コード例 #1
ファイル: userdata.py プロジェクト: fstab50/ec2tools
def userdata_lookup(debug):

        Instance Profile role user selection

        iam instance profile role ARN (str) or None
    # setup table
    x = VeryPrettyTable(border=True, header=True, padding_width=2)
    field_max_width = 70

    x.field_names = [
        bd + '#' + frame,
        bd + 'Filename' + frame,
        bd + 'Path' + frame,
        bd + 'CreateDate' + frame,
        bd + 'LastModified' + frame

    # cell alignment
    x.align[bd + '#' + frame] = 'c'
    x.align[bd + 'Filename' + frame] = 'c'
    x.align[bd + 'Path' + frame] = 'l'
    x.align[bd + 'CreateDate' + frame] = 'c'
    x.align[bd + 'LastModified' + frame] = 'c'

    filenames = source_local_userdata()
    paths = source_local_userdata(paths=True)
    ctimes = [time.ctime(os.path.getctime(x)) for x in paths]
    mtimes = [time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(x)) for x in paths]

    # populate table
    lookup = {}

    for index, path in enumerate(paths):

            lookup[index] = paths[index]

                    rst + userchoice_mapping(index) + '.' + frame,
                    rst + filenames[index] + frame,
                    rst + path + frame,
                    rst + ctimes[index] + frame,
                    rst + mtimes[index] + frame

    # Table showing selections
    print(f'\n\tUserdata Scripts (local filesystem: ~/.config/ec2tools/userdata)\n'.expandtabs(26))
    display_table(x, tabspaces=4)
    return choose_resource(lookup)
コード例 #2
def table(data):
    x = VeryPrettyTable()
    x.field_names = HEADERS
    temp_kelvin = data['main']['temp']
    temp_celcius = celcius(temp_kelvin)
    temp_farenheit = farenheit(temp_kelvin)

        data['name'], temp_celcius, temp_farenheit, data['weather'][0]['main'],
    return x
コード例 #3
    def options(self):
        import inspect
        from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

        commands = VeryPrettyTable(["Command", "Description"])
        commands.align = "l"
        commands.padding_width = 2

        for attr in [attr for attr in dir(self) if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self, attr))]:
            if attr not in ["options", "__init__"]:
                # print("%s\t\t\t%s" % (attr, getattr(self, attr).__doc__))
                commands.add_row([attr, getattr(self, attr)()])
        return commands
コード例 #4
    def usage(self):
        """Usage Coomment String"""
        import inspect
        from Core.banners import Banners
        from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable
        banner = Banners()

        commands = VeryPrettyTable(["Command", "Description"])
        commands.align = "l"
        commands.padding_width = 2

        for attr in [attr for attr in dir(self) if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self, attr))]:
            if attr not in ["usage", "__init__", "__del__", "__str__", "save_state", "methods", "sprint"]:
                commands.add_row([attr, getattr(self, attr).__doc__])
        return commands
コード例 #5
ファイル: koed_lab5.py プロジェクト: TazmanOne/KOED_LAB5
def print_result_of_tab(table, col_names):
    result = VeryPrettyTable()
    tmp = []
    ll = ""
    for j in [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]:
        tmp = [elem[1] for elem in table if elem[0] == j]
        pop = []
        for elem in tmp:
            ll = "{0}".format(j)
        result.add_column(ll, [format(i, ".2f") for i in pop])
コード例 #6
ファイル: launcher.py プロジェクト: fstab50/ec2tools
def get_subnet(profile, region, debug):

        Returns subnet user selection in given region

        :profile (str): profile_name from local awscli configuration
        :region (str): AWS region code

        subnet id chosen by user

    # setup table
    x = VeryPrettyTable(border=True, header=True, padding_width=2)
    field_max_width = 30

    x.field_names = [
        bd + '#' + frame, bd + 'SubnetId' + frame, bd + 'AZ' + frame,
        bd + 'CIDR' + frame, bd + 'Ip Assign' + frame, bd + 'State' + frame,
        bd + 'VpcId' + frame

    #subnets = get_contents(account_file)[region]['Subnets']
    subnets = profile_subnets(profile, region)

    # populate table
    lookup = {}
    for index, row in enumerate(subnets):
        for k, v in row.items():

            lookup[index] = k

                rst + userchoice_mapping(index) + '.' + frame, rst + k + frame,
                rst + v['AvailabilityZone'] + frame,
                rst + v['CidrBlock'] + frame, rst + v['IpAddresses'] + frame,
                rst + v['State'] + frame, rst + v['VpcId'] + frame

    # Table showing selections
    print(f'\n\tSubnets in region {bd + region + rst}\n'.expandtabs(30))
    return choose_resource(lookup)
コード例 #7
ファイル: demo.py プロジェクト: nim901/flightaware
 def __init__(self, flight):
     super(demo, self).__init__()
     self.data, self.data2, self.flight_name = flightaware().get(flight)
     self.table_header = VeryPrettyTable()
     self.table_header.field_names = ['Flight info','Data']
     for v, k in self.flight_name.iteritems():
     self.table = self.create(self.data, self.data2)
     print self.table_header
     print self.table
コード例 #8
    def list(self):
        """[ LIST ] Me My Targets (last 20)? """

        table = VeryPrettyTable(["pinned", "id", "name", "ip", "url", "notes"])
        table.align = "l"
        table.padding_width = 2

            db = mongo["targets"]["targets"].find()

            for target in db:
                table.add_row([target["target_pinned"], target["_id"], target["target_name"], target["target_ip"], target["target_url"], target["target_note"]])
        except Exception as e:

