def _run(*, bamfile: Tuple[str], gtffile: str, bcfile: str, outputfolder: str, sampleid: str, metadatatable: str, repmask: str, onefilepercell: bool, logic: str, without_umi: str, umi_extension: str, multimap: bool, test: bool, samtools_threads: int, samtools_memory: int, loom_numeric_dtype: str, dump: bool, verbose: int, additional_ca: dict = {}) -> None: """Runs the velocity analysis outputing a loom file BAMFILE or [BAMFILES] one or several bam files with position-sorted GTFFILE annotation file NOTE: it is keyword only argument function """ ######################## # Resolve Inputs # ######################## logging.basicConfig( stream=sys.stdout, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=[logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG][verbose]) if isinstance(bamfile, tuple) and len(bamfile) > 1 and bamfile[-1][-4:] in [ ".bam", ".sam" ]: multi = True elif isinstance(bamfile, tuple) and len(bamfile) == 1: multi = False else: raise IOError( f"Something went wrong in the argument parsing. You passed as bamfile: {bamfile}" ) if onefilepercell and multi: if bcfile is not None: raise ValueError( "Inputs incompatibility. --bcfile/-b option was used together with --onefilepercell/-c option." ) logging.warning( "Each bam file will be interpreted as a DIFFERENT cell") elif not onefilepercell and multi: logging.warning( "Several input files but --onefilepercell is False. Each bam file will be interpreted as containing a SET of cells!!!" ) if sampleid is None: assert metadatatable is None, "--metadatatable was specified but cannot fetch sample metadata without valid sampleid" if multi: logging.warning( f"When using mutliple files you may want to use --sampleid option to specify the name of the output file" ) if multi and not onefilepercell: full_name = "_".join([ os.path.basename(bamfile[i]).split(".")[0] for i in range(len(bamfile)) ]) if len(full_name) > 50: sampleid = f'multi_input_{os.path.basename(bamfile[0]).split(".")[0]}_{id_generator(5)}' else: sampleid = f'multi_input_{full_name}_and_others_{id_generator(5)}' elif multi and onefilepercell: sampleid = f'onefilepercell_{os.path.basename(bamfile[0]).split(".")[0]}_and_others_{id_generator(5)}' else: sampleid = f'{os.path.basename(bamfile[0]).split(".")[0]}_{id_generator(5)}' f"No SAMPLEID specified, the sample will be called {sampleid} (last 5 digits are a random-id to avoid overwriting some other file by mistake)" ) # Create an output folder inside the cell ranger output folder if outputfolder is None: outputfolder = os.path.join(os.path.split(bamfile[0])[0], "velocyto") f"No OUTPUTFOLDER specified, find output files inside {outputfolder}" ) if not os.path.exists(outputfolder): os.mkdir(outputfolder) logic_class = getattr(vcy, logic) if not issubclass(logic_class, vcy.Logic): raise ValueError( f"{logic} is not a valid logic. Choose one among {', '.join([k for k, v in vcy.logic.__dict__.items() if issubclass(v, vcy.Logic)])}" ) else: logging.debug(f"Using logic: {logic}") logic_obj = logic_class() if bcfile is None: logging.debug( "Cell barcodes will be determined while reading the .bam file") valid_bcset = None else: # Get valid cell barcodes valid_bcs_list = ( if bcfile.endswith(".gz") else open(bcfile).read()).rstrip().split() valid_cellid_list = np.array([ f"{sampleid}:{v_bc}" for v_bc in valid_bcs_list ]) # with sample id and with -1 if len(set(bc.split('-')[0] for bc in valid_bcs_list)) == 1: gem_grp = f"-{valid_bcs_list[0].split('-')[-1]}" else: gem_grp = "x" valid_bcset = set(bc.split('-')[0] for bc in valid_bcs_list) # without -1"Read {len(valid_bcs_list)} cell barcodes from {bcfile}") logging.debug( f"Example of barcode: {valid_bcs_list[0].split('-')[0]} and cell_id: {valid_cellid_list[0]}" ) # Get metadata from sample sheet if metadatatable: try: sample_metadata = vcy.MetadataCollection(metadatatable) sample = sample_metadata.where("SampleID", sampleid) if len(sample) == 0: logging.error( f"Sample ID {sampleid} not found in sample sheet") # schema = [] # type: List sample = {} elif len(sample) > 1: logging.error( f"Sample ID {sampleid} has multiple lines in sample sheet") sys.exit(1) else: # schema = sample[0].types sample = sample[0].dict logging.debug(f"Collecting column attributes from {metadatatable}") except (NameError, TypeError) as e: logging.warn( "SAMPLEFILE was not specified. add -s SAMPLEFILE to add metadata." ) sample = {} else: sample = {} ######################## # Start Analysis # ######################## # Initialize Exon-Intron Counter with the logic and valid barcodes (need to do it now to peek) if without_umi: if umi_extension != "no": logging.warning( "--umi-extension was specified but incompatible with --without-umi, it will be ignored!" ) umi_extension = "without_umi" exincounter = vcy.ExInCounter(sampleid=sampleid, logic=logic_class, valid_bcset=valid_bcset, umi_extension=umi_extension, onefilepercell=onefilepercell, dump_option=dump, outputfolder=outputfolder) # Heuristic to chose the memory/cpu effort try: mb_available = int( subprocess.check_output( 'grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo'.split()).split()[1]) / 1000 except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.warning( "Your system does not support calling `grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo` so the memory effort for the samtools command could not be chosen appropriately. 32Gb will be assumed" ) mb_available = 32000 # 64Gb threads_to_use = min(samtools_threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) mb_to_use = int( min(samtools_memory, mb_available / (len(bamfile) * threads_to_use))) compression = vcy.BAM_COMPRESSION # I need to peek into the bam file to know wich cell barcode flag should be used if onefilepercell and without_umi: tagname = "NOTAG" elif onefilepercell: logging.debug("The multi input option ") tagname = "NOTAG" exincounter.peek_umi_only(bamfile[0]) else: exincounter.peek(bamfile[0]) tagname = exincounter.cellbarcode_str if multi and onefilepercell: bamfile_cellsorted = list(bamfile) elif onefilepercell: bamfile_cellsorted = [bamfile[0]] else: bamfile_cellsorted = [ f"{os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bmf), 'cellsorted_' + os.path.basename(bmf))}" for bmf in bamfile ] sorting_process: Dict[int, Any] = {} for ni, bmf_cellsorted in enumerate(bamfile_cellsorted): # Start a subprocess that sorts the bam file command = f"samtools sort -l {compression} -m {mb_to_use}M -t {tagname} -O BAM -@ {threads_to_use} -o {bmf_cellsorted} {bamfile[ni]}" if os.path.exists(bmf_cellsorted): # This should skip sorting in smartseq2 logging.warning( f"The file {bmf_cellsorted} already exists. The sorting step will be skipped and the existing file will be used." ) check_end_process = False else: sorting_process[ni] = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) f"Starting the sorting process of {bamfile[ni]} the output will be at: {bmf_cellsorted}" )"Command being run is: {command}")"While the bam sorting happens do other things...") check_end_process = True # Load annotations"Load the annotation from {gtffile}") annotations_by_chrm_strand = exincounter.read_transcriptmodels(gtffile) chrs = list(v for k, v in annotations_by_chrm_strand.items()) tms = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable((v.values() for v in chrs))) ivls = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tms)) logging.debug( f"Generated {len(ivls)} features corresponding to {len(tms)} transcript models from {gtffile}" ) del chrs, tms, ivls # Load annotations if repmask is not None:"Load the repeat masking annotation from {repmask}") mask_ivls_by_chromstrand = exincounter.read_repeats(repmask) # Go through the bam files a first time to markup introns"Scan {' '.join(bamfile)} to validate intron intervals") if test: # NOTE: Remove this after finishing testing, the only purpuso was to save 15min in the debugging process logging.warning("This place is for developer only!") import pickle if os.path.exists("exincounter_dump.pickle"): logging.debug("exincounter_dump.pickle is being loaded") exincounter = pickle.load(open("exincounter_dump.pickle", "rb")) else: logging.debug("exincounter_dump.pickle was not found") logging.debug("Dumping exincounter_dump.pickle BEFORE markup") pickle.dump(exincounter, open("exincounter_dump.pickle", "wb")) exincounter.mark_up_introns(bamfile=bamfile, multimap=multimap) else: exincounter.mark_up_introns(bamfile=bamfile, multimap=multimap) # Wait for child process to terminate if check_end_process: f"Now just waiting that the bam sorting process terminates") for k in sorting_process.keys(): returncode = sorting_process[k].wait() if returncode == 0:"bam file #{k} has been sorted") else: raise MemoryError( f"bam file #{k} could not be sorted by cells.