コード例 #1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Test script for multi-environment')
    parser.add_argument('--test', choices=[
        'chainer-py3', 'chainer-py35', 'chainer-slow',
        'chainer-example', 'chainer-prev_example', 'chainer-doc',
        'cupy-py3', 'cupy-py36', 'cupy-slow', 'cupy-py3-cub', 'cupy-py3-cutensor',
        'cupy-example', 'cupy-doc',
    ], required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--no-cache', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--timeout', default='3h')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true')
        '--clone-cupy', action='store_true',
        help='clone cupy repository based on chainer version. '
        'this option is used for testing chainer.')
        '--clone-chainer', action='store_true',
        help='clone chainer repository based on cupy version. '
        'this option is used for testing cupy.')
        '--env', action='append', default=[],
        help='inherit environment variable (like `docker run --env`)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.clone_cupy:
    if args.clone_chainer:

    is_cupy_8_or_later = (
        version.get_cupy_version() >= (8,) or
        # is_master_branch() is required because v8 beta branch has v7 as
        # the version number in _version.py.
        # After releasing v8 as stable, remove this condition.

    if not is_cupy_8_or_later:
        # Required only for CUDA 11 (which bundles CUB) build.
        use_gcc6_or_later = False
        # Always required as CUB is always available.
        use_gcc6_or_later = True

    ideep_min_version = version.get_ideep_version_from_chainer_docs()
    if ideep_min_version is None:
        ideep_req = None  # could not determine
    elif ideep_min_version.startswith('1.'):
        ideep_req = '<1.1'
    elif ideep_min_version.startswith('2.'):
        ideep_req = '<2.1'
        raise RuntimeError('bad ideep version: {}'.format(ideep_min_version))

    build_chainerx = False
    cupy_accelerators = []

    if args.test == 'chainer-py3':
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda101',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda101',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda101',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/chainer/chainer-test/issues/565
                'setuptools<42', 'pip', 'cython==0.29.22',
                'numpy==1.19.*', 'pillow',
        script = './test.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-py35':
        assert ideep_req is not None
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
            'cuda': 'cuda92',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn71-cuda92',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.2-cuda92',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22',
                'numpy==1.18.*', 'scipy==1.4.*',
                'h5py', 'theano', 'protobuf<3',
        script = './test.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-head' or args.test == 'cupy-head':
        assert ideep_req is not None

        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py36-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda101',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda101',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda101',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # Use '>=0.0.dev0' to install the latest pre-release version
                # available on PyPI.
                # https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#pre-release-versions
                # TODO(kmaehashi) rewrite iDeep constraints after v2.0 support
                'setuptools>=0.0.dev0', 'cython>=0.0.dev0,<3', 'numpy>=0.0.dev0',
                'scipy>=0.0.dev0', 'h5py>=0.0.dev0', 'theano>=0.0.dev0',
                'ideep4py>=0.0.dev0, {}'.format(ideep_req),
        if args.test == 'chainer-head':
            script = './test.sh'
        elif args.test == 'cupy-head':
            script = './test_cupy.sh'
            assert False  # should not reach

    elif args.test == 'chainer-slow':
        assert ideep_req is not None

        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
            'cuda': 'cuda92',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda92',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda92',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22',
                'numpy==1.18.*', 'scipy==1.4.*',
                'scipy<1.1', 'h5py', 'theano', 'protobuf<3', 'pillow',
        script = './test_slow.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-example':
        base = 'ubuntu16_py36-pyenv'
        conf = {
            'base': base,
            'cuda': 'cuda102',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda102',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.5-cuda102',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22', 'numpy==1.18.*',
        script = './test_example.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-prev_example':
        base = 'ubuntu16_py36-pyenv'
        conf = {
            'base': base,
            'cuda': 'cuda92',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn72-cuda92',
            'nccl': 'none',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                'setuptools<50', 'pip', 'cython==0.29.22', 'numpy==1.18.*',
        script = './test_prev_example.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-doc':
        # Note that NumPy 1.14 or later is required to run doctest, as
        # the document uses new textual representation of arrays introduced in
        # NumPy 1.14.
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py36-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda92',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda92',
            'nccl': 'none',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                'pip==9.0.1', 'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22', 'matplotlib',
                'numpy==1.18.*', 'scipy==1.4.*', 'theano', 'wheel', 'pytest',
        script = './test_doc.sh'
        build_chainerx = True