コード例 #9
ファイル: demo.py プロジェクト: nim901/flightaware
class demo(object):
    """flightaware demo"""
    def __init__(self, flight):
        super(demo, self).__init__()
        self.data, self.data2, self.flight_name = flightaware().get(flight)
        self.table_header = VeryPrettyTable()
        self.table_header.field_names = ['Flight info','Data']
        for v, k in self.flight_name.iteritems():
        self.table = self.create(self.data, self.data2)
        print self.table_header
        print self.table

    def create(self, departure, arrival):
        table = VeryPrettyTable()
        table.field_names = ['Departure',' ','Arrival','  ']
        for de,ar, in zip(departure,arrival):
        return table
コード例 #10
ファイル: control.py プロジェクト: WarmongeR1/vulyk
def batch(batch_name, task_type):
    Prints out some numbers which describe the state of tasks in certain batch
    headers = ['Batch',
               'Completed (flag)',
               'Percent (flag)',
               'Percent (answers)',
               'Breakdown (answers: tasks)']
    pt = VeryPrettyTable(headers)
    pt.align = 'l'
    pt.left_padding_width = 1
    pt.hrules = ALL

    for k, v in _stats.batch_completeness(batch_name, task_type).items():
        values = [k,
                  '{:5.1f} %'.format(v['flag_percent']),
                  '{:5.1f} %'.format(v['answers_percent']),

コード例 #11
ファイル: koed_lab5.py プロジェクト: TazmanOne/KOED_LAB5
def print_table(table, col_names, title):
    result = VeryPrettyTable()
    result.title = title
    result.field_names = col_names
    for row in table:
        result.add_row([format(i, ".2f") for i in row])

コード例 #12
def test_file(csv_file, debug):
    import csv
    from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

    pt = VeryPrettyTable([" ", "Positive", "Negative"])

    with open(csv_file, "r") as fp:
        r = csv.DictReader(fp)

        res = {True: {True: 0, False: 0}, False: {True: 0, False: 0}}

        for l in r:
            expected = l["ground truth"].lower() in ["true", "1", "on"]
            predicted = full_compare(l["name1"], l["name2"])
            if predicted != expected and debug:
                print(predicted, expected, l["name1"], l["name2"])

            res[predicted][expected] += 1

    for predicted in [True, False]:
                "Predicted positive" if predicted else "Predicted negative",

    precision = res[True][True] / (res[True][True] + res[True][False])
    recall = res[True][True] / (res[True][True] + res[False][True])
    f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)


    print("Precision: {:5.2f}".format(precision))
    print("Recall: {:5.2f}".format(recall))
    print("F1 score: {:5.2f}".format(f1))
コード例 #13
ファイル: Exploiter.py プロジェクト: ducatinat/tehm
    def _list(self, args):
        """List the supported CVEs.

        table = VeryPrettyTable()

        table.field_names = ["CVE", "Description", "Versions affected"]
        for exploit in self.exploits:
            table.add_row([exploit[0], exploit[1], exploit[2]])

        self.logger.handle(table.get_string(), None)
コード例 #14
ファイル: _format_.py プロジェクト: By2048/_python_
def format_dict_to_table(data: dict, delete=None, show_type=False):
    delete = delete or []
    table = VeryPrettyTable()

    field_names = ["key", "value"]
    if show_type:
        field_names += ["type"]
    table.field_names = field_names

    table.align['key'] = 'r'
    table.align['value'] = 'l'
    if show_type:
        table.align['type'] = 'l'

    for _key, _value in data.items():
        if _key in delete:
        row = [_key, _value] if not show_type else [_key, _value, f"{type(_value)}"]

    return f"{table.get_string()}"
コード例 #15
    def options(self):
        import inspect
        from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

        commands = VeryPrettyTable(["Command", "Description"])
        commands.align = "l"
        commands.padding_width = 2

        for attr in [
                attr for attr in dir(self)
                if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self, attr))
            if attr not in ["options", "__init__"]:
                # print("%s\t\t\t%s" % (attr, getattr(self, attr).__doc__))
                commands.add_row([attr, getattr(self, attr)()])
        return commands
コード例 #16
ファイル: launcher.py プロジェクト: fstab50/ec2tools
def keypair_lookup(profile, region, debug):

        Returns name of keypair user selection in given region

        :profile (str): profile_name from local awscli configuration
        :region (str): AWS region code

        keypair name chosen by user

    # setup table
    x = VeryPrettyTable(border=True, header=True, padding_width=2)
    field_max_width = 30

    x.field_names = [bd + '#' + frame, bd + 'Keypair' + frame]

    # cell alignment
    x.align[bd + '#' + frame] = 'c'
    x.align[bd + 'Keypair' + frame] = 'l'

    keypairs = profile_keypairs(parse_profiles(profile), region)[region]