\n\ This is probably related to an old version of samtools, please install samtools >= 1.6.\ In alternative this could be a memory error, try to set the --samtools_memory option to a value compatible with your system. \ Otherwise sort manually by samtools ``sort -l [compression] -m [mb_to_use]M -t [tagname] -O BAM -@ [threads_to_use] -o cellsorted_[bamfile] [bamfile]``" ) # Do the actual counting logging.debug("Start molecule counting!") results = exincounter.count( bamfile_cellsorted, multimap=multimap ) # NOTE: we would avoid some millions of if statements evaluations if we write two function count and count_with output dict_list_arrays, cell_bcs_order = results ######################## # Output # ######################## # Prepare the loom file output if not exincounter.filter_mode: valid_bcset = exincounter.valid_bcset # without -1 valid_bcs_list = list(valid_bcset) # without -1 gem_grp = "" valid_cellid_list = np.array([ f"{sampleid}:{v_bc}" for v_bc in valid_bcs_list ]) # with sampleid and with -1 logging.debug( f"Example of barcode: {valid_bcs_list[0]} and cell_id: {valid_cellid_list[0]}" ) ca = { "CellID": np.array([f"{sampleid}:{v_bc}{gem_grp}" for v_bc in cell_bcs_order]) } ca.update(additional_ca) for key, value in sample.items(): ca[key] = np.full(len(cell_bcs_order), value) # Save to loom file outfile = os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}.loom") logging.debug(f"Generating output file {outfile}") # row attributes atr_table = (("Gene", "genename", str), ("Accession", "geneid", str), ("Chromosome", "chrom", str), ("Strand", "strand", str), ("Start", "start", int), ("End", "end", int)) logging.debug("Collecting row attributes") ra = {} for name_col_attr, name_obj_attr, dtyp in atr_table: tmp_array = np.zeros((len(exincounter.genes), ), dtype=object) # type: np.ndarray for gene_id, gene_info in exincounter.genes.items(): tmp_array[exincounter.geneid2ix[gene_id]] = getattr( gene_info, name_obj_attr) ra[name_col_attr] = tmp_array.astype(dtyp) logging.debug("Generating data table") layers: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} for layer_name in logic_obj.layers: layers[layer_name] = np.concatenate(dict_list_arrays[layer_name], axis=1) del dict_list_arrays[layer_name] for layer_name in logic_obj.layers: total: np.ndarray # This is just a type annotation to avoid mypy complaints try: total += layers[layer_name] except NameError: total = np.array(layers[layer_name]) logging.debug("Writing loom file") try: ds = loompy.create(filename=outfile, matrix=total, row_attrs=ra, col_attrs=ca, dtype="float32") for layer_name in logic_obj.layers: ds.set_layer(name=layer_name, matrix=layers[layer_name], dtype=loom_numeric_dtype) ds.attrs["velocyto.__version__"] = vcy.__version__ ds.attrs["velocyto.logic"] = logic ds.close() except TypeError: # If user is using loompy2 # NOTE maybe this is not super efficient if the type and order are already correct tmp_layers = {"": total.astype("float32", order="C", copy=False)} tmp_layers.update({ layer_name: layers[layer_name].astype(loom_numeric_dtype, order="C", copy=False) for layer_name in logic_obj.layers }) loompy.create(filename=outfile, layers=tmp_layers, row_attrs=ra, col_attrs=ca, file_attrs={ "velocyto.__version__": vcy.__version__, "velocyto.logic": logic }) logging.debug("Terminated Succesfully!")
