コード例 #1
 def doImport(self, params):
     conn = sqlite3.connect(params.filename)
     cursor = conn.cursor()
     query = params.field_results.get('query')
     # We can only iterate through the cursor once (standard forward-only
     # semantics) so here we convert the query result to a list for further
     # processing
     data = [row for row in cursor]
     # Transpose the data from a list of row-tuples to a list of columns
     data = [
         [row[i] for row in data]
         for i, col in enumerate(cursor.description)]
     # Figure out the dataset name and type for each column
     names = sanitize_names(col[0] for col in cursor.description)
     classes = [
         ImportDatasetText if any(isinstance(value, basestring) for value in column) else ImportDataset1D
         for column in data]
     result = []
     for (name, cls, column) in zip(names, classes, data):
         if cls is ImportDataset1D:
                 name, data=[
                     # Import NULL values as NaN in numeric datasets
                     float('NaN') if value is None else float(value)
                     for value in column]))
                 name, data=[
                     # Import NULL values as blank strings in text datasets
                     '' if value is None else value
                     for value in column]))
     return result
コード例 #2
 def doImport(self, params):
     workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(params.filename)
     sheet = params.field_results.get('sheet', '')
     if not sheet:
         sheet = '0'
     if sheet.isdigit():
         # If the name is entirely numeric, treat it as a zero-based sheet
         # index instead of a name
         sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(int(sheet))
         sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet)
     ref = params.field_results.get('range', '')
     if not ref:
         ref = used_range(sheet)
     (first_row, first_col), (last_row, last_col) = parse_range(ref)
     # Clamp the selected range to the used cells on the sheet
     last_row = max(sheet.nrows - 1, last_row)
     last_col = max(sheet.ncols - 1, last_col)
     if params.field_results.get('direction', 'Columns') == 'Columns':
         if params.field_results.get('header', False):
             names = [
                 for cell in sheet.row(first_row)[first_col:last_col + 1]]
             first_row += 1
             names = [
                 for i in range(first_col, last_col + 1)]
         data = [
             [cell for cell in sheet.col(col)[first_row:last_row + 1]]
             for col in range(first_col, last_col + 1)]
         if params.field_results.get('header', False):
             names = [
                 for cell in sheet.col(first_col)[first_row:last_row + 1]]
             first_col += 1
             names = [
                 for i in range(first_row, last_row + 1)]
         data = [
             [cell for cell in sheet.row(row)[first_col:last_col + 1]]
             for row in range(first_row, last_row + 1)]
     names = sanitize_names(names)
     classes = [
         ImportDatasetText if any(cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_TEXT for cell in col) else ImportDataset1D
         for col in data]
     result = []
     for (name, cls, column) in zip(names, classes, data):
         if cls is ImportDataset1D:
                 name, data=[
                     # Import non-numeric cells as NaN
                     float(cell.value) if cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_NUMBER else float('NaN')
                     for cell in column]))
                 name, data=[
                     cell.value if cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_TEXT else ''
                     for cell in column]))
     return result