def get_file_iter(self, root): try: return self.file_iter_cache[root] except KeyError: result = get_files(root, keep_top=len(get_projects()) > 1) self.file_iter_cache[root] = result return result
def changed_projects(): changed = [] for p in get_projects(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, '.git')): continue proc = Popen(['git', 'status', '-b', '--porcelain'], cwd=p, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: if err.strip(): print(err) else: print('Git error', proc.returncode) else: for line in out.splitlines(): if not line.startswith('##') or 'ahead' in line: changed.append(p) break if changed: print(', '.join(os.path.basename(r) for r in changed)) else: echo('There are no any changes')
def changed_projects(): changed = [] for p in get_projects(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, '.git')): continue proc = Popen(['git', 'status', '-b', '--porcelain'], cwd=p, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: if err.strip(): print err else: print 'Git error', proc.returncode else: for line in out.splitlines(): if not line.startswith('##') or 'ahead' in line: changed.append(p) break if changed: print ', '.join(os.path.basename(r) for r in changed) else: echo('There are no any changes')
def get_buffer_paths(self): projects = get_projects() multiple_projects = len(projects) > 1 for b in vim.buffers: if buffer_with_file(b): fpath = spath = strip_project_path(fpath, projects, multiple_projects) path, name = os.path.split(spath) yield (name, spath, '__buffer__', '* ' + path, fpath)
def open(self): self.matcher.clear() self.bmatcher.clear() self.file_iter_cache.clear() self.bmatcher.extend(self.get_buffer_paths()) self.last_window = vfunc.winnr() self.roots = get_projects() self.list_view.clear()'') self.loop.enter()
def grep(query): matcher = re.compile(re.escape(query)) t = time() - 1 result = [] for r in get_projects(): for name, path, root, top, fullpath in get_files(r): if time() - t >= 1: redraw() print fullpath t = time() try: if os.stat(fullpath).st_size > MAX_FILESIZE: continue with open(fullpath) as f: source = matches = matcher.finditer(source) lines = source.splitlines() except OSError: continue for m in matches: start = m.start() line = source.count('\n', 0, start) + 1 offset = start - source.rfind('\n', 0, start) text = lines[line - 1] if len(text) > 100: offstart = max(0, offset - 30) text = text[offstart:offstart + 60] + '...' if offstart: text = '...' + text result.append({ 'bufnr': '', 'filename': fullpath, 'pattern': '', 'valid': 1, 'nr': -1, 'lnum': line, 'vcol': 0, 'col': offset, 'text': text.replace('\x00', ' '), 'type': '' }) vfunc.setqflist(result) if result: vim.command('cw') redraw() print '{} matches found'.format(len(result))
def grep(query): matcher = re.compile(re.escape(query)) t = time() - 1 result = [] for r in get_projects(): for name, path, root, top, fullpath in get_files(r): if time() - t >= 1: redraw() print fullpath t = time() try: if os.stat(fullpath).st_size > MAX_FILESIZE: continue with open(fullpath) as f: source = matches = matcher.finditer(source) lines = source.splitlines() except OSError: continue for m in matches: start = m.start() line = source.count('\n', 0, start) + 1 offset = start - source.rfind('\n', 0, start) text = lines[line - 1] if len(text) > 100: offstart = max(0, offset - 30) text = text[offstart:offstart+60] + '...' if offstart: text = '...' + text result.append({ 'bufnr': '', 'filename': fullpath, 'pattern': '', 'valid': 1, 'nr': -1, 'lnum': line, 'vcol': 0, 'col': offset, 'text': text.replace('\x00', ' '), 'type': '' }) vfunc.setqflist(result) if result: vim.command('cw') redraw() print '{} matches found'.format(len(result))
def lint_all(): t = time() - 1 errors, warns = [], [] for r in get_projects(): for name, path, root, top, fullpath in get_files(r): if name.endswith('.py'): if time() - t >= 1: redraw() print fullpath t = time() with open(fullpath) as f: source = e, w = _lint(source, fullpath) errors += e warns += w show_lint_result(errors, warns)