    # populate table
    lookup = {}
    for index, keypair in enumerate(keypairs):

        lookup[index] = keypair

            rst + userchoice_mapping(index) + '.' + frame,
            rst + keypair + frame

    # Table showing selections
    print(f'\n\tKeypairs in region {bd + region + rst}\n'.expandtabs(26))
    display_table(x, tabspaces=16)
    return choose_resource(lookup)
コード例 #17
    def usage(self):
        """Usage Coomment String"""
        import inspect
        from Core.banners import Banners
        from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable
        banner = Banners()

        commands = VeryPrettyTable(["Command", "Description"])
        commands.align = "l"
        commands.padding_width = 2

        for attr in [attr for attr in dir(self) if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self, attr))]:
            if attr not in ["usage", "__init__", "__del__", "__str__", "methods", "sprint"]:
                # print("%s\t\t\t%s" % (attr, getattr(self, attr).__doc__))
                commands.add_row([attr, getattr(self, attr).__doc__])
        return commands
コード例 #18
ファイル: Parser_Rule.py プロジェクト: DarkwingDuck48/Parser
    def changelog(self):
        You need to create in your rule table with next structure:

        Version     Reason  Author  Date    Comment

        separator for fields specified by cl_separator
        :return: table with changes
        :rtype VeryPrettyTable()
        prettytable = VeryPrettyTable()
        changelog = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.allrule)):
            if self.allrule[i].lower().startswith('\'change log'):
                self.log_start = i
            if self.allrule[i].startswith('\'_') and i > self.log_start:
                self.log_end = i
        self.log_start += self.cl_intendant  # intending from change log string to table
        for i in range(self.log_start, self.log_end):
            self.allrule[i] = self.allrule[i].replace(' ', '\t')
            comment_line = [
                item for item in self.allrule[i][1:].strip().split(
                    self.cl_separator) if item
            version = comment_line.pop(0)
            reason = comment_line.pop(0)
            author = comment_line.pop(0)
            data = comment_line.pop(0)
            comment = " ".join(comment_line)
            changelog.append([version, reason, author, data, comment])
        prettytable.field_names = [
            "Version", 'Reason', 'Author', 'Date', 'Comment'
        prettytable.align['Comment'] = 'l'
        for change in changelog:
        return prettytable
コード例 #19
    def list(self):
        """[ LIST ] Me My Targets (last 20)? """

        table = VeryPrettyTable(["pinned", "id", "name", "ip", "url", "notes"])
        table.align = "l"
        table.padding_width = 2

            db = mongo["targets"]["targets"].find()

            for target in db:
                    target["target_pinned"], target["_id"],
                    target["target_name"], target["target_ip"],
                    target["target_url"], target["target_note"]
        except Exception as e:

コード例 #20
    def remove(self):
        """[ REM ] Remove from Hitlist"""
        import re

        # pre-defined tables with headers IF we find any data
        table = VeryPrettyTable(["pinned", "id", "name", "ip", "url"])
        table.align = "l"
        table.padding_width = 2

        # remember all objects by _id
        object_id = []

        # pre-defined find filter
        # this is meant to find the requested records easier from the database
        rem_filter = {}

        # get command and check if there are multiple arguments minus self.command[0]
        if self.command.split()[1:]:

            # loop over the arguments and check if there is a Key:Value
            for a in self.command.split()[1:]:

                print("-" * 50)

                # check k:v
                if re.search(":", a):

                    k, v = a.split(":")[0], a.split(":", 1)[1]
                    print("-" * 50)

                    # update the filter dictionary
                    rem_filter.update({"target_{}".format(k): v})

            # get the Findings from the Database
            findings = db.find(rem_filter)

            print("-" * 50)

            # loop over every document you have found and display it in a Table on CLI
            for i in findings:


                # append the object_id array by _id as key

                # add every document as row to the table
                    i["target_pinned"], i["_id"], i["target_name"],
                    i["target_ip"], i["target_url"]

            # print the table

            # loop for acknowledge
            while True:

                # ask if these documents are to be removed ?
                acknowledge = input(
                    "Are these document(s) the ones you want to remove ?: Y/n "

                if acknowledge == "y".lower() or acknowledge == "yes".lower():

                    # if yes loop over the array with all object _id(s)
                    for v in object_id:

                        doc = db.find_one({"_id": v})

                    print("all done")
                elif acknowledge == "n".lower() or acknowledge == "no".lower():
                    print("Try again!")
            self.sprint("You forgot to add options", mode=self.modus)
コード例 #21
ファイル: console.py プロジェクト: Lee-W/NCKU-course-checker
    for field in courses.columns.values:
        print(field, end="\t\t")

    for index, row in courses.iterrows():
        for col in row:
            print(col, end="\t\t")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
        dept_no = input("請輸入系所代號 (如要離開,請輸入-1) : ")
        if (dept_no == "-1"):
            crawler = NckuCourseCrawler(dept_no=dept_no)
            html = crawler.get_raw_HTML()

            parser = NckuCourseParser(html)
            parser.include_fields = ["系號", "序號", "餘額", "課程名稱(連結課程地圖)", "學分", "教師姓名*:主負責老師", "時間"]
            courses = parser.parse(sort=True)

            table = VeryPrettyTable()
            table.field_names = courses.columns.values
            for i in courses.iterrows():
        except NoCourseAvailableError as e:
コード例 #22
def setup_table(pv, pypi, inc):
    Renders Table containing data elements via cli stdout
    # setup table
    x = VeryPrettyTable(border=tablespec['border'],

    title_cell1 = 'Current Project'
    title_cell2 = 'pypi.python.org'
    title_cell3 = 'Next Increment'

    x.field_names = [
        titlec + title_cell1 + frame,
        titlec + title_cell2 + frame,
        titlec + title_cell3 + frame,

