コード例 #1
	def test_get_hz_list(self):

		sc = SweepConfig(self.dc, start_ch=0, stop_ch=10, step_ch=2)

		r = sc.get_hz_list()

		self.assertIsInstance(r, list)
		self.assertEqual(r, [1000, 1002, 1004, 1006, 1008])
コード例 #2
	def test_get_ch_list(self):

		sc = SweepConfig(self.dc, start_ch=0, stop_ch=10, step_ch=2)

		r = sc.get_ch_list()

		self.assertIsInstance(r, list)
		self.assertEqual(r, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
コード例 #3
    def _get_sc(self):
        d = Device(0, "test")

        dc = DeviceConfig(0, "foo", d)
        dc.base = 1000
        dc.spacing = 1
        dc.num = 1000
        dc.time = 1

        sc = SweepConfig(dc, 0, 3, 1)

        return sc
コード例 #4
ファイル: gameNode.py プロジェクト: adobekan/logatec-games
    def setSenseConfigurationChannel(self, startCh, endCh, stepCh):
        """Set sensing configuration.
        Measure the power from start_ch to stop_ch with predefined step

        startCh -- Lowest frequency channel to sweep
        endCh -- One past the highest frequency channel to sweep
        stepCh -- How many channels in a step
        self.sensorNode = SpectrumSensor(self.node)
        sensorConfigList = self.sensorNode.get_config_list()
        self.sweepConfig = SweepConfig(sensorConfigList.get_config(0, 0), startCh, endCh, stepCh)

        if self.sweepConfig is None:
            raise Exception("Something went wrong with the sweepConfig. sweepConfig is None")
コード例 #5
    def _split_sweep_config(self, sweep_config):

        ch_per_sweep = int(self.MAX_SINGLE_SWEEP_TIME /
                           (sweep_config.config.time * 1e-3))

        sweep_config_list = []

        start_ch = sweep_config.start_ch
        step_ch = sweep_config.step_ch
        while start_ch < sweep_config.stop_ch:
            stop_ch = min(sweep_config.stop_ch,
                          start_ch + ch_per_sweep * step_ch)

                SweepConfig(sweep_config.config, start_ch, stop_ch, step_ch))
            start_ch = stop_ch

        return sweep_config_list
コード例 #6
    def setUp(self):
        d = Device(0, "test")

        dc = DeviceConfig(0, "foo", d)
        dc.base = 1000
        dc.spacing = 1
        dc.num = 1000

        sc = SweepConfig(dc, 0, 3, 1)

        p = SpectrumSensorProgram(sc, 0, 10, 1)

        self.r = r = SpectrumSensorResult(p)

        s = Sweep()
        s.timestamp = 0.0
        s.data = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0]

        s = Sweep()
        s.timestamp = 1.0
        s.data = [3.0, 4.0]
コード例 #7
ファイル: gameNode.py プロジェクト: adobekan/logatec-games
class GameNode:

    # transmitting and receiving configurations
    sweepConfig = None
    txConfig = None
    # reference to sensor and generator objects
    sensorNode = None
    generatorNode = None

    def __init__(self, coordinatorId, nodeId, showLog=True):
        """node constructor

        Keywords arguments:
        coordinatorId -- Numerical cluster id.
        nodeId -- id number of node.

        # get coordinator object
        self.coordinator = alh.ALHWeb("https://crn.log-a-tec.eu/communicator", coordinatorId)
        # get node object
        self.node = alh.ALHProxy(self.coordinator, nodeId)
        # save Ids
        self.coordinatorId = coordinatorId
        self.nodeId = nodeId

        if showLog:

    def nodeTest(self):
        """Print a string if node is active"""
        print self.node.get("sensor/mcuTemp")

    def coordinatorTest(self):
        """Print a string if coordinator is active"""
        print self.coordinator.get("hello")

    def getNodeID(self):
        return self.nodeId

    def getSenseConfig(self):
        """just get a configuration list so I can see it"""

    def getGeneratorConfig(self):
        """just get a configuration list so I can see it"""

    def setSenseConfiguration(self, startFreqHz, endFreqHz, stepFerqHz):
        """Set sensing configuration.
        Measure the power in frequency band [startFrewHz, endFreqHz] with a predefined step.