    elif args.test == 'cupy-py3':
        requires = []
        if is_cupy_8_or_later:
            requires = ['optuna']
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py39-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda100',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda100',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda100',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools<42', 'pip', 'cython==0.29.22',
                'numpy==1.21.*', 'scipy==1.7.*',
            ] + requires,
        script = './test_cupy.sh'

    elif args.test == 'cupy-py3-cutensor':
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda102',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda102',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.5-cuda102',
            'cutensor': 'cutensor1.3.1-cuda102',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/chainer/chainer-test/issues/565
                'setuptools<42', 'pip', 'cython==0.29.22', 'numpy==1.21.*',
        script = './test_cupy.sh'
        cupy_accelerators += ['cutensor']

    elif args.test == 'cupy-py3-cub':
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda100',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda100',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda100',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/chainer/chainer-test/issues/565
                'setuptools<42', 'pip', 'cython==0.29.22', 'numpy==1.21.*',
        script = './test_cupy.sh'
        cupy_accelerators += ['cub']

    elif args.test == 'cupy-py36':
        if not is_cupy_8_or_later:
            numpy_requires = 'numpy==1.9.*'
            scipy_requires = 'scipy==0.18.*'
            numpy_requires = 'numpy==1.16.*'
            scipy_requires = 'scipy==1.4.*'

        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py36',
            'cuda': 'cuda113',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn82-cuda113',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.9-cuda113',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'cusparselt0.1.0-cuda112',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires,
        script = './test_cupy.sh'
        use_gcc6_or_later = True

    elif args.test == 'cupy-slow':
        if not is_cupy_8_or_later:
            numpy_requires = 'numpy==1.10.*'
            scipy_requires = 'scipy==0.18.*'
            numpy_requires = 'numpy==1.16.*'
            scipy_requires = 'scipy==1.4.*'

        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py36',
            'cuda': 'cuda112',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn81-cuda112',
            'nccl': 'none',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires,
        script = './test_cupy_slow.sh'

    elif args.test == 'cupy-example':
        if not is_cupy_8_or_later:
            conf = {
                'base': 'ubuntu18_py36',
                'cuda': 'cuda92',
                'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda92',
                'nccl': 'nccl2.2-cuda92',
                'cutensor': 'none',
                'cusparselt': 'none',
                'requires': [
                    # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                    # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                    'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22',
                    'numpy==1.12.*', 'scipy==0.18.*',
            conf = {
                'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
                'cuda': 'cuda102',
                'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda102',
                'nccl': 'nccl2.5-cuda102',
                'cutensor': 'cutensor1.2.0-cuda102',
                'cusparselt': 'none',
                'requires': [
                    # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                    # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                    'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22',
                    'numpy==1.21.*', 'scipy==1.6.*',
        script = './test_cupy_example.sh'

    elif args.test == 'cupy-doc':
        requires = []
        if is_cupy_8_or_later:
            requires = ['optuna<2']

        # Note that NumPy 1.14 or later is required to run doctest, as
        # the document uses new textual representation of arrays introduced in
        # NumPy 1.14.
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda100',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda100',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda100',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'cusparselt': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2352
                'pip==9.0.1', 'setuptools<50', 'cython==0.29.22',
                'numpy==1.21.*', 'scipy==1.7.*', 'wheel==0.36.2'
            ] + requires + SPHINX_REQUIREMENTS_PIP
        script = './test_cupy_doc.sh'


    use_ideep = any(['ideep4py' in req for req in conf['requires']])

    volume = []
    env = {
        'USE_GCC6_OR_LATER': '1' if use_gcc6_or_later else '0',
        'CUDNN': conf['cudnn'],
        'IDEEP': 'ideep4py' if use_ideep else 'none',
        'CHAINER_BUILD_CHAINERX': '1' if build_chainerx else '0',
        'CUPY_ACCELERATORS': ','.join(cupy_accelerators),

    argconfig.parse_args(args, env, conf, volume)