    # cell max width
    x.max_width[titlec + title_cell1 + frame] = column_widths['project']
    x.max_width[titlec + title_cell2 + frame] = column_widths['pypi']
    x.max_width[titlec + title_cell3 + frame] = column_widths['incremental']

    # cell min = max width
    x.min_width[titlec + title_cell1 + frame] = column_widths['project']
    x.min_width[titlec + title_cell2 + frame] = column_widths['pypi']
    x.min_width[titlec + title_cell3 + frame] = column_widths['incremental']

    # cell alignment
    x.align[titlec + title_cell1 + frame] = 'c'
    x.align[titlec + title_cell2 + frame] = 'c'
    x.align[titlec + title_cell3 + frame] = 'c'

    # populate table
    #  key credentials are either expired (age > KEYAGE_MAX) or valid
    project_version = c.BOLD + c.BRIGHT_BLUE + pv + rst
    pypi_version = c.BOLD + c.BRIGHT_BLUE + pypi + rst
    inc_version = c.BOLD + c.BRIGHT_BLUE + inc + rst

        rst + project_version + frame,
        rst + pypi_version + frame,
        rst + inc_version + frame,

    # Table
    vtab_int = 20
    vtab = '\t'.expandtabs(vtab_int)
    msg = '{}PROJECT VERSION SOURCES{}{}|{}'.format(btext, rst + frame,
                                                    '  ' + vtab, rst)
    print_header(title=msg, indent=10, spacing=vtab_int)
    display_table(x, tabspaces=4)
    return _postprocessing()
コード例 #23
    def list(self):
        """[ LIST_FIND ] List targets in Crawler|Mode and use"""
        import re
        from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

        table = VeryPrettyTable(["crawled", "id", "name", "ip", "url", "notes"])
        table.align = "l"
        table.padding_width = 2

        # pre-defined key_commands
        key_command = ["save", "crawl", "queue"]

        # pre-defined find filter with key and values
        find_filter = {}

        # get the complete command minus the command itself
        # print(self.command.split())

        # check is something is filled
        if len(self.command.split()[1:]) >= 1:

            # there are arguments given
            # check how many arguments ar given
            # print(len(self.command.split()[1:]))

            # loop over the arguments
            for i in self.command.split()[1:]:

                ''' *** START: key commands *** '''
                # check if argument is a key_command argument
                if i in key_command:

                    # argument [ i ] is a key_command
                    # print("This is a Key Command: {}".format(i))

                    if i == "save":
                        """ Save to my _saved_list """
                        print("Save this to the Target-List")
                        print("[ Not Working Yet ]")

                    elif i == "discover":
                        """ Send to Spider to .discover() """
                        print("Trying to Discover if there is a known CMS or Framework installed")

                    elif i == "crawl":
                        """ Send to Spider to .crawl() """
                        self.sprint(" [!] Sending Spiders to the Target", mode=self.modus)

                        # check in which index number the given command i is indexed
                        num = self.command.split()[1:].index(i)
                        # print index number as integer in array of command .split()
                        # print(num)

                        # pop the command out of the array, So there will only be a string IF given key:value is 1 argument
                        doc = self.command.split().pop(num)

                        # get Key and Value of the String
                        k, v = doc.split(":")[0], doc.split(":", 1)[1]

                        # cursor to get the url value fore the given filter
                        urls = db.find({"target_{}".format(k):v})

                        # loop over the given documents to get the url value of each document
                        for url in urls:

                            # firstly print the gotten url
                            self.sprint(" [!] Found URL and Queue: {}".format(url["target_url"]), mode=self.modus)

                            # send directly to the crawler to crawl the URL
                            self.sprint(" [!] ... appended URL to the Queue", mode=self.modus)
                            self.sprint(" [!] ... Send to Spiders")

                            # start the crawl with the spiders

                    elif i == "queue":
                        """ Update Tasksand update _queue_crawler"""
                        print("Put into the Queue to process when possible")
                        # check in which index number the given command i is indexed
                        num = self.command.split()[1:].index(i)
                        # print index number as integer in array of command .split()

                        # pop the command out of the array, So there will only be a string IF given key:value is 1 argument
                        doc = self.command.split().pop(num)

                        # get Key and Value of the String
                        k, v = doc.split(":")[0], doc.split(":", 1)[1]

                        # cursor to get the url value fore the given filter
                        urls = db.find({"target_{}".format(k):v})

                        # loop over the given documents to get the url value of each document
                        for url in urls:

                            # firstly print the gotten url
                            print(" [!] Found URL and Queue: {}".format(url["target_url"]))

                            # send directly to the crawler to crawl the URL
                            # self.crawl(url=url["target_url"])

                            print(" ... ... appended URL to the Queue")

                # else
                # check if argument is a Key:Value
                elif re.search(":", i):

                    # argument is a Key:Value
                    # print(i)

                    # create a Key and Value of the given argument
                    k, v = i.split(":")[0], i.split(":", 1)[1]

                    # print(" Printing the Key: {}".format(k))
                    # print(" Printing the Value: {}".format(v))

                    found = db.find({"target_{}".format(k):v})

                    for i in found:
                        table.add_row([i["target_pinned"], i["_id"], i["target_name"], i["target_ip"], i["target_url"], i["target_note"]])


                print("Unknown command")

