コード例 #1
ファイル: sin_movie.py プロジェクト: uhwang/vgl
def sine_wave(t):
	global theta, sine_trail, sine_plot_xratio, max_sine_points, dev
	drawfrm.draw_axis(dev, data)
	drawfrm.draw_grid(dev, data, 1)

	x1 = r1*np.cos(theta)
	y1 = r1*np.sin(theta)
	dev.circle(0, 0, r1, lcol=color.BLACK, lthk=thk)
	dev.circle(x1, y1, r2, fcol=color.BLACK)

	x2 = sint_trail_xpos
	y2 = y1
	sine_trail = [y2]+sine_trail[:max_sine_points]
	for i,p in enumerate(sine_trail):
		x3 = sint_trail_xpos+i*sine_plot_xratio
		deg = int(i/max_sine_points*350.0)
	dev.circle(x2, y2, r2, fcol=color.BLACK)
	dev.line(x1, y1,x2, y2, color.BLUE, lthk=thk)
	theta += dtheta
コード例 #2
ファイル: ftree01.py プロジェクト: uhwang/vgl
def fixed_tree(dev, order, length, angle):
    global posx, posy, ctbl, dlength, prv_posx, prv_posy, dev_ani, movie

    dx = length * sin(angle)
    dy = length * cos(angle)
    scale = random.random()
    prv_posx = posx
    prv_posy = posy

    posx -= dx
    posy += dy

    dev.line(prv_posx, prv_posy, posx, posy, ctbl[int(length - 1)],
             length * dlength * 0.04 * dev.frm.hgt())

    if length <= 10:
        col = color.hsv(0, scale, 1)
        fruit = symbol.Circle(scale * 0.01, dev.frm.hgt(), 0.001)
        fruit.set_color(col, col)
        dev.symbol(posx, posy, fruit)

    if movie:
        #print("append img")

    if order > 0:
        fixed_tree(dev, order - 1, length * 0.8, angle + 0.5)
        fixed_tree(dev, order - 1, length * 0.8, angle - 0.5)

    posx += dx
    posy -= dy
コード例 #3
ファイル: square02.py プロジェクト: uhwang/vgl
def square_wave(t):
	global dev, theta, sine_track_list, final_wave, duration
	x0 = 0
	y0 = 0
	yy = 0
	tx = 0
	ty = 0
	if t > 0:
		if t in duration:
	for i, n in enumerate(nn):
		amp = coef/n
		x1 = amp*np.cos(theta*n)
		y1 = amp*np.sin(theta*n)
		dev.line(tx,ty,tx+x1,ty+y1,color_list[i%len(color_list)], thk1*(1-i*0.1))
		#dev.line(tx,ty,tx+x1,ty+y1,(20,20,20), thk2)
		#if i > 0: 
		#	dev.circle(tx,ty, amp, lcol=color_list[i%len(color_list)], lthk=thk1)
		sine_track_list[i] = [y1]+sine_track_list[i][:max_sine_points]
		yy += y1
		tx += x1
		ty += y1
	final_wave = [yy]+final_wave[:max_sine_points]
	dev.line(tx, ty, sint_trail_xpos, yy, lcol=color.BLACK, lthk=thk)

	# plot points
	for i, pnts in enumerate(sine_track_list):
		for j, p in enumerate(pnts):
			x3 = sint_trail_xpos+j*sine_plot_xratio
	for i,p in enumerate(final_wave):
		x3 = sint_trail_xpos+i*sine_plot_xratio
		deg = int(i/max_sine_points*350.0)

	tt.polyline = dev.lpolyline
	tt.polygon = dev.lpolygon
	tt.str = 'n = %d'%len(nn)
	text.write_text(dev, tt)
	theta += dtheta
コード例 #4
def create_polygon_list():
    side = 1.7
    jump = 2.2 * side
    sx = -5.6
    sy = 5.6
    j = 0
    i = 1
    y = sy
    nstart = 3
    nend = 19
    step = 170 / (nend - nstart)
    for n in range(nstart, nend, 1):
        x = sx + j * jump
            geom.Polygon(x, y, n, side, color.BLACK, 0.001,
                         color.hsv((n - 3) * step, 1, 1), True))
        j += 1
        if j % 4 == 0:
            y = sy - i * jump
            j = 0
            i += 1
コード例 #5
ファイル: julia.py プロジェクト: uhwang/vgl
def julia(dev):
    global wid, hgt

    zoom = 1
    moveX = 0
    moveY = 0
    maxIterations = 300

    # pick some values for the constant c,
    # this determines the shape of the Julia Set
    cRe = -0.7
    cIm = 0.27015

    #loop through every pixel
    for x in range(wid):
        for y in range(hgt):
            # calculate the initial real and imaginary part of z,
            # based on the pixel location and zoom
            # and position values
            newRe = 1.5 * (x - wid / 2) / (0.5 * zoom * wid) + moveX
            newIm = (y - hgt / 2) / (0.5 * zoom * hgt) + moveY
            # start the iteration process
            for i in range(maxIterations):
                # remember value of previous iteration
                oldRe = newRe
                oldIm = newIm

                # the actual iteration, the real and imaginary part are calculated
                newRe = oldRe * oldRe - oldIm * oldIm + cRe
                newIm = 2 * oldRe * oldIm + cIm
                # if the point is outside the circle with radius 2: stop
                if (newRe * newRe + newIm * newIm) > 4:

            # use color model conversion to get rainbow palette,
            # make brightness black if maxIterations reached
            col = color.hsv(i % 256, 1, 1 if i < maxIterations else 0)
            dev.set_pixel(x, y, col)