    # inherit specified environment variable
    for key in args.env:
        env[key] = os.environ[key]

    # coverage result is reported when the same type of a test is executed
    if args.coverage_repo and args.coverage_repo in args.test:
        argconfig.setup_coverage(args, env)

    if args.interactive:
            conf, no_cache=args.no_cache, volume=volume, env=env,
            conf, script, no_cache=args.no_cache, volume=volume, env=env,
            timeout=args.timeout, gpu_id=args.gpu_id, use_root=args.root)
コード例 #2
if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Test script for multi-environment')
    parser.add_argument('--id', type=int, required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--no-cache', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--timeout', default='2h')
    parser.add_argument('--interactive', action='store_true')
                        help='clone chainer repository based on cupy version.')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if version.is_master_branch('cupy'):
        params['base'] = docker.base_choices_master_cupy
        params['base'] = docker.base_choices_stable_cupy

    if args.clone_chainer:

    conf = shuffle.make_shuffle_conf(params, args.id)

    # pip has dropped Python 3.4 support since 19.2.
    # TODO(niboshi): More generic and elegant approach to handle special requirements.
    pip_require = 'pip<19.2' if docker.get_python_version(
        conf['base'])[:2] == (3, 4) else 'pip'

    conf['requires'] = ['setuptools<42', pip_require, 'cython==0.29.13'
コード例 #3
    'pip': [None, '7', '8', '9'],

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Test script for installation')
    parser.add_argument('--id', type=int, required=True)

    parser.add_argument('--no-cache', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--timeout', default='2h')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if version.is_master_branch('chainer'):
        params['base'] = docker.base_choices_master
        params['base'] = docker.base_choices_stable_chainer

    build_conf = {
        'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
        'cuda': 'none',
        'cudnn': 'none',
        'nccl': 'none',
        'cutensor': 'none',
        'requires': [],
    volume = []
    env = {}
    argconfig.parse_args(args, env, build_conf, volume)
コード例 #4
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Test script for multi-environment')
    parser.add_argument('--test', choices=[
        'chainer-py3', 'chainer-py35', 'chainer-slow',
        'chainer-example', 'chainer-prev_example', 'chainer-doc',
        'cupy-py3', 'cupy-py35', 'cupy-slow', 'cupy-py3-cub', 'cupy-py3-cutensor',
        'cupy-example', 'cupy-doc',
    ], required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--no-cache', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--timeout', default='2h')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true')
        '--clone-cupy', action='store_true',
        help='clone cupy repository based on chainer version. '
        'this option is used for testing chainer.')
        '--clone-chainer', action='store_true',
        help='clone chainer repository based on cupy version. '
        'this option is used for testing cupy.')
        '--env', action='append', default=[],
        help='inherit environment variable (like `docker run --env`)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.clone_cupy:
    if args.clone_chainer:

    is_cupy_8_or_later = (
        version.get_cupy_version() >= (8,) or
        # is_master_branch() is required because v8 beta branch has v7 as
        # the version number in _version.py.
        # After releasing v8 as stable, remove this condition.

    skip_chainer_test = _get_job_name() == 'cupy_pr' and is_cupy_8_or_later

    if not is_cupy_8_or_later:
        numpy_min_version = '1.9'
        numpy_newest_upper_version = '1.18'
        scipy_min_version = '0.18'
        scipy_newest_upper_version = '1.5'
        numpy_min_version = '1.15'
        numpy_newest_upper_version = '1.19'
        scipy_min_version = '1.1'
        scipy_newest_upper_version = '1.5'

    ideep_min_version = version.get_ideep_version_from_chainer_docs()
    if ideep_min_version is None:
        ideep_req = None  # could not determine
    elif ideep_min_version.startswith('1.'):
        ideep_req = '<1.1'
    elif ideep_min_version.startswith('2.'):
        ideep_req = '<2.1'
        raise RuntimeError('bad ideep version: {}'.format(ideep_min_version))

    build_chainerx = False
    use_cub = False
    if args.test == 'chainer-py3':
        if skip_chainer_test:
            print('Skipping chainer test for CuPy>=8')