            # there are None arguments given
            self.sprint("No arguments are given!", mode=self.modus)

                docs = db.find()

                for target in docs:
                    table.add_row([target["target_pinned"], target["_id"], target["target_name"], target["target_ip"], target["target_url"], target["target_note"]])
            except Exception as e:

コード例 #24
#calling  the veryprettytable from the plugin
from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

#creating the prettytable
x = VeryPrettyTable()

#creating all of my lists needed
percents = []
salaries = []
employee_code = []
retdollarlist = []
netsalarylist = []

#function to add the employee, ssn, salary, and retirement %
def emp_new():
    name = input("Please input the employee name(First & Last): ")
    #splitting the input to find the last name of the employee
    lastname = name.split(' ')

    ssn = input("Input employee's SSN(###-##-####): ")
    # splitting the input to find the last 4 digits of the ssn
    lastfour = ssn.split('-')

    # combining the last name and last 4 digits of the ssn to make employee code
    employee_code.append(lastname[1] + lastfour[2])

    salary = int(input("Please input the employee's salary: "))
    # asking for the percent of salary towards the retirement amount
    # using a while not loop to determine that the inputted value is between 0 and 40
コード例 #25
from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

table = VeryPrettyTable()

table.field_names = ["animal", "ferocity"]
table.add_row(["wolverine", 100])
table.add_row(["grizzly", 87])
table.add_row(["cat", -1])
table.add_row(["dolphin", 63])

table.header = False

コード例 #26
    def remove(self):
        """[ REM ] Remove from Hitlist"""
        import re

        # pre-defined tables with headers IF we find any data
        table = VeryPrettyTable(["pinned", "id", "name", "ip", "url"])
        table.align = "l"
        table.padding_width = 2

        # remember all objects by _id
        object_id = []

        # pre-defined find filter
        # this is meant to find the requested records easier from the database
        rem_filter = {}

        # get command and check if there are multiple arguments minus self.command[0]
        if self.command.split()[1:]:

            # loop over the arguments and check if there is a Key:Value
            for a in self.command.split()[1:]:


                # check k:v
                if re.search(":", a):

                    k, v = a.split(":")[0], a.split(":", 1)[1]

                    # update the filter dictionary

            # get the Findings from the Database
            findings = db.find(rem_filter)


            # loop over every document you have found and display it in a Table on CLI
            for i in findings:


                # append the object_id array by _id as key

                # add every document as row to the table
                table.add_row([i["target_pinned"], i["_id"], i["target_name"], i["target_ip"], i["target_url"]])

            # print the table

            # loop for acknowledge
            while True:

                # ask if these documents are to be removed ?
                acknowledge = input("Are these document(s) the ones you want to remove ?: Y/n ").lower()

                if acknowledge == "y".lower() or acknowledge == "yes".lower():

                    # if yes loop over the array with all object _id(s)
                    for v in object_id:

                        doc = db.find_one({"_id":v})

                    print("all done")
                elif acknowledge == "n".lower() or acknowledge == "no".lower():
                    print("Try again!")
            self.sprint("You forgot to add options", mode=self.modus)
コード例 #27
    def edit(self):
        """[ EDIT ] Edit my a Target"""

        """ Psuedo Code

            Check If Something is filled
            edit .... ?
                check if there is a something filled
                edit ip:123.123.321.22 ... ?
                    |_ IF yes get Records for PART1
                    |_ IF no return Err Message

                check if is > sign
                edit ip:123.123.321.22 > ...?
                    |_ IF yes AND no PART2 Err Message: You didnt give me anything to update it with;
                    |_ IF yes ... break it into PART1 (filter) and PART2 (update// $set)

        # TARGET --shell

            edit    [ ...:... ...:... ] > [ ...:... ]
            remove  [ ...:... ]
                        |- return record(s)
                            |_ Are you sure?
            add     ip:... name:... url:...
            find    [ ...:... ...:... ]

        # ADD

            vpn     [ ..:.. ]
            server  [ ..:.. ]
            user    [ ..:.. ]

        # OPTIONS

            modules             <- return a list of available modules
            modules:crawler     <- return a list of available options crawler module
            modules:crawler xpath:True base_only:True tag_forms:True


        ## CliDl

            command     category:type:name:additional limit filter filter -f function_name()
        import re

        # pre-defined tables with headers IF we find any data
        table = VeryPrettyTable(["pinned", "id", "name", "ip", "url"])
        table.align = "l"
        table.padding_width = 2

        # pre-defined object variable to connect the gotten record and update it by _id
        # there can be multiple _id(s) to be updated so therefore it will be a array
        object_id = []

        if self.command.split()[1:]:
            # there is more then index[0]
            # check if there is a > $gt

            # if self.command.find(">"):
            if re.search(">", self.command):

                # there is a $gt sign and can be split up
                splitted = self.command.split(">", 1)

                # splitted PART1 contains the original command
                # so only split and get the given filters
                # Also how many filters are given ?
                part1 = splitted[0].split()