        startFreqHz -- Lower bound of the frequency band to check (inclusive)
        endFreqHz -- Upper bound of the frequency band to check (inclusive)
        stepFerqHz -- Frequency step
        self.sensorNode = SpectrumSensor(self.node)
        sensorConfigList = self.sensorNode.get_config_list()
        self.sweepConfig = sensorConfigList.get_sweep_config(startFreqHz, endFreqHz, stepFerqHz)

        if self.sweepConfig is None:
            raise Exception("Something went wrong with the sweepConfig. sweepConfig is None")

    def setSenseConfigurationChannel(self, startCh, endCh, stepCh):
        """Set sensing configuration.
        Measure the power from start_ch to stop_ch with predefined step

        startCh -- Lowest frequency channel to sweep
        endCh -- One past the highest frequency channel to sweep
        stepCh -- How many channels in a step
        self.sensorNode = SpectrumSensor(self.node)
        sensorConfigList = self.sensorNode.get_config_list()
        self.sweepConfig = SweepConfig(sensorConfigList.get_config(0, 0), startCh, endCh, stepCh)

        if self.sweepConfig is None:
            raise Exception("Something went wrong with the sweepConfig. sweepConfig is None")

    def setSenseConfigurationFuulSweep(self):
        """Set sensing configuration.
        This method will sense the entire band that device supports.
        self.sensorNode = SpectrumSensor(self.node)
        sensorConfigList = self.sensorNode.get_config_list()
        #         self.sweepConfig = SpectrumSensor(self.node).get_config_list().get_config(0,0).get_full_sweep_config()
        self.sweepConfig = sensorConfigList.get_config(0, 0).get_full_sweep_config()
        if self.sweepConfig is None:
            raise Exception("Something went wrong with the sweepConfig. sweepConfig is None")

    def senseStart(self, timeStart, timeDuration, slotID):
        """Start spectrum sensing on node with predefined configuration (self.sweep_config).
        May perform a few frequency sweeps, depends on the time duration.
        If sweepConfig is None raise exception.

        timeStart -- Time to start the task (UNIX timestamp).
        timeDuration -- Duration of the task in seconds.
        slotID -- Numerical slot id used for storing measurements.
        if self.sweepConfig is None:
            print "Cannot start Sensing. Configuration is missing!!"
            return None

        # get program object
        program = SpectrumSensorProgram(self.sweepConfig, timeStart, timeDuration, slotID)

        # get sensor object and program the node

        # wait for sensor to finish the job
        while not self.sensorNode.is_complete(program):
            print "waiting..."

            if time.time() > (program.time_start + program.time_duration + 60):
                raise Exception("Something went wrong when sensing")

        print "Sensing finished, retrieving data."
        result = self.sensorNode.retrieve(program)

        # for simplicity save data in a folder
        except OSError:
            os.mkdir("./data/coor_%d" % (self.coordinatorId))
        except OSError:

        # write data, overwrite existing file
        result.write("./data/coor_%d/node_%d.dat" % (self.coordinatorId, self.nodeId))

    def senseStartQuick(self):
        """returns a list : [[frequencies] , [power_dbm]]
        Starts spectrum sensing on node with predefined configuration (self.sweepConfig).
        This method will do a quick step. Use this if time is critical!
        Bandwidth you can measure in this case is limited.
        This will perform a single frequency step with the sweep method defined in the SpectrumSensor class.

        If sweepConfig is None raise exception.
        if self.sweepConfig is None:
            print "Cannot start Sensing. Configuration is missing!!"
            return None

        sweep = SpectrumSensor(self.node).sweep(self.sweepConfig)

        # get frequency list
        fHz = self.sweepConfig.get_hz_list()

        dataReceived = []

        return dataReceived

    def setGeneratorConfiguration(self, fHz, powerDBm):
        """Set configuration for signal generation.

        fHz -- Frequency to generate.
        powerDBm -- Transmission power.
        self.generatorNode = SignalGenerator(self.node)
        generatorConfigList = self.generatorNode.get_config_list()
        self.txConfig = generatorConfigList.get_tx_config(fHz, powerDBm)

        if self.txConfig is None:
            raise Exception("Something went wrong with configuration, txConfig is None.")

    def setGeneratorConfigurationChannel(self, fCh, powerDBm):
        """Set configuration for signal generation.

        fHz -- Frequency to generate.
        powerDBm -- Transmission power.
        self.generatorNode = SignalGenerator(self.node)
        generatorConfigList = self.generatorNode.get_config_list()
        self.txConfig = TxConfig(generatorConfigList.get_config(0, 0), fCh, powerDBm)

        if self.txConfig is None:
            raise Exception("Something went wrong with configuration, txConfig is None.")

    def generatorStart(self, timeStart, timeDuration):
        """Start signal generation with predefined configuration (txConfig).
        If txConfig is None raise exception.

        timeStart -- Time when node starts transmitting.
        timeDuration -- Time for which node is transmitting.
        if self.txConfig is None:
            print "Cannot start signal generating, configuration is missing"
            return None

        # get a program object
        program = SignalGeneratorProgram(self.txConfig, timeStart, timeDuration)