        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda101',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn75-cuda101',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda101',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/chainer/chainer-test/issues/565
                'setuptools<42', 'pip', 'cython==0.29.13',
                numpy_requires, 'pillow',
        script = './test.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-py35':
        assert ideep_req is not None
        if skip_chainer_test:
            print('Skipping chainer test for CuPy>=8')

        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_newest_upper_version)
        scipy_requires = 'scipy>={},<{}'.format(
            scipy_min_version, scipy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
            'cuda': 'cuda92',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn71-cuda92',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.2-cuda92',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools', 'cython==0.29.13',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires,
                'h5py', 'theano', 'protobuf<3',
        script = './test.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-head' or args.test == 'cupy-head':
        assert ideep_req is not None
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py36-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda101',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn75-cuda101',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda101',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # Use '>=0.0.dev0' to install the latest pre-release version
                # available on PyPI.
                # https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#pre-release-versions
                # TODO(kmaehashi) rewrite iDeep constraints after v2.0 support
                'setuptools>=0.0.dev0', 'cython>=0.0.dev0', 'numpy>=0.0.dev0',
                'scipy>=0.0.dev0', 'h5py>=0.0.dev0', 'theano>=0.0.dev0',
                'ideep4py>=0.0.dev0, {}'.format(ideep_req),
        if args.test == 'chainer-head':
            script = './test.sh'
        elif args.test == 'cupy-head':
            script = './test_cupy.sh'
            assert False  # should not reach

    elif args.test == 'chainer-slow':
        assert ideep_req is not None

        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_newest_upper_version)
        scipy_requires = 'scipy>={},<{}'.format(
            scipy_min_version, scipy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
            'cuda': 'cuda80',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn6-cuda8',
            'nccl': 'nccl1.3',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools', 'cython==0.29.13',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires,
                'scipy<1.1', 'h5py', 'theano', 'protobuf<3', 'pillow',
        script = './test_slow.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-example':
        if skip_chainer_test:
            print('Skipping chainer test for CuPy>=8')

        base = 'ubuntu16_py35'
        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': base,
            'cuda': 'cuda90',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn73-cuda9',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.2-cuda9',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools', 'cython==0.29.13', numpy_requires,
        script = './test_example.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-prev_example':
        if skip_chainer_test:
            print('Skipping chainer test for CuPy>=8')

        base = 'ubuntu16_py35'
        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': base,
            'cuda': 'cuda92',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn72-cuda92',
            'nccl': 'none',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools', 'pip', 'cython==0.29.13', numpy_requires,
        script = './test_prev_example.sh'

    elif args.test == 'chainer-doc':
        if skip_chainer_test:
            print('Skipping chainer test for CuPy>=8')

        # Note that NumPy 1.14 or later is required to run doctest, as
        # the document uses new textual representation of arrays introduced in
        # NumPy 1.14.
        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            '1.15', numpy_newest_upper_version)
        scipy_requires = 'scipy>={},<{}'.format(
            scipy_min_version, scipy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
            'cuda': 'cuda80',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn6-cuda8',
            'nccl': 'none',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'pip==9.0.1', 'setuptools', 'cython==0.29.13', 'matplotlib',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires, 'theano',
        script = './test_doc.sh'
        build_chainerx = True

    elif args.test == 'cupy-py3':
        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda100',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn75-cuda100',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda100',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools<42', 'pip', 'cython==0.28.0',
        script = './test_cupy.sh'

    elif args.test == 'cupy-py3-cutensor':
        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda100',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn75-cuda100',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda100',
            'cutensor': 'cutensor1.0.1-cuda10',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/chainer/chainer-test/issues/565
                'setuptools<42', 'pip', 'cython==0.28.0', numpy_requires
        script = './test_cupy.sh'

    elif args.test == 'cupy-py3-cub':
        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_newest_upper_version)
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu18_py38-pyenv',
            'cuda': 'cuda100',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn75-cuda100',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.4-cuda100',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                # TODO(kmaehashi): Remove setuptools version restrictions
                # https://github.com/chainer/chainer-test/issues/565
                'setuptools<42', 'pip', 'cython==0.28.0', numpy_requires
        script = './test_cupy.sh'
        use_cub = True

    elif args.test == 'cupy-py35':
        if not is_cupy_8_or_later:
            numpy_upper_version = '1.10'
            scipy_upper_version = '0.19'
            # CuPy v8 dropped NumPy<1.15
            numpy_upper_version = '1.16'
            scipy_upper_version = '1.2'

        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_upper_version)
        scipy_requires = 'scipy>={},<{}'.format(
            scipy_min_version, scipy_upper_version)

        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
            'cuda': 'cuda102',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn76-cuda102',
            'nccl': 'nccl2.5-cuda102',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools', 'cython==0.29.13',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires,
        script = './test_cupy.sh'

    elif args.test == 'cupy-slow':
        if not is_cupy_8_or_later:
            numpy_upper_version = '1.11'
            scipy_upper_version = '0.19'
            # CuPy v8 dropped NumPy<1.15
            numpy_upper_version = '1.16'
            scipy_upper_version = '1.2'

        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_upper_version)
        scipy_requires = 'scipy>={},<{}'.format(
            scipy_min_version, scipy_upper_version)

        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
            'cuda': 'cuda80',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn6-cuda8',
            'nccl': 'none',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools', 'cython==0.29.13',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires,
        script = './test_cupy_slow.sh'

    elif args.test == 'cupy-example':
        if not is_cupy_8_or_later:
            numpy_upper_version = '1.13'
            scipy_upper_version = '0.19'
            # CuPy v8 dropped NumPy<1.15
            numpy_upper_version = '1.16'
            scipy_upper_version = '1.2'

        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            numpy_min_version, numpy_upper_version)
        scipy_requires = 'scipy>={},<{}'.format(
            scipy_min_version, scipy_upper_version)

        base = 'ubuntu16_py35'
        conf = {
            'base': base,
            'cuda': 'cuda80',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn5-cuda8',
            'nccl': 'nccl1.3',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'setuptools', 'cython==0.29.13',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires,
        script = './test_cupy_example.sh'

    elif args.test == 'cupy-doc':
        # Note that NumPy 1.14 or later is required to run doctest, as
        # the document uses new textual representation of arrays introduced in
        # NumPy 1.14.
        numpy_requires = 'numpy>={},<{}'.format(
            '1.15', numpy_newest_upper_version)
        scipy_requires = 'scipy>={},<{}'.format(
            scipy_min_version, '1.4')
        conf = {
            'base': 'ubuntu16_py35',
            'cuda': 'cuda80',
            'cudnn': 'cudnn6-cuda8',
            'nccl': 'nccl1.3',
            'cutensor': 'none',
            'requires': [
                'pip==9.0.1', 'setuptools', 'cython==0.29.13',
                numpy_requires, scipy_requires,
        script = './test_cupy_doc.sh'


    use_ideep = any(['ideep4py' in req for req in conf['requires']])

    volume = []
    env = {
        'CUDNN': conf['cudnn'],
        'IDEEP': 'ideep4py' if use_ideep else 'none',
        'CHAINER_BUILD_CHAINERX': '1' if build_chainerx else '0',
        'CUB_DISABLED': '0' if use_cub else '1',
    conf['requires'] += [
        'pytest-timeout',  # For timeout
        'pytest-cov',  # For coverage report
        # coverage 5.0 causes error:
        # "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_sqlite3'"

    argconfig.parse_args(args, env, conf, volume)

    # inherit specified environment variable
    for key in args.env:
        env[key] = os.environ[key]

    # coverage result is reported when the same type of a test is executed
    if args.coverage_repo and args.coverage_repo in args.test:
        argconfig.setup_coverage(args, env)

    if args.interactive:
            conf, no_cache=args.no_cache, volume=volume, env=env,
            conf, script, no_cache=args.no_cache, volume=volume, env=env,
            timeout=args.timeout, gpu_id=args.gpu_id, use_root=args.root)