                # print how many filters are given MINUS the original command ?
                # print(len(part1[1:]))

                # print everything after the original command
                # print(part1[1:])

                # create a dictionary to fill with the complete query
                filter_part1 = {}

                # Loop over the filters if there are more the 1
                if len(part1[1:]) >= 1:

                    # loop over every filter
                    for f in part1[1:]:

                        # get the key, value for each filter
                        k, v = f.split(":")[0], f.split(":", 1)[1]

                        # and update the dictionary to get the records IF exists
                        # WATCH the target_{} string

                # save foundings into records variable
                records = db.find(filter_part1)

                # loop over findings
                for i in records:

                    # update the object_id array
                    # which holds the given objects to be updated

                    # and display the finding into the pre-defined tables
                    table.add_row([i["target_pinned"], i["_id"], i["target_name"], i["target_ip"], i["target_url"]])

                # print the table for the user
                # print("\n{}\n".format(table))

                # print the given object id(s)
                # print(object_id)

                # we got the first part and record(s)
                # now for the second part to update the requested record(s)
                part2 = splitted[1].split()

                # print the length of how many field we have to update
                # print(len(part2))

                # create a dictionary to fill with the complete update_query
                filter_part2 = {}

                # check if length update arguments are more then 1
                if len(part2) >= 1:

                    # for every field update get key, value
                    for f in part2:

                        # get the key, value for each filter
                        k, v = f.split(":")[0], f.split(":", 1)[1]

                        # and update the dictionary to get the records IF exists
                        # WATCH the target_{} string

                    # get the objects to be updated by object_id array
                    # get the fields from part2 which have to be updated
                    # do a findAndUpdate of the documents with $set
                    # do not update full documents, just update fields or add non-existing fields to the document

                    # update the records in the database as Many documents
                    db.update_many(filter_part1, {"$set": filter_part2})


                if re.search(":", self.command[1:]):

                    # get records for PART1 but there is no PART2!
                    print("getting records from database")

                    # pre-defined find filter for part1 without part2
                    # this is meant to find the requested records easier then directly updating the database
                    find_filter = {}

                    # get all filters minus indexx[0] the command
                    find = self.command.split()[1:]

                    # print the length of the filters

                    # do a loop to get a complete key, value query to send to the database
                    for f in find:

                        # for each loop get the k, v and update it to the dictionary
                        k, v = f.split(":")[0], f.split(":", 1)[1]

                        # update the dictionary

                    # get records from the database
                    findings = db.find(find_filter)

                    # loop over the records to create a table at cli
                    for i in findings:

                        # and display the finding into the pre-defined tables
                        table.add_row([i["target_pinned"], i["_id"], i["target_name"], i["target_ip"], i["target_url"]])

                    # print the table for the user
                    print("Your arguments to filter from the database are not correct. I need a Key:Value")

            self.sprint("You forgot to add options", mode=self.modus)
コード例 #28
ファイル: controller.py プロジェクト: c4ndym4n/nimbus
    def wordpress(self):
        from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

        x = VeryPrettyTable()
        x.field_names = ["City name", "Area", "Population", "Annual Rainfall"]
        x.add_row(["Adelaide",1295, 1158259, 600.5])
        x.add_row(["Brisbane",5905, 1857594, 1146.4])
        x.add_row(["Darwin", 112, 120900, 1714.7])
        x.add_row(["Hobart", 1357, 205556, 619.5])
        x.add_row(["Sydney", 2058, 4336374, 1214.8])
        x.add_row(["Melbourne", 1566, 3806092, 646.9])
        x.add_row(["Perth", 5386, 1554769, 869.4])
        return print(x)
コード例 #29
ファイル: launcher.py プロジェクト: fstab50/ec2tools
def sg_lookup(profile, region, debug):

        Returns securitygroup user selection in given region

        :profile (str): profile_name from local awscli configuration
        :region (str): AWS region code

        securitygroup ID chosen by user

    padding = 2
    field_max_width = 50
    max_gn, max_desc = 10, 10  # starting value to find max length of a table field (chars)

    x = VeryPrettyTable(border=True, header=True, padding_width=padding)

    sgs = profile_securitygroups(profile, region)
    for index, row in enumerate(sgs):
        for k, v in row.items():
            if len(v['GroupName']) > max_gn:
                max_gn = len(v['GroupName'])
            if len(v['Description']) > max_desc:
                max_desc = len(v['GroupName'])

    if debug:
        print('max_gn = {}'.format(max_gn))
        print('max_desc = {}'.format(max_desc))

    # GroupName header
    tabspaces_gn = int(max_gn / 4) - int(len('GroupName') / 2) + padding
    tab_gn = '\t'.expandtabs(tabspaces_gn)

    # Description header
    tabspaces_desc = int(max_desc / 4) - int(len('Description') / 2) + padding
    tab_desc = '\t'.expandtabs(tabspaces_desc)

    x.field_names = [
        bd + ' # ' + frame, bd + 'GroupId' + frame,
        tab_gn + bd + 'GroupName' + frame, bd + 'VpcId' + frame,
        tab_desc + bd + 'Description' + frame

    # cell alignment
    x.align = 'c'
    x.align[tab_gn + bd + 'GroupName' + frame] = 'l'
    x.align[tab_desc + bd + 'Description' + frame] = 'l'

    # populate table
    lookup = {}
    for index, row in enumerate(sgs):
        for k, v in row.items():

            lookup[index] = k

                rst + userchoice_mapping(index) + '.' + frame, rst + k + frame,
                rst + v['GroupName'][:field_max_width] + frame,
                rst + v['VpcId'] + frame,
                rst + v['Description'][:field_max_width] + frame