def _run(*, bamfile: str, gtffile: str, bcfile: str, outputfolder: str, sampleid: str, metadatatable: str, repmask: str, logic: str, molrep: bool, multimap: bool, test: bool, samtools_threads: int, samtools_memory: int, additional_ca: dict={}) -> None: """Runs the velocity analysis outputing a loom file BAMFILE bam file with sorted reads GTFFILE annotation file NOTE: it is keyword only argument function """ ######################## # Resolve Inputs # ######################## if sampleid is None: assert metadatatable is None, "Cannot fetch sample metadata without valid sampleid" sampleid = f'{os.path.basename(bamfile).split(".")[0]}_{id_generator(5)}' logging.debug(f"No SAMPLEID specified, the sample will be called {sampleid}") # Create an output folder inside the cell ranger output folder if outputfolder is None: outputfolder = os.path.join(os.path.split(bamfile)[0], "velocyto") logging.debug(f"No OUTPUTFOLDER specified, find output files inside {outputfolder}") if not os.path.exists(outputfolder): os.mkdir(outputfolder) logic_obj = getattr(vcy, logic) if not issubclass(logic_obj, vcy.Logic): raise ValueError(f"{logic} is not a valid logic. Chose one among {', '.join([k for k, v in vcy.logic.__dict__.items() if issubclass(v, vcy.Logic)])}") else: logging.debug(f"Using logic: {logic}") if bcfile is None: logging.debug("Cell barcodes will be determined while reading the .bam file") valid_bcset = None else: # Get valid cell barcodes valid_bcs_list = open(bcfile).read().rstrip().split() valid_cellid_list = np.array([f"{sampleid}:{v_bc}" for v_bc in valid_bcs_list]) # with sample id and with -1 if len(set(bc.split('-')[0] for bc in valid_bcs_list)) == 1: gem_grp = f"-{valid_bcs_list[0].split('-')[-1]}" else: gem_grp = "x" valid_bcset = set(bc.split('-')[0] for bc in valid_bcs_list) # without -1 logging.debug(f"Read {len(valid_bcs_list)} cell barcodes from {bcfile}") logging.debug(f"Example of barcode: {valid_bcs_list[0].split('-')[0]} and cell_id: {valid_cellid_list[0]}") # Get metadata from sample sheet if metadatatable: try: sample_metadata = vcy.MetadataCollection(metadatatable) sample = sample_metadata.where("SampleID", sampleid) if len(sample) == 0: logging.error(f"Sample ID {sampleid} not found in sample sheet") # schema = [] # type: List sample = {} elif len(sample) > 1: logging.error(f"Sample ID {sampleid} has multiple lines in sample sheet") sys.exit(1) else: # schema = sample[0].types sample = sample[0].dict logging.debug(f"Collecting column attributes from {metadatatable}") except (NameError, TypeError) as e: logging.warn("SAMPLEFILE was not specified. add -s SAMPLEFILE to add metadata.") sample = {} else: sample = {} ######################## # Start Analysis # ######################## # Initialize Exon-Intron Counter with the logic and valid barcodes (need to do it now to peek) exincounter = vcy.ExInCounter(logic_obj, valid_bcset) # Heuristic to chose the memory/cpu effort mb_available = int(subprocess.check_output('grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo'.split()).split()[1]) / 1000 threads_to_use = min(samtools_threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) mb_to_use = int(min(samtools_memory, mb_available / threads_to_use)) compression = vcy.BAM_COMPRESSION # I need to peek into the bam file to know wich cell barcode flag should be used exincounter.peek(bamfile) tagname = exincounter.cellbarcode_str bamfile_cellsorted = f"{os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bamfile), 'cellsorted_' + os.path.basename(bamfile))}" # Start a subprocess that sorts the bam file command = f"samtools sort -l {compression} -m {mb_to_use}M -t {tagname} -O BAM -@ {threads_to_use} -o {bamfile_cellsorted} {bamfile}" if os.path.exists(bamfile_cellsorted): logging.warning(f"The file {bamfile_cellsorted} already exists. The sorting step will be skipped and the existing file will be used.") check_end_process = False else: sorting_process = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)"Starting the sorting process of {bamfile} the output will be at: {bamfile_cellsorted}")"Command being run is: {command}")"While the bam sorting happens do other things...") check_end_process = True # Load annotations"Load the annotation from {gtffile}") annotations_by_chrm_strand = exincounter.read_transcriptmodels(gtffile) chrs = list(v for k, v in annotations_by_chrm_strand.items()) tms = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable((v.values() for v in chrs))) ivls = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tms)) logging.debug(f"Generated {len(ivls)} features corresponding to {len(tms)} transcript models from {gtffile}") del chrs, tms, ivls # Load annotations if repmask is not None:"Load the repeat masking annotation from {repmask}") mask_ivls_by_chromstrand = exincounter.read_repeats(repmask) # Go through the sam files a first time to markup introns"Scan {bamfile} to validate intron intervals") if test: # NOTE: Remove this after finishing testing, the only purpuso was to save 15min in the debugging process import pickle if os.path.exists("exincounter_dump.pickle"): logging.debug("exincounter_dump.pickle is being loaded") exincounter = pickle.load(open("exincounter_dump.pickle", "rb")) else: logging.debug("exincounter_dump.pickle was not found") logging.debug("Dumping exincounter_dump.pickle BEFORE markup") pickle.dump(exincounter, open("exincounter_dump.pickle", "wb")) exincounter.mark_up_introns(bamfile=bamfile, multimap=multimap) else: exincounter.mark_up_introns(bamfile=bamfile, multimap=multimap) # Wait for child process to terminate if check_end_process:"Now just waiting that the bam sorting process terminates") sorting_process.wait()"bam file has been sorted") # Do the actual counting logging.debug("Start molecule counting!") results = exincounter.count(bamfile_cellsorted, multimap=multimap, molecules_report=molrep) # NOTE: we would avoid some millions of if statements evalution if we write two function count and count_with output list_spliced_arrays, list_unspliced_arrays, list_ambiguous_arrays, cell_bcs_order = results ######################## # Output # ######################## # Prepare the loom file output if not exincounter.filter_mode: valid_bcset = exincounter.valid_bcset # without -1 valid_bcs_list = list(valid_bcset) # without -1 gem_grp = "" valid_cellid_list = np.array([f"{sampleid}:{v_bc}" for v_bc in valid_bcs_list]) # with sampleid and with -1 logging.debug(f"Example of barcode: {valid_bcs_list[0]} and cell_id: {valid_cellid_list[0]}") ca = {"CellID": np.array([f"{sampleid}:{v_bc}{gem_grp}" for v_bc in cell_bcs_order])} ca.update(additional_ca) for key, value in sample.items(): ca[key] = np.array([value] * len(cell_bcs_order)) # Save to loom file outfile = os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}.loom") logging.debug(f"Generating output file {outfile}") # row attributes atr_table = (("Gene", "genename", str), ("Accession", "geneid", str), ("Chromosome", "chrom", str), ("Strand", "strand", str), ("Start", "start", int), ("End", "end", int)) logging.debug("Collecting row attributes") ra = {} for name_col_attr, name_obj_attr, dtyp in atr_table: tmp_array = np.zeros((len(exincounter.genes),), dtype=object) # type: np.ndarray for gene_id, gene_info in exincounter.genes.items(): tmp_array[exincounter.geneid2ix[gene_id]] = getattr(gene_info, name_obj_attr) ra[name_col_attr] = tmp_array.astype(dtyp) logging.debug("Generating data table") spliced = np.concatenate(list_spliced_arrays, axis=1) del list_spliced_arrays unspliced = np.concatenate(list_unspliced_arrays, axis=1) del list_unspliced_arrays ambiguous = np.concatenate(list_ambiguous_arrays, axis=1) del list_ambiguous_arrays total = spliced + unspliced + ambiguous logging.debug("Writing loom file") try: ds = loompy.create(filename=outfile, matrix=total, row_attrs=ra, col_attrs=ca, dtype="float32") ds.set_layer(name="spliced", matrix=spliced, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) ds.set_layer(name="unspliced", matrix=unspliced, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) ds.set_layer(name="ambiguous", matrix=ambiguous, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) ds.attrs["velocyto.__version__"] = vcy.__version__ ds.close() except TypeError: # If user is using loompy2 loompy.create(filename=outfile, layers={"": total.astype("float32", order="C", copy=False), "spliced": spliced.astype(vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE, order="C", copy=False), "unspliced": unspliced.astype(vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE, order="C", copy=False), "ambiguous": ambiguous.astype(vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE, order="C", copy=False)}, row_attrs=ra, col_attrs=ca, file_attrs={"velocyto.__version__": vcy.__version__}) logging.debug("Terminated Succesfully!")
def _run(bamfile: str, ivlfile: str, bcfile: str, outputfolder: str, sampleid: str, metadatatable: str, repmask: str, debug: bool, additional_ca: dict = {}) -> None: """Runs the velocity analysis outputing a loom file BAMFILE bam file with sorted reads IVLFILE text file generated by velocyto extract_intervals """ split_sam_flag = debug if sampleid is None: assert metadatatable is None, "Cannot fetch sample metadata without valid sampleid" sampleid = f'{os.path.basename(bamfile).split(".")[0]}_{id_generator(5)}' logging.debug( f"No SAMPLEID specified, the sample will be called {sampleid}") # Create an output folder inside the cell ranger output folder if outputfolder is None: outputfolder = os.path.join(os.path.split(bamfile)[0], "velocyto") logging.debug( f"No OUTPUTFOLDER specified, find output files inside {outputfolder}" ) if not os.path.exists(outputfolder): os.mkdir(outputfolder) if bcfile is None: logging.debug( "Cell barcodes will be determined while reading the .bam file") else: # Get valid cell barcodes valid_bcs_list = [l.strip() for l in open(bcfile).readlines()] valid_cellid_list = np.array([ f"{sampleid}:{v_bc}" for v_bc in valid_bcs_list ]) # with sample id and with -1 valid_bcs2idx = dict( (bc.split('-')[0], n) for n, bc in enumerate(valid_bcs_list)) # without -1 logging.debug( f"Read {len(valid_bcs_list)} cell barcodes from {bcfile}") logging.debug( f"Example of barcode: {valid_bcs_list[0].split('-')[0]} and cell_id: {valid_cellid_list[0]}" ) # Get metadata from sample sheet if metadatatable: try: sample_metadata = vcy.MetadataCollection(metadatatable) sample = sample_metadata.where("SampleID", sampleid) if len(sample) == 0: logging.error( f"Sample ID {sampleid} not found in sample sheet") # schema = [] # type: List sample = {} elif len(sample) > 1: logging.error( f"Sample ID {sampleid} has multiple lines in sample sheet") sys.exit(1) else: # schema = sample[0].types sample = sample[0].dict logging.debug(f"Collecting column attributes from {metadatatable}") except (NameError, TypeError) as e: logging.warn( "SAMPLEFILE was not specified. add -s SAMPLEFILE to add metadata." ) sample = {} else: sample = {} # Initialize Exon-Intron Counter with the valid barcodes exincounter = vcy.ExInCounter(valid_bcs2idx) # Load the Intervals definition from file n = exincounter.read_genes(ivlfile) logging.debug( f"Read {n} intervals for {len(exincounter.genes)} genes from {ivlfile}" ) if repmask is not None: m = exincounter.read_repeats(repmask) logging.debug(f"Read {m} repeat intervals to mask from {repmask}") # Go through the sam files a first time to markup introns logging.debug("Marking up introns...") exincounter.mark_up_introns(bamfile) # Do the actual counting if split_sam_flag: logging.debug("Counting molecules and writing sam outputs...") # NOTE: I should write bam file directly using pysam f_sure_introns = open( os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}_sure_introns.sam"), "w") f_sure_exon = open( os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}_sure_exon.sam"), "w") f_maybe_exon = open( os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}_maybe_exon.sam"), "w") f_others = open( os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}_not_exon_not_intron.sam"), "w") f_chimera = open( os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}_chimeras.sam"), "w") exincounter.count(bamfile, sam_output=(f_sure_introns, f_sure_exon, f_maybe_exon, f_others, f_chimera)) f_sure_introns.close() f_sure_exon.close() f_maybe_exon.close() f_others.close() else: logging.debug("Counting molecules...") exincounter.count( bamfile ) # NOTE: we would avoid some millions of if statements evalution if we write two function count and count_with output if not exincounter.filter_mode: valid_bcs2idx = exincounter.valid_bcs2idx # without -1 valid_bcs_list = list( zip(*sorted([(v, k) for k, v in valid_bcs2idx.items()])))[1] # without -1 valid_cellid_list = np.array([ f"{sampleid}:{v_bc}-1" for v_bc in