.x
        dy = self._target_pose.y - actual_pose.y

        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta,
        change_taken_unit = (angular_dist) / linear_dist

        if (abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance
                and abs(angular_dist) < self._a_tolerance):
            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            return Velocity()

        if (abs(linear_dist) > self._l_tolerance
                and abs(angular_dist) > self._a_tolerance):

            angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(atan2(dy, dx), actual_pose.theta)

            vel_x = cos(angular_dist) * self._l_max_vel
            vel_y = sin(angular_dist) * self._l_max_vel
            vel_z = self._a_max_vel * change_taken_unit

            return Velocity(vel_x, vel_y, vel_z)

            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            return Velocity()
コード例 #2
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):

        # calculate the distance between the current pose and the target pose
        dx = self._target_pose.x - actual_pose.x
        dy = self._target_pose.y - actual_pose.y

        # calculating the linear and angular distance
        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta,

        velocity_angle = get_shortest_angle(atan2(dy, dx), actual_pose.theta)

        if (abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance
                and abs(angular_dist) < self._a_tolerance):
            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            return Velocity()

        # Computing remaining distances
        vx = self._l_max_vel * math.cos(velocity_angle)
        vy = self._l_max_vel * math.sin(velocity_angle)

        angular_vel = angular_dist / (linear_dist / self._l_max_vel)

        if angular_vel > self._a_max_vel:
            angular_vel = self._a_max_vel
            linear_vel = linear_dist / (angular_dist / angular_vel)
            vx = linear_vel * math.cos(velocity_angle)
            vy = linear_vel * math.sin(velocity_angle)

        return Velocity(vx, vy, copysign(angular_vel, angular_dist))
コード例 #3
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):
        # Compute remaining distances, return if close to target
        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta, actual_pose.theta)
        if (    abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance and
                abs(angular_dist) < self._a_tolerance   ):
            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            return Velocity()

        # Find transform matrix of world frame in agent frame
        # This is needed for perfect straight line travel. Linear velocity
        # to target is a constant deceleration movement, which may not be
        # apparent in values posted to /cmd_vel
        transform_AW = get_inverse_transform2D(actual_pose.theta,
        target_coord_A = np.dot(transform_AW, np.array([self._target_pose.x,
                                                        0, 1]))
        # Compute linear and angular velocity
        velocity_linear = self.compute_linear_velocity(target_coord_A[self.X_INDEX],

        velocity_angular = self.compute_angular_velocity(angular_dist)
        #rospy.loginfo("Velocity angular: " + str(velocity_angular))

        return Velocity(velocity_linear[self.X_INDEX],
コード例 #4
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):
        # Compute remaining distances, return if close to target
        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta,
        if (abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance
                and abs(angular_dist) < self._a_tolerance):
            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            return Velocity()

        # Find transform matrix of world frame in agent frame
        # This is needed for perfect straight line travel. Linear velocity
        # to target is a constant deceleration movement, which may not be
        # apparent in values posted to /cmd_vel
        transform_AW = get_inverse_transform2D(actual_pose.theta,
                                               actual_pose.x, actual_pose.y)
        target_coord_A = np.dot(
            np.array([self._target_pose.x, self._target_pose.y, 0, 1]))
        # Compute linear and angular velocity
        velocity_linear = self.compute_linear_velocity(
            target_coord_A[self.X_INDEX], target_coord_A[self.Y_INDEX],

        velocity_angular = self.compute_angular_velocity(angular_dist)
        #rospy.loginfo("Velocity angular: " + str(velocity_angular))

        return Velocity(velocity_linear[self.X_INDEX],
                        velocity_linear[self.Y_INDEX], velocity_angular)
コード例 #5
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):
        # Displacement and orientation to the target in world frame:
        dx = self._target_pose.x - actual_pose.x
        dy = self._target_pose.y - actual_pose.y
        dtheta = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta, actual_pose.theta)

        # Step 1: compute remaining distances
        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(atan2(dy, dx), actual_pose.theta)

        #Finish status condition
        if (abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance
                and abs(dtheta) < self._a_tolerance):
            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            rospy.loginfo("Goal reached")
            return Velocity()

        # Step 2: compute velocities

        linear_vel_x = 0.0
        linear_vel_y = 0.0
        angular_vel = 0.0

        #compute velocity while far from goal
        if abs(linear_dist) > self._l_tolerance or abs(
                dtheta) > self._a_tolerance:

            #Desaccelerating before breaking distance
            if abs(linear_dist) < self._l_breaking_distance or abs(
                    dtheta) < self._a_breaking_distance:
                linear_vel = min(
                    sqrt(2 * linear_dist * self._l_max_acc),
                    sqrt((2 * self._a_max_acc * linear_dist**2) / abs(dtheta)))
                linear_vel = self._l_max_vel

            linear_vel_x = linear_vel * cos(angular_dist)
            linear_vel_y = linear_vel * sin(angular_dist)

            #Angular speed relative to linear speed to allow simultaneous behavior
            angular_vel = (dtheta * linear_vel) / linear_dist
            if abs(angular_vel) > self._a_max_vel:
                angular_vel = self._a_max_vel

        return Velocity(linear_vel_x, linear_vel_y,
                        copysign(angular_vel, dtheta))
コード例 #6
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):
        # Displacement and orientation to the target in world frame:
        dx = self._target_pose.x - actual_pose.x
        dy = self._target_pose.y - actual_pose.y

        # Step 1: compute remaining distances
        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist_1 = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta,

        if (abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance
                and abs(angular_dist_1) < self._a_tolerance):
            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            return Velocity()

        # Step 2: compute velocities
        #Initializing the velocities
        x_linear_vel, y_linear_vel, angular_vel = 0, 0, 0

        lin_time = self._l_max_vel / self._l_max_acc
        ang_time = self._a_max_vel / self._a_max_acc

        if (abs(linear_dist) > self._l_tolerance
                or ((self._target_pose.theta - actual_pose.theta) != 0)):
            #Getting the orientation of the goal with respect to the current position of the bot
            angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(math.atan2(dy, dx),
            #Resolving the linear velocity vector in the x direction using cosine
            x_linear_vel = (self._l_max_vel *
                            math.cos(angular_dist) if abs(linear_dist) > 5 *
                            self._l_tolerance else self._l_tolerance)
            #Resolving the linear velocity vector in the y direction using sine
            y_linear_vel = (self._l_max_vel *
                            math.sin(angular_dist) if abs(linear_dist) > 5 *
                            self._l_tolerance else self._l_tolerance)
            #Angular velocity is divided into a part for every unit of linear distance so that the angular
            #transition is synced with the linear motion
            angular_vel = (angular_dist_1 * self._a_max_vel / linear_dist)
            #Publishing the calculated linear and angular velocity using Velocity() class in velocity_controller.py
            return Velocity(x_linear_vel, y_linear_vel, angular_vel)
            #If the bot has reached the target close enough to breach the tolerance, we simply stop it by giving 0 velocity
            return Velocity(0, 0, 0)
コード例 #7
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):
        # compute remaining distances
        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta,

        if (abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance
                and abs(angular_dist) < self._a_tolerance):
            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            return Velocity()

        # Calculate linear distance from goal where the robot should start to de-accelerate
        l_time_for_de_acceleration = self._l_max_vel / self._l_max_acc
        l_distance_for_de_acceleration = 0.5 * self._l_max_acc * (

        # Time required based on max velocity and de-acceleration
        linear_time = abs(linear_dist) / self._l_max_vel if \
            linear_dist > l_distance_for_de_acceleration else l_time_for_de_acceleration

        # Get position with respect to the bot. The angle is given with respect to the frame
        theta = actual_pose.theta * -1
        multiplication_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0],
                                           np.cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]])

        target_pos_bot = multiplication_matrix.dot(
            np.array([self._target_pose.x, self._target_pose.y, 1]))
        target_pos_bot_x, target_pos_bot_y = target_pos_bot[0], target_pos_bot[

        current_pos_bot = multiplication_matrix.dot(
            np.array([actual_pose.x, actual_pose.y, 1]))
        current_pos_bot_x, current_pos_bot_y = current_pos_bot[
            0], current_pos_bot[1]

        dx_bot = target_pos_bot_x - current_pos_bot_x
        dy_bot = target_pos_bot_y - current_pos_bot_y

        linear_vel_x = dx_bot / linear_time
        linear_vel_y = dy_bot / linear_time

        # Calculate angular distance from goal where the robot should start to de-accelerate
        a_time_for_de_acceleration = self._a_max_vel / self._a_max_acc
        a_distance_for_de_acceleration = 0.5 * self._a_max_acc * (

        angular_time = abs(angular_dist) / self._a_max_vel if \
            angular_dist > a_distance_for_de_acceleration else a_time_for_de_acceleration

        angular_vel = angular_dist / angular_time

        return Velocity(linear_vel_x, linear_vel_y, angular_vel)
コード例 #8
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):
        # Displacement and orientation to the target in world frame:
        dx = self._target_pose.x - actual_pose.x
        dy = self._target_pose.y - actual_pose.y
        # Step 1: compute remaining distances
        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta,

        if (abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance
                and abs(angular_dist) < self._a_tolerance):
            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            #print "near goal"
            return Velocity()

        if abs(linear_dist > self._l_tolerance):
            angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(atan2(dy, dx), actual_pose.theta)
            # We still need to drive to the target, therefore we first need
            # to make sure that we are oriented towards it.

        # Step 2: compute velocities
        #print "at goal" compute turn here
        linear_vel, angular_vel = 0, 0

        if abs(linear_dist) > self._l_tolerance:
            linear_vel = (self._l_max_vel if abs(linear_dist) > 5 *
                          self._l_tolerance else self._l_tolerance)
        if abs(angular_dist) > self._a_tolerance:
            angular_vel = (self._a_max_vel if abs(angular_dist) > 5 *
                           self._a_tolerance else self._a_tolerance)
        if abs(angular_dist) > self._a_tolerance * 5:
            # We need to rotate a lot, so stand still and rotate with max velocity.
            #print "running in straight line"
            return Velocity(0, 0, copysign(angular_vel, angular_dist))
            # We need to rotate just a bit (or do not need at all),
            # so it is fine to combine with linear motion if needed.
            #print "in else"
            return Velocity(copysign(linear_vel, linear_dist), 0,
                            copysign(angular_vel, angular_dist))
コード例 #9
 def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):
     # Displacement and orientation to the target in world frame:
     dx = self._target_pose.x - actual_pose.x
     dy = self._target_pose.y - actual_pose.y
     # Step 1: compute remaining distances
     linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
     angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta, actual_pose.theta)
     if (    abs(linear_dist)<self._l_tolerance and
             abs(angular_dist)<self._a_tolerance     ):
         self._linear_complete = True
         self._angular_complete = True
         return Velocity()
     if abs(linear_dist>self._l_tolerance):
         angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(atan2(dy, dx), actual_pose.theta)
         # We still need to drive to the target, therefore we first need
         # to make sure that we are oriented towards it.
     # Step 2: compute velocities
     linear_vel, angular_vel = 0, 0
     if abs(linear_dist)>self._l_tolerance:
         linear_vel = (self._l_max_vel if abs(linear_dist)>5*self._l_tolerance else
     if abs(angular_dist)>self._a_tolerance:
         angular_vel = (self._a_max_vel if abs(angular_dist)>5*self._a_tolerance else
     if abs(angular_dist)>self._a_tolerance*5:
         # We need to rotate a lot, so stand still and rotate with max velocity.
         return Velocity(0, 0, copysign(angular_vel, angular_dist))
         # We need to rotate just a bit (or do not need at all),
         # so it is fine to combine with linear motion if needed.
         return Velocity(copysign(linear_vel, linear_dist),
                         copysign(angular_vel, angular_dist))
コード例 #10
    def compute_velocity(self, actual_pose):

        initial_l_vel = abs(self._l_max_vel)
        initial_a_vel = abs(self._a_max_vel)

        #Displacement and orientation to the target in world frame:
        dx = self._target_pose.x - actual_pose.x
        dy = self._target_pose.y - actual_pose.y
        pose_theta = get_shortest_angle(atan2(dy, dx), actual_pose.theta)

        # Step 1: compute remaining distances
        linear_dist = get_distance(self._target_pose, actual_pose)
        angular_dist = get_shortest_angle(self._target_pose.theta,

        #Checking if target is reached
        if (abs(linear_dist) < self._l_tolerance
                and abs(angular_dist) < self._a_tolerance):

            self._linear_complete = True
            self._angular_complete = True
            return Velocity()

        #calculate distance to stop
        l_dist_stop = abs(-(self._l_max_vel**2) / (2 * self._max_l_acc))
        a_dist_stop = abs(-(self._a_max_vel**2) / (2 * self._max_a_acc))

        #calculate distance for fixed velocity and deaccelerated velocity
        l_dist_unacc = abs(linear_dist - l_dist_stop)
        a_dist_unacc = abs(angular_dist - a_dist_stop)

        # Step 2: compute velocities
        linear_vel, linear_vel_x, linear_vel_y, angular_vel = 0, 0, 0, 0
        scaled_l_vel, scaled_a_vel = 0, 0

        if (linear_dist < l_dist_stop and angular_dist < a_dist_stop):
            #Deaccelerate  both (A)
            rospy.loginfo("Undergoing Linear and angular deacceleration")

            linear_vel = abs(sqrt(abs(-(2 * self._max_l_acc * linear_dist))))
            angular_vel = abs(sqrt(abs(-(2 * self._max_a_acc * angular_dist))))

            l_time = abs((-(linear_vel) / self._max_l_acc))
            a_time = abs((-(angular_vel) / self._max_a_acc))

        elif (linear_dist > l_dist_stop and angular_dist < a_dist_stop):
            #Deaccelerate angular (B)
            rospy.loginfo("Undergoing angular deacceleration")

            linear_vel = abs(initial_l_vel)
            angular_vel = abs(sqrt(abs(-(2 * self._max_a_acc * angular_dist))))

            l_time_1 = (l_dist_unacc / linear_vel)
            l_time_2 = abs((-(linear_vel) / self._max_l_acc))
            l_time = l_time_1 + l_time_2

            a_time = abs((-(angular_vel) / self._max_a_acc))

        elif (linear_dist < l_dist_stop and angular_dist > a_dist_stop):
            #Deaccelerate linear (C)
            rospy.loginfo("Undergoing linear deacceleration")
            linear_vel = abs(sqrt(abs(-(2 * self._max_l_acc * linear_dist))))
            angular_vel = abs(initial_a_vel)

            a_time_1 = (a_dist_unacc / angular_vel)
            a_time_2 = abs((-(angular_vel) / self._max_a_acc))
            a_time = a_time_1 + a_time_2

            l_time = abs((-(linear_vel) / self._max_l_acc))

        elif (linear_dist > l_dist_stop and angular_dist > a_dist_stop):
            #No deacceleration (D)
            rospy.loginfo("No deacceleration")

            linear_vel = abs(initial_l_vel)
            angular_vel = abs(initial_a_vel)

            l_time_1 = (l_dist_unacc / linear_vel)
            l_time_2 = abs((-(linear_vel) / self._max_l_acc))
            l_time = l_time_1 + l_time_2

            a_time_1 = (a_dist_unacc / angular_vel)
            a_time_2 = abs((-(angular_vel) / self._max_a_acc))
            a_time = a_time_1 + a_time_2

        #scaling velocities so that both motion ends at same time
        if (a_time < l_time):
            scaled_a_vel = angular_vel * (a_time / l_time)
            scaled_l_vel = linear_vel
            scaled_a_vel = angular_vel
            scaled_l_vel = linear_vel * (l_time / a_time)

        if abs(linear_dist) > self._l_tolerance:
            rospy.loginfo("Calculating Linear vel")
            linear_vel_x = abs(
                (scaled_l_vel * cos(pose_theta) if
                 abs(linear_dist) > self._l_tolerance else self._l_tolerance *
            linear_vel_y = abs(
                (scaled_l_vel * sin(pose_theta) if
                 abs(linear_dist) > self._l_tolerance else self._l_tolerance *
            linear_vel = abs(sqrt(linear_vel_x**2 + linear_vel_y**2))
            rospy.loginfo(copysign(linear_vel, linear_dist))
            rospy.loginfo(copysign(linear_vel_x, dx))
            rospy.loginfo(copysign(linear_vel_y, dy))
        if abs(angular_dist) > self._a_tolerance:
            rospy.loginfo("Calculating angular vel")
            angular_vel = abs(
                (scaled_a_vel if abs(angular_dist) > self._a_tolerance else
            rospy.loginfo(copysign(angular_vel, angular_dist))

        return Velocity(copysign(linear_vel_x, dx), copysign(linear_vel_y, dy),
                        copysign(angular_vel, angular_dist))