    # Table showing selections
        f'\n\tSecurity Groups in region {bd + region + rst}\n'.expandtabs(30))
    return choose_resource(lookup)
コード例 #30
ファイル: dedupe.py プロジェクト: redapple/dupuis
def consoleLabel(deduper, additional_columns=[]):  # pragma: no cover
    Command line interface for presenting and labeling training pairs
    by the user

    Argument :
    A deduper object

    finished = False
    use_previous = False
    fields = unique(field.field for field in deduper.data_model.primary_fields)

    buffer_len = 1  # Max number of previous operations
    examples_buffer = []
    uncertain_pairs = []

    while not finished:
        if use_previous:
            record_pair, _ = examples_buffer.pop(0)
            use_previous = False
            if not uncertain_pairs:
                uncertain_pairs = deduper.uncertainPairs()
            record_pair = uncertain_pairs.pop()

        n_match = (len(deduper.training_pairs['match']) +
                   sum(label == 'match' for _, label in examples_buffer))
        n_distinct = (len(deduper.training_pairs['distinct']) +
                      sum(label == 'distinct' for _, label in examples_buffer))

        x = VeryPrettyTable()
        columns = fields + additional_columns
        x.field_names = columns
        x.align = "l"
        for pair in record_pair:
            x.add_row(list(pair[field] for field in columns))
        print("{0}/10 positive, {1}/10 negative".format(n_match, n_distinct),
        print('Do these records refer to the same thing?', file=sys.stderr)

        valid_response = False
        user_input = ''
        while not valid_response:
            if examples_buffer:
                prompt = '(y)es / (n)o / (u)nsure / (f)inished / (p)revious'
                valid_responses = {'y', 'n', 'u', 'f', 'p'}
                prompt = '(y)es / (n)o / (u)nsure / (f)inished'
                valid_responses = {'y', 'n', 'u', 'f'}

            print(prompt, file=sys.stderr)
            user_input = input()
            if user_input in valid_responses:
                valid_response = True

        if user_input == 'y':
            examples_buffer.insert(0, (record_pair, 'match'))
        elif user_input == 'n':
            examples_buffer.insert(0, (record_pair, 'distinct'))
        elif user_input == 'u':
            examples_buffer.insert(0, (record_pair, 'uncertain'))
        elif user_input == 'f':
            print('Finished labeling', file=sys.stderr)
            finished = True
        elif user_input == 'p':
            use_previous = True

        if len(examples_buffer) > buffer_len:
            record_pair, label = examples_buffer.pop()
            if label in ['distinct', 'match']:
                examples = {'distinct': [], 'match': []}

    for record_pair, label in examples_buffer:
        if label in ['distinct', 'match']:
            examples = {'distinct': [], 'match': []}
コード例 #31
    def edit(self):
        """[ EDIT ] Edit my a Target"""
        """ Psuedo Code

            Check If Something is filled
            edit .... ?
                check if there is a something filled
                edit ip:123.123.321.22 ... ?
                    |_ IF yes get Records for PART1
                    |_ IF no return Err Message

                check if is > sign
                edit ip:123.123.321.22 > ...?
                    |_ IF yes AND no PART2 Err Message: You didnt give me anything to update it with;
                    |_ IF yes ... break it into PART1 (filter) and PART2 (update// $set)

        # TARGET --shell

            edit    [ ...:... ...:... ] > [ ...:... ]
            remove  [ ...:... ]
                        |- return record(s)
                            |_ Are you sure?
            add     ip:... name:... url:...
            find    [ ...:... ...:... ]

        # ADD

            vpn     [ ..:.. ]
            server  [ ..:.. ]
            user    [ ..:.. ]

        # OPTIONS

            modules             <- return a list of available modules
            modules:crawler     <- return a list of available options crawler module
            modules:crawler xpath:True base_only:True tag_forms:True


        ## CliDl

            command     category:type:name:additional limit filter filter -f function_name()
        import re

        # pre-defined tables with headers IF we find any data
        table = VeryPrettyTable(["pinned", "id", "name", "ip", "url"])
        table.align = "l"
        table.padding_width = 2

        # pre-defined object variable to connect the gotten record and update it by _id
        # there can be multiple _id(s) to be updated so therefore it will be a array
        object_id = []

        if self.command.split()[1:]:
            # there is more then index[0]
            # check if there is a > $gt

            # if self.command.find(">"):
            if re.search(">", self.command):

                # there is a $gt sign and can be split up
                splitted = self.command.split(">", 1)

                # splitted PART1 contains the original command
                # so only split and get the given filters
                # Also how many filters are given ?
                part1 = splitted[0].split()

                # print how many filters are given MINUS the original command ?
                # print(len(part1[1:]))

                # print everything after the original command
                # print(part1[1:])

                # create a dictionary to fill with the complete query
                filter_part1 = {}

                # Loop over the filters if there are more the 1
                if len(part1[1:]) >= 1:

                    # loop over every filter
                    for f in part1[1:]:

                        # get the key, value for each filter
                        k, v = f.split(":")[0], f.split(":", 1)[1]

                        # and update the dictionary to get the records IF exists
                        # WATCH the target_{} string
                        filter_part1.update({"target_{}".format(k): v})