valid_bcs_list ]) # with sampleid and with -1 logging.debug( f"Example of barcode: {valid_bcs_list[0]} and cell_id: {valid_cellid_list[0]}" ) ca = {"CellID": np.array(valid_cellid_list)} ca.update(additional_ca) for key, value in sample.items(): ca[key] = np.array([value] * len(valid_cellid_list)) # Save 3' junction/exon read counts # NOTE: Legacy code this should be added, where is not redunddant to the newer mapstats.hdf5 file logging.debug("Save 3' junction/exon read counts") olastexon_counts_file = os.path.join(outputfolder, "") ofd = open(olastexon_counts_file, 'w') ofd.write( "GeneMame\tGeneID\tAnnotatedTrEnd\tDeducedTrEnd\tLastExonLen\tLastJunctionCount\tLastExonCount\tFromEndReadProfile(3'=>5')...\n" ) for g in exincounter.genes: lastjunction_count, lastexon_count = g.get_lastexon_counts() lastexon_length = g.get_lastexon_length() profile = [] for c in g.read_start_counts_from_locus_end[:lastexon_length]: profile.append(c) profile_str = "\t".join([str(c) for c in profile]) ofd.write( "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (g.genename, g.geneid, g.get_tr_end(), g.get_deduced_tr_end(), lastexon_length, lastjunction_count, lastexon_count, profile_str)) ofd.close() # Save some stats about exon and introns in a loom file logging.debug("Collecting genes structural info statistics") # Create hdf5 containg the structural stats statsfilename = os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}_mapstats.hdf5") stats_hdf5 = h5py.File(statsfilename, 'w') for i, g in enumerate(exincounter.genes): # create a group with the Accession Name grp = stats_hdf5.create_group(g.geneid) type_intervals = np.zeros( len(g.ivls), dtype="|S3" ) # not redundand because intron markup is library dependent len_intervals = np.zeros( len(g.ivls), dtype="uint32") # NOTE having this entry to the file is redundant valid_intron = np.zeros(len(g.ivls), dtype="bool") for j, ivl in enumerate(g.ivls): type_intervals[j] = ivl.ivltype len_intervals[j] = np.abs(ivl.end - ivl.start) valid_intron[j] = ivl.is_sure_valid_intron grp.create_dataset("reads_per_ivl", data=np.row_stack((g.ivljunction5_read_counts, g.ivlinside_read_counts, g.ivljunction3_read_counts))) grp.create_dataset("ivls_type", data=type_intervals) grp.create_dataset("ivls_len", data=len_intervals) grp.create_dataset("valid_intron", data=valid_intron) stats_hdf5.close() logging.debug(f"Mapping statistics have been saved to {statsfilename}") # Save to loom file outfile = os.path.join(outputfolder, f"{sampleid}.loom") logging.debug(f"Generating output file {outfile}") # row attributes atr_table = (("Gene", "genename", str), ("Accession", "geneid", str), ("Chromosome", "chrom", str), ("Strand", "strand", str), ("Start", "start", int), ("End", "end", int)) logging.debug("Collecting row attributes") ra = {} for name_col_attr, name_obj_attr, dtyp in atr_table: tmp_array = np.zeros((len(exincounter.genes), ), dtype=object) # type: np.ndarray for i, g in enumerate(exincounter.genes): tmp_array[i] = getattr(g, name_obj_attr) ra[name_col_attr] = tmp_array.astype(dtyp) logging.debug("Generating data table") shape_loom = len(exincounter.genes), len(valid_bcs_list) spliced = np.zeros(shape_loom, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) unspliced = np.zeros(shape_loom, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) ambiguous = np.zeros(shape_loom, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) for i, g in enumerate(exincounter.genes): spliced[i, :] = g.spliced_mol_counts unspliced[i, :] = g.unspliced_mol_counts ambiguous[i, :] = g.ambiguous_mol_counts total = spliced + unspliced + ambiguous if not np.any(total): logging.error("The output file is empty check the input!") logging.debug("Writing loom file") ds = loompy.create(filename=outfile, matrix=total, row_attrs=ra, col_attrs=ca, dtype="float32") ds.set_layer(name="spliced", matrix=spliced, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) ds.set_layer(name="unspliced", matrix=unspliced, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) ds.set_layer(name="ambiguous", matrix=ambiguous, dtype=vcy.LOOM_NUMERIC_DTYPE) ds.close() logging.debug("Terminated Succesfully!")