                # save foundings into records variable
                records = db.find(filter_part1)

                # loop over findings
                for i in records:

                    # update the object_id array
                    # which holds the given objects to be updated

                    # and display the finding into the pre-defined tables
                        i["target_pinned"], i["_id"], i["target_name"],
                        i["target_ip"], i["target_url"]

                # print the table for the user
                # print("\n{}\n".format(table))

                # print the given object id(s)
                # print(object_id)

                # we got the first part and record(s)
                # now for the second part to update the requested record(s)
                part2 = splitted[1].split()

                # print the length of how many field we have to update
                # print(len(part2))

                # create a dictionary to fill with the complete update_query
                filter_part2 = {}

                # check if length update arguments are more then 1
                if len(part2) >= 1:

                    # for every field update get key, value
                    for f in part2:

                        # get the key, value for each filter
                        k, v = f.split(":")[0], f.split(":", 1)[1]

                        # and update the dictionary to get the records IF exists
                        # WATCH the target_{} string
                        filter_part2.update({"target_{}".format(k): v})

                    # get the objects to be updated by object_id array
                    # get the fields from part2 which have to be updated
                    # do a findAndUpdate of the documents with $set
                    # do not update full documents, just update fields or add non-existing fields to the document

                    # update the records in the database as Many documents
                    db.update_many(filter_part1, {"$set": filter_part2})


                if re.search(":", self.command[1:]):

                    # get records for PART1 but there is no PART2!
                    print("getting records from database")

                    # pre-defined find filter for part1 without part2
                    # this is meant to find the requested records easier then directly updating the database
                    find_filter = {}

                    # get all filters minus indexx[0] the command
                    find = self.command.split()[1:]

                    # print the length of the filters

                    # do a loop to get a complete key, value query to send to the database
                    for f in find:

                        # for each loop get the k, v and update it to the dictionary
                        k, v = f.split(":")[0], f.split(":", 1)[1]

                        # update the dictionary
                        find_filter.update({"target_{}".format(k): v})

                    # get records from the database
                    findings = db.find(find_filter)

                    # loop over the records to create a table at cli
                    for i in findings:

                        # and display the finding into the pre-defined tables
                            i["target_pinned"], i["_id"], i["target_name"],
                            i["target_ip"], i["target_url"]

                    # print the table for the user
                        "Your arguments to filter from the database are not correct. I need a Key:Value"

            self.sprint("You forgot to add options", mode=self.modus)
コード例 #32
ファイル: launcher.py プロジェクト: fstab50/ec2tools
def ip_lookup(profile, region, debug):

        Instance Profile role user selection

        iam instance profile role ARN (str) or None
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # setup table
    x = VeryPrettyTable(border=True, header=True, padding_width=2)
    field_max_width = 70

    x.field_names = [
        bd + '#' + frame, bd + 'InstanceProfileName' + frame,
        bd + 'RoleArn' + frame, bd + 'CreateDate' + frame

    # cell alignment
    x.align[bd + '#' + frame] = 'c'
    x.align[bd + 'InstanceProfileName' + frame] = 'l'
    x.align[bd + 'RoleArn' + frame] = 'l'
    x.align[bd + 'CreateDate' + frame] = 'c'

    roles = source_instanceprofiles(parse_profiles(profile))

    # populate table
    lookup = {}
    for index, iprofile in enumerate(roles):

        lookup[index] = iprofile['Arn']

            rst + str(index) + '.' + frame,
            rst + iprofile['InstanceProfileName'] + frame,
            rst + iprofile['Arn'][:field_max_width] + frame,
            rst + iprofile['CreateDate'] + frame

    # add default choice (None)
    lookup[index + 1] = None
        rst + str(index + 1) + '.' + frame, rst + 'Default' + frame, None,
        rst + now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + frame
    # Table showing selections
    print(f'\n\tInstance Profile Roles (global directory)\n'.expandtabs(26))
    display_table(x, tabspaces=4)
    return choose_resource(lookup, selector='numbers', default=(index + 1))
コード例 #33
ファイル: new.py プロジェクト: saeidnavaser/SmartNinja
from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

table = VeryPrettyTable(["animal", "ferocity"])

table.add_row(["wolverine", 100])
table.add_row(["grizzly", 87])
table.add_row(["cat", -1])
table.add_row(["dolphin", 63])

コード例 #34
ファイル: demo.py プロジェクト: nim901/flightaware
 def create(self, departure, arrival):
     table = VeryPrettyTable()
     table.field_names = ['Departure',' ','Arrival','  ']
     for de,ar, in zip(departure,arrival):
     return table
コード例 #35
ファイル: names.py プロジェクト: dchaplinsky/edrdr
    if _compare_two_names(name1, name2):
        return True

    if _compare_two_names(name2, name1):
        return True

    return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import csv
    from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        pt = VeryPrettyTable([" ", "Positive", "Negative"])

        with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as fp:
            r = csv.DictReader(fp)

            res = {True: {True: 0, False: 0}, False: {True: 0, False: 0}}

            for l in r:
                expected = l["ground truth"].lower() in ["true", "1", "on"]
                predicted = full_compare(l["name1"], l["name2"])
                if predicted != expected:
                    print(predicted, expected, l["name1"], l["name2"])

                res[predicted][expected] += 1

        for predicted in [True, False]: